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‘No Fifth Amendment Theater’ in tomorrow’s Holder hearings
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Compound this with a return shot from Committee Democrats attempting to absolve their administration allies, an outraged response from Sen. Chuck Grassley of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and yesterday’s stunning, knives-are-out ultimatum by Issa to charge stonewalling Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt of Congress, and it would appear an opportunity to show the American people an ongoing cover-up happening before their eyes may be lost."

"And perhaps not. ..." ...

Starbucks Appreciation Day Update: Tip Jar or Till?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... Thousands of gun owners have pledged their participation, promising to spend a $2 bill at Starbucks to show their support for the company’s common sense position. The $2 question: should the TJ go in the barristas’ tip jar or should we use it to pay for the coffee? Your thoughts?"

Rethinking the Second Amendment – Part 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve been around the Internet since before there was an Internet. I cut my teeth on Bitnet, one of the Internet’s precursors (you youngsters can go Wikipedia that). From the beginning, I’ve seen more than my share of commenters on firearms-oriented websites who suffer from a severe lack of maturity. Over the last few weeks, I’ve been surprised at the level of intelligent discourse in many of the comments on such sites, particularly here on TTAG. I do want to address one particular line of thinking, though, that I have seen running through various conversation threads: the idea that openly thumbing our collective noses at the non-gun community is a good idea and in fact necessary to protect our rights . . ." ...

Armalite .50-Caliber Rifle. Pre-Ban Sales Surge?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AmaLite's Arthur Steadman reports that the company’s AR50 A1 rifles are all the rage. 'There’s been a sudden strong surge. We’re as pleased as punch.' Yes, well, numbers? 'I can’t tell you how many 'extra' 50's we've sold or the percentage jump from last month or last year,' Arthur reports, unhelpfully. 'Let me put it this way: our dealers now have a 90-day lead time.' Arthur says his employer will trim that waiting period to 'in-stock' by the end of the month. Meanwhile, the new-media maven attributes the sales surge to the .50-cal's reasonable price ('three and change') and the fact that even a new shooter can achieve excellent marksmanship quickly (albeit 'with a decent scope'). There is an alternative theory . .

Fox Sports Bans Gun & Ammo Ads from UFC
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) ... has learned that FOX Sports Media Group has banned advertisements featuring firearms and ammunition from its coverage of Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) events."

"While the UFC has yet to make an official announcement, NSSF has confirmed that 'absolutely no firearms, ammo, hunting or knife companies will be permitted as sponsors in any Zuffa-promoted events.'" ...

.950 JDJ: Oye Como Va (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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NM: Sandia Labs' bullet doesn't miss -- Scientists patent self-guided bullet (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Engineers at Sandia National Laboratories have invented a bullet that guides itself to the target."

"Sandia has wide expertise at miniature technology, and the bullet works like a tiny guided missile." ...

"Jim Jones, distinguished member of technical staff, and his team of engineers at Sandia Labs think the .50-caliber bullets would work well with military machine guns so soldiers could hit their mark faster and with precision. " ...

Chickens come home to roost
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Forty-seven years ago, Malcolm X described the assassination of President Kennedy as 'the chickens coming home to roost.' Malcolm X was excoriated for that statement. Malcolm, 47 years later, your statement holds more validity, and for repeating it, I will gladly take the lashes that you took."

"America’s uncontrollable plague of murder is the chickens coming home to roost. Most Americans never thought — more likely would not admit — that the tsunami-like proliferation of firearms in our country would become a plague." ...

During Super Bowl, for 30 Seconds, 2 Mayors Will Be on Same Side
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Never mind those Ferris Bueller and "Star Wars" themed Super Bowl ads. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has shot a Super Bowl ad, too, and he thinks it is pretty funny, though with a serious message."

"The half-minute ad features Mr. Bloomberg and Boston's mayor, Thomas M. Menino, ribbing each other as they cheer for their respective teams and cities. But then they turn to the purpose of their spot, declaring that one thing they agree on is the need for stricter federal gun control laws." ...

KABA Note: What howling hypocrites! They are in favor of federal laws one minute, but ask about national reciprocity and all of a sudden it's Our States, Our Laws!

TX: Resident Shoots & Kills One of Two Armed Home Invaders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two armed home invaders tried to force their way into a Houston, TX apartment. One of the residents inside the apartment armed themselves and fired at the suspects, hitting, and killing, one of them. The other suspect fled after the shots were fired and remains at large." ...

TX: Homeowner Shoots At, Wounds Burglar. Burglar was captured.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX man shot at a burglar who was robbing his barn, striking him once. The burglar turned up at a local hospital and should be arrested by police after treatment. The homeowner installed surveillance cameras and armed himself after suffering numerous break ins and thefts on his property." ...

Downloading Empowerment: Application Gives Citizens Control Over Crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As any Smartphone user will tell you, the Smartphone’s application store is the go to place for tools to make your Smartphone even smarter. ... But can an application provide women and students with the tools to empower themselves and help strengthen law enforcement?"

"A new company says yes. CrimePush, available on iTunes today, is the latest in mobile technology to provide urban populations with fast, discrete, and intelligent safety assistance. After being held at gunpoint on the streets of Washington DC, co-founder Shayan Pahlevani thought of a way to conveniently help report and prevent crimes for the 21st century."

"The company utilizes Smartphone technology to put crime reporting, literally, in the hands of users. ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: The headline is wrong. This app gives a false sense of empowerment. It does not give "control over crime." What it does do is "help strengthen law enforcement". And by the way, why just "women and students"?

MO: Greene County prosecutor defines 'Castle Doctrine' after citizens hold burglars at gunpoint (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Greene County sheriff's deputies and Springfield police officers recently picked up five suspected burglars at two homes within four days. Cops said the arrests were thanks in part to alert citizens."

"In both instances, regular people tracked down the burglars and held them at gunpoint until officers arrived. Greene County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Patterson warns citizens, however, that although they might feel emboldened by a law that lets them defend themselves against intruders on their property, the law doesn't give them blanket permission to shoot an intruder." ...

Blood Bath on Capitol Hill: Preview of Eric Holder Under Oath
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perjury. Impeachment. Contempt. Murder. Coverup."

"Attorney General Holder will appear before the House Oversight Committee this morning on Capitol Hill to answer questions specifically surrounding his role in the the lethal Operation Fast and Furious program. Holder will have a ton of explaining to do including: when he was briefed about the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, whether he was informed by his deputy chief of staff at the time Monty Wilkinson about Fast and Furious guns being used to kill Terry the same day of his murder, why the Justice Department has been stonewalling Congress for information and more." ...

'Gunwalking' documents shared by Issa prior to Holder hearing cite DOJ failures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has released three important documents in preparation for today’s hearing when Attorney General Eric Holder will be called to testify on his role, and those of other Department of Justice officials in the Fast and Furious 'gunwalking.'" ...

Holder Wednesday: Between the rock and the hard place
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One day prior to his much-anticipated appearance before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform to discuss Operation Fast and Furious, and one day after he was threatened with a contempt of Congress proceeding, embattled Attorney General Eric Holder is caught between the proverbial rock and hard place." ...

Contempt of Congress would be the least of Holder's crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday [1/31/12], Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA, and Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee) sent Attorney General Eric Holder a strongly worded letter warning in no uncertain terms that if the Justice Department's stubborn obstruction of the committee's investigation of the 'Project Gunwalker' scandal does not immediately cease, Issa will have no choice but to begin contempt of Congress proceedings. From the letter: ..." ...

'Fatally Flawed' report has some flaws of its own
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Attorney General Eric Holder prepares to testify Thursday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform about Operation Fast and Furious, an examination of the Democrats’ 'minority report' titled Fatally Flawed: Five Years of Gunwalking in Arizona reveals some shortcomings." ...

What Was Motivation For Fast And Furious?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Department of Justice gun-tracing operation known as “Fast and Furious” originated in the first year of the Obama administration, when Mexico began complaining that its drug war was the responsibility of the United States."

"Mexico calculated the U.S. could be blamed for the drug war because U.S. citizens create a market for the drug cartels by consuming drugs."

"But even more ingeniously, Mexico began asserting that U.S. citizens were supplying the gun cartels with the weapons needed to fight the Mexican government in the drug war."

"The gun-running, the Obama administration quickly realized, would be an excellent pretense under which to push for serious Second Amendment restrictions." ...

DC: Inside a Gun Hearing in Washington, D.C.
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Yesterday, I attended a public hearing of the D.C. Council’s Committee on the Judiciary regarding a new piece of gun-related legislation, Bill 19-614, the 'Firearms Amendment Act of 2011.' The hearing provided a perfect snapshot of the way gun politics operate in the District, with the usual cast of characters in lead roles on the pro-gun side." ...

VA: Virginia House Passes Repeal of 1-Gun-Per-Month Law
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"A law that limits Virginians to one gun purchase per month is one step closer to being repealed. On Wednesday the Virginia House voted 66-32 to toss out the 18-year-old law."

"A similar Senate bill passed a voice vote -- a formal vote was delayed until Thursday." ...

IA: Iowa firearms legislation update
Submitted by: Sean McClanahan

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"Several new firearms related bills have been introduced in the Iowa House over the past several days. Here is a rundown of each of them:" ...

WV: UPDATE: Legislation In The Works For The Mascot To Carry His Musket (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A proud Parkersburg South Patriot mascot is ready to fight for his school spirit and the for the right to carry his musket."

"'Anywhere you see the symbol of the patriot, he's carrying his gun. It's painted on the walls of the school. He has his gun with him. I feel that it's part of his uniform,' Alex Burdette, the mascot wearing senior says."

"This muzzle loading mascot is ready to go to war for a Parkersburg South tradition." ...

KY: Grand jury indicts Louisville constable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Jefferson County constable has been indicted three months after a shooting in a Walmart parking lot in southwestern Louisville."

"A grand jury on Thursday charged 34-year-old David Whitlock with second-degree assault and first-degree wanton endangerment. Whitlock is scheduled for arraignment Feb. 6." ...

OR: Portland to pay $1.2 million to settle civil rights suit in Aaron Campbell shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The city of Portland has agreed to pay $1.2 million to settle a federal civil rights lawsuit brought by the family of Aaron Campbell, who was shot to death by Portland police two years ago." ...

"Frashour was fired from the Portland Police Bureau last year for his use of deadly force against Campbell on Jan. 29, 2010. Campbell, who was unarmed, was shot in the back as he emerged from a Northeast Portland apartment, with his back toward officers and his hands behind his head." ...

NV: Metro officer arrested for prompting women to expose themselves (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Las Vegas patrol officer was arrested for allegedly prompting at least two women to expose their breasts to him during traffic stops."

"According to police paperwork, 33-year-old John Norman faces charges for felony and gross misdemeanor oppression under the color of law, felony coercion, gross misdemeanor and open and gross lewdness." ...

FL: Deputy arrested, charged in road rage incident (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran deputy is facing a slew of charges after he was caught on camera during what appears to be a road rage incident."

"Broward County deputy Paul Pletcher, 37, angrily pulled over a female immigrant who was driving near the intersection of Broward Boulevard and State Road 7, on May 23 of last year."

"Cell phone video showed Pletcher as he tried to take away a cell phone that was recording him as he pulled over the vehicle. 'Give me the phone. Now! Give me the phone! Give me the phone!' Pletcher shouted. 'The phone. Now! Give me the phone now! Give me the phone!'" ...

IL: Ex-cop, four others guilty of participating in drug crew
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Chicago Police officer was convicted in federal court Tuesday of participating in a drug conspiracy with an admitted narcotics kingpin who once worked for him as a police informant." ...

MA: FBI Uses Chainsaw In Raid On Wrong Fitchburg Apartment (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It's going to be a while before things get back to normal for Judy Sanchez and her three-year-old daughter."

"Last Thursday, a team of FBI agents swarmed her apartment building as part of a massive citywide drug and weapons gang raid."

"Trouble is, Sanchez lives in apartment 2R."

"The suspect they were after is in 2F." ...

KABA Note: So literacy is optional for RBI agents?

This Is Madison Rising's New Pro-Second Amendment Music Video (video)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are you ready for up-and-coming music group Madison Rising’s new, pro-Second Amendment music video? ..."

UT: Craig Swapp enters plea in airport gun case
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Attorney Craig Swapp entered a plea in abeyance to an infraction filed against him after he brought a gun to the Salt Lake City International Airport."

"The plea means the single charge of possession of a dangerous weapon in an airport security area will be dropped in six months if Swapp has no other charges or violations in that time. Swapp entered the plea before Salt Lake City Justice Court Judge L.G. Cutler, who ordered that Swapp turn in the gun and pay a $300 fine." [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's note: I see the kleptomaniac in the black robe is hard at "work." Stealing the man's property accomplishes WHAT exactly? Why didn't the airport "security" just tell him to check the gun? Government aggression.

SD: 'Constitutional Carry' can't be disputed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is a response to the 'As Others See It: Weapons permits are a must' published Jan. 30."

"This opinion piece is misleading the reader, and not all together factually accurate. The article talks about the permit for Concealed Carry in South Dakota, and the efforts of Rep. Don Kopp and others to change the law to what other states have adopted as 'Constitutional Carry.'" ...

ID: Magic Valley Women Gain Confidence Through Better Shooting Skills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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as seen it before — a calendar full of attractive women dressed in bikinis and holding guns."

"The chauvinistic approach to women and guns makes her angry."

"'Those things get me so riled up because those women don’t usually even shoot,' Rambur said."

"The Twin Falls woman wants to help change the perception that guns are just a man’s hobby. ... She encourages women to become acquainted with firearms and to practice shooting, even taking classes to obtain concealed-carry permits."

"There are at least three good reasons: It helps women have more confidence in themselves, she said, and gives them protection if they’re ever physically threatened by an attacker. And the third: Having a gun hobby is just plain fun ..." ...

OH: Concealed Carry Law Enforcement Notification: Is it a duty, or a courtesy?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Representative Ron Maag introduced House Bill 422 and House Bill 425 this week to help strengthen the right of Ohio Concealed Carry licensees', as well as out-of-state visitors, to protect themselves without unintentionally becoming a criminal. Both of these bills will address real problems within Ohio's CCW law. Those of us here at Buckeye Firearms Association would like to express our gratitude, on behalf of all CCW licensees across the nation, for Mr. Maag's willingness to stand up for better laws, that will protect each and every one of us!" ...

Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in... — Dianne Feinstein, CBS-TV's "60 Minutes, February 5, 1995.

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