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Newslinks for 2/22/2008

Glock has a revolver? According to the ATF is does
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The War on Guns has the story about the gun store that had it's firearms stolen. What I found interesting was the ATF has issued a letter about the firearms missing, the problem is that when you take a look at the ATF's list there are some apparent mistakes:

Glock 22 40 caliber REVOLVER??
Glock Model 27 45 (it is supposed to be a 40)
Browning B799 (it should be a BT-99) 12 ga

This wouldn't be a big deal, but when the ATF is shutting down gun dealers for minor paperwork errors they should be held up to the same scrutiny.

More Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You've probably heard about pending legislation to allow visitors to our national parks to carry loaded and accessible firearms. The cover story is the concern that people must be able to protect their families from perverts and wild animals infesting out national parks."

"To this overused assertion, I must ask why doesn't the gun lobby get out front with the real reason it does these things?"

"This amendment and, it seems, most other gun legislation, isn't about guns or the Second Amendment. It's all about politics, and the gun lobby is panicked about who might be living in The White House next year." ...

Gun safety training should be mandatory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Since Feb. 1, more than 30 men, women, boys and girls, have been killed during very public shooting rampages in the United States ... Unfortunately, in the final determination, as with the Virginia Tech and Columbine shootings, regardless of hindsight, there is little we can do to prevent the next rampage."

"I am also an advocate for our Second Amendment right to gun ownership. This does not mean I agree with those who believe that if everyone was armed the world would be a safer place. The logic behind this argument is, at best, faulty. At worse, dangerous. ... would you want more guns in the hands of drivers experiencing road rage? In fact, concealed-weapon and carry laws appear to have no effect on crime whatsoever." ...

TX: A Man's Home Is His Castle, and He Can Defend It
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Texas, more than ever before, burglars and thieves are on notice."

"From a quiet street in an upscale neighborhood outside Houston to a junk-strewn yard on the other side of the tracks, some Texans are shooting first and asking questions later."

"In the Lone Star state, where the six-gun tamed the frontier, shooting bad guys is a time-honored tradition. But a new state law, based on the old idea that 'a man's home is his castle,' gives Texans unprecedented legal authority to use deadly force."

"December, Damon Barone confronted a burglar breaking into his Houston home in the middle of the night. His wife, baby daughter and 6-year-old son were asleep when Barone heard a commotion and grabbed his Glock handgun." ...

A Sure-Fire Argument on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That is the all-important context in which the Bill of Rights was created. The Anti-Federalists, men filled to varying degrees with fear, mistrust, and loathing of the new federal government, insisted on a bill of rights as additional shackles imposed on that new government. Knowing that alone, knowing that the famous Bill came into existence only to please those most apprehensive of the new government, definitively ends any confusion or debate surrounding the meaning of the Second Amendment."

"There is simply no way on Earth the Anti-Federalists would have surrendered to the new and mistrusted government the right to own any gun they wanted at any time they wanted in any number they wanted." ...

TN: Neighbor runs to women's aid, shoots and kills attacker
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"A Brighton man shot and killed a 44-year-old registered sex offender who attacked two women in their home early this morning ..." ...

"Fleming bound the women but one escaped and ran to a nearby home. [District Attorney] Dunavant said Fleming ... intended to rape the women."

"The woman who escaped went to the nearby home of Keith Ingram ..."

"Ingram, carrying a .40-caliber handgun, ran to the house and found Fleming attacking the other woman ..."

"When Fleming tried to attack Ingram ... Ingram shot Fleming once."

"Tipton County Sheriff’s deputies and Brighton Police officers found Fleming dead on the front porch of the home." ...

"Dunavant said Ingram has no criminal record and has a permit to carry the handgun." ...

WV: Dueling Death
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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A McDowell County man accused in a fatal shootout faces a rare dueling charge.

The McDowell County grand jury indicted 47-year-old Steven Bryant Simpson Jr. of Gilliam Bottom on one count of murder by dueling Wednesday.

State Police Senior Trooper J.S. McCarty says the charge carries the same penalty as first-degree murder. That means Simpson could face life in prison if convicted.

Simpson is accused of killing 39-year-old Dana Martin of Worth in an April 20, 2007, shootout a few hundred yards from Simpson's home.

McCarty says both men fired guns following an argument.

The dueling law was enacted in 1849 before West Virginia achieved statehood.

Preparation, prevention help but don't guarantee protection
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Moms and dads all over the United States are sitting down with their high school senior-aged children this month talking about which college their kids might attend this fall and how to pay for it. The decision will be much clearer once those admissions letters all come back in another month or two."

"But what they're probably not discussing and maybe thinking about is their children's safety ... Shooting rampages have changed all that, forcing a much-needed focus not just on campus security and emergency reaction plans but also on a law that President Bush signed in January to help identify mentally troubled people who get their hands on guns." ...

The right of individuals and students to protect themselves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this fair country of ours, it would seem that the majority of the people consider some of our constitutional rights as more important or more sacred than others. For example, no one, except for the die-hard enemies of democracy, would challenge the first amendment rights of citizens to freedom of speech, religion, and the press. On the other hand, a great multitude of individuals and politicians seem to dismiss the Second Amendment, the right of all Americans to keep and bear arms."

"Compared to the general public today, our founding fathers felt much differently about this important issue. They understood that people had a right to live, a right to defend their life, and the right to live it as they saw fit. ..." ...

Push to permit guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Even before a gunman killed six people and injured more than a dozen others in a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University, a small but growing movement had been underway at universities and state legislatures to allow students, faculty and staff to carry guns on campus."

"Twelve states are considering bills that would allow people with concealed-weapons permits to carry guns at public universities. The efforts were sparked by the Virginia Tech massacre ..."

"Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, an Internet-based organization with 11,000 members in its Facebook group, is calling attention to the issue with a protest from April 21 to 25, a week after the one-year anniversary of the shootings at Virginia Tech on April 16." ...

Shooting brings back painful memories
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Feeling powerless while witnessing fellow classmates and professors being shot at, but most of all fearing for your life in the one place you would think you can never be in danger: your campus." ...

"A number of universities in Europe have restricted access and students can only enter the facilities upon ID verification. ..."

"The most effective solution of all still remains to tackle the root cause of the problem: gun control. Our European neighbors don't just seem better prepared—they are. If in Europe these shootings are viewed with a very skeptical and critical eye, it is because there is no such thing as a right to bear arms over there. Frankly they seem better off without one. Ask any French, German or British citizen—guns are to blame." ...

Locked and Loaded
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the recent tragedy at Northern Illinois University, it's very likely that the issue of gun control, and specifically gun control on college campuses, will once again be thrust into the national spotlight." ...

"One of the most hotly debated topics after the Virginia Tech shootings was whether or not guns should be allowed on campuses. Most major universities, including NIU and Virginia Tech as well as ASU, have strict policies against students possessing guns on campus. Even before the recent incident at NIU, the question was raised of how many more of these tragedies need to occur before we allow law-abiding college students to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms.

VA: Virginia Tech, 10 Months Later
Submitted by: Jeremy Hatfield

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"It was the VA Tech massacre that brought me out of my previous hiatus. It's almost been a year since then, and since I've been gone from the Campus Attitudes Towards RKBA scene for a while, I'm curious as to what the discussions have been in Blacksburg since then." ...

CA: Deputies: ROTC Student With Drill Rifle Mistaken For Gunman
Submitted by: jac

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"Authorities responded Thursday morning to a report of a person with a gun, which turned out to be an Reserve Officers' Training Corps drill rifle, on the campus of Cal State-Dominguez Hills in Carson." ...

"The campus was on lockdown during the investigation, according to school officials. A posting on the school's Web site at 9 a.m. said 'the campus is closed until further notice due to an emergency situation. Students, faculty and staff are asked to stay home.'"

"'We were just blind-sided,' said university spokeswoman Amy Bentley-Smith, who locked herself in her office. 'Someone came in and said 'There's a gunman on campus. Lock all your doors.'" ...

PA: Allow concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's time we allow concealed carry on America’s university campuses."

"Maybe an armed, well-trained professor might have been able to stop the graduate student who went on a shooting rampage Thursday in a Northern Illinois University lecture hall, killing six and wounded 15 before turning the gun on himself."

"And maybe someone with a weapon could have stopped the massacre at Virginia Tech last year that left 32 students and teachers dead."

"We'll never know."

"As a society, we must have a serious screw loose when these horrific shooting rampages keep happening again and again. Something must be done to make our campuses safe once more." ...

H/t to Buckeye Firearms Association.

NY: Arm school security guards to protect the students
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"What keeps school security professionals up at night? Pandemic flu outbreaks, homegrown or international terrorism, suicide bombings. The list goes on."

"However, as a member of the security staff at the second-largest school district in Monroe County and a retired member of one of Monroe County's largest law enforcement agencies, I am kept up at night by the fear of an 'active shooter' in the high school building to which I am assigned."

"This month alone, nationwide there have been four school shootings, one city hall shooting and a shooting in a women's clothing store. Add to the list the shootings in the past few years in grammar schools, middle schools and high schools; Columbine being the most infamous." ...

MD: Shooting guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Everyone knows there’s one primal, raucous, smoking-hot urge that every young adult yearns to satisfy—even at Georgetown, Jesuit institution that it is. It’s raw, it’s pulse-pounding and on President’s Day, along with five open-minded friends, I finally satisfied this visceral desire for the first time. I shot a gun."

"Actually, I shot as many guns as I could get my hands on at Select Fire, an indoor shooting range in Glen Burnie, Md. Of course beginners were only allowed to try two—one .22 caliber pistol, one .38. ..." ...

UT: Utah students hide guns, head to class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The senior at the University of Utah gets dressed and then decides which gun is easiest to conceal under his clothes."

"If he's wearing a T-shirt, he'll take a smaller, low-profile gun to class. If he's wearing a coat, he may carry a different weapon, he said."

"He started carrying a gun to class after the massacre at Virginia Tech, but the student says he's not part of the problem of campus shootings and could instead be part of a solution."

"Nick, who asked not to be fully identified so his fellow students wouldn't know he carried a gun, says he has had a concealed weapons permit for more than three years. But it was Seung-Hui Cho's murderous campus rampage that made him take a gun to class." ...

H/t to Joe's Crabby Shack.

Taking on The Lobby
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the horror that was Northern Illinois University ... Barack Obama announced ... that, as a constitutional attorney, he supports the Second Amendment right to bear arms, thinks it doesn't only apply to the militia, and that he also plans to use California gun control legislation as a paradigm for a national policy to contain the spread of gun violence."

"... Can one support the right to bear arms, as well as implement the kind of national gun control legislation that will stem the flood of shootings ..? Essentially, the question is, should Senator Obama become President Obama would he be prepared to take on the most powerful, and influential, congressional lobby outside of the tobacco industry, the gun lobby?" ...

John McCain Is A Liberal Gun Grabber
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last thing we need is another liberal neocon in the White House. ... At least one is able to clearly see a liberal for what he or she is when they have a 'D' behind their name. But put an 'R' behind the name and suddenly their liberal, Big-Government, anti-freedom agenda is barely recognized, which makes a liberal Republican much more dangerous than a liberal Democrat."

"Let me say it straight out: a John McCain Presidency would be far worse than a Barack Obama Presidency. With a Democrat in the White House, conservatives and Christians suddenly find their principles and are able to offer resistance. Put a Republican in the Oval Office, however, and those same people become blind, deaf, and dumb to most any principle they profess." ...

His Disturbing Pattern
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Senator Obama recently gave us a disturbing foretaste of the contradictory doublespeak we could expect under an Obama presidency."

"Last week, a deeply disturbed young man went on a criminal rampage at Northern Illinois University ..."

"Mr. Obama spoke out ... and exposed the crucial disconnect between his rhetoric and his politics."

"Speaking of his determination to do 'whatever it takes' to end gun violence, Mr. Obama acknowledged that the Second Amendment secures an citizen's right to keep and bear arms."

"... Mr. Obama said he rejected [the State militia] view in favor of the widely held belief that the Second Amendment — like the rest of the Bill of Rights — involves rights held by American citizens. ..." ...

SD: NRA cash backs Johnson in Senate race
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association has added $2,500 to the campaign coffers of incumbent Sen. Tim Johnson. It's the first time since the South Dakota Democrat ran for the Senate in 1996 that he has received support from the pro-gun organization, which promotes the Second Amendment and opposes more restrictions on gun ownership and possession."

"Steve Jarding of Rapid City, Johnson's re-election campaign manager, said Wednesday that the NRA donation was 'a big deal.'"

"'It's not necessarily an endorsement,' he said. 'But sending financial assistance is certainly a form of support. ..." ...

Gun Access In Employee Parking Lots Debated Across U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With personal security a major issue now in the U.S., a debate if employees should be permitted to bring their licensed guns and kept under lock inside their cars or not is brewing across the nation. Six states have considering bills that prohibits employers from not allowing their staff to have a firearm ready for their protection while driving home."

"No state has dared to legislate a law permitting workers to bring weapons to the workplace, but Alaska, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Mississippi and Oklahoma are debating if employees may keep one inside their vehicles while in the office or factory. The number of states mulling such a measure is growing." ...

MN: Lawmakers hope to regulate private gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new bill introduced at the Capitol is aimed at existing Minnesota gun laws. Lawmakers want to close a loophole that allows anyone to buy guns at private sales without a background check."

"The bill will be the first time that gun safety advocates have pushed for a new law that would make most gun sales similar to those that take place in licensed shops."

"Minneapolis Councilman Don Samuels calls the gun issue a daily hazard."

"'I hear automatic gunfire at night from my bedroom,' said Samuels." ...

Submitter's Note: And we all know how easy it is to get full-auto weapons!

AZ: Change in gun in vehicle rule makes sense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We would guess that a fair number of Arizonans regularly - probably unknowingly - break a law concerning the concealment of a gun in a vehicle."

"Under Arizona law, drivers who want to have a gun in their vehicle when they travel have to be careful where they put it. It's OK to have it anyplace where it is visible, for example laying on the car seat. It's also OK to have a loaded gun in the glove box, map box or trunk of the car. But you better not have it under your seat unless you have a concealed weapons permit."

"Clearly, this is a confusing law ... That is why State Rep. John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, wants to change it so individuals can put their gun wherever they choose in the vehicle, concealed or not." ...

IL: Sixty-six and still counting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's been nearly a year ago that the Pike County board ... passed a resolution to oppose any new legislation restricting gun ownership. The measure passed in April 2007. Pike County was the second county in the state to pass such a measure, with Brown County being first."

"Since that time the movement has taken off and as of last week 66 counties have passed similar resolutions and another five have the issue pending." ...

"The group also points to the Pike and Brown county sheriffs who have also been supportative."

"'Both Sheriff Paul Petty and Sheriff Jerry Kemp went on record as saying they would not enforce any new gun laws that were contrary to the second amendment of the constitution ...' Mountain said. ..." ...

NE: Measure targeting assault weapons sent to the floor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A heavily rewritten gun-control bill takes aim at assault weapons and, if approved by the Legislature, could lead to the banning of certain firearms in Nebraska."

"As amended by the Judiciary Committee, Legislative Bill 958 would create a seven-member law enforcement commission to develop a list of guns deemed 'inherently dangerous.'"

"The Legislature would vote on whether to ban the weapons for sale or resale in Nebraska. The commission would be required to update the list every two years."

"The committee sent the amended bill to the full Legislature on a 6-0 vote Wednesday." ...

H/t to Joe's Crabby Shack.

Joseph Hewes to John Penn, "to assemble in Arms all the well affected part of the back Country", Feb. 6, 1776
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"...I leave to you whether it will not be prudent to assemble in Arms all the well affected part of the back Country, that they may strive to keep in order those of contrary sentiments, and may be prepared to march at a moment's warning to any part of the Sea Coast of No. Carolina or Virginia where the enemy may attempt to land. It will answer another good purpose as it will give them some little discipline before they are brought into action. I would not confine this to the back Country. The Inhabitants on the Sea Coast must be put in the same readiness..."

Gun Guys: Michael J. Sullivan Who’s Been Tapped By Bush Administration to Head the ATF, Has Been Blocked Over Gun Policy
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Michael J. Sullivan, who's been tapped by the Bush administration to head the ATF, has been blocked in the Senate over his enforcement of gun laws." ...

"Yet somehow, these two Senators feel that they can pass judgment over what appears to be a 'competent' bureaucrat. (Truth be told, we're skeptical about virtually any appointment supported by the Bush administration ...). But it appears that Sullivan is doing his job 'too well' to enforce gun laws and policies within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and that's why the gun lobby's cronies are blocking his appointment. Sullivan is currently serving as interim ATF director." ...

KABA Note: If by "too well" you mean ignoring the law, making up procedures and being so out of control that Congress has censured your agency and passed 'reform' bills designed to reign it in, then yeah, Maximum Mike's BATFE is enforcing the law too well.

'Maximum Mike' Too Corrupt—Even for BATFE
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The Senate's attempt to confirm BATFE appointee Michael Sullivan as its new director, already approved by the Judiciary Committee (AFP December 17, 2007), may hit new snags as more evidence of corrupt tactics surface."

"Boston Magazine recently referred to Sullivan as 'Maximum Mike, the man who covered up the evidence,' and reminded readers that Federal Judge William Young had hammered Sullivan’s office for evincing '. . . a moral code more suited to the alleys of Baghdad than the streets of Boston.'"

"Retired FBI Special Agent John Connolly, 67, currently spending his retirement years in solitary confinement and about to stand trial for murder in Miami, agrees."

"Sullivan put him there with perjured evidence in 2004. ..." ...

GOA Blasts Michael Sullivan As 'Unfit for Office'; Acting BATFE Chief shows himself to be as anti-gun as Ted Kennedy
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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Gun Owners of America's Executive Director, Larry Pratt, today blasted BATFE nominee Michael Sullivan as 'unfit for office' -- characterizing him as being 'as anti-gun as Ted Kennedy.'"

"In a series of answers to interrogatories submitted by Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter, Sullivan revealed that:"

"* He would not rescind BATFE's policy of revoking federal licenses for simple paperwork violations not involving 'criminal intent;'"

"* He would not back down on BATFE's illegal and abusive policies of harassing gun show attendees;"

"* He supports anti-gun legislation by New York Democrat Chuck Schumer, but opposes pro-gun legislation dealing with interstate transfers sponsored by conservative Republicans;" ...

Acting ATF Director Sullivan showing his true colors
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"American Free Press just posted the article 'Maximum Mike' Too Corrupt-Even for the BATFE about Acting ATF Director Michael J Sullivan. If you take a look back at Sullivan's history it isn't surprising. What is surprising is that more Senators have not place holds on Sullivan's confirmation"

"Gun Owners of America in their continued fight to block Sullivan's confirmation sent a letter to their membership, along with postcards to send to your Senators and President Bush. If you haven't contacted your Senators, then do so now!" ...

"GOA commended Vitter's intention to continue to 'hold' Sullivan's nomination 'If Republicans expect the Second Amendment community to support their presidential candidate in November they may want to reconsider packing a GOP administration with anti-gun zealots.'"

UK: Officer tells court of shock at colleagues' fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A POLICE officer who witnessed a scuffle between two colleagues in a briefing room told a court today he has 'never seen anything like it' in his career."

"South Wales Police constable Anthony Hughes said he was 'shocked' when he saw Pc Byron Emerson-Thomas land a blow on the face of Pc Aled Bartlett." ...

"Pc Bartlett sustained eight stitches following the blow and Emerson-Thomas was arrested and charged with unlawful wounding following the incident at the beginning of their night shift on May 1 last year." ...

OH: Don't Assume CHL Holders Are Out To Police The Streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A very well written letter to the editor in the Columbus Dispatch reminding readers that Ohio Concealed Handgun License holders are not supposed to be out preventing crimes. Though the gun control crowd that shows up at Ohio General Assembly hearings would have you believe that every firearm owner wants to be 'judge, jury and executioner' ..."

"'The Sunday article 'Gun-permit renewals near' contained a statement that must be addressed. ... then Ludlow added, 'On the other hand, neither does Martin recall any incidents locally in which a concealed-carry permit holder prevented a crime or captured a criminal.' Concealed-carry license holders ... are not law-enforcement officers, nor are we vigilantes. ...'" ...

DC: D.C. handgun-ban backers oblivious to reality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Since 1976, the criminals of the city have carried handguns and killed with impunity, while the law-abiding have cowered in their midst."

"This is not what the D.C. Council imagined 32 years ago when it enacted what is regarded as the strictest gun-control measure in the nation. The law did not work out as envisioned, because criminals, serial killers and nut jobs who go postal do not follow the law. This elementary observation inevitably escapes the thought process of the well-meaning."

"Instead, the well-meaning point to the easy availability of handguns in Maryland and Virginia being the bane on the ban in the city, which is fair enough. So let's imagine a national ban on handguns ..." ...

UK: 'Give Knife Yobs Tougher Penalties'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Only one in five people convicted of carrying a knife in Gloucestershire actually went to prison, it has been revealed. ..."

"The statistic has led critics to accusing the Government of failing to get to grips with knife crime."

"Publican Mark Ballantyne, 52, received horrific injuries during a violent raid on his pub ..."

"He was horrified when no one was convicted of the crime and said the experience has driven him from the pub trade."

"He called on the authorities to 'get tough' on knife crime."

"'This is disgraceful. Knife crime is becoming so prevalent, particularly among youngsters, that people are starting to carry them for self defence.'" ...

UK: Shopkeeper fears murder charge after armed robber dies in fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A shopkeeper could be charged with murder after an armed robber who tried to steal the day’s takings was stabbed with his own knife during a struggle."

"Tony Singh ... was ambushed as he shut his shop on Sunday evening by Liam Kilroe, 25, a career criminal who was armed with a knife."

"Mr Singh fought back and, after a fierce hand-to-hand struggle, Kilroe was seen by witnesses to stagger away clutching the knife to his chest. Kilroe ... died, and Mr Singh was detained by police. He is now waiting to discover whether he will be charged ..." ...

"Mr Singh, who suffered injuries to his neck and back during the struggle and had to be treated in hospital, insisted yesterday that he had acted in self-defence. ..." ...

South Africa: You can't disarm a nation that needs protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the latest issue of the Government Gazette, Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula intends to outlaw self-defence weapons."

"We, the law-abiding and taxpaying citizens who catapulted the ANC into power, are being asked to defend our hard-won freedom and liberty with sticks and stones. Incidentally, the minister also wishes to ban the catapult."

"... banning weapons ... is the gateway to civilian disarmament, which often precedes genocide."

"Frequently, when presented with these deadly chronicles and the perilous historic sequence, namely that rigid weapons control is followed by banning, confiscation, civilian disarmament and, ultimately authoritarianism, naive South Africans opine that it cannot happen here." ...

Submitter's Note: Why do you need self-defense tools when you have the 'Rapex'?

No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775].

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