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Newslinks for 2/17/2017

CA: Male shoots subject in alleged self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On February 15, 2017, at approximately 9:13 P.M., officers of the Redding Police Department responded to the intersection of Churn Creek Road and Hartnell Avenue in regards to a report of shots fired. Upon arrival, officers learned that Michael Lake, 27 years of Redding, discharged a firearm at an unidentified male in alleged self-defense. Lake is a valid concealed weapon permit holder. Lake was cooperative and provided a voluntary statement to investigators. Lake was released following his statement.

Smith & Wesson M642 Performance Center Revolver : Why Not Carry A Spiffy Snubbie?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When it comes to clothes, cars, and even a cup of coffee, we tend to think nothing of paying extra for an upgraded model. Heck, we even pay extra for water that some guy pours into a fancy plastic bottle.

Accordingly, if you choose to carry a gun for self-defense, is there any reason you can’t choose a stylish one? Of course, that’s assuming that function and performance aren’t compromised.

Better yet, why not consider a handgun that offers custom premium operational features and looks snazzy?

MT: Permitless Carry Passes Montana Senate, Headed to Governor’s Desk
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On February 15, the Montana Senate passed permitless carry legislation which will now head to Governor Steve Bullock’s (D) desk.


Currently, Montana requires residents to have a concealed carry permit before carrying in a city or town. But the Montana DOJ says, “You may carry a concealed weapon without a permit if you are outside the official boundaries of a city or town or the confines of a logging, lumbering, mining or railroad camp.”

Harris’s legislation — House Bill 262 — would allow Montana residents to carry without a permit inside a city just as they currently do when outside the city limits.

CA: Area Lawmaker Pushes for Broader Concealed-Carry Gun Permits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Riverside County lawmaker Wednesday introduced legislation seeking to establish a uniform standard throughout California that makes self-defense a justifiable reason for a sheriff or police chief to grant a concealed handgun permit.

"It is our Constitutional right to defend ourselves," Assemblywoman Melissa Melendez, R-Lake Elsinore, said. "If a citizen passes the background check and completes the necessary safety training requirements, there should be no reason to deny them a concealed carry permit."

MA: Federal suit aims to zap stun gun ban
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Bay State’s stun gun law is under attack in federal court, as three residents fight for their constitutional right to carry the electric weapons that are legal in 45 states but still banned here.

“We think that these laws are unconstitutional,” said Michael Rosman, general counsel for the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Individual Rights, which brought the suit yesterday. “If someone can own a gun, why can’t they own something that won’t kill someone?”

RI: Anti-gun lobby has it all wrong with capacity magazine bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Again this session a group of progressive Democrats led by Rep. Aaron Rugenberg has introduced the so-called high capacity magazine bill (H5155). Co-sponsors include newly-elected progressive Democrats Marcia Ranglin-Vassell, Susan Donovan and Jason Knight. Progressives seem obsessed with gun control.

The bill would forbid the manufacture, sale or possession of any detachable “ammunition feeding device” that can hold more than ten rounds. Anyone in possession of such a device or components thereof including licensed firearms dealers would have 120 days after the bill is signed by the governor to remove the high capacity magazine from the state; sell it to a licensed dealer; or surrender it to a law enforcement agency for destruction.

NH: Anti-Gun Bills Voted Down in House of Representatives!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, the House of Representatives voted down two critical anti-gun bills, House Bill 201 and House Bill 350. HB 201, which would have expanded background checks for all firearm sales and transfers, was voted down by a 221-151 vote. HB 350, which would have removed one constitutional right while exercising another by prohibiting individuals from carrying a firearm for self-defense while voting, was voted down by a 204-144. Thank you to those who contacted their legislators in opposition to these anti-gun bills.

WA: One Anti-Gun Substitute Dies in Committee, Another is Headed to the House Floor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, the House Judiciary Committee considered substitute bills for House Bill 1387 and House Bill 1122. Thanks to your calls and emails, House Bill 1387​, and its substitute bill that we reported on yesterday, didn’t receive a vote and have officially died in committee having failed to pass before the deadline. Unfortunately, a Substitute for House Bill 1122 was passed out of committee and will soon be on the House floor where it will await full consideration. It is more important than ever that you contact your state Representative and urge them to OPPOSE the Substitute for House Bill 1122.

CA: Shooting case to go to DA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lake has a concealed weapons permit and provided police with a statement before they allowed him to leave, officers said.

Redding defense attorney John Kucera said on Thursday he's representing Lake and spoke on his behalf.

“Considering the fact he was never handcuffed, frisked or anything else, it’s pretty clear this was a self-defense issue," Kucera said. "And he’s taking it pretty hard.”

AL: AG Marshall files amicus brief with US Supreme Court in support of gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The brief asserts, "The San Diego County sheriff's licensing scheme effectively bans the core right to bear arms for ordinary, law-abiding citizens and, consequently violates the Second Amendment. The experience of amici states demonstrates that the restrictions on bearing arms in San Diego County cannot withstand any level of scrutiny. Although the amici states share the same compelling interests in protecting the health and safety of their citizens, they have been able to do so without curtailing the fundamental right of their citizens to bear arms."

AL: Constitutional/Permitless Carry Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Senate Bill 24, the constitutional/permitless carry bill, is scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 1. Please contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to SUPPORT this important pro-gun bill!

Sponsored by state Senator Gerald Allen (R-21), SB 24 would enable a law-abiding adult to carry a concealed firearm for self-defense without a government-issued permit. This bill recognizes an individual’s unconditional Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self-defense in the manner he or she chooses. Self-defense situations are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate.

GA: House Bills to potentially affect students
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 2017-2018 GA Legislative session that began Jan. 9 brings several bills up for consideration relating to Georgia’s universities.

House Bill 280

Similar to last year’s “Campus Carry” bill, if passed, HB 280 will allow any licensed gun owner to carry concealed handguns on public colleges, vocational or technical schools.

It will exclude areas that hold athletic events and student housing. Handguns can only be intentionally shown during times of self-defense. “Preschool spaces”—areas where electronic devices such as metal detectors—staff are in use as a “point of controlled access” are also off limits.

Gun Digest Media Presents Modern Shooter TV 2017 Airing on Pursuit Channel
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Modern Shooter TV, presented by Gun Digest Media, brings you inside the gun industry and spotlights the latest guns and gear and the places they’re most at home. Now in its third season, Modern Shooter TV gives you the inside perspective as we train with Navy SEALs, meet America’s shooting heroes, head afield for breathtaking long-range shooting experiences and train with the best competition shooters in the world.

CO: Colorado Senate debates Second Amendment bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thursday’s discussion concerned Senate Bill 6, which would amend the concealed carry law to include a provision allowing active-duty and honorably discharged military personnel younger than 21 to apply for permits. The bill was adopted and scheduled for a final reading before moving to the House.

Bill sponsor Sen. John Cooke, R-Greeley, said the measure was inspired by his step-daughter who serves in the military.

FL: Court: Florida Doctors Can Ask Patients About Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The ruling did determine that some parts of the law could remain on the books, such as provisions allowing patients to decline to answer questions about guns and prohibiting health insurance companies from denying coverage or increasing premiums for people who lawfully own guns.
The case will return to U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke in Miami for a ruling that follows the 11th Circuit's direction. The case could, however, also be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

CT: Mentally Ill Should Not Have Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In an irrational rush to defend the Second Amendment, the Republican-led U.S. House and Senate voted this week to do away with a simple, reasonable rule that allows the Social Security Administration to inform the attorney general of severely mentally disabled people who, by law, are forbidden from owning or buying guns.

The rule is in perfect compliance with existing law, and getting rid of it to please the powerful gun lobby will be a mistake, as Connecticut can attest. It was written to protect society from the kind of violence that happened here in 2012, when a mentally ill young man used legal weapons to massacre 20 children and six women at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

TX: Representative James White Files For Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Republican State Representative James White-House District 19-Hardin, Jasper, Newton, Polk, and Tyler counties, files HB 1911.

HB1911 by Rep. White

Relates to granting authority to carry a firearm to an unlicensed person who otherwise meets certain requirements for a handgun license and to related certain criminal offenses.

Rep. James White has served in the Texas House for many years with an excellent voting record on Second Amendment issues.

Also, Thank you’s to Terry Holcomb, founder of Texas Carry. Holcomb was elected to the State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) last summer. The Republican Party added constitutional carry to its platform and went on to announce the issue as a top priority for the 2017 session.

GA: Georgia House panel approves bill allowing guns on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Licensed gun owners could carry concealed handguns on public college campuses under legislation that began advancing Thursday in the Georgia House despite the Republican governor's forceful veto of a similar bill last year.


The measure would allow anyone 21 and older with a state-issued permit to carry a concealed handgun on campus. Ballinger said she decided to add an on-campus preschool to exempted buildings, along with student housing and athletic venues, hoping that it would address some of Gov. Nathan Deal's expressed concerns last year.

CA: JPFO Breaks New Legal Ground, Confirms Private Right To Sell Firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 9th Circuit Court, in a lengthy three-judge-panel ruling properly overturned the lower district court.

“The Court recognized that taking away the means of exercising a fundamental right takes away the right itself,” said Rabbi Dovid Bendory, the group’s Rabbinic Director, commenting on the decision, “but now the full 9th Circuit is going to review the case, and that could spell trouble for those who support the rights protected by the Second Amendment.”

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch and the rise of originalism
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Perhaps no decision better encapsulates this evolution than District of Columbia v. Heller, the 2008 Supreme Court affirming an individual’s right to carry a gun. In that 5-to-4 decision, both the majority and the principal dissent built their opinions on an originalist interpretation of the Second Amendment.

But that is not originalism coming to dominate the judicial mainstream, experts say. Instead it is a product of originalism becoming one of several methodologies now in the judicial mainstream that judges and justices use to form opinions.

“Originalism has become very mainstream, and as it’s become mainstream I guess you could say it’s become watered down,” says Ernest Young, a professor at the Duke University School of Law.

IA: Iowa lawmaker wants to allow guns on college campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Iowa lawmaker has proposed a bill aimed at requiring Iowa’s public universities and community colleges to let permitted individuals bring weapons on campus.

Right now, Iowa law doesn’t bar weapons from public university and college campuses but rather lets their governing boards decide. The Board of Regents in 2005 changed its personal conduct rules to allow the universities to establish their own policies and authorize the use of firearms and weapons if they deem necessary.

AK: Resolution to Overturn Obama Attack on Wildlife Management Passes House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) today applauded the passage of H.J. Res. 69, a joint resolution to revoke a last minute Obama administration regulation issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). The regulation seized authority from the state of Alaska to manage fish and wildlife on federal wildlife refuges and set a dangerous precedent by fundamentally altering the federal-state relationship in the management of federal lands.

KS: Moms show up to Capitol to protest conceal and carry bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Moms showed up at the Capitol Thursday to protest a law that will soon allow concealed guns on Kansas college campuses.

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is a grassroots movement fueled by volunteers.

An exemption for college campuses expires July 1st, requiring adequate security measures, or else public buildings must allow concealed carry.

Prohibited Gun Buyers Get A Pass In Washington, But Not In Oregon
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When a convicted felon, domestic abuser or fugitive tries to buy a gun in Oregon and is denied after a background check, a state trooper comes calling. Sometimes it leads to an arrest and prosecution.

But when this happens in Washington, it’s a different story.

GA: Atlanta to Host NRA’s 146th Annual Meetings & Exhibits Featuring Acres of Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The 146th National Rifle Association (NRA) Annual Meetings and Exhibits will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia from April 27-30, 2017.

This four-day event will be attended by tens of thousands of patriots and features more than 15 acres of the most spectacular displays of firearms, and shooting and hunting accessories in the world. For more information, including event tickets, visit

SAF To Dominant Media: It’s Not ‘Gun Violence,’ It’s ‘Gang Violence!’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment Foundation today criticized the dominant media for its continued subliminal campaign to blame firearms for the carnage in Chicago, repeatedly using the term “gun violence” to describe the slaughter that local authorities appear unable to curb.

“It’s not ‘gun violence’,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “it’s gang violence, and the sad thing is that reporters and editors know it. But they simply refuse to acknowledge that if you don’t call the problem by its right name, you can’t solve it.

An armed society is a polite society. — Robert A. Heinlein

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