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Newslinks for 2/17/2014

Courant demands on gun enforcement present dilemma for state
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Has The Courant got a plan for when a percentage of Connecticut gun owners -- and it needn’t be more than, say three percent -- meets the order to surrender or be destroyed with defiance? Have they, along with Gov. Malloy and his enforcer Mike Lawlor, considered what their next move will be when that determined minority answers back that the state is going to need to do things the hard way?"

CA: Sheriff Gore’s invisible legal advisor was wrong
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Bill Gore is the Sheriff of San Diego County. He said he wanted to issue licenses so citizens could carry a concealed weapon in public. He really wanted to. That is what he told me. He said, sadly, that California law prevented him from granting those licenses. That is what his un-named lawyer told him. Now everything changed.

The United States Courts for the Ninth Circuit said Sheriff Gore’s invisible legal advisor was wrong. Not only was he wrong, but he was unconstitutional. Defense of self and others outside the home was a sufficient cause to issue a carry license. This should be great news for Sheriff Gore. Now he can issue permits, which he said he wanted to do all along.

NY: Union official blames Remington Arms expansion in Alabama on NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A union official said Saturday the Remington Arms Co.'s decision to open a manufacturing plant in Alabama does not bode well for Ilion, and he's blaming New York's SAFE Act restrictions on assault weapons.
"It can't be good," said Fran Madore, president of United Mine Workers Local 717, which represents 1,180 of the 1,300 Remington employees in Ilion. "How can it be good?" ...
Madore said he's worried the company will move jobs out of Ilion, the Herkimer County village where the company has been making firearms since 1816.
"The SAFE Act has been a terrible thing from the beginning," he said. "You'd think New York would be doing everything to keep us. Instead, it passes a law that cripples us."

NY: Remington Arms to open factory in Alabama; Cuomo aide says no jobs leaving NY
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Remington Outdoor Co. plans to open a 500,000-square-foot factory in Alabama that would employ 2,000 people, and the Military Times reported today.
The Military Times story says the expansion would not affect the gun company's factory or jobs at the plant in Ilion, Remington's oldest and largest manufacturing site. Remington employs about 1,300 people in the Herkimer County village. ...
Remington and its workers have been key voices in protests against the NY Safe Act, a series of stricter gun laws signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo 13 months ago.

MD: Gun violence: solvable, but certainly not solved
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The only glimmer of hope we have of someone actually doing something comes in the form of a few choice words from President Obama’s 2014 State of the Union: “I intend to keep trying, with or without Congress, to help stop more tragedies from visiting innocent Americans in our movie theaters, shopping malls, or schools like Sandy Hook.”

And that, coming from a Democrat, is a very one-sided proposition. There needs to be some sort of revitalization of the argument — without another shooting happening, and with all parties involved. Red, blue, whatever: work together and get something done.

NC: A Comma Dean of Errors
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Let us start by going back to the first letter I wrote to you. We can learn something by focusing on just one of the groups in question, the Second Amendment Club. I have a special interest in this club because I am their advisor.

I began to help the club with its application for official recognition all the way back in August. The student affairs division has required multiple resubmissions of the application since that time. Let me provide some examples of suggested revisions from a recent application, which was submitted seven months into the process. Again, these are suggested revisions coming from your administration seven months into the application process:

ID: College No Place for Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This is not a matter of Second Amendment rights — the United States Supreme Court has ruled that the right to bear arms is appropriately regulated in places of special sensitivity. Rather, this is a matter of public policy and based upon the best evidence available, the Idaho State Board of Education, all the presidents of our public institutions of higher education, and law enforcement professionals across the state agree that S1254 would be bad law. Idaho citizens should seriously question if it will make our safe campuses any safer.

GA: Local reps work to allow guns in more locations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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herokee County’s state representatives are lining up behind a bill that would allow guns at some churches, bars and — under certain circumstances — schools.

All of the county’s state representatives are supportive of the Safe Carry Protection Act, which the House is expected to take up this week and would allow school boards and privately owned places to make their own decision on firearms.

FL: Florida Self-Defense Law Complicated Jury’s Job in Michael Dunn Trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In failing to acquit or convict Michael Dunn on the most significant charge — the premeditated murder of a teenager in a dispute over loud music — a jury on Saturday may have run headlong into the breadth and reach of Florida’s contentious self-defense law.

In their 30 hours of deliberation, the 12-member panel wrangled with a question that cuts to the heart of all self-defense claims: How does a juror know when using lethal force is justified, where nothing is straightforward, memories are hazy or contradictory and perception counts as much as fact?

GA: Georgia Senate Committee Holds Hearing on Stand Your Ground Repeal Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On February 05, 2014, the Georgia Senate Judiciary (Non-Civil) Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 280, a bill introduced by State Sen. Vincent Fort (D-Atlanta) to repeal Georgia’s existing Stand Your Ground law.

The Moral Monday Georgia Coalition and other activists packed the hearing room.

SC: No need for guns in bars and restaurants
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But a recently-passed state law, allowing those with concealed-weapons permits to carry their guns into bars and restaurants makes them — as well as the unarmed — less safe and introduces endless scenarios where bad situations can turn deadly.

The law, sponsored by Sen. Tom Davis, R-Beaufort, is supposedly meant to increase convenience. Permit holders can carry their weapons into restaurants and bars that serve alcohol rather than leaving them in their vehicles where they are easy targets for thieves. The practice is allowed as long as the carrier of the weapon doesn’t drink while in the establishment and as long as no sign is posted, prohibiting guns.

NY: The SAFE Act won’t prevent criminals from using its banned weapons
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Opposition to the SAFE Act, both its content and means of passage, is not about being pro-gun, it’s about our Constitution, and not just the Second Amendment. Don’t blindly support the SAFE Act because of what others told you it will do, read it – all of it – and recognize all its implications, and then ask why criminals would comply with this new law while ignoring earlier ones. The old ones didn’t work because the government didn’t enforce its penalties and new laws are just a diversion from government failures.

GA: Senate hopeful Perdue talks education, guns, marijuana and abortion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I’m not an administrator, but I’ve talked to people at various campuses,” he said. “Personally, I’m a defender of the Second Amendment. I have a problem with college campuses, with the availability to underage kids there. So my first blush reaction to that is no, I don’t agree with having guns on college campuses. I know there are some people that say, ‘No, that’s part of the Second Amendment right,’ but there’s a reason I believe that we have some exclusions to that.”

AK: Concealed carry on campus?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fittingly, the bill introduced Friday that would prohibit the University of Alaska Board of Regents from banning concealed weapons on campus actually is the result of campus discussions.

Intern Hans Rodvik approached Sen. John Coghill, R-North Pole, about the proposal earlier this session. The Senate majority leader agreed to carry SB176 under one condition — Rodvik would be in charge of seeing it through the legislative process.

“The university created a policy contradictory to state law,” Coghill said. “We’re asking them to give us a good reason the right to bear arms should be infringed.”

France: Laws, childproof triggers may cut back on gun violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Fatal gun violence can be reduced with laws that require background checks before purchasing firearms, as well as childproof trigger technologies that limit firing to the gun’s owner, scientists say.
Experts are also studying new approaches that would take guns away from anyone served with a restraining order due to domestic violence, a controversial effort that was recently tried for the first time in California.

Moms, mayors offer misguided message on guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As it happens, the numbers assembled by the moms and mayors are not out-of-line with historical patterns, and, in fact, are lower than two decades ago when gang violence was especially problematic at school settings. And, as added perspective, consider that there are more than 50 million school children in America, making the risk of fatality well below one in two million. By comparison, many times more youngsters are killed annually in bicycle accidents. I would trust the moms, if not the mayors, would support a national helmet law as quickly as a gun restriction.

MT: Straight shooters take out buffalo guns in Billings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Loud blasts followed by a satisfying "ding" echoed across the landscape on Molt Road just past Phipps Park on Sunday afternoon. A group of sharpshooters had gathered at the Yellowstone Rifle Club to take aim at metal buffalo-shaped targets set up 692 yards away.

SC: Q&A on concealed guns in restaurants, bars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley signed Bill 308 into law Tuesday, allowing South Carolina residents with a concealed weapons permit to carry their weapons into many businesses, including restaurants and bars. Here’s what South Carolinians need to know about the new law.

Jesse Jackson claims semi-automatic rifles can 'blow up railroads'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Sunday, liberal activist Jesse Jackson repeated his claim that semi-automatic weapons can shoot down airplanes and said they could also "blow up railroads."

“Semi-automatic weapons are not just about gun control, they’re about national security,” he said while appearing on Fox News.

“You know that these weapons can shoot down airplanes, they can blow up railroads. This is really a whole national security issue,” he added.

NH: House Kills “Universal Background Checks” 2-1
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A controversial bill that would have imposed the requirement for government permission for nearly all private firearm transfers failed in the New Hampshire House of Representatives on Wednesday, 12 February. In the image above, a yea vote is a vote to kill the bill.

The bill appeared to have some support, with a majority vote early in the amendment process. After nearly two hours of debate, the house voted over two to one to kill the bill.

SC: Constitutional carry bill is a bad practical idea
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I recently joined Veterans for Responsible Solutions, a national constituency of retired flag officers, senior officers and former enlisted service members of the U.S. Armed Forces founded by former astronaut and Navy Capt. Mark Kelly.

With thousands of us around the country from all branches and ranks, we’re working to share our expertise with guns and experiences as vets in support of responsible gun ownership policies and measures to reduce gun violence.

I have asked this organization repeatedly what specific initiatives they propose and have yet to get a response.

CT: Use Background Check Data to Enforce Gun Registration
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When second amendment supporters say that “Universal Background Checks” is just a step toward universal registration, which leads to confiscation over time, those who want a disarmed population insist, no, it cannot happen, background checks can never lead to registration.

In Connecticut, the Hartford Courant is calling for exactly that. From

But the bottom line is that the state must try to enforce the law. Authorities should use the background check database as a way to find assault weapon purchasers who might not have registered those guns in compliance with the new law.

IL: Criminals, not guns, cause gun violence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I recently joined Veterans for Responsible Solutions, a national constituency of retired flag officers, senior officers and former enlisted service members of the U.S. Armed Forces founded by former astronaut and Navy Capt. Mark Kelly.

With thousands of us around the country from all branches and ranks, we’re working to share our expertise with guns and experiences as vets in support of responsible gun ownership policies and measures to reduce gun violence.

I have asked this organization repeatedly what specific initiatives they propose and have yet to get a response.

KS: Gun laws under fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We would like to think rights guaranteed to U.S. citizens by the Constitution could be taken for granted. They can’t be, of course. Whether real or imagined, somebody or something always happens that prompts lawmakers to take action.

Take our Second Amendment right to bear arms. Last year, amidst the hysteria the federal government someday would attempt to keep a list of all gunowners, try to force background checks at gunshows or with online sales, or even confiscate all the weapons, legislators in Topeka went to work.

GA: Ga. debates leniency over guns brought to airport
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now gun-friendly lawmakers in Georgia want people licensed to carry a gun to avoid arrest if they accidentally bring their firearms into the security checkpoint at the country’s busiest airport and willingly leave the security line.

It comes as gun rights groups in Georgia push state lawmakers to broaden the list of places where people can legally take guns, including churches and bars.

The bill has not yet come up for a vote, and its prospects are unclear. Another gun bill failed last year because university officials strenuously objected to provisions that would have allowed people to carry guns on campus. That proposal was dropped this year.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1801)

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