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Newslinks for 2/17/2025

Best .38 Special Ammo for Home Defense: Top Picks for Stopping Power
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Your choice of .38 Special self-defense ammo could mean the difference between stopping a threat or going to the hospital. While the .38 Special is known for its accuracy and manageable recoil, not all ammo is created equal—some rounds offer better penetration, expansion, and reliability in life-or-death situations.

New Jersey bans safe, effective ammunition
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Among the things at once hilarious and alarming to those who understand and support the Bill of Rights—all of it—are the efforts of anti-liberty/gun cracktivists. This includes not only the operatives of anti-gun groups whose normal discourse is shot full of inaccuracies and lies, but the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) media who usually haven’t a clue of the science and reality of guns, ballistics and every related topic. That doesn’t stop them from grotesquely and purposely misinforming the public on those issues.

Mother Jones: All Biden’s Gun Control ‘At Risk’ Under Trump
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Mother Jones published an article Friday expressing concern that all of Joe Biden’s gun controls are now “at risk” under President Donald Trump.

The magazine pointed specifically to Trump’s February 7, 2025, executive order, which directed Attorney General Pam Bondi to examine gun controls that were put in place from 2021 to 2025.

Best 22 LR Ammo: Plinking, New Shooters, Hunting, and More!
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The 22 Long Rifle (22 LR) is the most popular cartridge on earth. Why? Primarily because it is inexpensive, has virtually no recoil, and is an excellent option for training new shooters.

Transgender Student Under Arrest for Allegedly Planning Parkland-Style School Shooting
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Trinity J Shockley, a transgender male who prefers to go by Jamie or Dex, allegedly planned to carry out a Parkland-style shooting Friday at Indiana’s Mooresville High School.

Police were alerted to Shockley’s alleged plans and arrested him 48-hours before the planned attack.

Were They Paid to Lie or Was it Only a Suggestion?
Submitted by: Rob Morse

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Government corruption is in the news. We found out that USAID paid media outlets to skew the news. We also found out that billionaires funded their gun-control organizations out of the taxpayer’s pockets.

Elite billionaires have been distorting the news for years. Is that why the major news media does not report on our neighbors defending themselves?

Did the anti-rights billionaires get the censorship they paid for?

How a Replica STEN Gun Led to Sailor’s 20-Year Prison Sentence
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Former sailor Patrick Tate Adamiak once bought a replica STEN Mk. II submachinegun at a local gun show.

He paid $75 for the non-firing Spanish replica – or toy – which was made by Denix and is still sold online for hundreds of dollars more.

SCOTUS Distributes Maryland Ban Case for Friday Conference
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Could the third time be the proverbial charm for a federal civil rights lawsuit challenging Maryland’s ban on so-called “assault weapons?” The case, which began as Bianchi v. Frosh back in 2021 and is now known as Snope v. Brown, has twice been before the Supreme Court, once in June 2022 when the Court vacated and remanded the case back down to the district court for further evaluation under new guidelines established by the Bruen ruling. Last year, it was submitted again, but the high court declined to review because it had not yet been decided by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Grassroots Legislative Update—February 17, 2025
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New—The U.S. Senate has confirmed six more of President Trump’s cabinet nominees; Politics: Important election in Wisconsin for Wisconsin Supreme Court on April 1; U.S. Congress: The Protecting Access for Hunters and Anglers Act, H.R. 556, has been reintroduced; The Protecting Privacy in Purchases Act, H.R. 1181, has been introduced; Maine: Federal District Court Judge grants preliminary injunction against Maine’s 72-hour waiting period; South Dakota; pro-gun bills moving; Virginia: Senate moves several anti-Second Amendment bills; Wyoming: The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on HB172 on February 18.

6 Best Coyote Cartridges: Drop Yotes From Anywhere
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There is no one-size-fits-all “best” cartridge or caliber for coyote hunting. For example, the best cartridge for predator management isn’t necessarily ideal for harvesting pelts, which is why I divided this article into sections dedicated to specific applications.

WA Outrage: State Agency Solicits Proposals for June Anti-Gun Event
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Evergreen State gun owners and Second Amendment activists are expressing outrage on social media over an announcement from the state Department of Commerce the agency is “initiating” a “request for Qualifications and Quotes to solicit proposals” from people or groups to support an event called “Together We End Gun Violence” (TWEGV) scheduled in early June in Seattle.

KY: Child shoots, kills 2 home intruders in self-defense, police say
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Two people are dead after a juvenile thwarted a home invasion attempt.

Kentucky State Police Trooper Scottie Pennington posted on Facebook on Saturday that Clay County 911 contacted KSP after two people were found shot in Manchester.

With 393 Million Guns, This Country’s Firearm Obsession Is Unrivaled
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While the United States is among the top nations for gun ownership, it won’t come as a surprise to learn the US isn’t alone in being heavily gun-focused. For better or worse, owning a gun is simply a fact of life in many nations and isn’t always for self-defense. With over 857 million civilian firearms worldwide, it’s unclear if the world can ever move away from guns.

Democrats react to Trump closing Office of Gun Violence Prevention
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Friday marks seven years since the tragic Parkland School shooting at a time when Democrats worry President Trump is rolling back policies that curb gun violence, but the Trump administration says they’re taking steps to protect 2nd Amendment rights and combat gun crime.

Both the oligarch and Tyrant mistrust the people, and therefore deprive them of arms. — Aristotle

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