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Newslinks for 2/18/2014

Courant could be shown costs of calling for arrests of ‘undocumented gun owners’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"The Courant is vulnerable, and they just poked a wolverine that wanted to be left in peace with a very sharp stick. And then threatened to dig up all the burrows..."

"Big mistake."

George Zimmerman: God is 'the only judge that I have to answer to'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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George Zimmerman says he still gets death threats, is still accused of being a racist and is still a lightning rod for criticism.
But in the end, there's only one judge who matters, he told CNN.
"God," Zimmerman said in an interview broadcast on CNN's "New Day" on Monday. "I know that ultimately, he's the only judge that I have to answer to.
"He knows what happened. I know what happened. So I'd leave it up to him."
It's been seven months since a Florida jury acquitted Zimmerman of second-degree murder and manslaughter charges in Trayvon Martin's death.
Zimmerman thought his life would go back to normal.

Connecticut's rash of civil disobedience is not some shallow leftist game
Submitted by: Anonymous

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What's happening in Connecticut is not the showy for-the-cameras civil disobedience like the Left enjoys hyping where professional activists enjoy going through staged and photographed arrests on minor charges.
In Connecticut, people are committing what the state now says are felonies because they believe newly enacted gun control laws to be unjust, unconstitutional and a risk to their liberty.
America is closer to a tipping point than at any time since the Civil War.
Is the Left really eager to push the nation's divide any wider?

SUMBITTER'S COMMENT: Don't miss the comments.

Another Florida verdict, another attack on ‘stand-your-ground’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Saturday’s jury verdict in the Florida murder trial of Michael Dunn over the shooting death of Jordan Davis has once again ignited a debate about “stand-your-ground” laws when the doctrine had nothing to do with the case, and even today's Seattle Times readers are joining the discussion.

It was the same situation with the George Zimmerman case because the stand-your-ground (SYG) law was never brought in as part of the defense. So, what gives?

GA: Georgians, stand your ground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ok, so what is the current law in Georgia that is under assault? Since 2006, our law generally provides that a person who uses threats or force relating to the use of force in defense of self or others has no duty to retreat and has a right to stand his or her ground and use force. However, that person must be reasonably in fear of death or grave bodily harm when using such force. That is why great care must be exercised when self-defense is used in Georgia.

Justices may rule on gun-carry laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns will be on the table Friday when the Supreme Court meets in private conference to consider potential cases for next fall’s docket.

Just figuratively, of course. The petitions scheduled for potential discussion include three that challenge state or federal gun- control laws.

None of those cases directly raises the next big legal issue in the national debate over guns: whether the right to keep a gun at home for self-defense extends to public places. The justices could choose to take on that issue now, but it would be a stretch.

Ed.: We will learn whether SCOTUS agrees to take any of these cases as early as February 24th.

IL: Illinois Concealed Carry Classes Launching in Chicago by Digby's Detective & Security Agency
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the recent enactment of the new Concealed Carry Law in Illinois, citizens will now be allowed to carry weapons upon meeting eligibility requirements and completion of 16-hours of state-approved certified training.

Carrying a firearm comes with safety and responsibility. With the new Concealed Carry Law, Digby’s Detective & Security Agency, Inc. is now offering state-approved Concealed Carry Courses. Their goal is to educate and help ensure safety and responsibility for those that choose to carry a firearm in Illinois. Firearm training and safe handling skills are not only critical to protection and self-defense but are required by the new law.

AZ: Police: Arizona Walmart Shooting Was Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who shot and killed another man inside a suburban Phoenix Walmart opened fire in self-defense, Chandler police said Monday.

According to Chandler police, Kyle Wayne Quadlin, 25, shot Kriston Charles Belinte Chee, 36, following a fight at a service counter Sunday afternoon.

Detectives reviewing surveillance video report the two men fought in the store before the shooting Sunday afternoon.

Quadlin told police he pulled his gun in self-defense.

FL: 'Loud music' trial: Verdict again raises questions over self-defense in Florida
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Legal experts say it's likely that at least one member of the jury believed Dunn's story — about being scared, pulling a gun in self-defense and firing the first few shots, which killed Davis. After more than 30 hours of deliberations over four days, the jury couldn't agree on the first-degree murder charge.

"Although I don't think the evidence supports this, it is possible that the jury felt that Dunn was proper to stand his ground as to Davis, but his shooting of the others in the car was excessive," said Kenneth Nunn, a law professor at the University of Florida.

Liberal Ninth Circuit Court Upholds Conceal Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The best that can be said is that Peruta is one minor albeit successful skirmish in the long war against gun rights. The immediate call by San Diego County to have the decision reviewed by an 11-judge panel will delay implementation of O’Scannlain’s decision. And however that review turns out, the case is likely headed to the Supreme Court for further clarification. So to say that this decision is the “beginning of the end of the gun-control movement as we have known it in the United States” as expressed in a fit of exaggerated exuberance at Human Events is overly optimistic.

CA: San Diego gun case not just about gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A “right” is an “entitlement” that’s not dependent on the whims of authorities. If you have a right to “free speech,” then you can speak as you choose. The courts let the government enforce a few standards, but it wouldn’t be a “right” if government officials got to preview and restrict what you were planning to say.

That’s obvious, especially when it involves activities that are widely supported. It’s hard to find Americans who don’t agree with letting individuals have the widest latitude to speak and protest. But this apparently simple concept gets muddied with rights that are less popular, such as those involving gun ownership.

FL: Concealed weapon permit holder fires shot inside Orlando sports bar, injuring one
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A concealed weapon permit holder showing off his pistol late Sunday inside Miller's Orlando Airport Ale House and accidentally shot one victim, according to Orlando police.

John A. Smith drew the .45-caliber Kimber pistol show its safety features to a friend when he fired it into the floor, a report stated.

A piece of the bullet struck Leanabel Torres-Rodriguez, 22, leaving a small wound above her right ankle.

"Rodriguez stated the handgun was pointed at the ground when the gun accidentally discharged," according to the report. "Rodriguez stated she did not wish to press charges and signed a declination of prosecution."

The report did not indicate if Smith was showing the gun to Torres-Rodriguez.

MA: Bills would remove background-check requirements to pepper spray
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A series of bills in the Legislature would eliminate pepper spray from requiring the same background checks as firearms, as lawmakers consider stricter background-check requirements for prospective gun owners.

Legislators have sought to make sure pepper spray, a nonlethal form of defense, does not get caught up in the same requirements that are needed for guns.

Currently, a firearms-identification card is needed even for people who are looking only for defensive sprays, such as Mace or pepper sprays.

WY: Deceivingly Named ‘School Safety & Security Bill’ Head to Wyoming Senate Floor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This deceivingly named “school safety and security bill” will create 48 different gun regulatory zones in Wyoming — creating a patchwork of different rules and regulations as you drive from one school district to another.

The Gun-Grabbers plan is simple…

Once your right to self defense is under the complete control of 48 different school districts — it will become impossible — to repeal school gun free zones in Wyoming.

CT: An Open Letter To The Men And Women Of The Connecticut State Police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To the men and women of the Connecticut State Police and the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection:

My name is Mike Vanderboegh. Few of you will know who I am, or even will have heard of the Three Percent movement that I founded, though we have been denounced on the national stage by that paragon of moral virtue, Bill Clinton.

CA: The Blue Steel Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Quoting liberally from the Supreme Court’s landmark Heller and McDonald decisions, the circuit court essentially said that while the state may regulate the manner in which handguns may be carried for personal protection, it may not do so by making it practically impossible for law-abiding citizens to afford themselves the protections — both constitutional and physical — of the Second Amendment.

WV: W.Va. Attorney General joins amicus curiae to support Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey announced his support of a New Jersey man's challenge to the state's concealed weapons permitting law.

Morrisey said West Virginia has joined 18 other states in an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court," brief to defend the Second Amendment. The case challenges New Jersey's requirement that concealed carry permit applicants must demonstrate a "justifiable need" to carry a handgun outside of the home.

In his letter about freedom, Gen. Wayne proved he wasn't really 'mad' after all
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The answers are not all black-and white, and people of good will may disagree about some of them. But Beck was right: We should at least be asking ourselves the question, every day, and acting accordingly:

What does it mean to live as one determined to be free?

Do it soon. Just last month, Mediatrackers reports, the Ohio National Guard's training involved a mock confrontation with Second Amendment “domestic terrorists.”

CA: Number of Calif. Concealed Carry Weapon Licensees Could Reach 1.4 Million in First Year
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Following the Ninth Circuit decision holding “good cause” requirements unconstitutional, The Calguns Foundation projects that the number of California carry licensees will skyrocket during the first year of effective “shall-issue” licensing.

According to data sent to The Calguns Foundation by the California Department of Justice, the number of California CCW licensees in 2013 totaled about 56,000.

Interview with Chuck Michel, the attorney behind the Peruta v. San Diego decision
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals reversal of an earlier ruling in the case of Peruta v. San Diego last week, the court sent a clear message to the state of California with respect to its “may issue” concealed-carry policies. had a chance Friday to interview C.D. “Chuck” Michel, the CEO and Senior Counsel of the law firm of Michel and Associates about the case.

Michel is a well-known attorney specializing in firearms law with more than two decades of experience and often represents both the National Rifle Association and the California Rifle and Pistol Association.

CT: Connecticut Criminalizes The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a massive display of civil disobedience, tens of thousands of Connecticut state residents have refused to register what the left calls assault weapons, instantly making them criminals guilty of a felony.

The legacy of the Connecticut residents who used their privately owned firearms to help overthrow the tyrannical colonial rule of King George III, who probably considered their muskets the military-style assault weapon of the day, apparently lives on.

Connecticuters in the tens, perhaps hundreds, of thousands have quietly refused to comply with a law, adopted after the December 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, requiring them to register what gun-control advocates consider assault weapons by the end of 2013.

IL: Illinois Gun Owner Lobby Day Wed. March 5, 2014
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Cook Co. legislators are determined to turn back the clock on right to carry in IL!


Cook Co. legislators STILL want to ban our right to self-defense. Cook Co. legislators want to add more restrictions to the carry law and make it “so restrictive that it’s essentially non-existent”. Now, more than ever, your voice is needed at the State Capitol!

NC: Second Amendment Rally Saturday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Supporters of the Second Amendment plan to rally again in downtown Asheville this weekend. The first event was held last year and ruffled a lot of feathers. This year, organizers have a different plan to get their message across. They're telling those who plan to attend to bring signs and wear an empty holster. It's another way to emphasize the right to bear arms.

Second Amendment Foundation Expresses Gratitude For Strong Amicus Briefs In SCOTUS Cert Petition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“In addition to briefs filed by 19 state attorneys general and 34 members of Congress,” SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb noted, “our case has now gotten support from our friends at the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners Foundation, the Cato Institute and Madison Society Foundation, plus the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence and the Judicial Education Project.

“We’re encouraged by the additional boost last week of an opinion on carry outside the home by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in a case funded by the NRA, in which SAF submitted an amicus brief, that clearly defines the issues raised by our New Jersey lawsuit,” he added.

AK: Bill introduced by Sen. Coghill would allow concealed guns on University of Alaska campuses
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Interior senator has put forward a bill that would allow the concealed carry of firearms on University of Alaska campuses, overriding a 1995 Board of Regents decision against concealed carry.

The Senate Bill 176 comes from the office of Sen. John Coghill, R-North Pole, and would explicitly prohibit the Board of Regents from enacting any blanket bans on concealed carry.

FL: Verdict shows clarity needed on Stand Your Ground law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More and more, Stand Your Ground is becoming an easy crutch in deadly shootings.

And before any more people are killed, we need clarity.

Some lawmakers, in particular Sen. Chris Smith of Fort Lauderdale, have tried. But for two years, his reasonable proposed changes have gone nowhere. Hopefully he will have more success this year.

Among Smith's proposals is more clearly spelling out the role of the aggressor. By Smith's reasoning, if you started the fight, the burden of proof should be on you to prove why deadly force was needed.

The change makes sense, yet legislative leaders have said they want not a word changed, not a comma touched, not a bit of clarity to keep aggressors from going off half-cocked.

Bloomberg's latest stats on school gun violence ignore reality
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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They claimed that 44 shootings occurred in schools and colleges nationwide since the Newtown, Conn. massacre on Dec. 14, 2012 and Feb. 10 of this year. Out of the 44 shootings, a total of 28 died. To dramatize their numbers, Bloomberg’s groups emphasized that one of these attacks occurred every 10 days.

But their statistics are not what they seem. Included in the numbers are suicides. Also included are late night shootings taking place in school parking lots, on their grounds or even off school property, often involving gangs. As “shootings,” they also include any incident where shots were fired, even when nobody was injured.

CO: Legislators gun down efforts to repeal last year’s gun bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was a tough week for Republicans and gun rights activists as they watched several of their efforts to roll back gun control backfire. A gaffe by one Senate Republican made national headlines, while interest waned on attending legislative hearings seeking to expand gun rights.

The legislature this week heard two separate measures seeking to repeal a law backed by Democrats last year that banned high-capacity ammunition magazines, while also debating another measure that sought to give school districts the right to arm teachers.

All of the measures died in committee on Democratic party-line votes.

MO: Mo. Senate backs off reporting of stolen guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Bowing to pressure from the National Rifle Association, the Missouri Senate on Monday stripped a provision from a broad gun rights bill that would have required gun owners to report stolen firearms.

The Republican-led Senate had approved the provision last week, but senators reversed themselves in a 22-9 vote after the NRA called on lawmakers to oppose the bill because of that amendment. The provision would have required firearms owners to report a stolen gun within 72 hours of learning about the theft.

NV: PAC targets Nevada gun bill's sponsor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A gun-rights advocacy group announced the formation of a political action committee that will work to unseat a state senator who failed in his push to require background checks for gun purchases.

Sen. Justin Jones, D-Las Vegas, was the primary sponsor of Senate Bill 221, which was passed by the 2013 Legislature and vetoed by Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval.

SC: Nikki Haley backs bill to allow carrying guns without permits, training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At a signing ceremony for a new law enabling licensed gun owners to carry concealed firearms into businesses that serve alcohol, she said she also supports a proposed Senate bill that would eliminate South Carolina’s permit and training requirements, according to The State.

The pending legislation, called the “Constitutional Carry Act,” is sponsored by state Sen. Lee Bright, R-Spartanburg, who noted that the Second Amendment “gives Americans the right to carry firearms without any government restrictions.” He called for the state to be more like Arizona, where gun ownership is not government-controlled.

Remington Makes Expansion into Alabama Official
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The news that Remington Outdoor Co. is expanding into Huntsville, Alabama became official today when Robert Mayes, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce of Huntsville/Madison County, said the new Remington facility “will transform the economic landscape of North Alabama.”

Prior to Mayes’ announcement, Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) released a statement saying he “warmly welcome[s]” the company and “look[s] forward to their success and presence for years to come.”

IA: Iowans Urge Your Legislators To Support Suppressor Hearing Protection Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A couple weeks ago we sent out an important Action Alert for legalizing silencers in Iowa.

If you have yet not taken action, please do so now. If you have taken action, forward this on to pro-Second Amendment friends and neighbors. We need to continue the push on this issue!

Additionally, please be sure to call your Senator and Representative. This additional, personal investment is invaluable to our effort. Find your legislators HERE.

No man has a natural right to commit aggression on the equal rights of another, and this is all from which the laws ought to restrain him. — Thomas Jefferson

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