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Newslinks for 2/23/2011

Soldier of Fortune’s Brown backs Steve Schreiner for NRA Board
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The Nominating Committee has not selected him, however. Per Brown:"
"NRA will not endorse him 'cause they think he is 'too much of a zealot.' My response is that we could use a few more 'zealots' on the BOD." ...

New York City’s gun permit system reflects elitism, not equality
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The goal is for the entire Republic to reflect the edicts of the Big Apple, where you and I are disarmed by law, that is unless and until we either can join the ruling elites or serve them as their enforcers." ...

Changing Gun Privileges Back into Gun Rights: The first step in holding back the Leftist Tide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The pro-gun movement is proud that 48 states have some sort of mechanism that allows concealed carry by law abiding citizens. Most of the 48 states have 'shall issue' laws ..."

"But, shall-issue laws still require a citizen to ask the government for permission, and often force permit holders to follow restrictions on when and how they can carry a gun. In many states, concealed carry permits can be revoked on a whim. There are even some states that allow law enforcement officers to take possession of a permit holder's gun without an arrest." ...

Guns in parks rule reaches one-year anniversary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One year ago today, on February 22, 2010, the National Park Service lifted the ban on carrying concealed weapons in the parks for those who have permits to do so." ...

"At the time, critics predicted that the new rule would frighten families away from the parks, and that the number of animals shot by gun owners in the parks would increase exponentially."

"So what actually happened?"

"Not much at all, noted David Barna, spokesperson for the National Park Service, in an email. There was 'really almost no impact,' he wrote." ...

Submitter's Note: Translation: 'The sky didn't fall.' Amazing, isn't it?

Gun Law Expert Urges Support for CCW National Reciprocity Bill (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Congress should enact national CCW reciprocity and soon,' gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today."

"'A proposal by Reps. Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and Heath Shuler (D-NC) would provide a national standard with which nonresidents of a state may carry concealed firearms in the state,' he added. 'Congress should give favorable consideration to the bill, H.R. 822, now in the House Judiciary Committee.'" ...

Submitter's Note: At the time this was posted the bill text was not yet available, when it is, it should appear here.

Standing Armies, Gun Control, and Middle East Tyranny
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Over the years, I have had occasion to travel to Europe, where I have engaged in conversations about gun control with Europeans. They always bring up the standard leftist arguments in favor of gun control. My response has always been the following: When a European country is taken over by a dictatorship, Europeans must either submit or be killed. At least in the United States, the American people, being armed, have another option: the ability to defend themselves from military murderers by shooting back at them."

"Events in the Middle East are confirming my point. ..." ...

So, how's that 'gunless' revolution thing working out for ya'?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "It is with some disappointment that I see that neither Mr. Ungar or the Goddards have seen fit to revisit the subject of "gunless" revolutions, in light of recent events in Libya. From National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea's War on Guns blog:"
"Here's some of that Josh Horwitz philosophy in action:"
"Libya warplanes bombing Tripoli: resident"
"Colonel Gaddafi troops gun down 200 protesters in Libya bloodbath" ...

NSSF: Long Gun Sales Push U.S. to New Firearms Sales Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The last time American firearms sales spiked like this (1994), Uncle Billy’s Boys were about to implement the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Also worth noting: during the period when the AWB was in effect, long gun sales far outpaced handgun sales ..."

C.J. Chivers: A Rifle’s Tale from Afghanistan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Under the Fair Use law, I can’t republish entire articles without permission. The exact limits of acceptable scrapage are open to debate, and subject to common sense (i.e., I can copy and paste enough material to make people want to link across, but not so much that they won’t bother). That’s not as much of a limitation as it is a challenge: to find the section that best encapsulates the writer’s ideas. With New York Times war correspondent C.J. Chivers’ work, I find my editorial skills stretched. Here’s my digital sample from today’s masterwork . . ." ...

CNN's Savidge, Guests Gang Up on Supporter of Concealed Carry on Campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Monday's Newsroom, CNN's Martin Savidge teamed up with guests Rachel Sklar and Nick Ragone to oppose a proposed bill in Texas that would allow college students with concealed carry permits to carry handguns on campus. Savidge only had conservative talk show host Ben Ferguson on to voice his support for the bill during the segment, who faced off against the three." ...

Mayor Bloomberg's Arizona Gun Show P.R. Stunt
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"New York City's murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault rates rose last year according to preliminary FBI data, with murders alone increasing by more than 12 percent. But instead of concentrating on crime in New York City, Mayor Bloomberg just spent $100,000 of the NYPD's budget sending police to Arizona to buy guns at a gun show." ...

How To Teach Someone How to Fire a Gun in Two Minutes or Less
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I reckon TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia have reached something of a consensus: if and when the SHTF, working with your neighbors will be your most successful survival strategy. The chances that your neighbors will be as well armed as you, and trained enough to lend a hand with collective defense, depend entirely on geography. You good old boys are good to go. Those of us who live amongst gun-hating liberals face some major petard-related self-hoisting. We may need to train our former antagonists how to run a gun. Start with the same trick that master dog trainers use to train a dog . . ." ...

Praxis: Ah, I love the smell of butyric acid in the morning. It smells like - victory. Memories of Chemistry Lab and high school guerrilla warfare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Butyric acid is a component of vomit. Its unpleasant smell has made it a useful stink bomb for non-lethal political attacks. It has been used to attack whaling boats and taint the whale meat, so that it cannot be consumed. It has also been used in a large number of attacks on abortion clinics."

"Discretion in purchasing is recommended. Skunk-scent is probably as effective, less expensive, available where deer hunting scents are sold. Either can be safely carried and discharged from a (medium to large, hand concealable) hypodermic syringe, without the needle, easily available at a veterinary supply ..."

NSSF Streams Firearm Safety Videos Online
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of last [week's] Super Bowl's ads promoted the latest Hollywood films, and we'll no doubt invest many hours watching them. The National Shooting Sports Foundation ... suggests investing a fraction of that time watching videos with your children that can help prevent a firearms-related accident. ..."

"New, higher-definition versions of NSSF's three firearms safety videos are available online ... All videos can be streamed free of charge at" ...

Springfield Factory Trigger Job: Click Instead of Bang. Too Much Lube? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I recently sent my Springfield XD-M to the factory for a “Combat” trigger conversion. This afternoon, I brought the modified gun to the American Firearms School for a work out. The XD’s trigger was as crisp as a freshly-laundered shirt. But there was lots of clicks where there should have been bangs. ... I’m taking the XD-M to my gunsmith for a closer look."

There's also 'well-regulated militia'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ardent defenders of the Second Amendment to the Constitution usually focus on the passage concerning the 'right of the people to keep and bear arms,' but almost never on the 'well-regulated militia.' Well-regulated militia implies an established hierarchical order of command, plus the capacity of a civilian to function as a soldier. One would assume that obligation would require training beyond a membership at the local firing range." ...

Once again, the gun lobby escapes common-sense regulation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"LAW-ABIDING GUN dealers and gun owners have rights. So says the Second Amendment and so says the Supreme Court. But that doesn't make common sense regulation unconstitutional."

"Yet the gun industry continues to resist modest provisions that do not infringe on their legitimate interests but could significantly enhance public safety. And lawmakers - some perhaps acting as much out of fear of the powerful lobby as on principle - continue to enable this irresponsible aversion." ...

Words can do irreparable damage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While I am a strong defender in the Second Amendment's guarantee of the right to bear arms, I am concerned that a deranged person, rejected from military service and expelled from an educational institution for aggressive conduct, can walk into a gun store and purchase an assault weapon capable of spraying bullets in every direction in a matter of seconds." ...

Submitter's Note: Speaking for myself, while I am a strong defender in the First Amendment's guarantee of the right to speak freely, I am concerned that a deranged person, rejected from military service and expelled from an educational institution for aggressive conduct, can walk into a computer store and purchase an assault computer capable of spraying idiocy and hatred in every direction in a matter of seconds.

Bellevue’s Gottlieb, CCRKBA want ATF funding cut over ‘Gunrunner’ scandal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Bellevue’s Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, took the gloves off yesterday in an e-mail alert to CCRKBA members and supporters, urging them to flood Capitol Hill with messages, demanding a budget cut for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)."

GOA’s Pratt talks ‘Project Gunwalker’ over Fox host Megyn Kelly’s objections (video available)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Believing it relevant to the discussion, Pratt introduced key points involving 'Project Gunwalker,' allegations about gun monitoring operations by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) gone awry. Host Kelly quickly tried to steer away from that, claiming it unfair to talk about because ATF was not there to defend themselves. Pratt replied they will not talk about it with Sen. Grassley, so they will not talk about it with her." ...

Larry Pratt comes out swinging on the Project Gunwalker scandal while the "800 pound gorilla" NRA rests upon its considerable ass.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I want to go on record about one thing. When it came to David's and my attention that the [Project Gunwalker] whistleblowers were out there willing to tell their stories, Larry Pratt was one of the first guys we called for advice on how and who to contact to make that happen. GOA worked quietly behind the scenes, helping us get in touch with the right people in Sessions' and Grassley's offices. ... At every turn, Larry and the GOA were there to help ... It is the height of irony that the FOX build-up to the story on Traver credited NRA with its opposition, whereas it was GOA that was, like the Gunwalker scandal, early in the trenches against Traver while the NRA sat back and calculated the odds, as the Lairds of Fairfax always do." ...

'Project Gunwalker' charges surfacing on Fox News
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Information on 'Project Gunwalker,' allegations about gun monitoring operations by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) gone awry, is once more surfacing on Fox News. The network has been silent since an initial report by Maxim Lott on its website in early February." ...

CA: Paris Hilton Praises Gunslinger Boyfriend
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After Paris Hilton's personal brush with crime and firearms, we now know where the heiress stands on the Second Amendment, in case anyone was wondering."

"Hilton has publicly lauded her current boyfriend, business tycoon Cy Waits, for thwarting a burglary by brandishing a gun." ...

"Hilton then expressed her gratitude to the Almighty, saying, 'Thank God he had a gun with him and he had to literally put it to the guy's head. We waited a half-hour for police to come.'" ...

Take Two: Somali Pirates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While preparing to write my fictional account of the voyage of the Neko II around Africa, which Mr. Farago has been good enough to publish in serial on this site, I spent countless hours researching and reading the accounts of people fortunate enough to sail the globe in private yachts. One of the blogs I stumbled across and drew inspiration from was that of Scott and Jean Adam and their Davidson 58 pilot house sloop, s/v Quest. One of my story’s plot points involved a brush with Somali pirates. No metaphor about art, life, imitation, or the strangeness of fiction is adequate to describe the tragedy that befell this couple and their death at the hands of real Somali pirates." ...

Somali Pirates Kill Americans. Again. NOW What?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to just about every news source on the planet, Somali pirates have killed four Americans aboard their hijacked yacht. Here’s the details as we currently understand them…" ...

"Here’s a fun factoid that will help put things in perspective: not counting the attack against the Quest, pirates hold 30 ships and more than 660 hostages at this point in time."

"This brings up a number of questions and I’ve got a few observations to go with them." ...

Seattle couple murdered by pirates; Would guns on board be smart?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Four Americans, including a Seattle couple, aboard a private yacht hijacked by Somali pirates are dead this morning, and readers reacting to the CBS story on-line are wondering why any of the pirates were taken alive. Likewise, after the Seattle Times caught up with the story at about 7:25 a.m., it didn’t take long for readers to suggest that the pirates be taught a lesson." ...

Handgun Is The Great Equalizer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the Arizona shooting, I've watched with interest as both sides have weighed in on our Second Amendment. I've written before about gun-control, and although tempted, I had nothing to add beyond what was being said." ...

"What finally stirred me was the front page of Thursday nights sports section. Here I found the perfect illustration to drive home a simple point that even a gun-control advocate could understand." ...

Confessions of a Concealed Carry Permit Holder: Day 5
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, I went to Toys R Us. As a regular reader of my own website, I knew that the toy emporium banned guns from their premises out of 'an abundance of caution' for 'children and families shopping with us.' Just in case I had any doubts whether or not my local Toys R Us was down with the ban, I clocked the sign outside their front door. Yup: 'possession of firearms is prohibited on these premises.' So I had to make a choice: stow my XD-M in the glove box or break the law . . ." ...

Confessions of a Concealed Carry Permit Holder: Day 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today’s email blast from got me thinking . . . 'You spend money building your survival food and gear stockpiles. You take months, even years to build up your knowledge of survival skills. You may even leave the city for a safer home in the country. You may be up at 5:00 AM seven days per week, working hard gardening, building, fencing, raising livestock and a hundred other tasks required to become self-reliant on your own land. You're doing all that work while balancing the needs of your family and the other things in your normal daily life. You work. You wait and you wait and… And then something happens…"


Guns on Campus: Far From Vigilante
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Synopsis: Comparing the successes of armed students on campus to gun bans and vigilanteism is in order."

"Texas is likely to approve guns on campus for college students. I encourage them to approve, because it is not about guns on campus, it is really about adults who can participate in safer campuses." ...

Confessions of a Concealed Carry Permit Holder: Day One
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today, the Providence Police hand-delivered my concealed carry weapons permit. Credit the low-volume of applications for the personal service. Mine was one of five CCW applications submitted to the department in 2010. One of three the Police granted after an eighteen year hiatus (with one exception). Following a six-month wait. To be fair, the Renaissance City po-po used to kick the can to the AG’s officer. The Providence Police had to invent a CCW permitting process on the fly. And so they have. ..." ...

Should Congress Ban High Capacity Gun Magazines?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter argued that gun magazines should not exceed 10 bullets; the NRA's Chris Cox wrote that such a ban would lead to innocents being harmed. A sampling of reader comments:" ...

Why would anyone like Sarah Palin?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am beginning to question myself as to why I ever liked Sarah Palin. Why would I like someone that has faith in religion? Why on earth, would I like someone that has faith in her country for crying out loud? ... Wow, and guns-she does love those gun rights of Americans. I bet she even uses her second amendment rights and owns more than one gun, gosh darn it! And she kills animals and EATS them too! And so does her family! No going to the store for packaged meat for HER family. She actually practices what she preaches! ..."

CA: Ted Lieu’s treasonous bill to expand gun free zones
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ted Lieu is a reserve officer in the United States Air Force. As such, Ted Lieu swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"As a former Assemblyman, Ted Lieu swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"Last Friday, as a newly elected California State Senator, Ted Lieu swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States."

"Shortly after Ted Lieu swore his oath, he introduced a bill attacking the Second Amendment of the United States."

"How is this not treason?" ...

FL: NRA vs. FMA: Bill banning docs from asking about guns passes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"controversial[sic] gun bill, strongly backed by the National Rifle Association and strongly opposed by doctors, passed through the Senate Criminal Justice Committee Tuesday morning."

"SB 432 would not allow doctors to ask patients whether they own a gun. Psychologists and psychiatrists dealing with emergency psychotic episodes would be exempt." ...

AZ: Up in Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "If Rep. Jack Harper, an Arizona Republican from Surprise, gets his House Bill 2014 passed into law, soon [Iraq War veteran Dan] Caldwell and many other gun holders with valid permits can carry on ASU campuses."

"Harper introduced the bill in late December. He is also the main sponsor of House Bill 2001, which would allow community colleges and university faculty to carry concealed weapons on Arizona college campuses if they have a proper permit." ...


AR: Arkansas' 2011 firearms legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On January 19, 2011, state Senator Jeremy Hutchinson, R-Little Rock, introduced Senate Joint Resolution 2 (SJR2), a proposed state constitutional amendment to make the independent state agencies accountable to the Arkansas General Assembly. Yesterday, Senator Hutchinson amended the bill to exclude the Arkansas Game and Fish from this proposed amendment." ...

TN: Judge revives Tenn. gun rights' lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Nashville judge has reversed himself and revived a lawsuit that may determine how much the state of Tennessee can regulate guns."

"Leonard Embody, 38, of Brentwood, filed a lawsuit against the state last year after it took away his permit to carry a firearm."

"He claimed the state violated his constitutional right to bear arms." ...

NJ: NJCSD & MCRGO File Amicus Brief in Landmark NJ Gun Rights Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New Jersey Coalition for Self Defense (NJCSD) in partnership with the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Ownership (MCRGO) filed an Amicus Curiae (friend of the court) brief on Friday in support of the Second Amendment Foundation’s case against the State of New Jersey, which will be heard in United States District Court."

"Amicus Curiae briefs help explain legal issues, and are filed by interested parties in order to help courts reach proper decisions in complex cases." ...

Domestic Abuse: "Police Officers Are Humans Too"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I respect the police. You’ve got to respect anyone willing to lay their life on the line for total strangers, which includes me and my family. I’ve give the po-po props despite my firmly-held belief that any given cop’s willingness to get into harm’s way has more to do with their testosterone levels (i.e. thrill-seeking genetics) than altruism. Let’s face it: a lot of the large-framed and/or balding men wearing police uniforms are prone to, uh, excess physicality. And when they 'act out' bad things happen to good people, their families included. Truth be told, officer-involved domestic violence (OIDV) is law enforcement’s dirty little secret. Only maybe it’s not so little. And one way or another, it always involves a gun . . ." ...

FL: Officer Shoots Officer; Bullet Stopped By Radio
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Oviedo police officer accidentally shot a fellow officer during an arrest."

"The officer is now on leave while an internal investigation looks at how this happened." ...

CO: Arvada Police arrest 11-year-old over 'inappropriate' stick figure drawing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 11-year-old Arvada boy was arrested and hauled away in handcuffs for drawing stick figures in school, something his therapist told him to do."

"His parents say they understand what he did was inappropriate, but are outraged by the way Arvada Police handled the case ..." ...

"[His mother] says she told her son to cooperate and tell the truth, but was horrified when they told her they were arresting him and then handcuffed him and hauled him away in a patrol car. ..." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Most important lesson learned: Never, ever, talk to the police without a good lawyer present. That should have been what mom told her son.

KABA Note: "I wish to speak to my attorney. I do not consent to any search." Learn it, love it, live it.

NJ: 'Excessive speed' on part of off-duty Jersey City cop was factor in Bayonne woman's death: Prosecutor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Jersey City police officer was speeding when his car smashed into several vehicles during a 7-car crash that claimed the life of an 82-year-old Bayonne woman Sunday afternoon on Avenue E in Bayonne, officials said today." ...

Trigger snappy: The amazing photos that capture the explosive power of a bullet destroying household items
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is one photographer who knows what a real photo shoot is."

"Using a loaded [air] weapon and a home-made camera, Alan Sailer captures the moment a series of everyday items explode on contact with a bullet."

"Among the mundane props he turned into spectacular works of art are a foam sponge, a radish and Christmas decorations." ...

GA: I write to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As everyone knows, weapons are banned from all GHC campuses. If a student is found in possession of a weapon on school property, he or she may be banned from ever returning to a GHC campus and may even be banned from the University System completely."

"I completely disagree with this rule and think that it is a violation of our Constitutional rights as free American citizens." ...

OR: Handgun death statistics have doubtful sources
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"The recent letter condemning defensive handguns in the home appears drawn from the files of The Brady Bunch, Violence Policy Center and assorted politicians who have as their ultimate goal the abolishment of all firearms. Data espoused in the article has been proven to have no factual basis." ...

NC: Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The Second Amendment does not say the right to keep and bear arms is only for local, state or federal government. It does not say it is the right of the militia. The Second Amendment says 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.'" ...

IL: Criminals commit 87% of Chicagoland murders; Mayor still has it out for law-abiding gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago Mayor Richard Daley announced months ago that he would not seek reelection but that hasn't stopped him from continuing to attack gun rights whenever possible. Daley used the Arizona tragedy that left Representative Gabby Giffords fighting for her life and the Fort Hood massacre as a reason to call for more gun control."

"Nothing seems to get in the way of Daley's anti-gun crusade – not even the fact that gun control has failed in Chicago and everywhere else." ...

MA: Food For Thought Panel: Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The latest Food for Thought discussion panel hosted by S.O.U.L.S. centered on the politics of gun control. Led by government professor Brad Bannon, the panel opened up with a slideshow presentation of gun statistics gathered by ABC News." ...

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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