Daley Dancing in Students' Blood to Push Anti-Gun Agenda, Says CCRKBA
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"Almost as if on cue, anti-gun Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has danced in the blood of slain Northern Illinois University students to push his gun control agenda, yet none of the things on his wish list would have prevented the tragedy at DeKalb, the [CCRKBA] said today."
"'Mayor Daley has virtually the same agenda he's been pandering for years,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'He wants to ban .50-caliber target rifles and semiautomatic sport utility rifles. He wants to punish people who sell firearms to friends and relatives; he wants microstamping and trigger locks, and limit handgun purchases to one per month. These measures have nothing remotely to do with last week's shooting in a gun-free college zone, and he knows it." ... |
The Media's Latest Manufactured Gun Controversy
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"Back in 1986, Time and other news organizations attempted to whip up hysteria about a new firearm on the market, the Glock 17, attempting to state that it could pass easily though airport metal detectors, and therefore become a favored weapon for terrorists or hijackers
The manufactured Glock hysteria was of course false; the barrel, slide, sights, and of course the pistol cartridges themselves are made of dense metals, and the promised "new guns made entirely of plastic" have never materialized on the consumer market."
"Yesterday I ran across another attempt to create a false hysteria, this time about painted guns. Yes, really." ... |
Gun bans only assist 'gun-free zone' killers
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"The pattern is numbingly familiar. A gunman attacks defenseless people in a supposedly 'gun-free' area. Gun control activists respond by demanding and receiving tougher restrictions. Yet shootings in 'gun-free' zones only escalate, and the disconnect continues."
"After last Thursday's campus massacre ... the anti-gun Brady Campaign responded by stating, 'Our weak gun laws make weapons too readily available to dangerous people,' and urged further crackdowns on gun shows."
"But NIU shooter Steven Kazmierczak did not buy the shotgun or any of the three handguns he used at a gun show. Each was purchased ... in accordance with restrictive laws in Illinois, which already had some of the nation's tightest state gun regulations." ... |
The Poor Man's Arsenal
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"I know we all like our toys, no doubt about it. After all having the biggest most expensive firearm on the range can be sort of a status symbol . Leading to being looked up to by the other shooters, giving way to pride and boasting, and a feelings of self worth, or something like that. We want the best guns available but very few of us survivalist types have unlimited funds. Not everyone can afford to put down a large sum of cash for a survival arsenal. But being poor or cheap does not mean you must be held to a disadvantage." ... |
Should 2nd Amendment Be Changed?
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"Last week a horrendous shooting occurred in DeKalb, Ill. ... Five people were killed and the gunman took his own life."
"This brings up a controversy within our society that questions one of our personal freedoms, the right to bear arms."
"It is our most disputed and argued amendment. With anyone being able to easily access a lecture hall with a loaded shotgun, we begin again to analyze this right."
"I will not say this right should be abolished as I go hunting and my family owns a number of weapons locked in a safe within our house. I'm simply presenting some viewpoints I've gathered from the students at La Lumiere." ... |
Will the U.S. Supreme Court Endorse a Right to Armed Revolt Against Government
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"This month's horrific shootings in Kirkwood, Missouri provide an all-too tragic and real context for the scholarly debate over the Second Amendment that is now before the Supreme Court in the case of Heller v. District of Columbia (Parker v. District of Columbia in the lower court). One of the key issues in the case is whether the Second Amendment protects an individual right to armed revolt when an individual perceives the government's actions to be 'tyrannical.'" ... |
Doing something, anything, with the second amendment
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"There's an old saying in my family, 'Average is the worst of the best and the best of the worst, but either way you're among the worst.' ... As it stands now, our gun laws are average."
"Presently, gun laws are too strong to allow dutiful citizens the right kind of personal defense, but too weak to stop criminals and the mentally ill from obtaining weapons for the wrong reasons. ... We can either loosen our gun laws to the point where almost anyone can acquire firearms quickly and carry them wherever they like. Or we can tighten gun laws so that police are the only people who have them legally." ... -------
Submitter's Note: This statist's idea of 'loosening' the laws consists of years of mandatory training, then "apply for a gun license that would be recorded in a federal database." |
IL: Stop gun violence
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"Once again 'breaking news' flashes across the TV screen – it's another campus shooting – this time it's six dead at Northern Illinois University. Last week it was five dead in a Lane Bryant clothing store, and three killed at Louisiana Technical College. In December, nine people are killed in an Omaha shopping mall, and four die in Colorado churches. The list is becoming endless."
"No community, campus, mall, or church is immune to the gun violence sweeping our nation. ... There are those who vehemently support our Second Amendment right, but it appears only those who senselessly destroy innocent lives are the greatest recipients of that right. In every violent act I referenced ... the common denominator was a gun." ... |
Cubin Targets DOJ Over Gun Ban
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"U.S. Representative Barbara Cubin (R-WY) stood up for gun-owners across the Cowboy State last week, sending a letter to President Bush asking him to help uphold our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms."
"In the letter, Cubin voiced her concern over a legal opinion recently filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) with the U.S. Supreme Court. This brief, filed by U.S. Solicitor General Paul D. Clement, could set a dangerous precedent for law-abiding gun owners in Wyoming and across the nation by allowing the District of Columbia's firearm ban to be upheld." ... |
Five killed in Illinois shooting
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"Five more victims of gun violence and random aggression left this world abruptly last week. The comments following the New York Times online article about the attack were predictable and telling. Some called for every student and all campus guards to carry a gun, others called for an effort to better understand 'these crazies,' and, in one voice, the international commentators condemned the United States' lax gun control laws."
"According to every principle of the American system of democracy it would be anathema to limit gun ownership to the police and the military. Even I, who have never owned a gun, and don't ever plan to, am extremely uncomfortable with that idea." ... |
Gun-free zone do not prevent firearm violence
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Gun-free zones have been used to give the illusion of security and safety for many years in the United States and across the world."
"In 1938, Adolf Hitler forced Germany to become one of the largest gun-free zones the world had seen. According to the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938, German citizens were not allowed to possess firearms unless they were authorized by the police force or in military service."
"By 1945, the Nazi government slaughtered more than six million Jews, gypsies and mentally retarded or otherwise disabled individuals. Last week, we were reminded once again of the 'success' that gun-free zones have had in providing security and safety to students." ... |
IL: Late response on guns is sickening
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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The knee-jerk, "oops, this happened again" response by Congress to recent shootings sprees is disgusting.
Scrambling to act upon the much-publicized incidents in an election year, legislators are at fault for not passing a national assault weapons ban and tolerating an out-of-control gun culture permitted to be acted out in our movie theaters and on our streets.
Rather, they take care not to rattle the cage of the biggest campaign contributor, lest the National Rifle Association is offended.
Forget mental illness, guns and their easy access to anyone are the common denominator in all these events.
Let's hope the next gunshot wound is not another wakeup call unheeded.
Stephanie A. Victor
Lake Forest -------
KABA Note: Um, Steph? The murderer didn't use an 'assault weapon', he used a pump shotgun and pistols. |
Guns would add fear, not safety, to classroom
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"The conversation about guns in schools will continue this week as legislation is being voted on at the Capitol. This issue has struck deep chords within our community."
"As a state legislator, I have seen two distinct opinions about this issue. One side ... is that a gun owner wants no one to be defenseless in the face of a crazed gunman. The other side says that bringing guns into schools creates problems rather than solves them."
"A newspaper poll recently suggested that our community was split on concealed weapons in schools. Wanting a clearer answer, I conducted my own poll. I spoke to clerks in stores, teachers, parents and a university president. Not one person believed that guns belonged in schools." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Instead of polling peoples' feelings, how about some facts: 'Guns in schools' works as demonstrated in Israel and Thailand. |
PA: Suicide raises question about guns on campus
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The suicide of a 21-year-old Keystone College student in his dormitory room last week has raised questions about a policy that is supposed to prohibit guns on campus."
"The policy states that students cannot possess weapons on campus that can cause injury."
"Keystone spokesman Fran Calpin would not comment on the policy."
"Doug Pennington, spokesman for The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said such incidents should cause the community concern." ... -------
KABA Note: Since when did the Brady Campaign become an authority on suicide? |
In election 2008, don’t forget Angry White Man
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... "There is one group no one has recognized, and it is the group that will decide the election: the Angry White Man. The Angry White Man comes from all economic backgrounds, from dirt-poor to filthy rich. He represents all geographic areas in America, from urban sophisticate to rural redneck, deep South to mountain West, left Coast to Eastern Seaboard." ...
"The Angry White Man owns firearms, and he’s willing to pick up a gun to defend his home and his country. He is willing to lay down his life to defend the freedom and safety of others, and the thought of killing someone who needs killing really doesn’t bother him." ... |
Packing Heat in the Parks
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"A sound and bipartisan public lands bill is being held up in the Senate in behalf of the gun lobby’s attempt to overturn decades-old safety regulations barring people from carrying loaded guns in national parks."
"Owners are now required to keep their guns unloaded, disassembled and stored when in national parks and wildlife refuges. Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, is threatening to block the public lands bill unless it includes his amendment to allow the packing of live firearms in the parks."
"There is no justification for such a change. Senator Coburn's office is reduced to offering a scenario out of a 'Death Wish' movie: 'Guns locked in your trunk are of no use when a rapist is attacking your family.' ..." ... |
Maintain limits on guns in national parks
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... "Historically, firearms in national parks have been restricted by requiring that they not be used, no hunting, etc., and be kept unloaded and out of sight, stored in vehicle trunks or cargo boxes. The Coburn amendment would remove the federal restrictions on firearm use in national parks and national wildlife refuges and would allow carrying firearms in accordance with state law." ...
"There are many reasons the Coburn amendment is a bad idea. A few examples:"
"It would make it harder to protect our nation's icons. At beloved icons ... it could be more difficult to protect visitors against terrorism."
"It would increase opportunities for vandalism. ..." ... |
A good gig, if you can get it
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"I've mentioned before the seemingly nationwide effort to impose ammunition encoding laws on gun owners and ammunition makers, and there are more states in which such an effort is underway than I discussed there ..."
"Ammunition Accountability is a newly forming group of ammunition coding technology supporters. Our group includes gun crime victims, industry representatives, law enforcement, public officials, public policy experts, and more. We are working together to pass legislation to make ammunition coding technology a reality." "It would seem that this group would at least like to be perceived as having fairly altruistic motives. They might want to put up that appearance, but the reality is rather different." ... |
Gordo, Get Your Gun
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"You can't shoot wildlife in U.S. National Parks. And you can't shoot your companions—no matter how often they sing that same Celine Dion song on the hiking trail."
Submitter's Note: And under current law you can't shoot the scum who think of 'Deliverance' as a training film.
"Yet U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) is one of 47 United States senators who think you should be able to carry a loaded firearm while gazing patriotically at Crater Lake or Old Faithful. Imagine it: 'Don't blow, or I'll shoot!'"
"According to a Dec. 14, 2007, letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne from 39 Republicans and eight Democrats, a movement is again afoot to repeal a ban on firearms on all lands belonging to the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service." ... |
CO: Gun bill silenced in committee
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"Two northeastern Colorado lawmakers were unable to make any headway again this year in their persistent legislative attempts to strengthen the right of citizens to bear arms as a deterrent to crime." ...
"Last week, the House Judiciary Committee also voted 5-4, along party lines, to kill a bill from Rep. Cory Gardner ... to extend the provisions of Colorado’s 'Make My Day' law ... to places of business.
"Brophy ... wanted to give people with concealed carry permits the ability to sue if they or a family member was wounded or killed in a location that had been declared a gun-free zone, such as a shopping mall or college campus." ... |
VA: Concealed-Weapons Bill Advances (second article)
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"Bills championed by gun rights advocates that could result in more concealed firearms in restaurants, bars and vehicle glove boxes have been endorsed by a House of Delegates committee."
"One bill would allow people who hold permits for concealed weapons to carry hidden guns in restaurants or clubs but would prohibit them from drinking alcohol while doing so. ..."
"The other measure would allow people who do not have a concealed weapons permit to transport handguns in a locked glove box or other interior compartment of a vehicle rather than carry them in plain view, as the law now requires."
"Both bills have cleared the Senate and will be up for a vote on the House floor this week. ..." |
UT: Bill would allow concealed-weapons permit holders to carry firearms openly
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"A bill quietly endorsed by a legislative committee would codify licensed concealed-weapons holders' ability to openly carry loaded guns in almost any publicly owned space in Utah, including university campuses, public schools, sports arenas and hospitals." ...
"In recent years, U. officials have largely abandoned their opposition to concealed weapons on campus, but they have held firm on the 'open carry' issue, contending current law requires that firearms allowed by concealed-weapons permits must remain concealed if they are brought onto school grounds. They cite the potential disruption caused by public display of weapons." ... |
WV: Gun Permit Bill Pits Privacy Against Public's Right to Know
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"Supporters of a bill aimed at restricting public access to concealed weapons permit records are trying a new tactic this year."
"Previous bills have failed to win approval ... but those were usually couched in terms of privacy. Supporters of the bill this year say they don't want newspapers and other members of the public to have access to the records as a way of protecting victims of domestic violence."
"... publishing the names and addresses of permit holders in newspapers can endanger the safety of domestic violence victims seeking to get away from their abusers."
"But Sue Julian of the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence said the group is more concerned with the use of firearms in cases of domestic assault." ... -------
KABA Note: And listing the personal information of permit holders will prevent "the use of firearms in cases of domestic assault" how? |
GA: Showdown over guns in public places
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Mark McCullough
Website: http://www.georgiacarry.org/
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... "In a long career as a restaurant and nightclub manager, Ron Wolf has seen what a few drinks can do. He's concerned that Georgia is considering a volatile mix — allowing people carrying guns to enter restaurants serving alcohol." ...
"Wolf and his organization, which represents 3,000 restaurants, have a keen interest in an ongoing debate: In what public areas should gun owners be allowed to carry weapons? And whose rights are more important, people with a permit to carry weapons, or the people who don't want to be near firearms?" ...
"This session, the Legislature has considered legislation that would expand where gun owners could take their weapons, although the result appears to have furthered disagreement." ... -------
Submitter's Note: This article appeared on the front page of the daily newspaper, not buried as usual. |
MO: Fortress Springfield
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"If you can't feel safe in the one forum where citizens can have their voices heard, your democratic process is stalled."
"In the wake of the recent killings during a Kirkwood City Council meeting, Springfield City Council members are debating how best to protect safety in council meetings, yet not put added fortresses between citizens and their council."
"At first, Mayor Tom Carlson and council member Dan Chiles said they were against having a metal detector between us and them. 'I guess I was reacting emotionally,' Chiles reflects. 'I think of having to go through another set of metal detectors to see someone.'"
"But he says he's still struggling with the issue. ..." ... |
Francis Lightfoot Lee to Robert W. Carter, "any of their countrymen who shall come in arms into their Counties", Dec. 2, 1775
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"...It wou'd give me infinite pleasure, if our affairs to the Southward wore as favorable an Aspect; it will require very vigorous efforts, to put a stop to the proceedings of Lord Dunmore. We are extremely alarm'd by an express from the Comtee. of Northhampton County to Congress (1) informing that he has issued a Proclamation, declaring military Law in Virga. & offering freedom to all servants & slaves, who shall repair to the King's standard which he has erected; that the inhabitants of Norfolk & Princess Ann Counties have taken an Oath to oppose, to the last drop of their blood, any of their countrymen who shall come in arms into their Counties...." |
William Whipple to Joshua Brackett, "people will be engaged about their goods when they should have arms in their hands to oppose the enemy", June 2, 1776
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"...I something wonder that people should move their families and effects into town just at this time, when Britain is collecting her whole strength . . . but still I think it would be prudent for people who move there effects into the country to secure them from danger, to let them remain while the danger continues. My greatest objection to these movings is, that if there should be an alarm, people will be engaged about their goods when they should have arms in their hands to oppose the enemy. As every thing depends on this summer's campaign, every nerve should be exerted and if we are successful, which by divine assistance I am in no doubt of, our enemies will not be able to support the war another year..." |
Benjamin Franklin to David Hartley, "I find here all Ranks of People in Arms, disciplining themselves Morning & Evening", May 8. 1775
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"...I arrived here on Friday Evening, & the next morning was unanimously chosen by the General Assembly a Delegate for the ensuing Congress, which is to meet on Wednesday.
"You will have heard before this reaches you of the Commence- ment of a Civil War; the End of it perhaps neither myself, nor you, who are much younger, may live to see.(1) I find here all Ranks of People in Arms, disciplining themselves Morning & Evening, and am informed that the firmest Union prevails throughout North America; New York as hearty as any of the rest. I purpose to communicate to you from time to time the most authentic Intelligence I can collect here, and hope to hear frequently from you in the same Way..."
Vitter opposes Bush's choice for ATF
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"Louisiana Sen. David Vitter has joined two other Republican senators to block the nomination of Michael Sullivan to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms on grounds that he hasn't offered specific steps to end what Vitter calls the bureau's overzealous regulation of legal gun dealers."
"Vitter said last week that he is continuing his hold on the Bush nomination after receiving Sullivan's responses to his questions, which the senator labeled a disappointment."
"'The ATF is continuing policies that place an impossible standard on gun owners when it comes to apply for a license, as well as not allowing for a reasonable method for gun owners to challenge those overly burdensome regulatory policies,' Vitter said. ..." ... |
FL: Mom: Police Told Daughter To Stop Calling Before Murder-Suicide
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"A Central Florida woman whose 17-year-old daughter was killed in a murder-suicide apparently committed by her ex-boyfriend said the teen was told by police to stop calling for help or she'd be arrested."
"Police said Clay Coffner shot his estranged girlfriend, Natasha Hall ... before turning the gun on himself."
"Hall's mother, Sherry, said her daughter was concerned about Coffner and informed police."
"In fact, Hall said her daughter called police so much that on Jan. 15 they threatened her."
"'The police officer said if you call us one more time on him, I'm going to arrest you both,' Sherry Hall said. 'So, the day she died, she knew she couldn't talk to police. So, she handled it herself.'" ... |
TX: Shattered Justice?
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"A Hunt County Sheriff's Office patrol vehicle now sits abandoned and badly damaged ... The fate of the woman, accused of driving the car into a tree ... hangs in the balance."
"Texas Department of Public Safety officials say Tiffany Bates ... under the influence of alcohol, drove the patrol vehicle into a tree about half-a-mile from her home."
"Bates vehemently insists she is a scapegoat in the whole incident. She said she is being blamed because members of Hunt County law enforcement are scrambling to try to protect one of their own — a charge officers say is completely false." ...
"Ken Wood, Bates' father, confirmed her story, but said he has not been questioned by area law enforcement about the incident." ... |
IL: Store Shooting Victim's 911 Plea Released
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A 911 call placed from inside a suburban Chicago Lane Bryant store where five women were bound and fatally shot reveals a final, desperate plea for help.
Store manager Rhoda McFarland called 911 from her cell phone just moments before being killed by a gunman who remains at large.
She whispered the name of the store, its location in Tinley Park and told the dispatcher to hurry.
Tinley Park police say they've received more than 600 tips.
Authorities have searched waterways, interstate highways and placed signs along roadways with a composite sketch of the gunman.
Suburban Chicago church leaders gathered Monday to ask for information about the gunman. |
IL: Thousands denied gun permits for mental illness
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Thousands of mentally ill people have been barred from holding gun permits in Illinois over the last five years."
"But even though he had undergone mental treatment since his teens, 27-year-old Northern Illinois University killer Steve Kazmierczak was not one of them."
"Police are seeking Kazmierczak's medical records, which could determine whether there was a breakdown in the state's system for keeping mentally ill people from getting guns."
"Every day, State Police officials compare the names of state gun permit applicants and gun permit holders against an Illinois Department of Human Services database of people who have been in mental facilities." ... |
IN: Gun ownership isn't root cause of violent crime
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"It was inevitable. After every high-profile murder involving firearms some bleeding heart comes forward with an opinion against gun ownership. These well-meaning liberals suffer from the same assumptions affecting all of their persuasion. They assume that if guns are illegal, nobody will have guns. Of course, that is a silly assumption."
"If Marilyn Bull (My View, Jan. 22) has her way, the honest citizens of this state would be left with no means of protecting their lives and property. Does anyone honestly think the police can prevent crime?"
"Yes, there are irresponsible gun owners just as there are irresponsible drivers, but I don't hear an outcry to ban the ownership of cars." ... |
NY: Donations and sponsors being sought for 4-H event
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"The 9th Annual New York 4-H Shooting Sports Banquet and Auction will be held April 19, at Roaring Brook Ranch Resort & Conference Center, Lake George. Tickets are currently on sale for $32 per person, which includes admission, hors d'oeuvres and dinner."
"A preview of the live auction, as well as games and silent auction, will begin at 4 p.m. Dinner, special recognitions and the presentation of awards will begin at 6 p.m. The live auction will begin at 7:30 p.m."
"Donations and sponsorships are being sought for the several auctions and games held at the event." ... |