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The West, Washington, D.C., and Weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1989, John Shuler of rural Dupuyer, Montana, heard grizzly bears outside his house; fearing they would kill his sheep, he grabbed his rifle and ran into the night. The good news is he survived his encounter with four grizzly bears, as did his sheep. The bad news is his lawyers spent eight years and a quarter of a million dollars to get him acquitted of charges that he violated the Endangered Species Act by killing one of those bears. Early on in that legal battle, the federal government ruled that, although Shuler justifiably feared 'death or serious bodily injury'—the test for a self-defense claim—he had no right to arm himself and enter into what the government called 'the zone of imminent danger.'" ...

Pro-gun crowd laments justice department's move in Second Amendment case
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I was variously accused of being 'negative' and 'paranoid,' among other things, when I warned in this space some time ago that gun owners 'should be careful what they wish for' in the Supreme Court's upcoming ruling on Second Amendment rights."

"The gun world almost universally heralded the pending case as an historic move toward establishing the individual right to bear arms. But my take was that the case ... could always end with a disappointing verdict -- even though the odds were against that."

"Well, here's where 'I told you so:' In a move that pro-gun crowd can only view as disappointing at best ... the Bush Administration's Justice Department lawyers have filed a disturbing amicus brief in the landmark case." ...

Pink Pistols grow to 40 chapters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Dexter Guptill and his gun-slinging group head into a restaurant, they can't help but be noticed by other patrons. Virginia state gun law prohibits concealed weapons in establishments that serve alcohol, so he and his crew must display their firearms. It turns heads, but Guptill doesn't mind; it gives him and his friends a chance to talk about the Pink Pistols - the gay, gun rights group that they all belong to."

"As unlikely as the combination of guns and gays may sound, the Pink Pistols have grown since their inception in 2000 to include over 40 chapters in the U.S. and one in Canada. Their aim ... is to encourage the safe usage of firearms while advocating for gun rights in an atmosphere that is accepting ..." ...

Smith & Wesson's a Buy Ahead of 2nd Ammendment Decision
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lately, the equities markets have been making huge swings. A few years ago, I likened a similar event to Oprah jumping on a trampoline – massive moves up and down. The description has never been more apt."

"Many stocks are taking a beating because of news that would have barely attracted a headline just six months ago. Smith & Wesson (Nasdaq:SWHC) is one of those companies."

"The gun manufacturer's share price is down more than 75% from its 52-week high of $22.80 reached in August. The shakedown has been one of the market's greatest overreactions." ...

TASER Announces Second Wrongful Death Lawsuit Dismissal Within a Week
Submitted by: none

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"TASER International ... announced the dismissal with prejudice of the wrongful death product liability lawsuit filed against TASER ..."

"... 'Our policy is not to settle suspect injury or death cases and no moneys were paid for this dismissal. We will continue to aggressively defend any litigation filed against TASER International and pursue sanctions and costs against plaintiffs for frivolous litigation,' concluded [Vice President and General Counsel of TASER International Doug] Klint."

"... TASER International has not lost any product liability lawsuit." ...

NC: 911 Calls Offer New Insight Into N.C. Central Student's Death
Submitted by: jac

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"A North Carolina Central University student found dead along Interstate 540 had called her husband to tell him she was on her way home from class Tuesday night and was going to stop to get something to eat, he told authorities in a 911 call obtained by WRAL." ...

"Wake County investigators responded to the scene and found Latrese Curtis' body. She died of wounds apparently caused by a sharp object, authorities said."

"They are treating the case as a homicide, Wake County Sheriff Donnie Harrison said. They have not identified a suspect." ...

Submitters note: One has to wonder if leaving a victim disarmament zone contributed to her death.

KABA Note: It is a felony to carry on campus.

Israel: Counselors' heroism foils terror attack in Gush Etzion seminary high school
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Gush Etzion, southeast of Jerusalem, two Palestinian gunmen wearing IDF uniforms burst into the Makor Haim yeshiva high school. Wielding guns and knives, they lightly injured two Israeli counselors before being shot dead."

"... The terrorists entered a library room where seven of the boarding school's counselors were meeting. Dressed as security guards, and armed with a knife and what appeared to be a gun ... ordered the seven to line up on one side of the room. A counselor, realizing they were terrorists, drew his personal firearm and opened fire. Another grabbed the fake gun from the other terrorist, wrestled him to the floor, while the first counselor shot him. ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Student disciplined for pen with gun company logo (follow-up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A student has been threatened with a 3-day suspension from school for bringing to campus, and using, a pen with the corporate logo of the Glock company, a large stylized 'G' with the letters 'lock' inside."

"Cooler heads eventually prevailed, and the father reports that he was successful in convincing the school officials to not only withdraw the threat, but also the formal reprimand that already had been placed in his son's educational file."

"However, WND previously has reported on a student who was punished for advocating for gun rights, as well as yet another student who was punished for a sketch of a gun. And the newest incident raised concerns among bloggers and participants in web forums." ...

In response to "Opinions: Aw Shoot"
Submitted by: Dustin

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"In response to 'Opinions: Aw Shoot', published on Thursday, January 31, 2008 in the ASU Sun Devil paper, an opinion piece they wrote in opposition to Arizona SB 1214 - a law being considered in the Arizona Senate that would decriminalize the act of CCW permit holders carrying concealed weapons on school grounds."

"'Come on, fighting school gun violence with more guns? That's like fighting terrorism by adding more terrorists'"
"Sorry, no link there. It would be far more accurate to say that fighting violent people with guns is like fighting violent terrorists with guns. Nothing wrong with that, I know I would prefer to take on terrorists while I'm armed vs being empty handed. ..." ...

Mike Vanderboegh : Ourselves Alone (The Future Without the GOP)
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"'Still, let us not be complacent. Should private interest fail today and public purpose thereafter, what rough beast, its hour come round at last, may be slouching toward Washington to be born?' -- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., paraphrasing Yeat's 'The Second Coming' in The Cycles of American History, 1986."
"Small 'r' republicans -- folks who believe in the original intent of the Founders as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, the rule of law, free markets, private property rights and the right to keep and bear arms -- are not going to be represented in this presidential election. ... What is new is that the GOP candidate will likely feel he owes absolutely nothing to the conservative base of his own party. ..." ...

Anti-Gunners gathering like maggots to carrion
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"You thought you had to fight for your Second Amendment rights before? Well, it is going to be a rough next 2-4 years. ... We know McCain is in bed with 'Chappaquiddick' Kennedy and the rest of the Dems. So if either Hillary or Obama or McCain gets elected then we have our work cut out for us. If the 'flip / flopper' gets elected, well, we all know he joined the NRA last year as a life member because, well, because he wanted the NRA and members endorsement. Then there was that lie about being a hunter all his life (when he has purchased one hunting license in his life)…so Romney is not going to help us. Your only vote is for Ron Paul…I keep beating that drum…" ...

A Closer Look at the Record of John McCain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You've probably heard a number of conservatives including Rush Limbaugh say that Senator John McCain isn't a good conservative. But is that really true? Are such statements based upon solid evidence, or just some personal animosity toward the man?"

"Today Human Events has posted a piece by Chris Field examining John McCain's record on some key conservative issues."

"The news is not good for John McCain if he'd rather appeal to conservatives than the "mainstream" media types he's been pandering to for the past 10 years or so." ...

"Gun Control: Has supported anti-gun bills that undermine gun ownership and the Second Amendment." ...

Paul needed to take America back
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Hope for America' is Ron Paul's presidential campaign theme. I have researched and found Paul is the only presidential candidate that stands up consistently for what our Constitution states, including his stand on our Second Amendment rights, against our involvement in wars where we have not been attacked, dissolving the IRS and the Federal Reserve, the illegal alien problem, etc. I believe he is what we need to take America back from the Republicans and Democrats who have sold us out." ...

WA: Gun lover wonders why most of the neighbors are voting Democrat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Charles Laier has lived here since he was born 65 years ago." ...

"But there's one thing he just doesn't understand: Why are people here so committed to voting for Democrats?" ...

"It's not that Laier considers himself a Republican. He votes for Democrats, too. But in the 2008 presidential race, he sees only one candidate deserving of his vote: Republican Mike Huckabee."

"'I base it all on one issue,' Laier said. He's looking for a candidate who has a true love of guns and what he considers the proper respect for the Second Amendment."

"'I'm pretty much a constitutionalist,' Laier said. '... If they don't support the Second Amendment, then I don't vote for them, whether it's for president or dog catcher.'" ...

WY: Bill would prohibit gun confiscation in Wyoming
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The memory of Louisiana police confiscating guns from waterlogged citizens in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina a few years ago has some Wyoming legislators anxious to make sure nothing similar ever happens here."

"A proposed Wyoming bill would change the state's Homeland Security laws. It would spell out that the governor and other officials don't have authority to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens in the event of natural disasters or terrorist attacks."

"The National Rifle Association has pushed similar legislation around the country following Hurricane Katrina, which devastated New Orleans and the surrounding area in August 2005." ...

HI: Bullet Serialization Bill to Be Heard in Hawaii House Judiciary Committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Friday, Feb. 1, the Hawaii House Judiciary Committee will hear legislation what will have dire consequences for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms in Hawaii. The bill HB2392, would require all handgun ammunition manufactured or sold in Hawaii to be coded with a serialization number, and entered into a statewide database at the time of sale."

"Encoded ammunition would be registered to the purchaser ... The procession or sale of non-coded/serialized ammunition would be prohibited."

"Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee and respectfully urge them to protect the Second Amendment rights of Hawaii's law-abiding gun owners by opposing HB2392." ...

HI: Hawaii Lawmakers Consider Further Infringement on Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We just received word tonight that you plan to hear House Bill 2392 tomorrow concerning the serialization of handgun bullets. Please consider our thoughts on this issue:"

"Hawaii already has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation -- laws which literally deny law abiding Hawaii citizens full second amendment rights. You already have our names and addresses, our pictures and fingerprints, FBI profiles, the serial number for each of our guns, and access to all our medical and mental health records. You require us to participate in handgun training classes."

"You have basically denied us the right to protect ourselves, our families, and our property, from those who are not law abiding citizens. ..." ...

GA: Georgia House Passes Critical Pro-Gun Reform Legislation
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"On January 31, the Georgia House of Representatives passed House Bill 89 with the Bearden amendment by a vote of 111 to 58. This critical NRA-supported legislation to protect our firearm rights now heads back to the Senate for concurrence."

"HB89 as passed by the Senate would:"

"allow licensed carry permit holders to possess a firearm in any private motor vehicle, while on any publicly accessible parking lot;"

"prohibit gun dealer entrapment schemes, such as those orchestrated by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg;"

"allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in State Parks; and"

"create a strict time limit for various stages of the concealed carry license application process." ...

Submitter's note: this effort is coming from the local grassroots, with little help from the NRA.

GA: A real whodunnit: The Senate may have just killed the guns-in-parking-lots bill
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In the blink of an eye, and with no fingerprints, the state Senate may have just deep-sixed H.B. 89, the tortured guns-in-parking-lots bill."

"We say 'may' because deniability is such an important part of the conspiracy."

"Just to review:"

"You'll recall that the Senate passed the bill out early this session, to get rid of the legislation that had provoked the state's business community."

"Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle had promised the National Rifle Association ... a roll call vote. The gun group threatened to make the vote a scorecard issue come the next election."

"The NRA got its vote, but not much more. As gutted by the Senate, the bill only slightly broadened an employee’s right to keep a gun in a car parked on a company lot." ...

NY: Re-enactment groups concerned about antique firearm proposal
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Military re-enactors and museum officials are taking potshots at a plan to regulate antique firearms in New York.

If passed in its current form, the proposal by Democratic Assemblyman Michael Gianaris of Queens would require owners of antique guns, black powder weapons and muzzle-loading firearms to go through a background check and purchase a license.

But the Museum Association of New York says the bill doesn't recognize the circumstances of museums and re-enactment groups who own and use these firearms for educational purposes.

Gianaris said after hearing the concerns of museum officials and re-enactors he expected to amend his proposal to remove the licensing requirements.

NY: Museums, re-enactors worry over plan to regulate antique firearms (another view)
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A New York City lawmaker's plan to regulate antique firearms like other weapons could have severe economic repercussions for museums and historical societies around the state and prevent hundreds of living history events and re-enactments staged every year."

"If passed in its current form, the proposal by Democratic Assemblyman Michael Gianaris of Queens would make the state the first in the country to require owners of antique guns, black powder weapons and muzzleloading firearms to go through a background check and purchase a license, said Ralph Walker, a legislative specialist with the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association." ...

Knights of the Golden Circle, "Those having arms, or other material, to contribute", May 7--11th, 1860
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"...The Knights of the Golden Circle constitute a powerful military organization, as a nucleus around which to hang such political considerations as will, if well managed, lead to the disenthrallment of the cotton States from the oppressive majority of the manufacturing and commercial interests of the North..."

"...The Emigration-Aid Societies, with Beecher, Parker, Chapin, and such leaders, kept up a stream of armed emigrants to Kansas..."

"... by trading pistols and knives, and other weapons, for stolen corn, hogs, chickens, &c.; while her politicians in congress send abroad their fulminations..."

"...the invasion of our Southern soil by armed bands of Northern men, to incite insurrection in our midst..."

NM: Farmington police officer charged in DWI crash
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A drunken Farmington Police officer leaving a bar Thursday morning crashed his personal car into a utility pole, and attempted to cover it up by reporting the vehicle stolen, police officials said."

"Officer Farhon Smith, 31, was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor and careless driving, both misdemeanors."

"Around 1:45 a.m. Thursday, Smith called police to report his blue Ford Mustang was stolen ..."

"Minutes later police received a citizen's report that a vehicle had crashed into a utility pole ..." ...

"... Upon questioning by state police an hour later, Smith, who was off-duty at the time, admitted to crashing the vehicle." ...

NC: 3 Franklin Sheriff Employees Under Scrutiny
Submitted by: jac

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"A Franklin County jailer is under investigation for embezzlement. It is the latest in a string of troubles for employees of the sheriff's department."

"'It doesn't bode well with the community when all these things are going on,' Franklin County resident Leslie Riley said." ...

"Franklin County Sheriff Pat Green inherited a mess when he took office at the end of 2006. He came in on the heels of a helicopter crash that killed a deputy and a questionable deal former Sheriff Jerry Jones made with the pilot." ...

WA: The Strong Arm of the Law: Violent force by police gets a pass - Seattle officers are rarely disciplined in cases against civilians
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"When a Seattle cop kicked the legs out from under a woman, fracturing her cheekbone as she fell face-first onto the pavement, the captain in charge of internal investigations recommended discipline."

"But the department rejected the investigator's recommendation, calling for 'supervisory intervention,' a kind of retraining that is not considered disciplinary action by the department."

"The 'intervention' that the officer received included an admonition to keep using force when necessary on the street."

"Six months after the woman was hurt, witnesses said the same cop kicked a suspect in the face as the man was trying to surrender. And once again, he was given retraining." ...

SC: S.C. is 'awash in guns'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"South Carolina leaders have done little to prevent guns from getting into the hands of criminals and other dangerous individuals, threatening the public and allowing the gun culture to flourish, a new report from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and its supporters contend."

"A scorecard for all 50 states released Thursday says South Carolina scored just 11 out of a possible 100 points in its latest state-by-state ranking of gun regulations."

"The low figure means South Carolina is doing relatively little toward curbing the level of gun violence that occurs on an almost daily basis, advocates say." ...

MT: Montana gets failing grade on gun control laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign to prevent gun violence has announced its state report cards and says that Montana failed and tied for 32nd nationwide when it comes to enacting gun control laws."

"Montana scored eight points out of a possible 100." ...

"'Every year Montana finds the Brady gun control campaign report on guidelines.' said Montana Shooting Sports Association President Gary Marbut 'We rejoice in that. We don't like gun control in Montana. Gun control is not consistent with Montana's heritage and culture. It's not consistent with our people and who we are.'"

"The Montana Attorney General's office would not comment on the report, but Marbut says crime decreases with fewer gun control laws." ...

MA: Brady Campaign praises Massachusetts gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A national gun control group praised Massachusetts yesterday for having some of the strongest laws in the nation to prevent easy access to firearms."

"According to the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Massachusetts placed third on the group's list of states with strong gun regulations, behind California and New Jersey. Massachusetts shared third place with Connecticut, according to the group."

"John Rosenthal, a gun owner and founder of Stop Handgun Violence, said more states should follow Massachusetts' lead." ...

TX: Official says state should be proud
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Texas ranked 29th nationwide for protecting citizens against gun violence, according to a new survey by an anti-gun-violence organization." ...

"'The Brady bunch is desperate to stay relevant. They, as well as other anti-Second Amendment folks of similar ilk, have had zero effect on the Texas Legislature, and that's not going to change. ... The fact they complain we score only nine out of 100 on their scorecard is something Texans should be proud of.'"

"-- Jerry Patterson, Texas land commissioner, former state senator and author of Texas' concealed-handgun law" ...

WA: Washington is doing little to protect its citizens against gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun control group issued a damning report on Washington state's gun laws this week that claims, among other things, 'Washington is doing little to protect its citizens against gun violence and is allowing dangerous people to have easy access to guns.'"

"However, the report by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence puts far too dramatic a stamp on the severity of gun violence in this state and fails to demonstrate an unusual or escalating danger to Washington's citizens under existing state gun laws."

"The report uses the group's own scorecard that credits Washington with just 18 out of a possible 100 points in five areas ..."

"Gun control is always a hotly debated issue, especially in the West ..." ...

OH: Ohio House of Representatives Honors Buckeye Firearms Association with Proclamation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Ohio House of Representatives, under the sponsorship of Representative Tom Patton, House District 18, has issued a proclamation of congratulations to Buckeye Firearms Association."

"Here is the text of the proclamation:"

"'On behalf of the members of the House of Representatives of the 127th General Assembly of Ohio, we are pleased to congratulate the BUCKEYE FIREARMS ASSOCATION on being named the 2007 Grassroots Organization of the Year by the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.'" ...

DE: Two views of right to own guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the first time in more than 60 years, the U.S. Supreme Court will decide one of the most polarizing controversies in America's culture wars over the Constitution: What sort of firearms regulations do the Second Amendment prohibit?"

"The last time the court decided a Second Amendment case was in 1939 in Miller v. United States. Then the court held that a 12-inch, sawed-off shotgun was not protected under the Constitution.[sic]"

"The current case, District of Columbia v. Heller, is set for argument in March. The court will decide whether the district's restrictive gun regulations ... violate the Second Amendment. The ruling will have an enormous effect on the constitutionality of gun-control legislation throughout the nation." ...

OH: Year After Year, Brady Bunch Says Ohio Doesn't Make The Grade
Submitted by: Chad Goins

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... "As for the Brady's shrill warnings, they are the same arguments trotted out year after year. When I was in journalism school a million years ago, I was taught 'if it isn't new, it isn't news.' As for the validity of their concerns . . . well, consider the source."

"Commentary on the piece:"

"Lt. Buechner has it right -- and frankly, its refreshing to hear an LEO tell the media you can't start telling people what they can and can't sell. That would mean in the used car biz that a Prius is okay, but a Maserati is unacceptable because it can break the law with its speed (but then so could the Prius). Also, there's that other sticking point . . . cars kill." ...

OK: Shooting sports team sets training date
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A shooting sports program sponsored by the Muskogee County 4-H got a shot in the arm by way of a grant awarded by the National Rifle Association Foundation."

"Local 4-H officials said the $2,800 grant will be used to buy supplies and equipment for the organization's popular youth program."

"David Adams, Oklahoma State University Extension Service educator and Urban-Rural 4-H Youth Development spokesman, said receipt of the grant provides an opportunity to expand the program's outreach to Muskogee County youths."

"'The 4-H Shooting Sports team is well established in Muskogee County, but it is always open to new members,' Adams said. 'Youth are required to complete a minimum of four hours of safety training to practice and compete ...'" ...

NY: New Brady Scorecard shows New York has made progress in ‘common sense’ gun restrictions
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"New York has made good progress in passing laws to keep criminals and other dangerous people from easily obtaining guns, according to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The new redesigned scorecards are being released Thursday for all 50 states."

"New York earned 51 points out of a total of 100 and has the nation’s sixth strongest gun laws." ...

NY: DA Rice, County Police and Community Tackling Illegal Guns in Nassau
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice, Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi and Nassau County Police Department Commissioner Lawrence Mulvey were joined by Dr. Calvin Butts and New York State Homeland Security Secretary Michael Balboni Jan. 24 as they announced their unprecedented partnership targeting illegal guns flowing into Nassau County neighborhoods."

"The comprehensive plan unveiled at S.U.N.Y. College at Old Westbury, where Dr. Butts serves as president, includes three major initiatives." ...

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