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Newslinks for 2/22/2014

MI: Grosse Pointe Park agrees to police changes following controversial video
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Following the suspension of five public safety officers involved in the controversial video recording of a mentally impaired man that surfaced in November, city officials on Wednesday signed a policing reform agreement as well as a proclamation calling for respect of all individuals."

"The agreement partners the city with the U.S. Justice Department, Michigan Department of Civil Rights and local groups." ...

Bloomberg flacks continue planned attacks on Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Since it was Bloomberg’s creature Barrett who brought up 'exquisitely awkward syntax' of the period, now might be a good time to look up the word 'flagitious,' just so we all know what kind of characters would make 'such [an] attempt.'”

TX: Cops arrest jogging woman because she couldn’t hear them
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Members of the University of Texas-Austin community are outraged that cops arrested an unnamed jogger who ignored police orders because she was wearing earbuds and couldn’t hear them.


Ratings: Is CNN’s Piers Morgan Shooting Himself in the Foot?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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In the end, are guns what killed CNN’s “Piers Morgan Live”?
The show, hosted by anti-gun crusader Morgan, continues to struggle in the Nielsens. And this month, the start of the Michael Dunn loud-music murder trial in Florida has put the issue of gun control back in the forefront. February has also produced six of the show’s smallest 10 audiences since it bowed in January 2011. ...
Morgan has long been an outspoken critic of U.S. gun laws, but the drumbeat has grown louder in the two years since George Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon Martin.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: CNN, please keep this Brit S#!t on your schedule. His stupidity energizes us!

Cover-up? Army historian says report on deadly Afghan battle was altered to absolve faulty gun -- Survivors of bloody battle report M4 jams
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Second of two parts.
A former Army historian who chronicled the infamous Battle of Wanat in Afghanistan, where nine U.S. soldiers died after their M4 carbines jammed, tells The Washington Times that his official account was altered by higher-ups to absolve the weapons and senior officers.
M4 critics have long pointed to the Afghanistan battle on July 13, 2008, as evidence that the rifle’s design was flawed. They cite reports from soldiers on the ground that their guns overheated and jammed that day.

TX: Man Wearing Pro-Gun T-shirt Thrown Out of Voting Booth
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Election officials ejected a Texas man from a voting booth because he was wearing a Second Amendment t-shirt.
Chris Driskill was prevented from voting at the Waller County Courthouse on Tuesday after officials claimed he was violating Texas Election Code section 85.036, which states that “a person may not electioneer for or against any candidate, measure, or political party” in or within 100 feet of a voting location. ...
The officials used the election law to throw Driskill out of the voting booth even though the shirt simply stated “Second Amendment – 1789 – America’s Original Homeland Security” on the front without any mention of a political candidate or proposition.

"SmartGuns" hits shelves in California
Submitted by: Neil Evangelista

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"...according to the Washington Post. The Smart System iP1, a .22-caliber pistol made by the German gun-maker Armatix GmbH..."

Supreme Court hears 3 gun cases
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Supreme Court on Friday will vote behind closed doors to accept three Second Amendment cases that could further define how minors, and adults, are allowed to carry a gun outside of their own homes.

Two of the cases involve the National Rifle Association, and they are NRA v. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and NRA v. McCraw.

Ed.: The third case is the SAF's Lane v. Holder case. Contrary to the headline, the SCOTUS won't release orders on these petitions until Monday morning, at the earliest.

CA: San Diego sheriff won't fight concealed-weapon ruling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In an unexpected action, the San Diego County sheriff said Friday he will not seek a rehearing of last week's federal appeals court ruling that would eliminate most local restrictions on concealed-weapons permits in California.

Although state Attorney General Kamala Harris or the court itself could still intervene, the decision by Sheriff Bill Gore increases the possibility of a proliferation of handguns on the streets of San Francisco and other urban areas that now severely restrict them.

CA: Yes, California, the right to bear arms really means what it says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh addressed the San Antonio-San Francisco analogy at his Washington Post blog, The Volokh Conspiracy. “One could as easily say ‘turning San Francisco into Portland,’ ‘turning San Francisco into Seattle,’ or ‘turning San Francisco into Burlington, Vermont,’ ” he wrote. As Volokh pointed out, all of those enlightened, progressive enclaves have had rather liberal – in the word’s truest sense – gun laws for decades. Matter of fact, Vermonters don’t even need a license to carry a concealed weapon.

SC: 65 concealed weapon permits in SC revoked because of mental-health issues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The State Law Enforcement Division has revoked 65 concealed weapons permits since October – and denied another 12 applications – because of mental-health issues, SLED Chief Mark Keel said Friday.

Also, background checks have thwarted 55 attempts in South Carolina to buy guns by people with mental-heath issues – 49 by in-state residents and six by out-of-state visitors.

CA: Concealed weapons permit decision could put Californians in danger
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals' recent ruling striking down restrictions on concealed-carry gun permits is allowed to stand, California will become a more dangerous place.

The court ruled Feb. 13 that San Diego County's rules requiring applicants to show "good cause" to carry a concealed weapon are an unconstitutional infringement on the Second Amendment. Since the state also bans the open carrying of guns, regulations like these amount to a near-total ban on the ability to defend oneself in public, the court said.

Photos and Video From My First IDPA Shooting Match
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In case you missed it, earlier this week I competed in my first International Defensive Pistol Association [IDPA] Indoor Nationals at the Smith & Wesson Shooting Sports Center in Springfield, Massachusetts. I was invited by world shooting champion Julie Golob to participate and she helped coach me through all 13 stages of the match. IDPA competition matches are set up in ways that allow people to practice their self-defense skills in real life situations while also providing a safe and fun atmosphere for participants.

Ammo: How Much Is Enough When Carrying for Self Defense?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When I get down to 1,000 rounds of any caliber, I consider myself out of ammo for that caliber.

However, that’s not what I’m talking about here. When carrying a gun for self-defense, how much ammo should you carry on you? How much is enough? How much is too much?

Let’s start with the easy question first. If you ever find yourself in a self-defense situation, you’ll quickly realize that you can never have too much spare ammunition.

FL: Session loaded with gun legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Florida lawmakers will consider a variety of gun bills during the upcoming legislative session, focusing on everything from gun-shaped Pop-Tarts to warning shots.

The demand for new gun laws has quieted since this time last year, when lawmakers were returning to Tallahassee on the heels of the December 2012 Sandy Hook shootings. After a gunman killed 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Conn., legislators raced to file gun bills. This year, going into the March 4 start of the legislative session, a handful of Florida gun bills are making headlines.

Watching the Peruta case? Watch the hands instead!
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As is the case with just about all news pieces, there’s much more to the story than can be expressed in a snarky, ‘clicky’ headline. For our purposes on PoliceOne, there is the macro (potential Supreme Court case law affecting policies and procedures from coast to coast) and the micro (subsequent officer safety issues and the attendant tactics and training to ameliorate same). Let’s briefly examine both...

The problem with fingerprint-recognition guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Hill newspaper reports today that Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey (D-umbass) will introduce legislation to require all firearms produced in the United States to be equipped with advanced fingerprint recognition technology.

The monumental stupid and elitist of this suggestion could only have come from someone whose tongue is firmly implanted in the nether regions of Mothers for Justice and Equality, Project R.I.G.H.T. and other organizations dedicating to destroying the right of the people to keep and bear arms, stomping all over the Second Amendment and sporting a big, red “F” rating from the NRA.

KY: Kentucky Senate OKs conceal carry guns in bars
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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At the Capitol, Senate Bill 60 is turning heads, but on the barstools it's a bill that's scratching heads.

"I think you're asking for trouble. Mixing alcohol and guns can be obviously a dangerous thing," said Justin Thompson who owns Belle's Cocktail House, in Downtown Lexington.

Senate Bill 60 would allow gun owners with a conceal carry license to carry inside a place that sells alcohol, with the condition that the gun owner not drink.

On Thursday the bill passed through the Senate with a vote of 30 in favor and four against.

FL: See How Gun Owners Are Protected from Insurance Discrimination by Florida Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Opponents of gun rights and the Second Amendment protections provided in the U.S. Constitution are now attempting indirect assaults against legitimate law-abiding gun owners. In Florida, gun owners were being discriminated by insurance companies who were simply “lawfully exercise their constitutional right to own a firearm,” reported Fox News.

Smart guns protect America
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun violence is a public health crisis in America. Each day, 33 Americans are murdered with guns - including eight children or teens. From mass shootings to more everyday incidents, our eyes are now wide open to this national epidemic. And as Americans, we owe it to each other to stop its spread by implementing solutions like safer gun laws and fostering innovative technologies – including personalized guns.

Militant Republicans: Nope, you aren’t going to overthrow the government
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I shouldn’t even be writing this.

The problem with a serious answer to Republican would-be militants is that we shouldn’t take these people seriously. Like all bullies, they want to be thought of as a credible threat so that we’ll do whatever it takes to appease them. And they want to think of themselves as a credible threat, too. That way, they’ll never have to live in a world that demands inevitable compromise.

FL: "Warning Shot Bill"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill granting immunity to Floridians who threaten deadly force in the name of self-defense continues to push ahead. The House Judiciary Committee recently voted to pass the so-called “Warning Shot Bill.” The measure has gained attention and momentum across the state since the high-profile Jacksonville case of Marissa Alexander.

MA: Comm2A Cites Ninth Circuit Right-to-Carry Case in Davis v. Grimes
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Recently Comm2A filed a 28(j) letter, Citation of Supplemental Authorities, in the case of Davis v. Grimes, currently under advisement in Federal Court. Comm2A’s letter calls to the court’s attention recent decisions from other courts that directly bear on the issues presented in Davis.

Additional authorities cited include Hill v. Provencher (Bristol Superior Court), Morris v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (U.S. District Court for the District of Idaho), and Peruta v. San Diego (U.S Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit).

FL: Woman fired after taking gun to work sues
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Ivette Ros grew up in a house where her father kept guns. For her, it was a natural step to get a concealed weapons permit and then to carry a 9 mm handgun.

The 37-year-old Tampa resident is a single mother of three children and said she carries the gun for safety.

“It's just something about having it versus not having it,” she said. “I feel naked when I don't have my gun.”

Her employer didn't feel the same way. Carrying the gun got her fired, she said.

CA: Mass Shootings Justify S.F. Limit on Bullets
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Although there will be some occasions when a law-abiding citizen needs more than ten rounds to defend himself or his family, the record shows that such occasions are rare," U.S. District Judge William Alsup wrote Wednesday. "Nonetheless, in those rare cases, to deprive the citizen of more than ten shots may lead to his or her own death. Let this point be conceded. In assessing the balance of equities, those rare occasions must be weighed against the more frequent and documented occasions when a mass murderer with a gun holding eleven or more rounds empties the magazine and slaughters innocents."

The Second Amendment Case the Supreme Court Must Take
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Until the Supreme Court ruled in the 2008 case of District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment protects the right to armed self-defense, many lower courts gave this important provision short shrift. Lacking guidance from above, they linked the right to some undefined militia service, effectively reading it out of the Constitution.

Six years later, they’re at it again.

While Heller clarified that the Second Amendment secures an individual right, the ruling left many questions about the scope of that right unanswered. Since then, several courts have made clear that they plan to take only as much from Heller as they absolutely have to.

Ed.: The article refers to Drake v. Jerejian.

IL: With Ban on Concealed Carry Lifted, Chicago Residents Learn to Protect Themselves
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In December 2012 the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Illinois' ban on concealed carry as unconstitutional, finally opening the door for residents in crime ridden areas of Chicago to protect themselves and their communities. Although permits must be approved by local police and a state licensing board, it's a start. People who have applied for permits are expected to get approvals and permits in the mail by the middle of March 2014.

Rasmussen: Plurality supports ‘Stand-your-ground’ law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new Rasmussen survey released yesterday found that far more American adults favor so-called “stand-your-ground” (SYG) laws than oppose them, while the mother of the Florida teen killed in a 2012 shooting over loud music yesterday blamed the law in that state for her son’s death.

Rasmussen’s survey of 1,000 adults, conducted Feb. 17-18, found that 46 percent support SYG in their states while 34 percent oppose and 20 percent are undecided. The survey has a margin of error of +/- three percentage points. It is almost the same result as a survey taken last year on the subject. Here are the survey questions

Chiappa growing in the U.S., planning further expansion in Ohio
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s a small expansion but a sure sign of the company’s success: Chiappa is planning to more than double their workforce in the U.S., going up from 14 American employees to a round 30. Chiappa, an Italian company founded in 1958, operates in the U.S. out of Dayton, Ohio.

The company has seen increased sales in the past few years, in the recent boom that has benefited gun makers nation-wide. And even though sales have slowed down in the recent weeks the company is still moving to bring in some new faces to handle expanded business in the U.S.

CA: California Sheriff Complies with 9th Circuit Court, Loosens CCW Restrictions
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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According to CBS Los Angeles, Sheriff Hutchens has “relaxed the requirements” so that “applicants will no longer have to prove just cause in order to obtain a CCW.“ They now “need to show simply the desire to obtain a [CCW] for self-defense or for personal safety reasons.”

Although critics of the move point out that the Ninth Circuit’s ruling could yet be appealed, “a sheriff’s spokesman said the Orange County Sheriff’s Department is now accepting applications for CCWs.”

What's on Second? The Ninth.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights are a highly emotive subject, and it's not difficult to imagine that Second Amendment could become a flashpoint for opposition to an Obama Supreme Court nominee. Democrats currently have a 55-45 Senate majority, but the lineup of Senate seats up this November is so highly favorable to Republicans that many observers think the GOP has a better than even chance of holding the majority next January.

What if a vacancy came this year? With a 55-45 majority, the Democrats would be able to get any nominee through if they stayed united.

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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