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Newslinks for 2/18/2017

MI: Video shows Roseville robber climbing on store counter before running from gunfire
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Police are searching for two men who robbed the Little Brown Jug party store in the 26600 block of Gratiot Avenue in Roseville.

Two men walked into the store around 9 p.m. Wednesday while three employees were working, police said.

A man in a light-colored hooded sweatshirt jumped up on the counter and pointed a revolver at one of the employees, police said.

A friend of the store's owner was at the store visiting and fired one or two rounds from his handgun, officials said. He is a legal owner of the handgun and isn't facing any charges, police said.

The two men fled the store through the parking lot toward Wildwood, just west of Gratiot Avenue. Police believe the men left a vehicle in the area.

FL: Self-Defense Bill Up in House Criminal Justice 2/22/2017
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We urgently need your help. Our critically important self-defense bill will be heard by the House Criminal Justice Committee on Wednesday, February 22, 2017, between 8:30-10:30am.

HB-245 by Rep. Bobby Payne restores the presumption of innocence in self-defense cases by putting the burden of proof BACK ON THE STATE where it belongs.

CONTRARY to what some of the media and antigun legislators have tried to claim, this bill is NOT an expansion of the Stand Your Ground law. This bill only puts the burden of proof back on the state where it belongs and where it was before some antigun prosecutors and activist judges reversed it.

CA: Opposition To California’s Gun Restriction Grows
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The governors of nine states filed an amicus brief Friday with the U.S. Supreme Court opposing California’s restriction on concealed carry permit holders.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott led the coalition of nine state governors, which included governors from Arkansas, Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, South Carolina and South Dakota, which questions if California is singling out gun owners and burdening their rights, according to a release from Abbott’s office.

Constitutional Carry Gaining Steam In States Around The Country
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now New Hampshire, Indiana, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota have joined the fray and are considering bills to abolish concealed-carry permit requirements in their own states.

Ed.: Why is NRA ignoring TX? Rather than supporting CC in TX, NRA is pushing lowering (or raising) permits fees to an undetermined amount.

CT: Connecticut Governor Covers for Failed Policies by Increasing Fees on Gun Owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Faced with the difficult decision of where to recover lost revenue, it’s no surprise that Governor Malloy, whose campaign received $1.7 million from Michael Bloomberg’s Independence USA PAC, is targeting gun owners by increasing the cost of their firearms permits.

Malloy’s proposed budget would increase the state portion of the pistol permit fee from $70 to $300 and the initial 5-year pistol permit fee from $140 to $370, bringing in an additional $9 million annually. Background check fees would also increase from $50 to $75, raising another $2.6 million each year.

UT: House committee approves toughening Utah's 'Stand Your Ground' law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Utah lawmakers took the first step Friday toward toughening the state's “Stand Your Ground” law.
That law allows someone to use deadly force -- without retreating -- if they feel threatened.

House Bill 259, sponsored by Rep. Cory Maloy (R-Lehi), would add an extra layer of protection for somebody who fights back in self-defense. The House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee approved that bill, 6 to 4, sending it on to the next step.

WA: Homeowner Lucky to Avoid Charges After Shooting At Fleeing Robbers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This bizarre instance of a home invasion in Ferndale (WA) earlier this week could have easily resulted in criminal charges for everyone involved, including the homeowner.

IL: Man fatally shot after kicking in door to Illinois home
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Authorities in Illinois are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred at a home in Kewanee Sunday afternoon.

The resident who fired the fatal shot said he did so in self-defense, while the deceased man’s family told reporters they believe it was a set-up.

Police received a 911 call from the resident, Michael T. Evans, 44, around 3:45 p.m. Evans told the dispatcher he shot 41-year-old Wyatt J. Scott after he forced entry into the home by kicking in the door.

CO: Colorado constitutional carry bill approved by Senate committee
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Colorado Senate State, Veterans, and Military Affairs Committee approved a bill Thursday that would allow lawful gun owners to conceal and carry handguns without a permit.

Senate Bill 116, sponsored by Republicans Sen. Tim Neville and Rep. Kevin Van Winkle, was approved in the Republican-led committee along party lines with a 3-1 vote, reports.

“If you’re legally eligible to possess a firearm, you should be able to carry that weapon concealed for self-defense without begging for government’s permission,” said Sen. Neville, who also called the bill “common-sense legislation.”

FL: Group uses film to push against state's proposed gun legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Other bills before the Legislature would allow guns on Florida college campuses and in airports and allow for open carry of firearms.

McBath is touring the country with the film as the national spokesperson for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.

"I take a look at the life of Jesus, of the Apostles," she said. "They didn't give up because it was hard, or because they were tired, hungry or poor. I'm none of those things, so what excuse do I have for not continuing to fight?"

UT: Committee recommends bill allowing self-defense 'even if safety could be achieved by retreating'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill proposing an amendment to Utah's self-defense statute, specifying that a person is not required to retreat from an aggressor even when escape is possible, narrowly passed the House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee with a favorable recommendation Friday.

The body voted 6-4 to recommend HB259, the so-called "stand your ground" bill, which proposes to amend Utah's self-defense law to state explicitly that a person who exercises self-defense while being attacked is under no legal requirement to retreat, "even if safety could be achieved by retreating."

UT: Provisional Carry Legislation to be Heard on House Floor
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As early as next Tuesday, the Utah House of Representatives could vote on House Bill 198. Sponsored by state Representative Karianne Lisonbee, HB 198 would create a provisional concealed carry license for law-abiding individuals 18 to 20 years old.

This provisional license would allow those individuals to lawfully carry a firearm for self-defense. Currently, individuals eighteen years of age or older are legally allowed to openly carry an unloaded firearm for self-defense in Utah, and House Bill 198 would provide them the ability to conceal and carry a loaded firearm without being in jeopardy of breaking the law.

FL: Free speech wins in docs vs. glocks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For sound medical reasons, doctors commonly ask patients about safety issues: gates around swimming pools, locks on cabinets containing poisons, and yes, guns in the home. A 2011 state law twisted those commonsense precautions into a fabricated assault on the Second Amendment and restricted doctors from asking patients about firearm ownership. This week, a federal appeals court identified the real infringement — limiting the free speech rights of doctors — and struck down key provisions of this unnecessary law.

AL: 'Junk' bills a waste of lawmakers' time
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With the regular session of the Alabama Legislature under way, there is no room for junk bills that threaten to tie up valuable time with debates and emotional overload.

One such bill that could distract lawmakers from spending more time on addressing Medicaid, prisons, a lottery and education is a proposal from Sen. Gerald Allen, R-Tuscaloosa, that will waive the need to obtain a license to carry a concealed weapon. Law enforcement leaders across the state have deep concerns about the bill from financial and safety viewpoints.

Why Congress Was Right To Strike Down Ban On Mentally Ill People Buying Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But the new Social Security reporting rule lacked some of the VA system’s safeguards, and it caught serious flak from more than just pro-gun conservatives. Mental health professionals and civil rights activists said it had no basis in science, unfairly stigmatized the disabled, and was so broad it could deprive many high-functioning citizens of their Second Amendment rights. “Someone can be incapable of managing their funds but not be dangerous, violent or unsafe,” Dr. Marc Rosen, a Yale psychiatrist with experience analyzing vets who couldn’t handle their own finances, told the LA Times in 2015. “They are very different determinations.”

SD: Bill Introduced to Silence NRA Communications
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recently introduced in the House of Representatives is House Bill 1200, legislation that would severely limit your NRA-ILA’s ability to communicate with its membership in South Dakota. If enacted, HB 1200 would require the NRA-ILA to disclose a list of its members if certain contributions are made to a ballot question committee or used for an independent communication expenditure. These contributions are made so that NRA can inform its membership as well as Second Amendment supporters about legislation or other issues affecting their Second Amendment rights, and HB 1200 seeks to limit that ability. HB 1200 has been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and is scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, February 22, at 10:00 am.

The truth about Obama's Social Security gun grab
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Under the proposed rule, these individuals would have been reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System and stripped of their Second Amendment rights without due process. Nor would there be any finding that the individuals in question are a danger to themselves or others.

Mental health experts have argued that there is not a proven correlation between mental illness and violence. These folks are largely law-abiding, vulnerable people who just want to live their lives and exercise their rights free of unfair government interference. The fact that they would lose a fundamental right because they're receiving treatment for a condition and want some financial help is un-American.

GA: Georgia House panel approves bill allowing guns on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Licensed gun owners could carry concealed handguns on public college campuses under legislation that began advancing Thursday in the Georgia House despite the Republican governor's forceful veto of a similar bill last year.

A subcommittee of the House Public Safety Committee approved the bill sponsored by Rep. Mandi Ballinger, R-Canton, sending it on to the full committee. Georgia is among 17 states that ban concealed weapons on campus.

SC: Two S.C. gun bills waste time
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Just when you think there are no more ways to loosen gun laws in South Carolina, lawmakers come up with another — and another.

One bill, sponsored by then-Sen. Kevin Bryant (now lieutenant governor), is particularly reckless. If passed, school districts could allow personnel to carry weapons in their schools. In school. In classrooms. On the playground, where little children are playing chase.

HI: Hearing Protection Legislation Passes Out of Committee; Anti-Gun Bill Scheduled for Committee Hearing Next Week
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Thursday February 23, at 9:15am the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor will hear Senate Bill 898. SB 898 is a misguided gun control bill that would permanently strip an individual of their Second Amendment rights, not based on a criminal conviction or mental adjudication, but based on a quasi-criminal proceeding.

The committee will NOT be taking oral testimony at this hearing. It is imperative that you submit written testimony to the committee through the Hawaii Legislature website voicing opposition to this dangerous and misguided legislation. In order to submit testimony, you will need to create an account. For help creating an account and submitting testimony, click here.

NM: NRA tops lobbyist spending with $44K online ad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No issue in the 2017 New Mexico Legislature has drawn citizens to the Roundhouse like the push to expand mandatory background checks on gun sales. People on both sides of the issue have shown up in droves to committee hearings in both the House and Senate to testify about two bills that would require more gun buyers to go through background checks.

And lobbyists for out-of-state organizations on both sides of the issue have spent thousands of dollars to push their positions. In fact, according to lobbyist expense reports filed with the Secretary of State’s Office, the biggest expenditure since the session began in mid-January was $44,377 spent by Tara Reilly-Mica, the Texas-based lobbyist for the National Rifle Association.

NY: New York Gravity Knife Reform Bill Filed–Again!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Knife Rights’ Gravity Knife Law Reform Bill, A.5667 has been introduced in the New York Assembly. This is the fourth year in a row that a bill has been introduced to stop the abuse of the state’s gravity knife statute by New York City.

In response to New York Governor Cuomo’s New Year’s Eve veto overruling the New York Legislature that passed last year’s bills by overwhelming margins, and the large coalition of organizations, many part of his own constituency, which supported the bill, this year’s bill address the governor’s concerns in his veto message, even as irrational and politically motivated as they may have been.

IA: Constitutional Provision for Right to Arms Likely for Iowa
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Iowa’s senate is starting the process with JR2. Here is the wording of the proposed amendment.

Right to acquire, keep, possess, transport, carry, transfer, and use arms.

SEC. 1A. The right of an individual to acquire, keep, possess, transport, carry, transfer, and use arms to defend life and liberty and for all other legitimate purposes is fundamental and shall not be infringed upon or denied. Mandatory licensing, registration, or special taxation as a condition of the exercise of this right is prohibited, and any other restriction shall be subject to strict scrutiny.

Hearing Protection Act pushes past 100 sponsors in House
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill that would remove suppressors and silencers from National Firearm Act regulations is picking up momentum on Capitol Hill.

The Duncan-Carter Hearing Protection Act was introduced by GOP sponsors U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina and Rep. John Carter of Texas last month and aims to deregulate suppressors as a safety measure to help promote their use in protecting hearing. Enrolled as H.R. 367, the measure picked up its 100th co-sponsor on Tuesday and another Wednesday.

MT: Restaurant Carry Legislation Introduced
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sponsored by state Representative Seth Berglee, HB 494 would allow law-abiding Montanans to carry a firearm for self-defense while patronizing a restaurant where alcohol is not the primary item of sale. An individual should not be prevented from carrying a firearm for self-defense while dining in a restaurant that serves alcohol. The right to self-defense should not be unnecessarily banned due to the presence of a product that is legally sold in an establishment that is licensed to do so.

Gun control? It's the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing. If I'm a bad guy, I'm always gonna have a gun. Safety locks? You will pull the trigger with a lock on, and I'll pull the trigger. We'll see who wins. — Sammy "The Bull" Gravano, whose testimony convicted John Gotti.

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