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Newslinks for 2/22/2013

Patriot veteran and retired Chicago cop tells of freer, safer time
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Our HIGH SCHOOL armory had 50 of these, two Browning Automatic Rifles, five M1 carbines, two .45 cal. semi auto M1911A1 pistols, and one M3 submachine gun,' he continued. 'Similar armories were present at even INNER CITY High Schools like Lindbloom, Marshall, Farragutt and most every school that had a junior ROTC, and there was NEVER a school shooting or any one harmed by the presence of these lethal military weapons.'" ...

Obama solicits ‘gun violence’ stories
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "To that end, I’m encouraging Gun Rights Examiner readers to join in the dialog and share your stories of gun defense uses/'gun violence' prevention, or alternatively, to share stories of criminal 'gun violence' perpetrated by the 'Only Ones' the gun-banners think should be armed, the police and agents of government." ...

NRA Winning The Influence Battle Over Gun Control
Submitted by: Donald Bohlken

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... "Forbes Insights and Appinions looked at the data for the week prior to the Sandy Hook tragedy and trended the data over the subsequent 5 weeks to determine the ebb and flow over the gun control debate. We found that the NRA and the pro-gun rights voices are winning the influence battle and will continue to be strong and more influential if the pro gun control voice remains fragmented. On the flip side, the pro gun control voice could certainly gain influence if they establish a more united voice. Here are some other interesting observations from the data:" ... Give Us Your Gun Violence Stories
Submitted by: DC Taylor

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"An e-mail from invites people to share their gun violence stories and reasons for supporting stronger gun control measures." ...

Submitter's Note: BO wants the news. Let's give it to him. The libs will rarely seek info from sites like this; but, they will see it on their own page. Who know how many opinions might be changed by seeing self-defense stories (the correct name for pc gun-violence stories). Here's the link to avoid his propaganda page:

Debunking the “Pro-Gun Myth” Debunker, Part III
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Welcome back, kids. I’m fisking my way through Walker Bragman’s Debunking 18 Pro-Gun Myths, so pull up a seat and we’ll press on. In part one, I only managed to rip apart one myth before hitting my self-imposed too-long-didn’t-read limit. In part deux I dealt with four more myths which gets us almost a third of the way through. So what pile of putrefied pap does Walker offer up as his Myth #6? . . ." ...

Random Thoughts About The UK and Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I told a gun control advocate I was headed to England to celebrate my daughter’s 16th birthday. 'Make sure you write about what it’s like to be in the U.K. without a gun,' he emailed. The clear implication: it’s great to be in the UK without a gun! You can relax! Why not? Visitors to the Land of Hope and Glory spend their time in civilized places doing civilized things with civilized people. A tourist journeying to the U.K. is more likely to get a back rub from Abbey Clancy than be the victim of a violent crime. Yes but—there are millions of working class Britons living in constant fear of violence. . ." ...

State Laws Against Federal Gun Bans Set The Stage for Armed Conflict
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s no getting around it: the conflict between gun control and gun rights advocates is bound to get bloody. It’s only a matter of time before some New York, New Jersey or other state law enforcement officer (LEO) tries to enforce a ban against 'high-capacity' magazines and/or 'assault rifles' and meets armed resistance. Ruby Ridge redux. Equally, if Uncle Sam’s SWAT teams try to enforce a federal AWB or mag cap law inside a 'firearms friendly' state chances are they’ll face armed resistance from gun/mag owners and local law enforcement. Yes there is that . . ." ...

Complete list of companies standing against selling to LEO
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A new website has popped up to track all of the gun industry companies that are taking a stand against anti-gun legislation by refusing to sell to state agencies in states that are disarming their civilian populations. ..." ...

St. Louis teenager suspected of 'knockout game' violence picks wrong victim (Photos)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local 15-year-old, Demetrius Murphy, was shot and killed last Friday while allegedly breaking into a home. Another case of a young man--our very future--tragically taken from us as a consequence of one bad decision on his part? Perhaps not, according to Fox 2 St. Louis:" ...

The Law Enforcement Loophole
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "I am thrilled that the very people and companies that pay the taxes that pay the salaries of these idiot lawmakers and governors are taking a stand. No more loopholes for you, next. ..."

Ranking federal 'gun control' priorities
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The forcible citizen disarmament fanatics do not intend to let the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary atrocity go unexploited--even openly acknowledging that 'exploiting' this horrific mass murder has been their intention since before the little bodiers were cold. As Representative Jerrold Nadler was quoted in the Washington Times (D-NY):" ...

One If By Land: Armalite’s “Private LEO Sales Only” Policy Violates NY Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG commentator One If By Land posted this underneath ArmaLite: We Won’t Stop Selling to Gun Ban State LEOs:"

"I’ve informed ArmaLite that in NYS, Section 74(d) of the NYS Public Officer’s law (which applies to ALL government employers, sworn officers and civilians alike) specifically prohibits an employee of the State (or political subdivision) from receiving special benefits (by virtue of their employment with the state) that are not available to the general public. To wit . . ." ...

Mark Westrom, ArmaLite President: ArmaLite Continues Support to Law Enforcement Officers
Submitted by: Phil Watson / SAF

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"Beginning last week ArmaLite was subjected to a flurry of inquiries about whether ArmaLite would refuse to sell its firearms in New York State in reaction to the legislature’s surprise passage of the worst firearm regulations in the country. In an unannounced move the legislature passed a law that bans possession of many firearms and renders virtually all rifle and pistol magazines illegal. ... It was a dictatorial act of one-party rule."

"I advised that I had established a policy almost two decades ago that held that ArmaLite would not sell to a state government that denied ownership of firearms to the honorable citizens of the state."

"But I advised that I would ... continue to sell to individual Police officers ..." ...

Gawker is Shocked, Shocked! That Legal Firearms are Sold on the Internet
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gawker’s Adrian Chen has been called out before as being one of new media’s biggest 'click whores' and gun control advocates. And today’s sensationalist title just reinforces his reputation. When he stumbled across the above (very nice looking) rifle legally for sale on Reddit, apparently the mere sight of the gun combined with the Reddit alien logo engraved in the lower was enough for him to soil his Underoos. Which, in turn, led to his article titled 'Reddit Assault Rifle' Is The Most Terrifying Thing On The Internet and It’s For Sale on Reddit Right Now.' . . ." ...

Story reveals deceptive packaging of gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A revealing article in the Washington Post has acknowledged something gun rights advocates have long asserted, that gun control proponents deliberately disguise their agenda by masking the names of their organizations." ...

‘Reddit Assault Rifle’ Is The Most Terrifying Thing On The Internet and It’s For Sale on Reddit Right Now
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Users of the internet culture behemoth Reddit are not famous for their level-headedness or discretion. So it was a bit discomfiting to spot this AR15 assault rifle—the same kind of gun used by Newtown shooter [redacted]—with a cute little Reddit alien logo engraved into it for sale on the site. Minnesota-based Redditor 'x—-x—x-x' listed the gun for $1150 last week on Reddit's Gunsforsale section, where fans of memes and viral videos have been loading up on firearms before Obama orders FEMA to confiscate them all. ..." ...

TX: Teacher Refuses to Grade Students' Gun Essays
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Two high school students in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, are accusing their English teacher of refusing to grade their papers because they wrote about guns."

"According to the teens, their teacher, Dewey Christian, said they could write about ‘anything they wanted,’ but then refused to accept the assignment once they told their teacher what they wrote about." ...

NY: Erie County Legislature calls for repeal of SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Erie County legislators have added their voices to a chorus of people across the state calling for the new state gun law to be repealed."

"The County Legislature voted, 7 to 4, on Thursday to approve a resolution calling on the state to repeal and revise the New York State SAFE Act of 2013 'in a manner that is respectful of the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers.'" ...

NY: Committee Discusses NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"A controversial New York state law is causing some conversation within the County Legislature."

"The Public Safety Committee discussed the NY SAFE Act during its Wednesday meeting. Legislators Fred Croscut, R-Sherman, and Robert Stewart, R-Ellington, submitted to the legislature a motion calling for the repeal of the act." ...

NY: Wayne County Board of Supervisors takes stand against gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Wayne County has joined the more than 27 counties across the state voicing opposition to the state’s new gun law."

"The county’s resolution, approved at its meeting Thursday morning, not only asks for the law’s repeal, but highlights specific provisions supervisors believe are problematic. Most notably, a mandatory five-year re-certification process for all gun owners and a rifle registry to verify ownership." ...

NY: Hundreds gather for information session on gun control law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"More than 400 people gathered at the Salisbury Ridgerunners Clubhouse Wednesday evening for an informational session on Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new gun control law." ...

NY: Cuomo says no immediate plans for amendments to gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo told reporters yesterday that he’s had no conversations yet with legislative leaders about amendments to the state’s gun-control law, despite protests from gun-rights groups and some local governments."

"Cuomo said he is amenable to chapter amendments to the law, which he signed Jan. 15. But he said none have been discussed." ...

CT: CT Governor’s Gun Control Wish List Revealed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just ahead of 'Double Barrel' Joe Biden’s visit to the Constitution State, Dan Malloy has riled people on both sides of the ballistic fence. The Connecticut Governor has released his own slate of gun control measures, short-circuiting the work of a legislative 'super committee.' 'It’s apparent to me that the legislature will not reach bipartisan consensus on this issue,' the impatient potentate told the Journal Inquirer. 'I’m always being accused of trying to play this outsized role. I’ve held back. It’s not working, and I will very shortly be speaking on this issue on a fairly comprehensive basis.' ... So what’s on his wish list? The usual civilian disarmament agenda—AND BEYOND! First up . . ." ...

UT: Not Every State Is Trying to Tighten Gun Laws – Utah Moves to Make Constitutional Carry Legal (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While many states are moving to tighten gun laws as a knee jerk reaction to recent mass shootings (looking at you NY, CO, and CA), not every state is moving in that direction."

"A lawmaker in Utah has proposed a bill that would make concealed carry without a permit legal in the state." ...

MA: Westford Selectmen Withdraw Proposal To Ban Assault Weapons (video available)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "The man who originally proposed it [the gun ban] told the crowd the debate had not gone as he had hoped."

"Vice Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Robert Jeffries said, 'This was meant to be a discussion within the town of Westford, a community discussion that’s gotten way, way beyond that. We’re not really getting the discussion we want.'" ...

NJ: BREAKING: New Jersey House Passes 22 Gun Control Bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The New Jersey Assembly’s majority Democrats, citing the elementary-school massacre in Newtown, Conn., passed 22 gun-control bills Thursday that backers said would help curb gun violence,' reported at 3am this morning. 'The measures . . . would limit ammunition rounds, require mental health clearances and photo IDs for gun permits, and bar anyone on the federal terrorist watch list from obtaining a gun.' Breakdown of all the measures after the jump. ..." ...

MN: Pro-Gun Control Politicians Stack the Deck at MN Senate Hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The first round of civilian disarmament hearings in Minnesota didn’t go the way gun control advocates wanted. Gun rights supporters showed up in force, dominating the proceedings (in a good way). Local pro-disarmament papers claimed the hearings were unfair; their guys had been 'bullied' out of the room. Our sources tell us the Senate’s learned from the House’s experience and are stacking the deck. They’re handing out tickets to the Senate hearing room in a 50 – 50 split: 40 tickets for gun rights supporters and 40 for the gun control advocates. This despite the fact that over 150 pro-2A folks showed up vs. about 40 gun control advocates . . ." ...

America’s Veterans Are Being Systematically Disarmed by the VA Without Due Process of Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, America’s veterans all over the country are receiving letters from the Department of Veterans Affairs declaring them incompetent for a variety of reasons. is continuing to investigate the reasons for these rulings, but they postulate that the reasons could be a PTSD diagnosis, loss of limbs, head injury or depression.:

"The letters contain the following warning as well."

"'A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition. ...'" ...

CA: Gang Offered to Protect LAPD Capt. from Dorner (video story)
Submitted by: none

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"A Watts Blood gang offered to protect a Los Angeles Police captain who found himeself at the top of Chris Dorner's hit list, reports CBS News."

"The LAPD couple Capt. Phillip Tingirides and Sgt. Emada Tingirides, an African-American, were placed in protective custody during Dorner's rampage that ended Feb. 12 in a Big Bear cabin. Tingirides was one of the officers on the panel that recommended Dorner's firing in 2008."

"The Bounty Hunter Bloods, a larger Watts gang that covers the Nickerson Gardens housing project, made the offer after the threat to the captain was made public." ...

TX: Intoxicated Texas Cop Loses Control In Squad (video story)
Submitted by: none

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"A Saginaw (Texas) Police officer lost his job after only six months for disorderly behavior during an off-duty arrest by Fort Worth Police in January."

"Andrew Peterson screamed and cursed at police and kicked the rear window of a Fort Worth patrol vehicle following his arrest at a Radisson hotel. Fort Worth Police had responded to complaints that Peterson was yelling racial slurs and harassing customers." ...

NY: Prosecutors to Pursue Felony Charges Against Decorated War Vet in NY For AR Magazine Possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We’ve been continuously sharing the story about Nathan Haddad, the decorated Iraq War vet and current Department of Defense employee who was arrested in Decemeber for possessing 5 30 round AR magazines in the state of New York."

"Please Note: Haddad is charged with the OLD New York law ... which bans the possession of magazines made before 1994. Haddad was under the impression his magazines were pre ’94 magazines ..."

"According to, prosectors offered Haddad a plea deal that would see him convicted of 5 misdemeanors, however that would mean the end of Haddad’s career at the DoD."

"Now, prosecutors plan to take the case to trial and push for five felony convictions, one for each magazine." ...

VT: Former Vt. trooper avoids jail time for assault
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Vermont state trooper has pleaded no contest to charges that he assaulted two men, believing that they had stolen his canoe."

"Erick Howley, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, says he doesn't remember the incident last April." ...

NY: Former Cop Convicted of Official Misconduct, Conspiracy in Kennedy Scam
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Nassau County jury has convicted former Nassau County Deputy Police Commissioner William Flanagan on two counts of official misconduct and one count of conspiracy in connection with his role preventing the arrest of a Merrick teenager whose father was a personal friend and financial benefactor of the police." ...

NM: Former deputy found guilty in child sex crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Lovington jury has found a former Lea County Sheriff’s deputy Danny Surratt guilty of sexual assault on a minor."

"Surratt was arrested Sept. 1, 2010 following an investigation of a claim that he sexually assaulted a 9-year-old female and her 16-year-old sister."

"Surratt was a sheriff’s deputy at the time of the alleged assault." ...

GA: Judge sets $10,000 bond for cop, former deputy and civilian accused in cocaine payoffs (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three men, all from different backgrounds, sat in their orange prison jumpsuits waiting to hear the words from federal court Judge Alan Baverman, that their bonds would be granted."

"Baverman set conditions and gave each man a $10,000 bail."

"The men are former DeKalb County Sheriff's Deputy Monyette McLaurin, current DeKalb County police Officer Dorian Williams, and a civilian Gregory Lee Harvey."

"An indictment in federal court states that McLaurin and Harvey worked together to protect drug dealers during cocaine transactions. In return for their protection, the men were given thousands of dollars in payouts." ...

WA: Tide definitely turned for Gottlieb on gun checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For a few hours Wednesday, Bellevue’s Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, felt like the guest of honor at a public lynching."

"A small fury erupted over a Seattle Times story that reported Gottlieb’s discussions with a state lawmaker over the possibility of supporting so-called 'universal background checks' and for many of those screaming for his hide, it appears a fair number of them didn’t read the proverbial small print. That is, they didn’t read beyond the third or fourth paragraph to learn that Gottlieb’s interest was very conditional." ...

FL: Woman 'shot' and wounded as she cooks a snack after bullets left in her OVEN explode
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"A woman cooking herself a snack has been wounded after the bullets her roommate left inside the oven exploded and sprayed her with shrapnel."

"Aalaya Walker, 18, preheated the oven of her apartment in Tampa, Florida, on Monday to make herself waffles - not knowing that Javarski 'JJ' Sandy, 25, had stashed his pistol magazine with four live rounds in the appliance."

"Ms Walker was hit in the chest and the leg by shrapnel from at least one round." ...

The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. — Tacitus (A.D. 55?-130?)

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