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Newslinks for 2/22/2011

NY: No charges against Bronx jeweler who shot robbery suspect
Submitted by: Anonymous

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NEW YORK (AP) — Police and prosecutors have determined that a Bronx jeweler did not commit a crime when he shot a robbery suspect in the leg.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly says Anthony Spinelli was "threatened with the use of deadly force."

Spinelli did get a summons. The pistol was licensed in Westchester County, not New York City.

MI: Cops: Detroit pizza delivery man shoots, kills alleged robber
Submitted by: Bob Devour

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A pizza delivery man in Detroit shot and killed a man trying to rob him Sunday night, according to police. of the men produced a handgun, so the delivery man — licensed to carry a concealed weapon — pulled out his gun and fatally shot the man.


Moroccan police van tries to run down pedestrian [video]
Submitted by: none

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21/02/2011 (Tangier, Morocco)

Ed.: Video only.

Italy: Human deaths raise calls for more hunting regulations in Italy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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They came from opposite directions, two avid hunters tracking the same wild boar.
Neither knew the other was there. So when one noticed a flash of movement in a nearby bush, he fired two quick rounds -- adding the other man's name to the grim roll of those killed in pursuit of a deadly pastime.
As Italy weighs up the tons ... game ... the country is facing the uncomfortable fact that enthusiasts fatally shot an alarming number of humans as well, at the rate of about one a week.
The casualty count has stoked debate over whether such a potentially dangerous sport ought to be more strictly regulated or even outlawed here in a land where about 800,000 residents hold hunting licenses, or 1 in 75 Italians.

Traver material reveals anti-gun positions and troubling allies
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Anyone who thinks a top U.S. cop should enjoy the backing of these alien invaders is asking for a fight."

MD: Dead Baltimore Cop Signed and 'Certified' Red Light Camera Tickets from the zombie-tickets dept
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Joseph was the first of a few of you to point us to the story of how the police in Baltimore have been sending out thousands of redlight camera tickets that were signed and certified by a police officer who died last fall. The law requires that each of the tickets be reviewed and certified by a human before being sent out. The fact that they were done so by someone who was deceased for many months would seem to suggest that no one was actually reviewing these tickets.

Italy: Italian hunters now the hunted
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Not just birds, rabbits and wild boar meet a sticky end in the Italian hunting season.
According to new statistics, 35 people have been killed in the past four months, and another 74 injured. Italy's anti-hunting league, the LAC, said all but one were hunters killed accidentally by their shooting companions.
The 35th victim was a mushroom collector shot dead near Arezzo in Tuscany. Of the injured, 13 were non-hunters, mostly people walking in the woods or cycling down a country lane.
The annual bloodletting is a result of the unusual freedom allowed to shooting parties under Italian law. They can go on to private property and fire anywhere not within 50 metres of a road or 150 metres of a house.


MI: Detroit pizza delivery man fatally shoots
Submitted by: khicks

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A pizza delivery man thwarted a robbery attempt Sunday night when he fatally shot one of the men allegedly trying to rob him on the city's east side.

The man was making a delivery about 9:55 p.m. on the 20200 block of McCormick when he was approached by three men, Detroit police spokesman Yvette Walker said.

Lugar, Lieberman looking into ‘Project Gunwalker’ charges
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"I have contacted the ATF to request information about how firearms could have been allowed to enter criminal hands. I will promptly share with you a copy of the ATF response. In the meantime, I will closely follow investigation of this matter in the Senate Judiciary Committee with our mutual concerns in mind."

TX: TSA Source: Armed Agent Slips Past DFW Body Scanner
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An undercover TSA agent was able to get through security at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport with a handgun during testing of the enhanced-imaging body scanners, according to a high-ranking, inside source at the Transportation Security Administration.
The source said the undercover agent carried a pistol in her undergarments when she put the body scanners to the test. The officer successfully made it through the airport's body scanners every time she tried, the source said.
"In this case, where they had a test, and it was just a dismal failure as I'm told," said Larry Wansley, former head of security at American Airlines. "As I've heard (it), you got a problem, especially with a fire arm."

UT: Favoring the police
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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...the police officer is never charged with a crime and the citizen is forced to defend himself or herself in court.

When confronted with issues of self-defense, defense of a third party, or defense of a habitation, the presumption of innocence should apply equally to both police and non-police officers. The reality is that there is a super-presumption of innocence when it comes to police officers acting in the line of duty, and there is little similar presumption for the citizen who is legitimately armed and reacts in an identical fashion.

Not Your Daddy’s Shotgun: A Look at Some Modern Shotgun Innovations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“That ain’t your daddy’s shotgun, Cowboy”

Looking at some of the newest scattergun technology, the average observer would likely agree.
The shotgun concept is as old as gunpowder, but that doesn’t mean innovation has stopped. Quite the contrary: many people are once again looking at the shotgun as an effective tool for self defense and hunting, while others never left the platform.

Here are just a few of the modern ideas surrounding the old smoothbore.

OK: Ersland Act to protect business owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A state senator is proposing a new law that would be known as the "Jerome Ersland Act." Senator Ralph Shortey (R-Oklahoma City) says the bill would presume that a business owner was acting in self-defense if that owner shoots and kills an armed robber.

"When I saw that Jerome Ersland was charged with this crime, I started thinking to myself, what in the world can we do to help citizens who are just trying to protect their businesses," said Sen. Shortey.

Ersland was charged with the murder of 16-year-old Antwun Parker when Parker and another teenager tried to rob the pharmacy at gunpoint.

Senator Shortey says the "Jerome Ersland Act" will be very similar to the "Make My Day" and "Stand your Ground" laws.

GA: I write to bear arms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A person that really wants to hurt another person is going to bring a gun whether there is a rule against it or not.

I do not like the fact that when I come onto school property I am forced to leave my most prominent method of self-defense behind. That does not make me feel safe at all.

I feel even more uncomfortable because GHC security does not even carry guns. I would like to know how any of us are expected to be able to defend ourselves if we are ever attacked at school.

TX: Fatal stabbing at Brownsville apartment ruled self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No charges have been filed against a 23-year-old man in a fatal stabbing at the La Estancia Apartments early Saturday morning that left one UTB-TSC student dead.

Authorities said the stabbing was in self-defense, after 21-year-old Santiago Bernal broke into an apartment shared by three women. The man who stabbed Bernal was the boyfriend of one of the women, who was in the apartment at the time of the break-in.

IA: Give self defense/gun training to domestic violence victims, legislator says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Domestic abuse victims in Iowa would be offered free self-defense and firearm training by sheriffs under a legislative bill being considered in the House.

Advocates said the issue is about empowering victims.

But several advocates for domestic abuse victims predicted to lawmakers Monday that such a policy would bring about a long host of unintended consequences that include an increase in domestic violence-related deaths.

CA: P.E. instruction getting defensive
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Teens in physical education classes will be getting something else to sweat about: lessons on the dangers around them and ways to stay safe.

Senate Bill 1290, signed into law last year, mandates that in the not-too-distant future, self-defense and safety instruction be added to junior high and high school P.E. classes.

According to the bill: " 'Safety instruction' includes, but is not necessarily limited to, awareness and avoidance of potentially dangerous situations. 'Self-defense instruction' includes, but is not necessarily limited to, martial arts, boxing and other defensive techniques."

FL: Man Kills Dog In Self Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A construction worker who shot and killed a pit bull that was threatening children on Fort George Island spoke to Channel 4 Monday night about the frightening moments that lead him to pull the trigger.

Kelly Multon said a pack of five dogs cornered children near by and when one of those dogs bit him, he took action.

TX: Texas may allow guns on campus
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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However some students, like Luciana Henry, don't want someone in their class carrying a gun even if they do have a license.

"All the violence that has happened in the past at schools, universities, with people bringing guns on campus. You don't know what type of emotional day they're having. They could decide to come and shoot up the school or shoot anybody they don't like," said Henry.

She feels campus security carrying guns should be enough to protect students

GA: Special Report: Guns, guns, guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mike Dilbeck is a Range Safety Officer at Chickasawhatchee. He says he's seeing more people with little to no experience with guns, arm themselves for protection. "The come in and say I'm buying this for self defense, can you show me how to use it?"

He says a gun without control is no protection at all. "When you're faced with the situation she was faced with is how you're going to handle it, how your head's gonna stay. The gun don't make the difference, this (points to head) makes the difference."

NC: Gun death trends
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the last decade the number of privately owned guns in the United States has increased greatly, yet the violent crime rate is near a 30-year low. Despite all the gun control laws that have been enacted in the U.S., government studies have failed to find any resultant decrease in the crime rate. One last point - murder is murder, regardless of the weapon used.

Lott: Arms and the Student
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Before you start worrying about your next trip into downtown Hanover, however, consider that in 2009 there was just one handgun murder in New Hampshire and zero in Vermont. New Hampshire, which last year was named the safest state by the Congressional Quarterly for the third year running, has had great success with permissive firearms policies. When concealed carry is allowed even in such places as the New Hampshire Capitol building, it’s worth considering whether there’s really a legitimate reason for Dartmouth to have more stringent restrictions than state law. Already, 71 college campuses in the United States allow concealed carry. Texas is poised to add to that list 38 public universities attended by more than 500,000 students.

RI: General Assembly bill would ban release of [information about] applicants for concealed weapons
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The House Judiciary Committee is considering a bill that would provide another level of secrecy over the identities of people who apply for gun permits in Rhode Island.
If passed, the legislation would bar cities and towns from revealing the name, address and date of birth of anyone who applies for a license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver. Current state law bars municipalities from disclosing the identities of people who have ever been granted such permits either by the attorney general’s office or by cities or towns. This would close what advocates say is a loophole in public records law.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Contrary to the implication of the original headline, the applicants themselves are not being held.

OK: Oklahoma House panel passes armed robbery self-defense bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A second bill filed over publicity of an Oklahoma City pharmacist being charged with murder after he shot a masked robber was approved Monday by a House panel.

House Bill 2088 would consider it self-defense if someone, in fear of one's own life or in the defense of others, killed another during an armed robbery.

The bill's author, Rep. Randy Terrill, said the measure will be expanded to cover those who kill someone while defending themselves or others from murder and rape.

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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