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Newslinks for 2/20/2013

Baca gun permits for gifts report highlights pattern of hypocrisy and worse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A dozen years later, Baca’s criteria for issuing coveted permits is once more being challenged, this time by LA Weekly, which has found a curious correlation between permits the sheriff has issued and gifts the permit recipients have given him."

"'In fact, more than two dozen people who have given gifts or campaign contributions to the sheriff also have gun permits,' the report documents. 'More than one out of every 10 permits issued to civilians went to people on Baca's gift list.'"

"'Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore denies that favoritism played a role in the distribution of permits,' the report continues. ..." ...

Chicago's top cop condemns gun owners for political activism
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Actually, it would be fair to say McCarthy, who advocates measures that continue to guarantee the Windy City’s place as Murder Capital U.S.A., has no business being in any position of authority, and perhaps has no business being allowed outside of custodial care. ..." ...

CNN’s “Plan B” Gun Control Piece: Lies, Misinformation and Newspeak
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"David Frum wrote an article published by CNN on how – gasp! – President Obama might not have the votes needed to pass the kind of gun control reforms that he wants. To hear Frum tell it, it sounds like the evil Congress is blocking the Chosen One’s policies that would otherwise bring peace and tranquility to the world. Anyway, Frum has been taken to task again and again by our own Bruce Krafft for publishing lies and misinformation as facts in support of his civilian disarmament beliefs, but I wanted to take a stab at this one myself . . ." ...

Obama says shooting victims, families 'deserve a vote'; perhaps they do
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let's take a look at just what 'they deserve a vote' on, according to Obama. One of these 'deserved' votes is on whether or not to ban so-called 'assault weapons.' Those would be the very same same firearms that the Department of Homeland Security refers to as 'Personal Defense Weapons,' as they order 7,000 of them. ..."

"They also 'deserve a vote,' we're told, on the continuing legality of 'massive' magazines (that's eleven or more rounds, remember). It turns out that DHS has already submitted its own 'vote' on those, too, wanting 30-round (nearly 'triple massive') magazines to go along with its 7,000 'Personal Defense Weapons.' ..." ...

What Do 2nd Amendment "Special Interest" Groups Really Want?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Something special I hope. So who are these guys? As the name implies, these are groups. Groups of people. And what do these people collectively want? Probably to be left alone. That's all I want. Gun owners are not looking for any government cheese. We just want to be left alone. Get out of our lives."

"An important question: can we the gun owners coexist with the non-gun owners? Sure, why not. Can Constitutional carry live side by side with a population that chooses not to carry? We have four testbed states doing that right now. Vermont has been at it the longest and there doesn't seem to be people tracking blood on the carpet." ...

2013 Obama DOJ Memo: AWB and High Cap Mag Ban Won’t Reduce Crime (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve known for almost a decade about the Clinton era’s Department of Justice and their report that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban was ineffective and had no noticeable impact on crime. However, that study has largely been ignored due to its age. Thankfully, Barack Obama’s very own Department of Justice authored a memo in January ... in which Greg Ridgeway (the Deputy Director for the National Institute of Justice) went over the various options for increased gun control and voiced an opinion on whether any of the options being discussed would actually reduce crime. And — surprise surprise — the NIJ found that nothing being proposed by the Democrats would do anything to actually reduce crime in the United States. ..." ...

Of Media and Monsters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The mainstream media marches in lockstep with the White House in an attempt to convince the public that good people must give up some of the most effective defensive firearms they can have to protect themselves and their families, because bad people have misused them. ..."

"Everyone knows that the twisted [redacted] was the one who murdered twenty little kids and six helpless adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, yet few in our society can name Dawn Hochsprung, the courageous principal who died trying to disarm him with her bare hands and save the children. I hope I’m not the only one who wishes that this brave woman might have had the wherewithal to press a trigger and save 26 innocent lives including her own." ...

Obama's proposals won't reduce gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Warning that we need to 'get weapons of war and massive ammunition magazines off our streets,' in his State of the Union, Obama kept repeating congress must vote on the three types of gun bills he supports."

"The most obvious thing that was left out of the talk was that none of the laws now being proposed would have done anything to stop the various attacks that Obama cited as justifying the laws. ..." ...

Feds admit: Gun laws *won't* slow crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A study by the Department of Justice’s research wing, the National Institute of Justice, has the feds admitting that so-called 'assault weapons' are not a major contributor to gun crime."

"The study also concluded those weapons are not a major factor in deaths caused by firearms, nor would an 'assault weapons' ban be effective." ...

McCready death already being exploited
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 3,250 stories have been published about the apparent suicide by country singer Mindy McCready, and USA Today didn’t waste much time putting the onus on guns with a headline declaring that her passing 'highlights the role of guns in suicide.'"

"To paraphrase the popular quip, 'Guns cause suicide like spoons cause people to get fat.'"

"The Seattle’s coverage reveals quite a bit about Ms. McCready that suggests her death would have come sooner than later even if there weren’t a firearm in her entire neighborhood. ..." ...

History of gun control in the U.S
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment has guaranteed certain gun rights for Americans for more than two centuries. But various laws and court decisions have changed the manufacturing, sale, possession and use of guns."

"From the time it was adopted in 1791, the Second Amendment’s guaranteed 'right of the people to keep and bear arms' went virtually unchallenged for decades." ...

John Lott on Hannity (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote Thursday on 20 gun control measures aimed at curtailing gun violence like the Newtown, Conn., school massacre."

"Assemblyman Troy Singleton says he plans to support 'the vast majority' of those measures as reasonable and measured approaches to improve gun safety. But he also wants the Legislature to do more to stop the flow of illegal guns into the state rather than just impose new restrictions and requirements on gun owners." ...

Spike’s Tactical Joins List of Government, LEO Boycotters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The movement continues. From the Spike’s Tactical Facebook page:"

"Updated Policy for State and Local Law Enforcement Agency Sales:"

"In light of the recent and numerous anti-gun and anti-2nd Amendment laws pending across the Nation, Spike’s Tactical will be joining other manufacturers and distributors and limiting the business we do in states that have limited the right to keep and bear arms for their citizens . . ." ...

MAC on the Heartbreak of Glock Limpwristing (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Massachusetts Cops on Why You Should Own an AR-15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’m not a gun guru or even a gun owner. I’m just a libertarian who believes in personal freedom for everyone, including gun owners. As such, I’ve been trying to learn 'the truth about guns' and specifically the truth about so-called 'assault rifles' like the AR-15. For what’s supposed to be the most popular rifle in the country, I’ve found surprisingly little about its inherent advantages. I’ll often find explanations of how easy the rifle is to customize or descriptions of its hunting and sporting uses. While this is all-important, it’s not always compelling to the non-gun owning public ... Fortunately, the use of the semi-automatic rifle as a defensive firearm has been closely studied by an organization that most people trust . . ." ...

Ask Foghorn: What’s the Difference Between 5.56 and .223?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ryan asks:"
"Hello, After reading the reviews on the Smith & Wesson MP-15 from your site, I went and got one. I was torn on which make and model to buy. But your reviews and other info I got sealed the deal. I have one question concerning ammo. I was always under the impression, that what ever was stamped on the barrel was the only caliber to be fired through the gun. Mine is clearly stamped Nato 5.56 there is no stamping that it can fire 223. I was told when I bought it, that it can fire both 5.56 & 223. I hear different tales on what is right and or wrong. Please help clear the air for me."
"Believe it or not, I get this question a lot. So let me lay it out you . . ." ...

A closer look at 3 appendix carry options from Blade-Tech
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As we continue the exploration of appendix carry we are looking at 3 holsters made by Blade-tech."

"The New Blade-tech Appendix Carry holster and the Nano are both Kydex holsters for the M&P Shield that were provided for this project. The 5.11 Appendix holster is injection molded by Blade-tech for 5.11. This model was designed for the M&P9c (which I don’t own) and was given to me during a the filming of a Shooting Gallery episode, but I am including it here because it has an innovative feature." ...

Being a Gunfighter in an Outlaw World
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Perhaps it’s my age, but when I think of the term 'gunfighter' I get images of Wyatt Earp, Bill Hickok, Bill Jordan or even James Arness on Gunsmoke and I believe that we can learn things about the nature of self-reliance from the way these mythical gunslingers responded to a world of danger and unpredictability, as real then as it is today. Indeed, I believe that thinking like a gunfighter (who had to rely on themselves and no one else to save hides) is one great step towards preparing for the reality of self-defense scenarios in this imaginary world of instant technology." ...

A Good Safety Reminder (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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3-D printers could test gun talks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Twenty minutes into his State of the Union address last week, President Barack Obama entered the realm of uber-geekery - three-dimensional printing. The magical devices ... have the potential, the president said, 'to revolutionize the way we make almost everything.'"

"Forty miles away from the Capitol, in Glen Burnie, Md., Travis Lerol is proving Obama's point - with guns."

"In a spare bedroom, where an AR-15 rifle leans against the wall, Lerol is using a 3-D printer no larger than an espresso machine to make plastic rifle parts and ammunition magazines in between tea sets and chess pieces. The parts print, layer over layer, creating objects like an ink-jet printer etches words." ...

Having a hard time finding ammo? Use GunBot!
Submitted by: Shades of Gray Tactical

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"Finding ammo right now can be very difficult and if you are an active recreational or competitive shooter you might be struggling finding ammo online. ITS Tactical recently had a post about the release of a tool that helps shop for ammo in real time. The tool is called GunBot, giving multiple results for different ammo types, that you can easily compare the price per round for the best in stock buy. GunBot will take finding the best deals on ammo further than as it will give you the real time stock status, not just the best deals around the web." ...

"The website is a little rough around the edges as it is still in beta, but is can easily help you find ammo right now for the most popular calibers. ..." ...

St. Louis Docs’ Open Letter: Guns Are a Pediatric Issue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We are writing today as pediatric emergency and trauma physicians to share our concern about the epidemic of gun violence that threatens the safety, health, and well-being of our children in St. Louis and in the United States . . ." ...

Firearms increase toll when violence erupts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When it comes to firearms, let's agree that too much blood is being shed in Orange County and across the nation."

"Two people were killed Tuesday, apparently just going to work. I needn't continue with the casualties. You know the score."

"Let's agree on something else. Guns were invented to kill living things because they are far more efficient than bows and arrows, catapults, clubs, swords..."

"I agree with my Second Amendment buddies. Guns don't kill people."

"But people certainly do, and that's why it's time to get serious about change." ...

Biden: Second Amendment Does Not Allow Tank Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Amid a national debate on gun control Vice President Biden is viewed as the Democratic party's point-man on strengthening the limits of firearm ownership."

"But in an online town-hall discussion today, Biden was flooded with inquiries from those less inclined to agree with his party's push to ban high capacity magazines and assault weapons. 'Parents' magazine hosted the event, taking submitted questions from readers."

"One participant asked the vice president how he reconciled a ban on assault weapons with those already in the hands of criminals." ...

Submitter's Note: The Second Amendment doesn't allow one damned thing, it protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms from infringement.

Common-sense fixes needed on gun violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Congress is rightly dispensing with the extremes in the gun debate and focusing on rational measures intended to reduce gun-related carnage."

"The U.S. Supreme Court has made clear that law-abiding people have the right to own and keep guns in their homes. The high court also has made clear that the Second Amendment has limits."

"With those principles in mind, Rep. Mike Thompson, D-St. Helena, is taking the lead for House Democrats on the issue, and that is good." ...

Biden says a shotgun will scare off intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Americans don't need semi-automatic weapons to protect their homes because a couple of blasts from a shotgun will scare off intruders."

"'Buy a shotgun, buy a shotgun,' the vice president encouraged those worried about defending themselves. He was speaking in an online video as part of a Facebook town hall hosted by Parents Magazine on the administration's strategy for reducing gun violence, which he has led at the direction of President Barack Obama." ...

IL: First Amendment violations in fight over Second Amendment
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"Those of us who support the entire Bill of Rights like to say that the Second Amendment protects the rights recognized by the other amendments … even those that allow anti-gunners to attack us."

"After all, if you don’t support the civil rights of all Americans then you have little moral authority when you claim the protection of the Constitution for the right to keep and bear arms."

"Conversely, those who wish to strip the right to keep and bear arms from the Constitution are often willing to compromise on other rights as well."

"We have seen both sides of this coin during the last week." ...

TX: Dallas Homeowner Shoots and Kills Attempted Burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Dallas homeowner used deadly force to defend his home on Monday."

"The homeowner heard a noise and when he went to investigate he found the would be intruder coming through a window of his home."

"The homeowner, who was armed, fired at the suspect, hitting and killing him."

"The suspect has a long criminal history and even his own mother wasn’t surprised to learn of her son’s demise." ...

PA: Sub Shop Employee in PA Pulls Gun on Armed Robbers, Sends Him Running From Store
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When an armed robber entered a small sub sandwich shop in PA and demanded money, the employee working there had other ideas."

"Instead of pulling out cash for the would be robber, the employee pulled a gun."

"Upon realizing that his would be victim was armed the suspect fled the store and is still being sought by police." ...

FL: Homeowner Holds Fugitive at Gunpoint Until the Cops Arrive
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A wanted felon desperately tried to evade police in Daytona Beach, Florida, by breaking into a local man’s house and even went so far to bribe the homeowner with a large sum of money to help him escape from the authorities Feb. 14. Ultimately the homeowner decided to grab his gun and wait for the police." ...

On Dysfunctionality and Cheaper Than Dirt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So…Cheaper Than Dirt? They did something we didn’t like and we went into hardcore crazy mode. Yelling, screaming (okay, posting and re-posting). We threatened (and carried out) a boycott to show our disapproval. And guess what? They caved. They came around to our way of thinking. They 'saw the light' and gave us what we wanted. They are obviously actively trying to kiss our asses (and get our business back). So now what?" ...

"More to the point, if we don’t forgive CTD, what incentive will any company have to cater to us once they cross the line? There has to be a path back to righteousness, or else we’ll end up boycotting everyone into irrelevance. And that’s not good for our side, either."

Cheaper Than Dirt Redoubles Efforts, Makes Strong Stand for Gun Rights and Shooting Sports
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In addition to just recently donating $100,000 to the Second Amendment Foundation, Cheaper Than Dirt has announced a new policy to only sell to law enforcement what they can sell to the public. Additionally, they are becoming a major sponsor of the International Defensive Pistol Association, or IDPA." ...

"This follows a public-relations snafu at the top of this year. Reacting immediately to the call for new gun control laws, Cheaper Than Dirt raised their prices, capitalizing on the impending spree of panic buying. While many retailers have raised their prices, Cheaper Than Dirt quickly became synonymous with price gouging with their extremely large mark-ups and the speed at which they raised their prices." ...

Dear Cheaper Than Dirt…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"… Thanks for letting all of us Gunnies know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our boycott of your business was so successful:" ...

"I’m sure all of you in 'the choir' already know about the ridiculous product pricing that went on at Cheaper Than Dirt, as well as their ill-fated move to take a stand against online gun sales in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy ... Additionally, I have not mentioned on this here blog any of the countless anecdotal accounts of Cheaper Than Dirt canceling pending customer orders so that they could sell that product at their ridiculously inflated rates… but in my book, that was enough of a smoke/fire relationship to be the final nail in the coffin as far as I am concerned." ...

NY: Niagara Co. Leg wants SAFE Act repealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over gun control is firing up in Niagara County, where a rally protesting the NY SAFE Act was held in Lockport on Tuesday." ...

"The Niagara County Legislature took up the issue Tuesday night, and all 14 county lawmakers voted for a resolution calling on Albany to repeal the NY SAFE Act."

"Legislator John Syracuse said, 'Let me begin by saying four very clear words: shall not be infringed.'" ...

TX: State Rep. Toth files ‘Firearms Protection Act’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"State Rep. Steve Toth, R-The Woodlands, filed legislation assisting the protection of the Second Amendment of the United State Constitution."

"The 'Firearms Protection Act' – or House Bill 1076 – would make any federal law banning semi-automatic firearms or limiting the size of gun magazines unenforceable within the state’s boundaries. Any municipality, county, or special district trying to enforce a federal gun ban could face monetary holdings by the state and misdemeanor charges under this proposal." ...

NY: Town of Riga takes stand against NY's Safe Act
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote Thursday on 20 gun control measures aimed at curtailing gun violence like the Newtown, Conn., school massacre."

"Assemblyman Troy Singleton says he plans to support 'the vast majority' of those measures as reasonable and measured approaches to improve gun safety. But he also wants the Legislature to do more to stop the flow of illegal guns into the state rather than just impose new restrictions and requirements on gun owners." ...

KY: Barren County Approves Second Amendment Preservation Resolution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One Barren county magistrate says it's his job to speak for the people in his county, and some of those people voiced their concerns about gun rights. So he created an ordinance with the hopes of strengthening Second Amendment protections." ...

NY: Ulster County Legislature adopts resolution opposing NY gun-control law (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Voting 14-8, Ulster County legislators on Tuesday adopted a resolution calling for the repeal of portions of the New York state gun-control law known as the SAFE Act."

"The vote came after more than three hours of public comment that, at times, was punctuated by raucous applause, heckling and boos." ...

FL: Marco Island approves resolution supporting second amendment (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The national debate on gun control was front and center Tuesday night in Marco Island."

"The city council approved a resolution that would nullify any federal laws that may restrict the second amendment right to bear arms and they sent a strong message to both county and state lawmakers." ...

CO: Manufacturers and dealers go all-in to protect gun rights
Submitted by: John Pierce

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"As the Democratic majority in Colorado moves forward with a bevy of draconian gun control proposals including a ban on normal capacity magazines, at least one Colorado company is taking a stand."

"Magpul Industries is a Colorado success story. The company ... employs over 600 people either directly or indirectly and contributed over $85 million to the states economy in 2012. ..."

"Magpul manufactures some of the most popular sporting magazines in the country and their business would have been banned by the initial version of the bill until it was modified to exempt manufacturers."

"But that is not good enough for the law-abiding gun owners of Colorado and it is not good enough for Magpul’s chief operating officer Doug Smith. ..." ...


Democrats, gun owners drawing battle lines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here’s a riddle, but it’s not funny, and I’m almost afraid to contemplate the answer:"

"What do you get when you cross aggressive government attempts to strip citizens of their Second Amendment rights with at least 65 million American gun owners, who have just bought roughly 65 million more guns in only the last four years? Let’s just say, 'trouble' could be a euphemism for an answer." ...

Submitter's Note: Less euphemistic terms might be insurrection, revolution, uprising, civil war . . . it would be ironic if the antis' attempts to reduce gun violence (well, that's what they *say* their goal is) sparked a bloody conflict that would leave hundreds of thousands dead before the Constitution was restored.

TN: Ramsey opposes NRA effort to block access to gun carry permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A National Rifle Association-backed effort to block public access to handgun carry permits goes too far for Republican Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey, one of the top gun rights advocates in the Tennessee General Assembly."

"Ramsey told The Associated Press that the ability to scrutinize the identities of people with handgun carry permits strengthens arguments that gun enthusiasts are worthy of carrying loaded firearms in public." ...

WA: Gun rights activists counter-attack in Wash. legislature
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Evergreen State gun rights activists are putting their weight behind two measures now before the State Senate in Olympia that send a signal to the so-called 'gun safety' groups to put up or shut up."

"Joe Waldron, legislative director for the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and a veteran Olympia lobbyist, is spearheading support for Senate Bill 5660 and Senate Joint Memorial 8006, both of which promote genuine firearms safety education in the public schools." ...

MN: Gun Control Opponents to Lawmakers: Rethink Gun Control Bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supporters of the right to bears arms took to the streets Tuesday to share their message."

"A handful of people gathered at the corner of 46th Avenue West and Grand Avenue with signs in hand."

"They're asking Minnesota lawmakers to rethink proposed gun control legislation."

"One of the gun control opponents says the bills on the table are an infringement on their second amendment rights." ...

CO: Time for a conversation about gun rights, public safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week, the House Judiciary Committee heard two measures, which I ultimately supported, that have generated more unilateral messaging than any other issue since my election. Overwhelmingly, my constituents and many others have been distressed about my votes in favor of expanded background checks for firearms and magazine limitations."

"We cannot continue to address gun violence with knee-jerk reactions ... There are people in this district who believe the Second Amendment is the only amendment that cannot have any limitations or parameters around it in any way. There are also people in this district who believe we should ban all assault weapons, all high-capacity magazines and do whatever we can to discourage gun ownership. ..." ...

WA: Did Sen. Kline ‘make mistake,’ or just finally get caught?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington State Sen. Adam Kline (D-Seattle), who became the subject of national news over the weekend for sponsoring legislation that mandated annual warrantless searches of gun owners’ homes by law enforcement to determine if they are properly storing so-called 'assault weapons,' actually tried twice before to push measures with the very same provision." ...

KS: Gun rights backers want Kansas to resist feds' push
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights advocates are pushing Kansas state lawmakers to counter potential moves by the federal government to restrict access to firearms."

"Dozens of people packed one of the Statehouse's largest meeting rooms Tuesday to show their support for gun rights as the House Federal and State Affairs Committee heard testimony in favor of a measure declaring that the federal government has no power to regulate firearms, ammunition or gun accessories manufactured and sold only in Kansas." ...

CT: Gun control advocates continue push in Connecticut
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Getting legislation passed is a numbers game on controversial issues with opponents and advocates making sure they get out their supporters to pressure lawmakers."

"Advocates of major gun violence reduction reform held a press conference Tuesday to announce the backing of 350 faith-based communities and 50 separate other organizations..." ...

"Residents who view changes to the gun laws as a threat to the Second Amendment - or just unnecessary - brought about 1,000 supporters to an earlier march, but emails to lawmakers from their camp were running 100 to 1, according to state officials." ...

NJ: Residents press Raritan Township Committee to support tighter federal gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Citing 'mixed emotions' on calling for tighter gun control, Mayor Michael Mangin advised the Township Committee members to consider and study the issue and come to the next committee meeting on Tuesday, March 5, ready to discuss it."

"Residents, including members of the new group Hunterdon United for Gun Safety, had asked the committee to pass a resolution propounded by a national coalition called Mayors Against Illegal Guns." ...

TN: Tenn. gun bill rolls forward despite grumbling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The year's most watched piece of gun legislation in Tennessee appears to be on the fast track to the floor of the state House of Representatives, even though both sides say serious questions remain about it."

"A bill that would give nearly 400,000 gun owners in Tennessee the right to carry their weapons in their vehicles anywhere they want -- including school and workplace parking lots -- could be passed as soon as next week despite widely shared doubts about its scope and effectiveness." ...

NJ: Singleton pushing for stiffer penalties for illegal gun trades
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote Thursday on 20 gun control measures aimed at curtailing gun violence like the Newtown, Conn., school massacre."

"Assemblyman Troy Singleton says he plans to support 'the vast majority' of those measures as reasonable and measured approaches to improve gun safety. But he also wants the Legislature to do more to stop the flow of illegal guns into the state rather than just impose new restrictions and requirements on gun owners." ...

NY: Protestors assault Cuomo's SAFE act at gun rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"About 200 citizens challenged the bitter chill and the recently passed NY-SAFE Act at a Tuesday evening rally in front of the Niagara County Courthouse."

"Most of the protesters were men, but there were some women and children in the crowd. Many carried hand-written signs and were unworried about speaking out against Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who pushed the country's most restrictive gun law through the state legislature overnight on Jan. 15-16 in Albany." ...

MO: Mo. lawmaker introduces bill making proposal of gun control illegal (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Missouri lawmaker has introduced a bill that would make it illegal for anyone to introduce legislation that restricts gun ownership." ...

Submitter's Note: Idjits like this guy only reinforce the antis' arguments that we don't care for civil rights, just gun rights.

FL: Parents of Sandy Hook shooting victim: Address gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For a few moments Tuesday night, Mark and Jackie Barden silenced a boisterous town hall meeting."

"Mark Barden stood up and told the crowd of more than 300 people that his 7-year-old son Daniel was killed during the Dec. 14 shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn."

"The Bardens had listened for more than an hour as residents asked U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Ponte Vedra Beach, his thoughts on spending cuts, his suspicions about the Benghazi shootings and whether he believed President Barack Obama was a socialist." ...

Every sheriff in Florida pledges to protect Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Sunday, Feb. 17, Watch Dog Wire reported that they received an email from Constitutional Sheriffs stating that all 67 sheriffs in the counties of Florida have signed a pledge declaring that they not only support the Second Amendment, but that they will protect the right of the people to keep and bear arms. 67, that’s every single county in the state."

"Florida has become the first state to receive 100% support from every sheriff, which makes a huge statement opposing tyrannical acts against the United States Constitution. A statement that many other states are most likely soon to follow." ...

West Point Cadets Taught Patriots Are Terrorists
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At West Point where cadets are groomed into officers, a new 148-page report released on January 15 is urging enlisted men and women to be on alert for 'terrorists' in the form of those who consider themselves patriots." ...

"In his own words, [study author] Perliger placed a bulls-eye on those who 'espouse strong convictions regarding the federal government, believing it to be corrupt and tyrannical, with a natural tendency to intrude on individuals’ civil and constitutional rights.'"

"Even more specifically, Perliger asserted that other so-called extremists fall into the categories of anti-federalists, fundamentalist Christians, survivalists, gun-rights advocates, libertarians, pro-lifers, and those who oppose high taxation." ...

TX: Former Mt. Pleasant police officer pleads guilty to aggravated sexual assault of child (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former East Texas police officer pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault of a child under 14-years-old on Friday." ...

Submitter's Note: A cop and a Short Eyes; he's going to have an interesting time surviving.

FL: Police officer arrested for stealing found items
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A JSO employee is now seeing the other side of law enforcement after she was busted stealing found items during what police call an integrity check."

"Undersheriff Dwain Senterfitt says sometimes when police get info that an employee is doing something he or she shouldn’t be, they’ll try to set that person up. A few weeks ago an FBI agent brought Officer Cheryl Cummings a purse that he 'found' in the parking lot of the Zone 4 substation on the Westside where she worked."

"'Surveillance was done that afternoon and integrity detectives saw her take that bag to her car,' said Senterfitt." ...

MT: Sheriff restates support of Second Amendment at Rotary meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I will continue to support, protect and defend the constitution of the United States and the Second Amendment.'"

"So said Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman at Monday’s meeting of the Hamilton Rotary Club, where he talked about gun control issues and bills that have been proposed in Montana Legislature."

"In the middle of January, President Barack Obama announced that if Congress didn’t act on gun control he would by executive order."

"'I don’t think there has been any one single incident in my 10 years as your sheriff that has caused a greater number of phone calls or contact from citizens in the community,' Hoffman told the Rotarians." ...

CA: Want a Carry Permit in L.A.? Try paying off the Sheriff
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"LA Weekly is exposing a very troubling goings-on in L.A. County… something that the rest of the world has known about for some time… if you want a concealed weapons permit on Sheriff Lee Baca’s watch you better get ready to write a check." ...

Campus split on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Deputy Director of Campus Safety Services Charlie Leone said it’s against school policy to carry weapons on campus." ...

"'More often than not with weapons, more bad can come of it than good. It can be used against you, suicide rates are higher when there’s a weapon in the house or if you mix alcohol and weapons. A lot of bad can happen,' Leone said."

"Leone said he believes that this area of defense should remain within the duties of the authorities." ...

Submitter's Note: Tell you what Leo; you present me with a notarized document stating you personally and the university corporately accept full liability for my safety and well-being when on campus and then we'll talk. M'kay?

U.S. Insurers Resist Push to Make Gun Owners Get Coverage
Submitted by: jac

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"U.S. insurers are resisting a push by state legislators to mandate that gun owners buy coverage tied to the weapons’ risk, saying such laws may encourage irresponsible behavior."

"Requiring the policies would be impractical and could fail to limit gun violence, the American Insurance Association, a property-casualty trade group, said in an e-mailed statement."

"'It could have the opposite of its intended effect,' the AIA said in a statement. The laws may lead to reckless actions by gun owners who 'will not have their own assets, property or income at stake,' the group said. 'It would be a sad irony if the outcome of such a mandate was more gun violence.'" ...

CA: When Only Cops Have Guns . . . (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"…They’ll be targeted for their guns. It’s a funny thing — criminals being criminals, they tend to take what they want. And some of the things they seem to want most are firearms. Who knew? ..."

MN: To Reporters’ Horror, Minnesotans Following the Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Uh oh. The People of the Gun have the folks at the Minneapolis Star-Tribune alarmed again. This time it’s reporters Brandon Stahl and Jim Ragsdale soiling themselves over the fact that Minnesotans can actually appeal a sheriff’s denial of a permit to carry application. Worse — as far as they’re concerned — is that deciding the ultimate appeal isn’t up to the sheriff, but a judge. Worst of all is the fact that those judges make the sheriffs back up their denials with actual facts and evidence. The horror . . ." ...


MN: Pro-Gun Rally Hits Streets of Duluth (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Protesters braved the cold on Tuesday because they say proposed gun control will take away their rights and do nothing to prevent crime."

"Over 50 people lined Grand Avenue in Duluth on Tuesday afternoon with home-made signs and American flags. The protesters call their movement S.A.F.E., which stands for Second Amendment Rights for Everyone."

"Protester Allan Kehr said the group opposes state and federal gun control legislation." ...

VA: Gun control will harm innocent people
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama and the Democrats are shamelessly exploiting the Newtown massacre in order to advance their anti-gun agenda. But none of their proposed gun laws would have prevented the tragedy."

"The ultimate goal of the liberal left is to disarm the American people. How? By first banning specific guns, ammo and magazines; then through licensing, registration, and finally confiscation." ...

KY: Gun-rights rally planned
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local leaders say momentum is growing for Saturday’s nationwide Day of Resistance rallies organized to show support for the Second Amendment."

"More than 100 groups in 30 states, including the Grassroots Tea Party of Boone County, have events planned."

"There has been growing opposition among gun rights advocates to President Barack Obama’s signing of more than 20 executive orders and a recommended ban on assault weapons in the aftermath of the December school shootings in Newtown, Conn." ...

CA: Silicon Valley Libertarians Cling to Their Guns: "Gun Control is Technology Control"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gene Hoffman is standing in the middle of his sunny corner office in Belmont, California, and he's showing me his AR-15."

"If California State Senator Leland Yee had his way, Hoffman could get arrested for this. In 1989, the California legislature passed a law banning semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 on the basis of a combination of features such as pistol grips and telescoping lenses. But Hoffman and some other gun enthusiasts scrutinized state regulations and found a way around the legal code in 2007 by creating a button that fixes magazines in place. That theoretically renders a rifle legal because its magazine could then not be detached without using a tool, as required by state law. ..." ...

NY: Panelists at Syracuse University examine gun violence in America (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A panel discussion on Tuesday night at Hendricks Chapel on the Syracuse University campus explored the subject of guns and gun violence in America."

"The discussion, called 'Guns and America: Join the Conversation,' included Stephen Barton, a survivor from the Aurora, Colorado theater massacre and a recent Syracuse University graduate." ...

NC: An appeal to pro-gun legislators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I contacted a number of pro-gun legislators, mostly Republican. I received form letters decrying regulations and expressing fear the Obama Administration is trying to weaken or abolish the Second Amendment. My remarks are in response to the form letters."

"I agreed with letter content in that reducing gun violence (not just in schools) is a very complex task. The adverse effect of violence in the media and of the breakdown of family life is known to all of us. This concern, however, fails to take into consideration the instrument of all this violence, firearms." ...

AZ: Wolf at the door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ongoing gun debate really follows liberal and conservative ideological lines when you think about it. It’s the sheep/sheep dog/wolf syndrome. The sheep resent the sheep dogs (cops, military, pro-gun people) because they disturb the sheep’s ignorant bliss, reminding them that the wolf is, in fact, out there. Some anti-gun folks claim that gun-owners live in a state of fear, when just the opposite is true."

"People who own guns for protection accept responsibility for the safety and security of themselves and their families. ..." ...

VA: Gun owners get a discount at Virginia pizza shop (video available)
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A Virginia Beach pizza shop owner is showing his support for firearm rights by giving gun owners a 15 percent discount."

"The discount is given to anyone who brings a gun or concealed handgun permit to All Around Pizzas and Deli." ...

UT: Farmington family frustrated with police visit
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"A Farmington family says a police officer entered their home in the middle of the night because their garage door was open. They think the officer had no right to come inside, but police have a different story about what happened." ...

Submitter's note: as aggressive as the police action was in this case, and as disrespectful to private property rights, I have two thoughts on it: 1. Keep your doors CLOSED and control access to your home by a fence, and 2. that neighbor is part of our new "call police out of paranoia" culture. That neighbor who thinks garage door left open = crime, is the real problem here.

Canada: Witness to the Decline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... If we want people to accept responsibility for their choices then that should include their bad choices as well. A million laws and regulations cannot change human nature."

"Even though the Second Amendment ensures that citizens can arm themselves for self-defense and to act as a brake against a tyrannical government efforts to restrict gun ownership and even the purchase of ammunition is yet further evidence of a decline in common sense and an understanding of history ... Meanwhile, why the Department of Homeland Security is purchasing millions of rounds of ammunition is a genuine cause for growing concern."

"Americans with any common sense know that no amount of law can deter the handful of mentally ill who commit murder. ..." ...

The gun gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Let your gun, therefore, be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson

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