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Newslinks for 2/21/2005

NY: Million-dollar mystery surrounds gun
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"Weakened by illness, George Eastman, the founder of Eastman Kodak Co., lay down on March 14, 1932, and put a bullet through his heart."

"He left behind a note saying, 'My work is done. Why wait?'" ...

"Police took Eastman's gun — a German Luger — into custody. But in time, the pistol went missing and stayed missing despite efforts to track it down." ...

"A Luger sold to the Guarinos' company in 1972 for less than $500 bears a striking resemblance to police photos of the Luger used by Eastman, though some key identifying evidence is missing."

"If the Luger is the suicide pistol, it could be worth millions." ...

OK: 911 Call Reveals Woman's Struggle With Purse Thief- Woman Held Suspect At Gunpoint Until Police Arrived
Submitted by: Mike Mitchell

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"Oklahoma City police released a 911 recording Thursday that reveals a dramatic struggle following an attempted purse-snatching in south Oklahoma City."

"Barbara Gesell, 83, had just pulled into her garage when a man ran inside her garage and grabbed her purse, which has hanging across her shoulder. ..." ...

"According to police, Theresa Gesell ran behind Campbell and tried to catch him when he ran from the scene. While she was chasing the suspect, she called 911." ...

"... Theresa then grabbed her .45-caliber pistol and continued running after Campbell -- despite the dispatcher's plea for her to drop the handgun."

"'I am going to go get my .45 ... you all are too slow,' she said."

"As the call continues, the dispatcher asks Theresa to get rid of the weapon. However, after the suspect tried to escape along a creek bed, Theresa and Hershall used the pistol to make sure he didn't leave." ...

CA: AB448 Assembly Bill to Repeal Assault Weapon ban
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "AB 448, as introduced, La Suer. Assault weapons."

"Existing law defines assault weapons, and generally regulates the sale, transport, possession, and registration of assault weapons."

"Existing law also establishes various offenses in connection with
violations of these provisions."

"This bill would repeal those provisions." ...

"SECTION 1. Chapter 2.3 (commencing with Section 12275) of Title 2 of Part 4 of the Penal Code is repealed."

Submitter's Note: We need all CA gunowners to support this important bill!

VA: Political Notebook: Richmond dictates to localities [by setting state-wide noise standards for shooting ranges]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Have a problem with a city or county government?"

"Take it to Richmond if the local government doesn’t rule your way."

"The General Assembly is wielding its power over local governments in some new ways as lawmakers demonstrate they hold not only the power of the purse but the power to give - or take away - zoning authority as well."

"A gun bill favored by the National Rifle Association and other sporting groups is whizzing through the legislature despite opposition from Nelson County officials and others who see it as an end run around Nelson’s denial of a shooting-range permit application." ...

"The bill provides that no city or county may prohibit or disapprove construction and operation of a sport shooting range if the sound produced from the range meets certain specified criteria." ...

VA: Bill may affect shooting range [a less biased report]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill moving through the state legislature that would limit localities’ regulation of sport-shooting ranges has the attention of Nelson County officials and residents, some of whom think it originated from a dustup there involving a shotgun sporting estate."

"Its backers deny that, but the bill’s outcome may affect an ongoing legal battle between Orion Sporting Group, now called Orion Estate, and the Nelson Board of Supervisors, which halted the company’s attempt to operate in rural Wingina."

"Sponsored by Del. Bill Janis, R-Short Pump, the legislation would prohibit localities from stopping sport-shooting ranges from moving forward if the shooting noise met a specified standard. It also would not allow nuisance lawsuits related to noise if the standard, an average of 64 decibels within a one-hour period, is met." ...

WI: Weekly laurels and laments [second item on page]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The gunfire was so rapid that shoppers in a mall in Kingston, N.Y., about 55 miles south of Albany, at first thought the weapon was a machine gun. It was a semiautomatic assault rifle. The miracle is that, despite the firing of 60 rounds, nobody was killed. ... Congress, unfortunately, has made it easy for the likes of Bonelli to shoot up schools and malls. Rather than strengthen a ban on semiautomatic rifles, Congress let it lapse last year. Also, Congress has refused to close the loophole that allows buyers from unlicensed dealers [sic] at gun shows to forego background checks. Bonelli reportedly bought his weapon at a gun show."

Submitter's Note: A) The gun was perfectly legal, even under the 'ugly-gun' ban. 2) There is no indication that the gun was purchased from an 'unlicensed dealer' (i.e. private citizen).

You can submit a letter to the editor here.

NY: Man shot dead in Wyandanch [as he was breaking in]
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"A Wyandanch man fatally shot a 20-year-old man who tried to enter his home through a window early yesterday, police said."

"Tyrell Rudolph, of Wyandanch, was discovered in front of a home on Parkway Boulevard with gunshot wounds to his chest and left arm at 3:05 a.m. The alleged shooter, Sanjay Broomfield, 22, was charged with criminal possession of a weapon, a felony."

"Broomfield, a baker at Entenmann's in Bay Shore, told police he fell asleep Friday night, after working a double-shift ..." ...

"'He hears motion and people talking,' Posillico said. 'He steps into the kitchen, where he has an illegal handgun ... and shortly after that a person is seen coming in through the window.' Broomfield fired three times, Posillico said." ...

OR: Board Oks Expulsion Of Student Who Brought Gun To School
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brookings-Harbor School Board Wednesday upheld the district's recent decision to expel Brookings-Harbor High School senior James Miller after he brought an air pellet gun to school Jan. 27." ...

"Apparently, Miller had left the gun in a friend's car before Jan. 27, when he went to lunch with that friend."

"His mother called him that day requesting he do an errand for her, so Miller's friend dropped him back at BHHS."

"Before Miller headed through school to his own car, he took his air gun out of his friend's vehicle."

"With the air gun in his waistband, he walked through the high school. A student saw the partially-concealed gun and reported it immediately to Principal George Park." ...

FL: As Taser complaints rise, police defend the devices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Faced with a knife-wielding man in a Bonita Springs home in May, two Lee County sheriff's deputies drew their guns."

"When he moved toward them, stabbing at the air, one of the deputies fired."

"The man fell to the ground, stunned by a 50,000-volt shock from a Taser M26 gun. The other deputy holstered his Glock pistol." ...

"But the weapon's utility and the growing dependency on it by law enforcement agencies has not come without a cost."

"A review by the Daily News of 269 occasions on which deputies discharged their Taser guns last year shows the weapon also has been fired to stop prisoners from kicking at windows of a car, urinating on a deputy's laptop and yelling. Those shocked by Tasers ranged from teenagers to octogenarians." ...

MO: In our view: Bringing police range up to par
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Well, despite safety concerns expressed by residents of the area, it took an expert from the National Rifle Association to identify what is wrong with the Joplin Police Department’s firing range on McClelland Boulevard: 'Bullets leaving (the) ... property from the pistol lanes.'" ...

"That is precisely what has homeowners in the area concerned. As we understand it, bullets have struck a couple of houses and some have been found nearby. So far, no one has been hurt. But the sands of time and probability continue to trickle through the hourglass."

"Those who argue that the police had a range there long before houses were built nearby are correct. But that doesn’t resolve the safety issue. ..." ...

VA: State Police Justified In Use Of Deadly Force
Submitted by: Pirate

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"State police used 'necessary and lawful' deadly force when they fired dozens of rounds to kill a triple murder suspect, a report issued by the Colonial Heights commonwealth's attorney's office late this week states."

"The bullets fired from five semiautomatic patrol rifles showered a nearby house as the homeowners cowered on the first floor." ...

Submitters Note: I don't care that the police effectively executed this piece of merde, but DAMN... they put almost as many bullets into that house as they did the suspect!

In Richmond Virginia, if I fired in self-defense and inadvertently put a bullet into somebody's house - I would be charged with shooting into an occupied dwelling!!

VA: 'Living sculpture' takes a walk in costume, ends up being arrested
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "[Performance artist Andy] Coppola was walking down the Second Street exit off the Lee Bridge about 1 p.m. [in his costume]when he heard an amplified voice ordering him to stop and show his hands."

"'I couldn't see that it was a police officer,' he said. 'In this piece, I walk looking straight ahead with my arms folded over my chest. And I don't speak.' He didn't respond to the order and kept walking."

"He heard a second order to stop. He stayed silent and kept walking."

"A third order came with a warning. 'I'll put a bullet through you,' Coppola recalls hearing. 'I saw in the periphery of my vision that it was a police officer. So I stopped.'" ...

IL: Cops: Officer gunned down after prank
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "McClendon spotted the car of a fellow correctional officer in front of him, who also lives in Calumet City. From about a block behind, he flashed his lights, attempting to pull over a person he thought was his coworker, Cunningham said."

"The car pulled over, and McClendon found his friend's wife and 4-year-old child inside, Cunningham said. Her husband was in a vehicle two cars behind, he said. The family had been out for the evening and were returning to their home, which was not far from the incident, he said."

"In what police said was a joke, McClendon started jumping up and down and banging on the woman's window, Cunningham said, prompting her husband to jump out of his car, pull out a gun and fire." ...

MD: We all share responsibility for failing the Dawson family
Submitted by: John Fasnler

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"That's what Baltimore officials should do with the $14 million the surviving members of the Dawson family are demanding because, in essence, the city failed them. Just pay every penny of it and try not to fail anybody else as woefully as we failed Angela Dawson, her husband, Carnell Dawson, and their five children."

"This week, surviving members of the Dawson family filed a lawsuit that named as defendants a host of people ..."

"Ehrlich was only running for the office on Oct. 16, 2002, the day Darrell Brooks set fire to the Dawsons' home and killed seven people. ..."

"Believing in Baltimore's 'BELIEVE' campaign, the Dawsons made more than 30 calls to police about drug dealing in their neighborhood, some of which took place in front of their home. ..." ...

SC: Home School Group Says Police Used Excessive Force
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Some home schoolers say they were having a meeting in Simpsonville Park when an officer started bullying them." ...

"'I heard a man yelling take your hands out of your pocket and I turned around and he was yelling at one of the boys in the group,' says another mother Priscilla Adams."

"Priscilla’s 14 year old son, Glenn says, 'He started yelling and screaming at this boy for having a knife, then pushed him down.'" ...

"Simpsonville Police say a call came in that someone in the park had a knife. They say they responded as they would to any call like that, but the officer responding to the call was dressed in plain clothes and did not identify himself at first." ...

"The mother who tried to stop the officer was arrested and charged with assault on an officer, the 16 year old boy was charged with carrying a concealed weapon. Simpsonville Police say they will not comment any further because the case is under investigation."

VT: Former Wardsboro constable jailed for firearms offense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Wardsboro constable was sentenced Thursday for a firearms offense."

"Andrew Zargo, 53, of East Dover, was sentenced to four months behind bars followed by two years of supervised release in United States District Court in Burlington."

"The sentencing comes after Zargo pleaded guilty to making false statements in records. The records were required to be kept by a Wardsboro gun dealer, according to a press release from the court."

"Zargo made a number of false statements to the dealer, purchasing 13 rifles and handguns."

"The weapons included military-style semi-automatic rifles, according to the court. The investigation was done by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives." ...

KY: Danville officer kills himself at station
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Danville police officer shot and killed himself yesterday while parked outside the Danville Police Department."

"Greg Hilliard of Black Pike in Hustonville was off duty when he shot himself in front of his family with a pistol issued to him by the police department, Danville police said."

"Hilliard, 49, was pronounced dead at 2:30 p.m. at the Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center by Boyle County Coroner James Ramey."

"Ramey said Hilliard was sitting in a car with his wife, Linda Hilliard, and stepdaughter Ashley Graham. They were waiting on Graham's father to pick her up for the weekend." ...

CA: Mojave standoff suspect released on $20,000 bail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Mojave Desert man was released on $20,000 bail Friday, one day after he was charged in federal court following a standoff with a National Park Service ranger last week in the Mojave National Preserve."

"Leo H. Spatziani, 62, ... was charged with assaulting a federal officer, according to the U.S. attorney's office in Los Angeles. If convicted, Spatziani faces up to 20 years in federal prison."

"On Saturday, rangers had stopped in the Cut Springs area and ordered Robert Parker to stop using a trencher ... Parker, who is locked in a boundary-line dispute with park officials, insisted the rangers were trespassing."

"When one ranger began taking photos, Parker's friend, Spatziani, pulled a .30-caliber carbine from a vehicle, loaded it and pointed it at the ranger, ordering him to leave ..." ...

Mexico: Mexican Zetas extending violence into U.S., officials say
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A team of rogue Mexican commandos blamed for dozens of killings along the U.S.-Mexico border has carried out at least three drug-related slayings in Dallas, a sign that the group is extending its deadly operations into U.S. cities, two American law enforcement officials say."

"The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s, other officials say." [emphasis added]

"'These guys run like a military,' said Arturo A. Fontes, an FBI special investigator for border violence based in Laredo, in South Texas. 'They have their hands in everything and they have eyes and ears everywhere. I've seen how they work, and they're good at what they do. They're an impressive bunch of ruthless criminals.'" ...

Australia: Striking back at hoons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"JAMIE MacGregor has been shot at, bashed and abused. He's seen one of his dogs run down and killed, he's been showered with bottles and woken at night by drag racers."

"On Thursday night, the retired truck driver, 61, took the law into his own hands."

"Fed up at a group of hoons who have been terrorising the Kirkham Rd industrial estate in the outer Melbourne suburb of West Keysborough, Mr MacGregor jumped behind the wheel of his battered 1973 Dodge 400 tray truck and rammed one of their cars." ...

"Every time he has complained to police, the hoons had left by the time officers arrived." [emphasis added]

"'This has been going on for five or six months,' Mr MacGregor said." ...

NY: Teen gridiron star shot dead; suspect, 16, nabbed by 45th Pct.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A star high school football player was shot dead across the street from his Throggs Neck home on Friday, February 11, following an argument with a gun-toting teen who reportedly accused the strapping teenager of bullying his younger brother, police said."

"In the rear of 352 Brinsmade Avenue, 16-year-old Quindel Francis, described as a wannabe Bloods gang member by neighbors, fired a 9 mm. semiautomatic handgun eight times, hitting the victim, Fernando Correa, three times, including twice in the head and once in the leg, police said. According to the NYPD, Correa, 16, and Francis had past disputes and the latest apparently stemmed from Correa picking on Francis’ 14-year-old brother." ...

Submitter's Note: But 16 year olds can't have guns in NYC!

UT: Herald poll response -- Guns in cars
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"The Daily Herald recently asked its readers if people should be able to carry loaded guns in their cars. Here are the comments we received."

"Want a gun in car? Get carry permit and take safety class"

"Why do we need another law about carrying guns in cars? We have a perfectly good one now. Apply for a concealed weapon permit. A background check is done on everyone, and you must pass a class on handgun safety."

"Jim Henson, Provo"

"Madsen's bill preserves liberty"

"Utahns should be able to carry loaded. The issue is one of liberty, not accessibility."

"Gary B White, Roosevelt" ...

SD: Gun Legislation Approved
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"Two bills that deal with concealed weapons permits received final legislative approval Friday in the South Dakota Senate, sending both measures to the governor."

"One bill, HB1190, would require South Dakota to honor concealed weapons permits from other states that have gun laws at least as strict as those in South Dakota."

"Sen. John Koskan, R-Wood, said 10 states have so-called 'full recognition laws'." ...

"HB1209 would give police round-the-clock ability to check the validity of permits for concealed weapons, said Sen. Gene Abdallah, R-Sioux Falls. He said current state law limits those inquiries to 8 a.m. to 5 p.m." ...

IL: State budget proposal would add DNR jobs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The proposed budget for the Illinois Department of Natural Resources includes money for construction of the World Shooting Complex in Sparta and hiring of 50 state park site technicians."

"Gov. Rod Blagojevich recommended a $192.8 million budget for the DNR, which is a $2.8 million increase over this fiscal year. It includes $1.2 million for the complex, which is expected to completed in the next fiscal year."

"The complex will feature 120 trap shooting stations, skeet stations, sporting clays, rifle and pistol ranges, and a 3-D archery range. It also will have campsites and opportunities for fishing and picnicking." ...

WA: Blackpowder Shooters Kick Off Rain Dee Voo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In costumes reminiscent of the clothing worn by trappers in the fur trade era, participants (from left) Tim Sampson of Tenino, Harold Moore of Olympia, Steve Skillman of Yelm and Mike Nesbitt of Olympia reload their trade guns between targets during the trail walk competition at Capitol City Rifle Club's Rain Dee Voo event Friday. The event, with blackpowder shooting and a heated indoor trading post, continues through Sunday at the club in Littlerock.

MD: Rifle: Navy shoots past Army at West Point
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Navy rifle team captured its 12th-straight N-Star yesterday with a narrow 5,819-5,815 victory over Army in the Star Match at West Point, N.Y."

"The senior class of Matt Albright, Iain MacLeod, Mike Miller and Kevin Wilson finished a perfect 4-for-4 against Army in Star Matches throughout their careers."

"The Black Knights started off the match by winning the smallbore competition by a count of 2,906-2,905. Matt Albright was Navy's highest scorer in the event with 587 points, while Josh Albright was second with 582. Miller posted a score of 581 and sophomore Chris Schneider and freshman Luke Marion recorded scores of 578 and 577, respectively." ...

WV: Shooting star
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of times every week, Dana Reese closes the bolt on his rifle and cloaks himself in concentration so keen the rest of the universe vanishes."

"All he sees is his target. It’s 50 feet away, and its bull’s-eye is no bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. With a squeeze of the trigger so light it wouldn’t crush a gnat, Reese sends a .22 bullet screaming squarely through the target’s center."

"At the relatively young age of 18, Reese stands on the threshold of becoming a national-class rifle shooter. If life works out the way he wants, the current Nitro High senior will shoot for a college team next year. After that, who knows? Might he earn All-America honors? Might he become an Olympian?" ...

ND: Fur hats and flintlocks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you’ve been looking for that hard-to-find scrimshaw powder horn, today’s your day."

"That’s just one of the items on sale at the North Dakota Muzzle Loader Convention and Trade Fair going on this weekend in West Fargo."

"Darrell Kersting of Kindred, N.D., the organization’s past president, said the group was hoping for at least 500 people to come through the Speedway Event Center each day. At 11 a.m. Saturday, an hour after the show opened, it looked like the crowd was well on its way to reaching, if not surpassing, that."

"The event, the audience and the exhibitors were an interesting mix of present and past."

"People browsed 90 tables selling a wide variety of goods, most of them reproductions of items available before 1840." ...

IN: It's like 'Outdoors 101' for women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dawn Krause doesn't need a crystal ball to predict what will happen March 1. Her telephone will start ringing and it won't stop for several days."

"Krause is the coordinator of the Department of Natural Resources division of wildlife's popular 'Becoming an Outdoor Woman' (BOW) program. It attracts women of all ages who are interested in everything from learning how to hunt game to driving all-terrain vehicles." ...

"Enrollment fee is $165, which includes three meals a day, lodging (choice of barracks or your own tent in a campground) and equipment (canoes, shotguns, rifles, pistols, fly rods, ATVs, etc.)." ...

AK: Beyerle blasts NRA women's record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"University of Alaska Fairbanks junior Jamie Beyerle set a National Rifle Association women's record for the smallbore three-position competition event during Saturday's NRA Open Sectional at the E.F. Horton Range in the Patty Center."

"Beyerle posted a score of 1,190 to beat the old record by one point during Saturday's competition. The previous record of 1,189 was established by former UAF standout Kelly Mansfield in 1999."

"UAF's gold team won Saturday's competition with a scored of 4,709, while the Blue team finished with a 4,590. UAF was the only team entered in the event." ...

OH: 3-deer limit for 38 counties is proposed by ODW
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An expansion of the three-deer bag limit to 38 counties leads the changes in deer hunting regulations for the 2005-2006 season proposed by the Ohio Division of Wildlife."

"The expanded bag comes on the heels of the most successful deer season on record in 2004-2005 with an all-seasons take of 217,301 deer."

"'It's an indication of trying to stabilize the deer population and put numbers closer to our target levels,' said Dave Risley, the state's executive administrator for wildlife management. The goal is no herd-growth, or perhaps even a slight reduction in population." ...

TN: Back to school: field classes start next month
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The high power rifle program is about to begin at the Oak Ridge Sportsmen's Club. It offers excellent target shooting for everyone from beginners to experts. Their high power range reaches to 1,000 yards and is one of the finest in the East. A big variety of shoots are open to public participation and viewing."

"One of the best ways to break into match shooting is the CMP/DCM Rifle Matches, which are usually held on the third Saturday of the month starting in March. This has a federal government program (Civilian Marksmanship Program) that furnishes M1 Garands and ammunition at a nominal price, and makes the participant eligible to purchase an M1 Garand at a special price." ...

UK: Welsh hunters arrested in England
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THREE Welshmen were arrested yesterday under the new hunting legislation, police said."

"The men were found at 4am between Hullavington and Sherston, Wiltshire, with four dogs and the carcass of a hare, police spokesman Dave Taylor said."

"The men, aged 31, 32 and 33 from South Wales and a 53-year-old from Ireland, were arrested on suspicion of hunting with dogs under Section 1 of the new Hunting Act."

"Mr Taylor said they are also being investigated as to possible firearms offences relating to a modified air rifle and possible offensive weapons charges relating to the possession of a pointed/bladed article." ...

Indonesia: Australian yachtsman released
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Australian champion yachtsman Christopher Packer was released yesterday from prison in Bali after three months in custody for firearms offences."

"A delighted Mr Packer said he would be celebrating on his boat." ...

"Denpasar District Court on Friday handed the millionaire Sydney to Hobart and Admirals Cup sailor a three-month sentence for failing to declare a stash of firearms."

"With time served, he was due for release later today."

"Judges also ordered the return of Lissa and his weapons, which Mr Packer said he kept to fend off pirate attacks."

"The court decided Mr Packer, 52, of Peppermint Grove in Perth, had not been a gun runner - an offence carrying the death penalty." ...

UK: The battle for Britain
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THERE is a corollary between liberty and licence, like the scales of justice: as one falls, the other rises. This weekend marks a historic milestone in the erosion of freedom in Britain, as the statutory ban on hunting becomes operative in England and Wales."

"By a happy congruence, the International Olympic Committee arrived in London just in time to witness the attempted extinction of one of the most historic and popular sports in this country. ..."

"The judges were more likely to be alienated by the fact that three Olympic events involving pistol shooting are already banned here, so that our sportsmen are constrained to train abroad, and the law would have to be suspended ... to accommodate these competitions. ..." ...

UK: Fox Hunting Ban Tested by Riders in Drag
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The controversial fox hunting ban that threatens to divide England like nothing since Margaret Thatcher was skirted merrily yesterday when countless people flocked to the countryside to see fox hunters in drag riding sidesaddle over hill and dale."

"'These lads are obeying the letter and the spirit of the law,' said comedian Graham Norton as he watched members of the Warwickshire hunt go mincing by on their horses ..."

"'They ought to change their name to the Poofenbury hunt,' said Norton, whose comment reflects a determined inclination to mock what is widely seen as 'Tony Blair's folly' out of existence." ...

"The hunting ban ... expressly protects drag hunting, and that was the order of the day at Edgehill and other locations across England." ...

UK: Belfast robbery cash recovered -- in officers' own country club
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some of the money stolen in December during a Northern Ireland bank heist worth $50 million was found in the restrooms of a Belfast country club run by police, Northern Ireland authorities said Saturday."

"Police said currency worth $95,000 was abandoned Friday in five packages and discovered after an anonymous tipster called the police-complaints authority in the British territory."

"In a statement, the Police Service of Northern Ireland said they suspected that whoever planted the money in the New Forge country club did so 'in an effort to distract the police from investigating the Northern Bank robbery.'" ...

Submitter's Note: That's the nice thing about being a cop, if you find evidence you don't like, you can simply label it a 'plant'.

Australia: Police find guns in Yarra River
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are looking for the owner of the three rifles and three shotguns, discovered during a search of the Yarra River in Warrandyte, in Melbourne's north-east today.

Water police carried out the search after two men reported finding a rifle and the butt of a shotgun while swimming in the river near Stiggant St on January 25.

The divers this afternoon found the remaining half of the shotgun, the other five guns and 74 shotgun cartridges.

Police said it was not known if the weapons were linked to any crimes and all were in a very rusty condition.

Police said the guns would be taken to an armoury in a bid to trace their owner.

Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they knew that only when people are armed could they truly be thought of as free citizens. And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to keep and bear arms are intending to deprive you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these elitists know that it is always best to disarm victims before you enslave them. — Charley Reese

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