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Newslinks for 2/19/2015

ATF claims Administrative Procedures Act exemption for proposed ammo ban notice
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Per Denise Brown of ATF Enforcement Programs and Services in this afternoon’s telephone conversation, this will 'not actually be a [regulatory] change, more of a policy along those lines.' Brown said the framework document is a notice only, and will therefore not be published in the Federal Register, characterizing the document’s intent as 'information gathering' in order to collect technical information, which could affect the Bureau’s final determination."

Six Thoughts on Guns and Freedom
Submitted by: Tom Price

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I first drafted this essay nearly one year ago, following the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association in Indianapolis in April 2014. With the NRA now publicizing its 2015 annual meeting in Nashville, seems like a good time to revisit last year's frenzied, speaking-in-tongues tent revival, along with some of the ideas on the relationship between guns and freedom prompted by NRA nuttiness. Because... ya know... nothing much has changed.

For sale: A gun shirt so realistic that it comes with a warning
Submitted by: Tom Price

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A Colorado business owner says he's making a statement on gun rights with some controversial new apparel that's being seen across the world,(Video)

OK: Three proposals for ballot advance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Oklahoma voters would get to decide if the governor and lieutenant governor should run on a ticket together, whether residents need more gun rights, and if the entire state constitution should be rewritten under a trio of measures that were approved by a House panel on Wednesday.

The House Rules Committee approved three separate joint resolutions that would send the proposals to a vote of the people. All three resolutions now go to the full House for consideration.

Boomerang! Handgun Ban Group, Violence Policy Center, Validates Right-to-Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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However, VPC’s numbers are grossly flawed. More than half of the victims VPC attributed to permit-holders were suicides, or were victimized in places where a permit was not required to carry a firearm, or in places where carrying a firearm was illegal even with a permit, or were killed by means other than handguns (including five victims killed in car accidents). Some shootings VPC counted were in lawful self-defense, while numerous others are still pending in the courts. It appears that VPC double-counted some victims on its list. And VPC offers no proof that the people on its list all had valid permits at the time of the incident in which they were involved.

Second Amendment protects people with old, nonviolent felony convictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The question, then, is whether this “presumpti[on]” of validity can ever be rebutted — for instance, if a person’s felony conviction is many decades in the past, is for a not very serious felony, or both. Today’s Suarez v. Holder (M.D. Pa. Feb. 18, 2015) concludes that the presumption was indeed rebutted in this case, where the past felony conviction was in 1990, the claimant’s last misdemeanor conviction was in 1998, and the claimant has otherwise shown that he is now a law-abiding citizen (here by, among other things, having gotten a security clearance for his work with Department of Defense clients).

Gun groups launch new push for concealed-carry legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights groups are gearing up for a major push to move concealed-carry legislation through the new Republican Congress.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) and other Second Amendment advocates are throwing their weight behind the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, a bill introduced in both chambers of Congress that would allow gun owners to carry concealed weapons across state lines.

TN: Womick: Make gun-carry permits optional
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun-carry permits ought to be optional, says state Rep. Rick Womick, who has proposed legislation to that effect.

“That is what they call a constitutional carry bill,” said Womick, a Republican from Rutherford County’s rural Rockvale community southwest of Murfreesboro. “What this bill would do is allow you to carry a gun without a permit either concealed or unconcealed. It’s straight Second Amendment.”

TX: Abbott reiterates support for campus carry, notwithstanding ‘State of the State’ snub
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday cleared up any lingering confusion that might remain over what gun legislation he supports.

He backs open carry, which he mentioned this week in his “State of the State” speech. He also backs campus carry, which he didn’t mention. And it would appear that he supports any other pro-gun bill that might make its way through the House and Senate this session.

“I will sign whatever legislation that reaches my desk that expands Second Amendment rights in Texas,” the Republican said in response to a question at the end of an unrelated Capitol news conference on immigration.

Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act Introduced
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) and U.S. Representative Bob Gibbs (R-Ohio) recently introduced S. 263 and H.R. 578, which are designed to protect the rights of gun owners on lands owned or managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps).

This legislation would help end the patchwork of firearm laws and regulations that govern different federal lands managed by different federal agencies.

Second Amendment protects carrying guns outside the home, but state may require concealed carry rather than open carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So the Florida Court of Appeal held Wednesday in Norman v. State. It concluded that the Second Amendment applies to carrying for self-defense outside the home.

PA: Harrisburg establishes legal defense fund to fight gun lawsuits
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mayor Eric Papenfuse is creating a legal defense fund that would help fight two lawsuits challenging Harrisburg’s gun laws. “There are people out there that are eager to support the city and want to contribute,” said Papenfuse. At the heart of the lawsuits are five gun ordinances enacted by the city.

MO: Ava Attorney Says His Client’s Recent “Not Guilty” Verdict Indicative of Missouri’s Belief in Second Amendment, Right to Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Friday night, Jan. 23, 2015, just before 10 p.m., after a five day trial in Shannon County, a jury of nine men and three women found Howell County resident Craig Belcher, 28, of Pottersville, Missouri, not guilty of charges stemming from a shooting which occurred on August 7, 2011, in Howell County.

Howell County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Josh Corman filed the initial charges in the matter accusing Mr. Belcher of Assault in the First Degree, by knowingly causing serious physical injury to Mark Riley by shooting him, Unlawful Use of a Weapon by discharging a weapon while Intoxicated, and Armed Criminal Action.

Guns Will Not Solve the Campus Rape Problem
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In case the public discussion around campus sexual assault wasn't enough of a circus, now we have the gun people getting involved. The New York Times reports that pro-gun advocates are hijacking the issue of campus sexual assault to advocate for the long-standing goal of getting more colleges to allow guns on campus, arguing that women need them to be safe from rapists. “If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I wonder how many men will want to assault them," Nevada assemblywoman Michele Fiore, who is sponsoring a bill to force colleges to allow guns on campus, told the New York Times.

3 Firearms Training Myths, And Quick Fixes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I want to start off by saying that I’m a big fan of live firearms training. I’ve been to dozens of classes with dozens of high-speed instructors over the years and even the “mediocre” classes were great experiences and this is not a criticism of firearms instructors at all. They’re given the almost impossible task of conveying a lifetime of instruction, practice, and experience into as short of a class as possible at a price that students can afford.

FL: Appeal Court Upholds Florida’s Ban on Open-Carry, But Case Appears Headed For Supremes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a 26-page decision that analyzed two relatively recent, key U.S. Supreme Court decisions defining and expanding the individual right to bear arms along with a discussion of Florida law and the history of gun rights in the state, the court concluded that “Florida’s ban on open carry, while permitting concealed carry, does not improperly infringe on Florida’s constitutional guarantee, nor does it infringe on ‘the central component’ of the Second Amendment—the right of self-defense.”

SD: Gun program designed for women
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every 13 seconds a home intrusion happens, equaling to more than 2.5 million committed each year.

The smoking gun range is providing a unique defensive program designed and targeted specifically for women to learn how to carry a gun with confidence. Priscilla Borrego goes through the course.

5.56 Ammunition and Switchblade Knives
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 1958, Congress passed an “act to prohibit the introduction, or manufacture for introduction, into interstate commerce of switchblade knives, and for other purposes”.

It was signed by President Eisenhower. At the time, many congressmen still believed in limited government, and the act did not apply to intrastate sales or possession.

IL: Gun store seeks City Council OK to build shooting range
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Monmouth gun store is looking to expand its operation to include an eight-lane indoor shooting range.

The Tac Shack, 120 E. Euclid Ave., is planning to purchase the Simpson Cleaning building on East Jackson Avenue at the end of the month. The owners would then build a facility to house the pistol-only shooting range, which they say will be designated primarily for police use and civilian firearm classes.

OK: Tulsa Sees an Increase in Self-defense Shootings this Year
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Tulsa police say there has been a noticeable increase in self-defense shootings this year.

The Tulsa World reports that of 11 homicide victims this year, five have been killed by security guards or civilians in shootings that the Tulsa Police Department considered self-defense. In 2014, six out of eight homicides that were self-defense shootings involved police officers. Tulsa police have not been involved in any self-defense shootings this year.

TX: Gun Carry Bills Advance
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During last week's introductions for Sen­ate Bills 11 and 17 – known colloquially as "campus carry" and "open carry" – Senate Committee on State Affairs Chair Joan Huffman, R-Houston, noted that her prior silence on each issue shouldn't reflect her opinions but rather indicate her intent to preside over the hearing. "As chairman of the committee, and my former background as a judge, I just feel it's important that I step back and allow the process to move forward," she said. "I'll be voting on the bills, too. At that point, you'll certainly know my feelings on the issues."

WV: Concealed Carrying Pharmacist Saves Multiple Lives In West Virginia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A pharmacist in West Virginia reacted to an armed robber threatening his staff this morning by pulling his concealed handgun and firing “several” shots at the gun-toting robber, dropping the violent suspect in his tracks.

IN: NRA backs Stutzman bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association has endorsed legislation introduced by Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-3rd, that would require states to honor one another's concealed-carry permits for handguns.

"The constitutional right to self-defense does not stop at a state's borders," NRA lobbyist Chris Cox said in a statement. "Law-abiding citizens should be able to exercise this fundamental right while traveling across state lines. We appreciate Congressman Stutzman's efforts to fix the confusing patchwork of state and local laws in this area."

Serbia: Minister presents draft law on weapons to MPs
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Just this difference in the estimate shows that there is much to do to solve this problem. In recent years we have witnessed several tragic incidents in which mostly weapons in illegal possession were used, and a small number of legally owned ones," Stefanovic said, presenting a draft Law on Weapons and Ammunition.

The minister added that a large amount of illegal weapons in Serbia requires planned measures, and added that in practice "legalization measures proved to be the most effective."

TX: University of Texas students vote against their own Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Sigh. News from the University of Texas at Austin. The Daily Texan reports:

Student Government voted Tuesday to oppose a state Senate-proposed campus-carry policy at the University. Twenty-one of 27 assembly members voted in support of the resolution, a statement against allowing concealed handguns on campus.

KS: Bill could change Kansas conceal-carry permit rules
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Big changes could be on the horizon for Kansas gun owners as a new bill could allow people to carry one without taking safety classes or getting a permit.

As it stands right now in Kansas, owners don't have to take a class if they carry a gun out in the open. What would change under the bill working its way through the Senate is that people wouldn't need to take a class to carry a concealed weapon.

At OMB Guns and Indoor Range, the rounds fly and the conceal-carry classes fill up fast.

The era of resisting big government is never over. — PAUL GIGOT (1998)

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