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Newslinks for 2/18/2003

Reasonable Gun Control
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"H.R. 648 not only reaffirms many of my arguments but legislates reason. By congressional standards the bill is startlingly straightforward."

"It states that: 'A person not prohibited from receiving a firearm by Section 922(g) of title 18, United States Code, shall have the right to obtain firearms for security, and to use firearms -- in defense of self or family against a reasonably perceived threat of imminent and unlawful infliction of serious bodily injury; in defense of self or family in the course of the commission by another person of a violent felony against the person or a member of the person's family; and in defense of the person's home in the course of the commission of a felony by another person.' Not bad."

UK: Crime hits 1 in 3 Britons
Submitted by: Steven Brown

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"One in three British adults has been hit by crime in the past 12 months, a shock survey revealed yesterday."

"But half of victims did not bother telling police — because they thought it would be a waste of time." ...

"Crime expert Mike Hough, of South Bank University, said: 'I used to say fear of crime was a problem in its own right. Now I realise people are right to worry.' ”

CA: It has happened [letter]
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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Regarding the editorial in the Feb. 6 Bee ("Rejected gun ban shows weak council leadership," Page B-4) that stated, "The reality is, its extremely unlikely that anyone will shoot a city leader in the council chamber": I'm sure former San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk would have welcomed the choice to carry a weapon that fateful day they were shot dead by Dan White.


CA: Flash: Cannons are loud [letter]
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"You've got to be kidding, right? Civil War re-enactment, cannons. Seems like you should just expect noise, doesn't it?"

"Donald Stahl and Fred Rosenlind should be ashamed for bringing this lawsuit against the city and Richmond Fayette Artillery Brigade. Cannons are loud. Stahl, as a Civil War buff, doesn't know this? What about Rosenlind, a member of the Stanislaus Civil War Association; doesn't he know?"

"Civil War re-enactments and cannons go hand in hand."

Democrat Targets .50 Caliber Revolver for Nationwide Ban
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"...within days of introducing the Smith & Wesson 500 Magnum at an industry-wide trade show in Florida, an anti-gun Democrat promised to seek a nationwide ban on the product."

" 'It's hard for me to rationalize any particular need or purpose' for the 500 Magnum, said Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.). 'I think guns are made to kill people. That's my opinion.' "

"Asked if he would seek a nationwide ban on the 500 Magnum, Davis replied, 'Yes, indeed.' "

Did anyone elect this cowardly bonehead to legislate his opinions, or was he elected to support and defend the Constitution of the United States? That's the whole Constitution, not just the parts he doesn't fear.

New Zealand: Toy Gun Causes Police Alert
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police are concerned toy guns will eventually lead to someone getting shot, after the armed offenders squad hunted a man believed to be armed with a pistol in Christchurch last night." ...

"A man in his early 20s was seen sitting on a footpath in front of a house, with what appeared to be a pistol tucked down the front of his trousers."

"Senior Sergeant Meldau says a subsequent search of the residence uncovered a black and silver toy pistol."

WI: Madison Newspapers Won't Stop Accepting Gun Ads
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort is asking the newspapers to change their policy." ...

"The group says unlike licensed gun dealers, unlicensed individuals don't do criminal background checks, and they're not required to check the age of the person who wants to buy a gun."

"The group is making a personal appeal to all of Wisconsin newspapers because lawmakers have refused to close the loophole, Morrissey reported."

Canada: Liberal gun vote sparks backlash
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Liberal MPs are protesting their own government's decision to shut down debate today in an attempt to quietly pass new firearms legislation, with some MPs pledging to vote with the opposition."

"Today's debate would mark the first time the Commons has voted on a matter dealing with the government's controversial firearms program since it denied a request for an additional $72-million last December." ...

Canada: MP says weak laws will lead to gun deaths
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Deadly gunplay in Calgary will worsen and eventually claim innocent lives because the country's Criminal Code isn't tough enough to deter such behaviour, says a Canadian Alliance MP."

"Liberal Ottawa lawmakers are too lax on organized crime and the drug trade, said MP Art Hanger, adding that's why gun battles are becoming more common in major centres."

UK: Children suffer most while government `ignores' domestic violence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The government is all but ignoring the hidden crime of domestic violence as it concentrates on tackling high profile street and gun crimes, a report has claimed."

"The study, by crime reduction charity Nacro, says drug and gang-related initiatives have attracted widespread attention and cash investment while some of the most vulnerable people in society are not being properly protected in their own homes."

TX: Officer gives up after daylong standoff
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A man held Bexar County deputies and SWAT officers at bay for more than 12 hours before surrendering peacefully just before 10 p.m. Sunday, officials said."

"Sheriff's deputies identified the man as a six-year veteran of the San Antonio Police Department."

GA: Georgia's Barr runs again for Congress
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Less than two months after leaving Congress, conservative firebrand Bob Barr announced Monday that he will try to make a political comeback by running for Georgia's 6th Congressional District seat in 2004."

"Barr, 54, a former U.S. attorney, was the first member of Congress to call for the impeachment of former President Clinton, well before the Monica Lewinsky scandal. A strong opponent of gun control, he is also on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association."

MS: Councilman Proposes Gun-Sale Moratorium
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Kenneth Stokes is seeking a 90-day moratorium on gun sales to curb violence. He said the moratorium will stop shootings such as the one at Captain D's that injured two people." ...

"Stokes wants the moratorium to lower the number of guns on the street..."

Here's an uninformed, clueless politician trying to infringe on business owners' rights to make a living and citizens' right to defend themselves in order to perpetuate an unconstitutional anti-freedom agenda.

TN: Judge invokes 'Trigger Lock' law in sentence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"U.S. District Judge R. Allen Edgar invoked the federal 'Trigger Lock' statute in sentencing a Coffee County man to 115 months in prison without possibility of parole."

"The sentence meted out Monday to Timothy Dewayne Lewis, a 36-year-old resident of Manchester was imposed after District Attorney's investigator Billy Cook testified that Lewis was caught March 7, 2001, after assaulting his wife in possession of a firearm and fleeing the area."

OH: Ohioans have right to carry firearms (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In the 43 other states in which some form of concealed carry is allowed, the facts are irrefutable -- crime never increases, and more commonly goes down sharply when concealed carry laws are reformed. Our Michigan neighbors are the latest to find a reduction in crime as a result of their passage of a concealed carry law. Ohioans are no less responsible than the residents of these other states."

"Unintended Consequences" can be purchased online
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Now near middle age, Henry is alone at a friend's house one night. He uses his skills to thwart an armed break-in only to discover that the assault was not a burglary but a raid. Henry's victims are not street criminals but federal agents, and with mounting horror he listens to the captive survivors describe the operation they were carrying out."

"With the Ruby Ridge killings and the Waco massacre burned into his memory, Henry knows he has just given himself a death sentence." ...

The Second Amendment did not Create A Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Groups and individuals opposed to the private ownership of firearms claim the American people do not have the 'constitutional right' to right to keep and bear arms because the purpose of the Amendment was to grant the several States the 'collective right"' to maintain armed militias. Those on the other side of the controversy ...assert that the American people have a 'constitutional right' to keep and bear arms... The purpose of this article is to show that both assertions are wrong..."

ACLU: Proposed law to infringe on rights
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The American Civil Liberties Union says a proposed law would infringe on basic liberties and erode checks and balances on presidential power."

"The new law, called Patriot II, which has been reportedly proposed by the Department of Justice, seeks to strengthen America's security against possible terrorist attacks."

NJ: Some schools use dogs to find drugs, raising privacy concerns
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Schools around the region are increasingly hiring dogs for surprise drug and contraband searches on school campuses, raising hackles among some privacy advocates."

"Some school districts have already turned to private canine contractors to sniff out students' lockers, backpacks and cars -- resulting in the suspension of at least one student so far. Others, such as Bethel and Eatonville, are signing up for such service."

It's Good Enough For Government Work!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Strangely, the voters love to hear of a reformer politician that will solve all the ills of government by spending more money on the problem and calling for more government oversight. How come most people don't see the absurdity of these types of proposed solutions to government caused problems. Certainly no one suggests the problem with organized crime is that it needs more money and bigger gangsters to solve the problems of organized crime."

February 10 - 14, 2003: What freedoms have you lost this week?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Transportation Security Administration – Prohibited Items in Passenger Aircraft Cabins

Be sure to memorize this list of prohibited items before your next flight. After all, ignorance of the law is no excuse.


New Zealand: Judge takes dim view of traveler's gun joke
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When he went to fly ...a security officer told him when his luggage was being X-rayed, that his hand-luggage was not yet required for X-ray."

" 'Well, I didn't need to have taken the gun out of it then,' he told the security man."

"The joke was so funny that he was detained at passport control, his baggage was searched, and while the officers found no gun, his flight left for Singapore and London without him and his partner."

NH: Restrictions on gun sales inconsistent
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The private sale of guns remains legal, but controversial, in New Hampshire and Maine."

"[Kittery Chief of Police Edward Strong] believes in private sales, 'but I’d like to see some way of controlling them, including background checks. But I really don’t know how you would go about enforcing that.' "

"New Hampshire state law requires those selling firearms to know the purchaser, but Maine’s laws have no such requirement. A Mainer could legally sell a firearm to a total stranger."

OK: Terror Scare in Oklahoma
Submitted by: Bob Wolfley

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"A disoriented man caused a stir Tuesday when he entered FBI headquarters and spilled a soft drink on the floor." ...

... "Somehow the spilled drink turned into a report that the man was spraying a mysterious powder around the room."

What I Don’t Get About the Lott Controversy (Blog)
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"However, it is my understanding (and I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong) that Lott provided all of his data and primary sources to anyone who asked for them. Analysts who used these data with Lott’s econometric specifications reached the same conclusions. Analysts who used these data with different econometric specifications ...sometimes reached different conclusions. Now, there’s a legitimate debate to be had on the appropriate specifications and statistical methods, but it’s a debate that was already going on prior to the survey controversy, and it’s not the kind of debate in which academic reputations are on the line. The point is that if Lott provided his data and sources to others, there’s no issue of fabrication here. If people want to refute Lott’s claims about concealed-carry laws, they’ll have to continue attacking his work on the merits. The survey fracas is not, or at least should not be, a silver bullet."

UK: Ministers urged to move on gun laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"City MPs today urged Ministers to 'get a move on' with anti-gun laws which were promised after the Aston double murder."

"Perry Barr's Khalid Mahmood warned more teenagers could die in shootings if the proposed legislation is delayed too long."

Just like gun-grabbing tyrants. Supplement ineffectual gun laws, which do nothing to stop crime, with more ineffectual gun laws, which will further arm criminals and disarm law-abiding citizens. They'll never learn, will they?

What About Uncivil Liberties?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" liberty is neither distinguishable nor alienable: Either I have liberty, or not. I don't have a certain liberty, and not others." ...

"Liberty is liberty qua liberty, and is not 'civil,' 'military,' 'political,' or otherwise. To accept that you have 'civil' liberties means to accept that you don't have other forms of liberty, which is the intention of the invalid phrase. Don't be sold on the false notion of 'civil' liberties."

UK: GM farmer denies gun threat to BBC
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The farmer at the centre of Scotland’s controversial genetically modified crop trials yesterday denied threatening to shoot a BBC cameraman ..."

"Shirley Harrison admitted that she had erected a sign warning Danger - Lady Farmer on her land and told a BBC news executive she had guns under a cupboard and that she was 'out of control.' "

"But she vehemently refuted claims that she had warned the man from the BBC she was not to be trusted and that she had guns and would use them."

NEW RESEARCH: Campus Gun Policies Inconsistent, Some Poorly Enforced
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The AFJ study surveyed 150 of the country's most prestigious and largest colleges and universities. While every college and university in the survey had adopted a gun possession policy of some sort, those policies varied greatly from campus to campus and enforcement of those standards was equally inconsistent. The AFJ study divided campus policies into five major categories:" ...

UK: Postmistress tells of raid terror
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Brave postmistress Bridget Weller was back at work just hours after an armed raider pointed a gun at her and demanded cash."

"Mrs. Weller foiled the gunmen's attempts after he pushed a carrier bag under the glass panel and demanded she fill it with money."

"The 30-year-old, who runs the post office with her husband Simon, said she was in the shop alone when the raider made his approach."

"You seem ... to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all contitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism of an oligarchy... The Contitution has erected no such single tribunal." --Thomas Jefferson, 1820

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