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Newslinks for 2/22/2012

‘Bulletproof Mind’ empowers gun owners to prepare for, respond to violence
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... We also learn something that, again, sheep simply cannot comprehend and won’t believe—but some of us can and will: Lt. Col. Grossman’s ultimate inspiring message, and this comes out loud, clear and true, is one of love." ...

Second Amendment – Not Just For Whites Only
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There was a time in American history when segregation was legal."

"In our past separate but equal was even an accepted concept. Race is still a delicate subject in some circles but what is worse is ignorance and it is insulting when politicians and 'authorized journalist' promote that the right to keep and bear arms as only a 'white man's' concern."

"The Second Amendment portion of the Bill of Rights is for all Americans regardless of race or political affiliation. Some people still think that the only group that cares about gun rights is white republican men. Those that spread this meme continue show their ignorance of our inalienable rights." ...

Brady Campaign awards 'extra credit' to prove registration leads to confiscation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'But wait,' some might ask; 'is it not a good thing to confiscate guns from felons, domestic abusers, ... etc.?' Not if one believes, as some of us do, 'that anyone who can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian.'"

"Besides, what if, in the Brady Campaign's words, 'California continues to blaze' more 'legislative trails in adopting lifesaving gun laws'--perhaps gun laws that create new classes of 'prohibited purchasers'--such as 'suspected terrorists' (and keep in mind that some would like to classify the entire NRA, or the Tea Party, as 'terrorists'), or medical marijuana users? Another possibility is a heretofore legal handgun suddenly becoming illegal ..." ...

Unwitting airline passengers robbed of their Second Amendment rights’ in NYC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The legality of owning firearms resides firmly in the founding fathers’ crafting of the Second Amendment, but a patchwork of state and municipal gun laws threaten to undermine a citizen’s right to keep and bear arms."

"Nowhere is the assault on the Second Amendment more evident than in New York City where unsuspecting airline passengers are winding-up in jail after running afoul of Mayor Bloomberg’s interpretation of the Second Amendment. The NY mayor’s dislike of firearms is well known, and he even formed an 'anti-gun' taskforce. The three-term Mayor even tried to peddle his anti-gun program to Arizona, after a psychologically unstable person shot Rep. Gabriel Gifford's. ..." ...

Gun rights, 'public health,' and health care
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Of course, when speaking of public health, it is very difficult to deny that murder is extremely bad for the victim's health. That, in turn, strongly implies the very salutary effect on one's health of the ability to defend oneself from would-be murderers. As it turns out, technology has yet to find a self-defense tool that comes close to the efficacy of a firearm in trained, determined hands." ...

Economics 101: Everything revolves around the price of fuel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recreational shooters and hunters — whether they live in Bellevue, Boise, Kalispell or Klamath Falls — have one thing in common besides firearms; they all face another hit to the wallet and the family budget with once-again sharply rising fuel costs." ...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Turns Fun Super Bowl into Attack on 2A
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"AmmoLand: We need to be 'ALL IN' this election cycle!"

"On Super Bowl Sunday, as many Americans were sitting back to enjoy the culmination of another football season, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, co-founders of gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), unleashed their latest anti-gun propaganda via a high-priced television commercial." ...

Gun Ownership Skyrockets in India; 2nd to U.S.
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"The era of Gandhi-like peaceful protests in India is over -- the Hindu nation is now second in gun ownership in the world."

"The Los Angeles Times reports that Indians own about 40 million guns, second only to the United States and our roughly 300 million guns. reports that there are three guns for every 100 people in India compared to 89 guns for every 100 people in the U.S." ...

Is Handgun Hunting Played Out?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maybe I’m just being sensitive but it seems like every time I go out hunting with nothing more than a revolver I get sideways looks from my fellow hunters, like I’m some sort of nut rather than a serious sportsman. It’s not that I’m oblivious to the reasons—when it comes to hunting (especially deer hunting), we have been living in the age of the rifle for some time now and why not? in 2012, we have the most modern rifles with the most powerful scopes ever known to man. Still handgun hunting is nothing new and has been around since the heyday of revolver shooting. And back then, for reasons that are just as valid today, it was actually more popular than it is now." ...

The Case for Carrying Handloads for Personal Defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I hear and read a great deal about shooters who are literally scared to death to use handloads in their personal defense guns. Is that ammunition any more deadly than anything you can buy from a store? Is it as safe? Unless you are making up some exotic loads like buck and ball, there should be no issues with safety or effectiveness in personal defense handloads,, but to ease your mind a little I will explain why." ...

Bargain Hunting: Complete Your Own AR Stripped Lower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Building a complete AR from scratch can be a daunting task for some, but it's not. It's surprisingly simple to assemble just the lower. Say you want to build that Stoner's Black Rifle you've always wanted, but are on a budget, then you need to think about completing the lower yourself. It's the best way to start."

"First up, you probably want to know who makes a good stripped lower. There are quite a few brands out there and we have to mention, because the lower isn't a stress part, that picking the right one comes down to preference, and if your preference happens to be whatever is cheapest, we won't hold it against you." ...

Praxis: Testing the Bumpski on an AK & PSL
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Meet the Bumpski. Today I had a chance to test fire this street legal bump firing mechanism on both an AK47 semi-auto in 7.62x39 and a PSL in 7.62x54R. ..."

"Now I am on record as an advocate of long-range semi-auto aimed fire. Still, there is a role for suppressive fire ... however Class III weapons are out of the price range of most folks and the licensing restrictions are onerous, to say the least. I have friends who like to piss away ammo bump firing their AKs by hand, but the problem is that this is usually from the hip and hardly accurate even at fifty meters. It is suitable for fighting a Chinese People's Liberation Army human wave assault in an alley I suppose, but not much else." ...

Tim Mullin on the S&W .357 Magnum
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"St. Louis gun expert Tim Mullin knows his stuff. I quoted a couple of his books in the first volume of 'Massad Ayoob’s Greatest Handguns,' and more of it in the forthcoming Volume II, of which I’ve just reviewed the galley proofs (should be out this year)."

"Tim has just come out with 'MAGNUM: The S&W .357 Magnum Phenomenon,' published in the finest 'coffee table book' style by Collector Grade Publications in Ontario (" ...

OMG! OMG! Missing Guns In PA! OMG!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign is breathlessly (gotta run fast to dodge those falling chunks of sky) reporting that Pennsylvania Leads The Nation In Guns 'Missing' From Gun Shops: 'Newly released data show that Pennsylvania ranks #1 in the nation for the most guns 'missing' from licensed gun shops with no record of sale, with more than 6,000 guns missing from Pennsylvania gun shops over three years. Pennsylvania gun dealers alone accounted for 10% of all guns reported 'missing' from the nation’s gun shops from 2008 to 2010.' Yes, it's true that . . ." ...

The 2011 Brady Rankings Are Out!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 2011 Brady Scorecard Rankings are out! Iowa once again came in at a paltry 7 points and 0 stars! Great work by all of the pro-gun/pro-liberty activists and legislators. This ties Iowa in 25th place with Maine and Ohio. The states that share a border with Iowa had these scores:" ...

Virginia Is For Gun (And Freedom) Lovers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The Los Angeles Times' anonymous editorial writer (at least I couldn't find attribution) thinks Virginia is making a big mistake. In fact the headline of the editorial is Virginia shoots itself in the foot on handguns, referring to the repeal of Virginia's sensible one gun a month law. Here we go . . ." ...

Mexico President Felipe Calderon: More U.S. Gun Control
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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"Last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon unveiled a large sign with the English message 'No more weapons!' on a Mexican bridge facing El Paso, Texas. Mr. Calderon used the unveiling of this sign to call for additional gun control measures in the United States, including the reinstitution of a ban on modern sporting rifles. Ironically Mexico, which justifiably guards its sovereignty, seems to have no problem dictating to the United States what our domestic firearms laws should be."

"While we respect the work of President Calderon to willingly take on his country’s powerful drug cartels, we continue to be disappointed that he, in the name of security, would urge our Congress to reinstitute a failed ban on so-called 'assault weapons.'" ...

Rights Groups Warn Against Diluted Arms Trade Treaty
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After a week of tense negotiations, a United Nations preparatory committee concluded a final round of talks on Friday to define the rules of procedure for a global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which is expected to be finalised in July this year."

"The ratification of the report by committee chair Ambassador Roberto Moritan of Argentina closed the last of four prepcoms held since 2010 to lay the groundwork for the ATT negotiations."

"The report includes a 'non-paper' by Moritan that will be the basis of this summer's talks."

"Human rights groups expressed cautious optimism about the outcome." ...

NC: Guns in public places
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Forsyth County commissioners' decision to permit the carrying of concealed weapons in county parks again highlights the issue of gun control. The new local ordinance, however, is only a reflection of the much wider matter of near-unfettered access to firearms in most states, and the hazards they inflict on individuals and communities."

"As a naturalized citizen brought up in Britain, where the purchase and use of firearms is tightly controlled (though firearms offenses occur), like Europeans generally, I find the American enthrallment with guns and their near unbound availability inexplicable." ...

NY: New York Governor Cuomo Announces Initiative to Fight Gun Violence (video story)
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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Cam Edwards talks to Tom King - President of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association - NRA News - February 20, 2012

AZ: A good vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read that there was one Republican vote against allowing college students to carry weapons on campus. I am a Republican gun owner and supporter of our Second Amendment, but I thank state Sen. Steve Yarbrough for his 'no' vote." ...

When Seconds Count: Live Streaming Break-In Edition (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner, having been burglarized before, set up a web-enabled camera to capture the miscreants in the act should they ever return. When they did, she was able to watch online from work, call 911 and give the dispatcher a play-by-play report of the burglars’ activity . . ." ...

Could America's Farmers and Ranchers Face a Rhodesian Future?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I envision one possible future for America that is fairly bleak, at least in the short term. If the economy deteriorates the way that I anticipate, and if the power grids ever collapse, then it could trigger that dreaded 'worst case' situation. Such a socioeconomic collapse could precipitate a large population die-off in metropolitan regions, a bit less in the suburbs, and even less in the countryside. But an extended period of lawlessness would still cause considerable loss of life and property in rural areas. There will surely be a lot of refugees from urban areas ... The new paradigm for American farmers and ranchers might resemble the security situation faced by farmers during Rhodesian Bush War of the 1970s." ...

TX: House Guest Shoots and Kills Suspected Burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX house guest shot and killed a man who was trying to gain entry into the home around 2AM. The homeowner called 911 and ran to another room to escape the burglar. A guest in the home, who was armed, fired several shots at the suspect, striking, and killing him." ...

MO: Homeowner Shoots At Burglar Who Attacked Him While He Tended To His Horses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MO homeowner was attacked by one of two burglars on his property. The burglars initially ran off after being confronted, but one of them apparently hid in the victim’s horse barn and attacked the homeowner while he checked on his horses. During the attack, the homeowner fired shots from a handgun at the suspect. Both suspects escaped, but the homeowner was unharmed." ...

IL: Homeowner Shoots and Kills 1 of 2 Intruders During 3AM Home Invasion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An IL homeowner awoke when 2 home invaders entered his home. The homeowner armed himself and shot one of the men. The other intruder fled in a car. The intruder who was shot was transported to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead." ...

WA: 66 Year Old Seattle, WA Homeowner Shoots Burglar with Shotgun, Intruder Flees on Bus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 66 year old homeowner in Seattle, WA found a burglar standing in his front doorway around midnight. Luckily the homeowner had armed himself with a shotgun prior to confronting the intruder and fired a single shot at the man. The man ran off and was found by police with wounds to his upper body several blocks away on a bus. The suspect is expected to recover and will be arrested after he is released from the hospital." ...

Barack Obama: Greatest Gun Salesman in the US?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It seems fair to say that any American citizen who cherishes the Second Amendment cannot – and should not – reelect Barack Obama later this year. Since entering public life, as his record demonstrates, the president has repeatedly and unequivocally supported controversial legislation as a way to limit the rights of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. In his most recent book, for example, then-Senator Obama even asserted that keeping guns out of inner cities was a moral responsibility. Paradoxically, however, his efforts to undermine the Second Amendment and impose more stringent gun control laws are prompting U.S. citizens everywhere to purchase firearms. ..." ...

Firearms group calls Obama 'greatest gun salesman in America'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although the nation's largest gun lobby would never publicly acknowledge it, at least one gun-loving group seems to realize that a Democratic president isn't always bad for business."

"In a post published Tuesday by online ammunition supplier, President Barack Obama is hailed as "the greatest gun salesman in America.'"

"The site is even asking readers whether the gun industry should actually begin supporting him."

"In an eye-grabbing message, the munitions outlet compiled dozens of statistics that show firearms sales skyrocketing in the wake of Obama's 2008 election." ...

Budget Ax Falls on Armed Pilot Program (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cam Edwards talks to Mike Karn – Federal Flight Deck Officers Association and Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations." ...

Obama’s 2012 Budget Is An Attack On Our Second Amendment Freedoms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ever since taking office, President Barack Obama has tried desperately to convince gun owners and sportsmen that he supports the Second Amendment."

"But actions speak louder than words, and Obama’s latest budget proposal contains numerous sneak attacks aimed at the heart of our firearm freedoms." ...


On the Second Amendment, Obama Budget Tells All
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Barack Obama's careful effort to hide his anti-Second Amendment agenda is starting to come undone."

"The latest evidence is found in the budget he sent to Congress this past week."

"As we reported last fall, NRA was very successful in having a number of provisions included in the annual spending bills that are important protections for our rights. Obama grudgingly signed the Fiscal Year 2012 spending bills that contained those 'riders,' although in his signing statement, he announced his intent to defy some. Now, in Obama's FY 2013 budget, he proposes eliminating many of them outright." ...

Elect those who support Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been a member of the NRA for many years. It’s just one of my charities that I donate to. With each yearly membership, you receive your choice of two monthly magazines, the American Rifleman or the American Hunter. They are both good magazines."

"The NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) reminds the readers of these magazines that behind the scenes they are in constant political battles with anti-gun extremists. The NRA-ILA reminds us they are exclusively dedicated to meeting with legislators, fighting court battles, electing candidates and waging the day-to-day, hour-by-hour wars necessary to protect the Second Amendment." ...

Newt Gingrich Attacks President Obama’s Energy Policy: ‘You Cannot Put A Gun Rack In A Volt’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday, Republican hopeful Newt Gingrich spoke at a town hall at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and criticized the Obama Administration for encouraging Americans to buy more fuel-economical vehicles."

"'The President has said, you know, you ought to buy smaller cars,' Gingrich quipped. 'Now, let me start with a simple premise that most Oklahomans will understand: You cannot put a gun rack in a Volt!'" ...

Submitter's Note: Actually it turns out you can.

Newt coming to WA after knocking Obama on energy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "[Gingrich has] made the remark at least twice, once in Georgia and Monday at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK. Naturally, the Gingrich comment is getting lots of attention, and a fair amount of cynicism and sarcasm from the greenies. They’re insisting you can get a gun rack in a Chevy Volt, but the real question should be: Can you get camping gear plus a dead deer or elk into one of them?" ...

Fair enough: Ask them all
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tuesday morning’s column on the looming Newt Gingrich visit to Washington State later this week prompted a pal from California to suggest that a list of questions this column might pose to the former House Speaker should be thrown at all the Republican presidential candidates."

"Fair enough, because this column’s readers certainly would like answers from Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul as well."

"To refresh everyone’s memory, here are the questions:" ...

Obama, Holder work to undermine the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reporting here a few weeks ago, I indicated that President Barack Obama pretends to support the Second Amendment, but really is working behind the scenes with Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder’s Justice Department to introduce oppressive gun regulations, with or without Congress, and despite Constitutional restraints."

"Well, you know what?"

"I was right on target." ...

IA: It’s time for gun rights in Iowa Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Discussing legislative efforts to add gun rights to Iowa’s constitution, a Feb. 11 Gazette editorial said, 'The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution already guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms, but supporters say it’s not enough.'"

"Why is it not enough? The Gazette answered that question with another pronouncement: 'And although we support gun rights, we also believe that Iowans should have the ability to propose, discuss and enact common sense limits on the possession and use of firearms.' The U.S. Second Amendment states that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What part of the word 'not' don't some liberal politicians and media types understand?" ...

VA: Both sides say Castle Doctrine bill was rushed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Both sides in the Second Amendment debate in Virginia are looking to combat Monday's Senate passage of House Bill 48, better known as the 'Castle Doctrine.'"

"The bill, introduced by Delegate Richard 'Dickie' Bell, R-Staunton, passed the House on Feb. 9 on a 70-28 vote. On Monday afternoon, the Senate voted 24-16 to approve a slightly different version of the bill. The two chambers must resolve the wording before the bill can be sent to Gov. Bob McDonnell to be signed or vetoed."

"Both the Virginia Citizens Defense League, which supports gun rights, and the Virginia Center for Public Safety, which campaigns against gun violence, said they plan to take action against Virginia's Castle Doctrine." ...

SC: SC House budget-writing committee starts debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House budget-writing committee approved Tuesday closing a teacher bonus program to new entries, creating a fund to pay for deepening the Charleston harbor, and renewing a tax-free weekend for gun buyers." ...

VA: Senate advances gun-rights bills (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Legislation that would prohibit localities from being able to require fingerprints from first-time applicants for concealed-handgun permits cleared the Virginia Senate on Monday."

"The 27-13 vote on House Bill 754, sponsored by Del. Benjamin L. Cline, R-Rockbridge, sends the legislation to Gov. Bob McDonnell for consideration. A similar Senate bill is likely to pass the House of Delegates."

"Passage of the bill is another victory this session for gun-rights advocates, who successfully lobbied the GOP-controlled legislature to repeal the state's one-gun-a-month restriction on handgun purchases." ...

VA: State aims for rapid-fire gun background checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An attempt to chip away at Virginia's background-check system for gun buyers failed in this year's General Assembly session, but lawmakers are looking to increase spending to make that system move more quickly."

"Many gun-rights advocates complain that the once-rapid checks now move so slowly during peak times that they can halt legal gun transactions, costing dealers sales and the state tax revenue. They want to scrap the state checks in favor of a federal system." ...

VA: Bill would OK guns in cars at city-owned lots
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Localities stand to lose the ability to restrict employees from bringing guns to work under legislation moving through the General Assembly."

"A bill from Del. Brenda Pogge would prohibit local governments from banning workers from keeping firearms and ammunition locked in their vehicles parked in publicly owned lots." ...

NC: Taking Liberties With The Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "As can be seen above, the law was very specific as to what constituted a 'recreational facility'. Moreover, the prohibition applies only to that facility and not to the park within it resides."

"Unfortunately, certain cities within North Carolina have started to take liberties with this exemption.The latest to do so is the City of Greensboro. The Greensboro City Council will consider an ordinance amending their law on Tuesday. According to the supporting memoranda from city staff, they are construing the exemption to include the entire park in which the recreational facility is located. The ordinance itself is somewhat vague though ... I think it may be reasonable to expect they mean the whole park." ...

NY: The NYPD Has a Strip Search Problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Carissa Quinones was seven-and-a-half months pregnant when NYPD officers broke into the apartment where she was staying, strip-searched her, and then (she says) erroneously accused her of carrying drugs. Now she's suing, and her case is at the center of two problems the City of New York faces: illegal strip searches, and bogus drug arrests." ...

NY: City pays Playmate $1.2M after jury rules she was victim of excessive force by NYPD
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"She stuck to her guns — and it paid off big time."

"Busty former Playboy Playmate Stephanie Adams was awarded $1.2 million today after a Manhattan civil jury ruled she was the victim of excessive force by the NYPD."

"'I waited six years for this,' an emotional Adams said after the jury gave her $350,000 more than her lawyer had asked for from the 2006 run-in with cops, which was sparked when a cabby told cops the first openly lesbian Playmate threatened to shoot him — even though she sat in the back of his cab in a skimpy, skintight outfit that could barely conceal a cigarette lighter." ...

CT: Officer accused of planting drugs resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roger Newton, who had been on paid administrative leave as a city police officer since Jan. 6, has resigned, effective Feb. 10."

"The 27-year-old former K9 officer had been under investigation by the city and state after a man accused him of planting drugs during an October 2010 arrest."

"'Roger Newton is no longer an employee of the New London Police Department,' Mayor Daryl Justin Finizio said in an emailed statement Tuesday. 'Any investigations relating to his employment with the City of New London were closed at the time of his resignation. The City cannot comment on the status of any investigations by the State of Connecticut.'" ...

AL: Former Geneva police officer charged with perjury
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Geneva police officer faces a second felony charge in connection to the death of the department’s only police K-9."

"Court records indicate police arrested 32-year-old Joshua Ray Waller on Saturday, and charged him with felony first-degree perjury. Waller was released from custody after he posted $15,000 bail."

"Geneva police investigators arrested Waller in December on a single felony charge of killing a police dog, and a misdemeanor charge of filing a false police report." ...

AZ: South Tucson police officer is cited for DUI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities say a South Tucson police officer has been cited for DUI after hitting a parked car while on duty." ...

CA: Open carry advocates battle Upland
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Although it is now illegal to openly carrying unloaded handguns in California, two open carry advocates are still fighting the city over a confrontation with Upland police."

"Christopher Hacopian of Ontario and Scott Gibb of Adelanto filed a complaint in July in federal court accusing two officers of violated their 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment rights."

"They are also accusing the officers of battery." ...

CA: Ignored 911 Call Turns Fatal In Berkeley; Police Busy With Occupy Protest (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Berkeley Police acknowledge they didn’t immediately respond to a call in the hills that would eventually result in a homicide this past Saturday."

"Officers were preparing for an Occupy protest headed to UC Berkeley from Oakland and said it didn’t appear to be an emergency." ...

FL: Pictured: The moment handcuffed woman, 20, was left brain dead after being Tasered for trying to escape police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A 20-year-old woman has been left brain dead - after she was Tasered by police and smacked her head on the ground." ...

"... Experts have now questioned the use of the Taser."

"Greg Connor, professor ... who specialises in use of force, said: 'It just doesn't make any sense. I don't see where it's going to be that hard to apprehend her.'"

"And nationally known use-of-force expert Dave Klinger, a retired Los Angeles police officer and professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, said it was an an 'inappropriate' police tactic."

"But Sgt Steve Gaskins said: 'The Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted an independent review. FDLE's investigation found the trooper's actions were legal and within the scope of his duties.'" ...

OH: Fishing, Hunting and Trapping Licenses will be available March 1
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio's 2012-13 fishing, hunting and trapping licenses and permits will be on sale starting March 1, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), Division of Wildlife."

"'Ohio's new license sales system performed very well in its inaugural year,' said Scott Zody, chief of the Division of Wildlife. 'Customer identification (ID) numbers should be used whenever possible to help streamline the license purchasing process. People can find the number at the top of last year's license.'" ...

IL: Potential RSO could cause controversy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Michael Skasick wants to exercise his right to bear arms."

"Skasick, a freshman English major, said he is hoping to start a registered student organization called 'Panthers for Concealed Carry' that will defend students' rights to carry concealed handguns." ...

"Robert Zordani, an English professor, has been a witness to the dangers of concealed carry and said he thinks guns would bring more harm than help."

"Zordani said his former professor and friend at the University of Arkansas, John Locke, was shot to death by a 'disgruntled' student." ...

MI: Toy Guns Becoming A Criminal Offense?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"State lawmakers are currently reviewing legislation that targets the use of certain toy guns. A planned proposal before the Senate would make it a crime to possess a toy gun that has its required markings removed or by having a real gun that is made up to look like a toy."

"State Senate Republican Rick Jones said that this has become a major problem, especially within the gang community. 'People are taking imitation firearms that look real, cutting off the orange end and then threatening people,' he said." ...

DC: Violent crime in D.C. surges in 2012
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Violent crime so far this year in the District has spiked sharply — a 40 percent increase that includes twice as many robberies at gunpoint than at this time last year."

"Across the city, all police districts are reporting increases in violent crime, and all but one have had double-digit percentage increases, according to internal Metropolitan Police Department documents. The documents contained preliminary crime data for the city as of Thursday."

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. — Edmund Burke

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