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Newslinks for 2/23/2013

SAF scores another win for concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation today scored another victory for concealed carry when the entire Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals let stand a December ruling by a three-judge panel that forces Illinois to adopt a concealed carry statute."

"The SAF case, known as Moore v. Madigan, was actually decided in December with Judge Richard Posner writing the majority opinion. In the process, the judge affirmed that the right to bear arms exists outside the home. That ruling now stands, leaving the Illinois legislature no alternative but to write a statute that enables citizens to carry outside the home, without a lot of red tape, for their personal protection. ..." ...

Panic buttons latest foolish responsibility dodge on school safety
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine, right now wherever you are, you hear shots. ..." ...

Civilian Disarmament Creates Two Americas: Slave States and Free States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today, the New Jersey Assembly passed 22 laws limiting its citizens’ Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. In the post-Newtown rush to civilian disarmament, the Garden State follows New York’s lead. And Colorado. Connecticut will soon pass similar legislation. California and other Democrat-controlled states are set to 'tighten' their already unconstitutional firearms regulations. Meanwhile, Southern and Western states are moving in the opposite direction. Utah is set to join Vermont, Alaska, Arizona and Wyoming as a 'Constitutional carry' state (no permit required to carry a firearm). We’re seeing the creation of two Americas: slave states and free states . . ." ...

Gun Ban Bills Set to Invoke Law of Unintended Consequences
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How much time did New Jersey reps have to read the 22 civilian disarmament bills passed a 3am this morning? I hope they had more time than New York politicians; they had all of 20 minutes to read the SAFE Act ... Speaking of which . . . 'With less than a month before provisions of New York’s gun law go into effect, mental health professionals are waiting to learn the exact procedure for reporting people they deem likely to seriously injure themselves or others,' ..."

"Neither the Office of Mental Health or Governor Cuomo have issued guidelines. Not to mention the fact that health care workers [rightly] fear that the Act will prevent mentally ill residents from seeking help. Which could lead to more spree killers." ...

Rather the NRA's vision than liberals'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The outrage over gun violence continues to be debated in our country. However, some misguided individuals feel that background checks, gun bans, and ammunition clip bans, as well as a demonizing of anybody who has a different opinion than their own, will solve the problem of gun violence. Case in point is Alma Rutgers' latest column ... which demonizes Wayne LaPierre, and the NRA, by saying, 'we'll not let the NRA's hellish dystopian vision of America, riddled with guns, prevail.'" ...

Why the Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle is My Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Blake Hiatt sent in his This Is My Rifle photo, he got plenty of questions about the Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle he posed with. So ... here are his impressions of the gun."

"WW1 saw the introduction of the machine gun, the 1911 pistol and the venerable 1903 Springfield. The 1903 Springfield, developed to be used by front line troops, had an overall length of 44″ (about 68″ with bayonet). It was hardly an ideal weapon for trench warfare, no matter how hard hitting the 30-06 cartridge may be. Imagine ... jumping into a German trench toting a rifle that’s around 5.5′ long. Unwieldy for hand-to-hand combat, to say the least. On top that, the Springfield only held 5 rounds, which were loaded via a stripper clip." ...

Ya Can't Make These Feces Up... (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So, the man a heartbeat away from leading the Free World – and who has eagerly taken the point on gun prohibition for his Numero Uno – tells us we don’t need semiautomatic firearms to defend ourselves from home invaders because if we just have a double-barrel shotgun and fire it into the air with live ammunition, it will scare the bad guys off. (Scroll to the 6:20 mark)"

"Yeah, that’s it…hose out into the air and render empty and useless the only thing that can save your life from violent home invaders. Ignore the fact that the ounce of lead you discharge with each pull of the trigger has got to come down somewhere ..." ...

Obama group declares $100K war on gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group reportedly organized by President Barack Obama and his 'closest advisors' is launching a $100,000 anti-gun campaign targeting his political opponents on the gun issue, leaving liberal-voting gun owners yet more tongue-tied in their efforts to defend their November votes." ...

Joe Biden: Gun Owners Not Driven by Facts
Submitted by: none

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"On Feb. 21, Vice President Joe Biden summed up a week of being questioned about gun control by claiming gun owners who'd challenged him had 'thrown out question after question... not because they are driven by facts, not because they are looking for a way forward, but because they are looking for roadblocks.'"

"His audience applauded as he mocked the idea that that Obama administration wants to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. He then talked about why law-abiding citizens don't need to own certain types of guns." ...

God and the Second Amendment, Version 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve written a couple of short pieces about God and the Second Amendment since my post of Feb. 11 , and have trashed both. This is my third go."

"It’s a touchy topic. Incendiary, even. And that counsels taking care."

"To refresh: My earlier post noted my puzzlement about a commentary published in the Sunday Ideas section of Jan. 31 referring to Americans' 'God-given right' to have guns."

"I didn’t question the right. The Second Amendment, despite multiple interpretations over more than two centuries, does plainly confer a right to 'keep and bear arms.' I questioned the reference to 'God-given,' because God isn’t cited in the Second Amendment – or in the entire Constitution ... except in the most glancing way." ...

Congress must debate, act on gun proposals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Far too many of America's vital public issues are allowed to become ridiculously polarized and devolve into a debate dominated by loud voices from the fringes who distort issues, pose false choices and vilify anyone with opposing views."

"We know from vast experience that such discussions are antithetical to reasoned public policy."

"It could be fairly argued that, over the years, the nation's debate over gun policies qualifies as a poster child for this dynamic." ...

CA: Business Owner Catches Car Burglar and Holds Him at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A business owner in Bakersfield, CA saw an alleged car burglar breaking into his vehicle and decided not to be a victim."

"The business owner confronted the suspect and held him at gunpoint."

"Several bystanders called police, who took both men into custody when they arrived. The business owner was promptly released and the suspected car burglar was arrested." ...

TX: Young Man in TX Shoots and Kills 1 of 3 Violent Home Invaders Who Attacked His Parents (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, a 21 year old man in Houston wasted no time when three violent home invaders burst into his parent’s home in Houston."

"The three men forced their way into the home, pushed the father to the ground and then went after the mother."

"The couple’s 21 year old son burst into action, ran into a bedroom, grabbed his father’s gun and opened fire on the suspects."

"He shot and killed one of the suspects who died in the home."

"The other two suspects were taken into custody nearby when their car was pulled over by police." ...

Operation Mountain Standard: FOAD to Colorado’s Mag Limit Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reddit is quickly becoming a breeding ground for some fashion forward gun rights advocacy ideas in these troubled times. One idea that’s taken off is Operation Mountain Standard. The idea is to flood the state of Colorado with 30-round magazines before the (expected) magazine capacity limit takes effect. Gabe Suarez got this ball started by selling mag bundles only to Centennial Staters. But that was only one company and they quickly ran out of inventory. The Reddit ploy draws on a bigger resource and is pretty cool . . ." ...

Ex-sheriff says there is precedent for fighting federal gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don't like the gun control measures being sought by President Barack Obama? Think there's nothing that can be done about it? Think again. That's the message a former Arizona sheriff is bringing to people nationwide."

"Sheriff Richard Mack knows a thing or two about what it takes. After the Brady bill was signed into law ... Mack sued the Clinton administration claiming the federal government had overstepped its bounds. The case found its way to the U.S. Supreme Court, where Mack won."

"'There's still hope and local sovereignty, state sovereignty, state's rights is the solution. We've got to have local officials that tell the federal government there's just a few things you're not going to do here,' Mack said. ..." ...

Is government planning a back door approach to gun control?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There might not be enough votes in Congress to effectively pass stifling gun control legislation, but that doesn't mean there won't be restrictions imposed."

"The feds could enact crippling gun control laws through a U.N. Arms Trade Treaty, that would make it tougher for gun owners, including a grandfather transferring his firearm to a grandson." ...

Why Do Democrats Hate American Manufacturers?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here's the latest example of head-splitting cognitive dissonance in Washington: President Obama used his State of the Union address to crusade for a revitalized U.S. manufacturing sector. But while he pays lip service to supporting businesses that build their products on American soil, Obama and his left-wing operatives are hell-bent on driving a key sector of the U.S. manufacturing industry six feet under: the American firearms and ammunition industry." ...

Let's Pass a Law Making Feinstein, Lautenberg, Bloomberg & Schumer Illegal
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Remember the poor travelers who got arrested at Port Authority airports for transporting locked & unloaded firearms? Perfectly legal per Federal law. Didn't matter, NY & NJ are famous for their gotcha laws. Well, lets turn the tables. Suppose Senator Feinstein is deemed illegal in Virgina. She takes a flight from her safe haven of California and lands at Dulles. Hey, that's VA and she's in possession of an illegal senator. Arrest that lady!" ...

FL: Florida Stand-Your-Ground Task Force: No Law Changes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After all the post-Trayvon sturm und drang over Stand Your Ground laws – remember how they were called a license to kill? – Florida Governor Rick Scott’s 19-member committee tasked with examining the law and making recommendations where necessary decided that the law is basically fine as it stands. ..." ...

MD: Md. gun control bill amended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Changes to Gov. Martin O’Malley’s gun control measure have made some concessions to owners. Still, supporters say the bill will make Maryland a top-tier state for strong weapons laws by requiring fingerprints from handgun owners and prohibiting people who have been involuntarily committed for mental health reasons from owning firearms."

"Opponents are calling the legislation a significant setback to Second Amendment rights and are pledging to fight for greater changes when the bill reaches the Senate floor next week." ...

Illinois House Democrats have a come to Jesus moment on guns yesterday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "House Democrats were given a lesson in the real-world consequences of ignoring the Seventh Circuit ruling when the 180-day stay expires on June 8th." ...

"Specifically, House Democrats were told that Illinois would effectively have 'Constitutional Carry' where anyone who was eligible to own guns could carry them freely in public without training, licensing, qualification and precious little in the way of restriction."

"After a lot of back and forth, one Chicago Representative asked if someone could carry a loaded rifle into the Statehouse. He was told 'Yes'."

"It was reported that you could hear a pin drop for an uncomfortably long time after that as a stunned silence came over the room." ...

CO: Colorado Governor Isn’t Sold on Magazine Capacity Limit After Huge Public Fallout (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, the governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper is wavering on a proposed magazine capacity limit that is making its way through the Colorado state legislature."

"Since magazine giant Magpul, which is currently operating in CO, has announced they will pack up their operations, move across state lines and take hundreds (possibly thousands) of jobs with them and since there has been a huge national fallout over comments made by Democratic lawmaker Joe Salazar regarding women with guns and rape (see video below), the governor is apparently considering not supporting new gun control bills." ...

CA: Ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines urged by L.A. panel
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the threat of legal action, a city panel called Friday for a measure to ban the sale and possession of high-capacity ammunition magazines."

"The Public Safety Committee recommended that the City Council adopt regulations to try to ban the magazines in the wake of the multiple mass shootings where the weapons were used, including the North Hollywood bank shootout in 1997 and the assault on the West Valley Jewish Community Center in 1999." ...

OH: Legislative Reception for Ohio’s Sportsmen Announced
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance (USSA) will host a legislative reception for all Ohio sportsmen and women with the members of the Ohio General Assembly on Tuesday March 19, 2013 at the Capital Club from 5:30pm to 7:00pm."

"The Capital Club is located at 41 South High Street in the Huntington Building (across from the Ohio Statehouse) in downtown Columbus. This event is part of the organization’s annual effort to connect Ohio's sportsmen community with current policy makers. Drinks and snacks will be provided. There is no charge to attend." ...

NY: City activists support gun-control law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grady L. Davis Jr. is a retired Erie County corrections officer who owns a shotgun, .22-caliber rifle, .357 Magnum and a Glock. The 61-year-old East Side resident also proudly carries his National Rifle Association membership card in his wallet."

"So he seemed an unlikely participant in Friday’s rally in support of New York State’s controversial gun control law. But there he was, sitting in the audience with about three dozen others as Assemblywoman Crystal People-Stokes and nearly a dozen other lawmakers and community leaders stood as one in support of the state’s SAFE Act." ...

Submitter's Note: Well of course he's on board! He won't have to worry about felony charges for possessing normal capacity mags.

MD: Late-night vote advances gun bill (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia Tech, Aurora, Sandy Hook… The names bring horrible images and a feeling that something has to be done."

"Deep in the night, a group of Maryland’s state senators got one step closer to change."

"Senators approved a bill that bans assault-style weapons and magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. The bill also includes fingerprinting when you purchase a handgun and prohibits people from owning guns if they have been admitted to a mental institution involuntarily." ...

AR: Arkansas makes gun-permit records private under new law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Arkansas on Friday became the latest state to exempt from public disclosure the names and zip codes of gun owners, those with permits to carry concealed weapons and applicants for gun permits."

"The measure, signed into law by the state's lieutenant governor, came in response to a New York newspaper's decision late last year to publish the names and addresses of thousands of gun permit holders on its website after 26 people were killed in a shooting rampage at an elementary school in Connecticut."

"In a rare maneuver allowed under Arkansas law, Lieutenant Governor Mark Darr, a Republican, signed the bill into law while Democratic Governor Mike Beebe was attending a National Governors Association meeting in Washington." ...

NJ: Gun control advocates deliver petition to Congressman Frelinghuysen’s Morristown office
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several dozen activists came to Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen’s Morristown office on Friday to deliver a petition seeking his support for stricter gun controls in the wake of the Newtown, CT., massacre of schoolchildren and teachers." ...

IL: Lawmakers, CPD, NRA & Community Voice Views On Concealed Carry In Illinois At Hearing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Illinois House Judiciary Committee held its second public hearing on gun control today in downtown Chicago. As the June deadline to draft a concealed carry law looms, legislators heard testimony from Chicago’s elected officials and advocates on both sides of the argument."

"'I have no concern with legal guns, I have a great concern with illegal guns,' said Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy in a testimony that, including a question and answer portion with legislators, lasted more than 30 minutes."

"'We’re drinking from a fire hose,' he said in response to the number of illegal weapons in Chicago. 'We can’t possibly keep up with gun trafficking, based on the resources that are there.'" ...

ME: Sens. Collins, King downplay NRA ad against gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King are downplaying the significance of an advertisement by the National Rifle Association that urges Maine voters to convince their senators to reject President Obama's gun-control agenda." ...

ME: Second ad targets Maine's Collins amid gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another national gun-control advertising campaign is focusing on Maine's U.S. Sen. Susan Collins."

"Organizing for Action, an advocacy group that emerged from President Barack Obama's reelection team, bought an online ad Friday on a Bangor newspaper's website. The banner ad reads, 'Tell Senator Collins: It's time to close background check loopholes' and links to a short version of Obama's gun-reform plan." ...

NY: Will Onondaga County join the growing list of counties calling for repeal of NY SAFE Act?
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Onondaga County may join a growing list of counties calling for repeal of the NY SAFE Act."

"Legislator Kevin Holmquist told reporters Friday that he will sponsor a resolution at the Onondaga County Legislature's session on March 5 calling upon the New York State Legislature to repeal the state's newest set of gun control laws." ...

Kansas AG Joins In Asking High Court To Affirm Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt has joined attorneys general from 19 other states in asking the US Supreme Court to affirm the Second Amendment rights of citizens who wish to lawfully carry concealed handguns outside their homes."

"They attorneys general have asked the Supreme Court to review a lower federal court’s ruling that had upheld the authority of a state to limit the right to keep and bear arms to an individual’s home and also had allowed states to require that a permit application show a reason the permit is needed." ...

Former Secret Service Agent Delivers Amazing Pro Gun Speech at Gun Rights Rally (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This guy gets it."

"At a Guns Across America rally Dan Bongino, a veteran Secret Service agent, gives a rousing speech on the Second Amendment, inherent rights and freedom." ...

NM: Anonymous Govt Gun Buybacks Not So Anonymous When Sellers Names Become Public Record
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun buyback program in Sante Fe, NM where the city offered $100, $150, and $200 Visa gift cards to anyone turning in a gun was supposed to be anonymous. Bring your gun in, get a giftcard, no questions asked."

"However when the officials ran out of money and started handing out IOU’s the anonymity went away."

"Organizers took down the names and contact info of anyone owned a gift card."

"The info was submitted to the city council as proof of needing more money, and just like that, became public record." ...

PA: Corbett's son-in-law, Gerald Gibson, suspended without pay (video available)
Submitted by: jac

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"The son-in-law of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has been suspended without pay pending a FBI investigation into alleged misconduct."

"Last month Gibson, a Philadelphia Police narcotics officer, became embroiled in allegations of theft and placed on desk duty."

"Now his fall from grace has continued. On Friday morning, he reported to the internal Affairs unit and surrendered his gun and badge." ...

NV: CCSD police and principal illegally searched and detained our son, say parents
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "NWCTA’s principal ... unexpectedly interrupted the student’s third period class and pulled him out, taking the student’s backpack as they exited the classroom. Two school police officers were waiting in the hallway."

"Assuming this was about his Facebook page, the young man took out his military ID to show ... that he really was in the Army National Guard."

"CCSD police officers immediately confiscated the ID card."

"As the foursome continued across campus, the student asked to call his parents and talk to a lawyer. ..."

"'We will talk about this when we get where we are going,' one of the officers replied ..."

"However, as he tells it, they never did." ...

IN: Indianapolis police Officer David Butler gets 8-year sentence on robbery, official misconduct charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Suspended Indianapolis police Officer David Butler received an eight-year sentence Friday after he was found guilty earlier this month of two counts each of robbery and official misconduct."

"Three years of Butler's sentence will be spent in prison, with a year of home detention. He will be on probation for the remaining four years."

"During the probation, Butler must perform 80 hours of community service. He was also ordered to pay $2,700 in restitution to two victims." ...

MS: Former Jackson officer found guilty of killing daughter
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Jackson police detective is likely to spend the rest of his life behind bars."

"After an emotional trial that lasted nearly two weeks, a jury early Thursday evening found Natyyo Gray guilty of capital murder in the death of his 1-year-old daughter Zoe."

"'This was certainly a horrible, horrible thing,' Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith said after the verdict was issued. 'It’s kind of hard to describe how this could have possibly been at the hands of the father.'" ...

UT: Utah trooper accused of making bogus DUI arrests
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"During her 10 years as a Utah state trooper, Lisa Steed built a reputation as an officer with a knack for nabbing drunken motorists in a state with a long tradition of tee totaling and some of the nation's strictest liquor laws."

"Steed used the uncanny talent - as one supervisor once described it - to garner hundreds of arrests, setting records, earning praise as a rising star and becoming the first woman to become trooper of the year."

"Today, however, Steed is out of work, fired from the Utah Highway Patrol, and she - and her former superiors - are facing a lawsuit in which some of those she arrested allege she filed bogus DUI reports." ...

IL: ISRA: Chicago Police Superintendent McCarthy Crosses The Line
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Chicago's embattled police superintendent dug himself deeper into a pit of controversy today by claiming that lawful firearm owners are agents of political corruption. Appearing on a Chicago Sunday morning talk show, superintendent Garry McCarthy expressed his conviction that firearm owners who lobby their elected representatives or who donate money to political campaigns are engaged in corruption that endangers public safety. McCarthy went on to express his belief that judges and legislators should rely on public opinion polls when interpreting our Constitution." ...

WI: Sheriff Clarke's ads urging people to arm themselves will be paid by taxpayers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. has been showered with free media time, including four appearances on two national cable TV outlets, to espouse his support for citizens arming themselves for self-protection."

"But the local radio ads that launched the whirlwind of attention for Clarke were paid spots that will be billed to taxpayers through the sheriff's county budget, Clarke said Friday."

"'Every penny we spend belongs to the taxpayers of this county,' Clarke said in an email response. 'We use public funds on public education as a means to work with people on ways designed to keep them safe. It's called crime prevention.'" ...

CA: 8 LAPD officers involved in shooting after Dorner 'case of mistaken identity'
Submitted by: D. Smith

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... "Margie Carranza and her 71-year-old mother, Emma Hernandez, were delivering the Los Angeles Times before dawn near the home of a police officer named in Dorner’s angry manifesto." ...

"The women’s lawyer counted 102 bullet holes in their blue Toyota Tacoma and several more in Hernandez’s hoodie." ...

"'My guess is that they threw policy out the window and got in trouble,' said resident Steve McDonald, whose solar panels sustained bullet damage. ...'"

"NBC4 has learned that eight LAPD officers were involved in the shootout. All of them have been assigned to non-field assignments until 'the [police] chief decides otherwise.'"

"So far, their names have not been released and there has been no comment from the Los Angeles District Attorney about pressing charges." ...

About that Gawker Anti-Gun Article
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"If you havent heard by now, Gawker put out an anti-gun hit piece entitled 'Reddit Assault Rifle' Is The Most Terrifying Thing On The Internet and It’s For Sale on Reddit Right Now'. By that they of course mean, the simple fact that it is for sale at all is 'the most terrifying thing' in the world!" ...

Open Letter to the President On Gun Control from A Columbine Massacre Survivor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mr. President,
As a student who was shot and wounded during the Columbine massacre, I have a few thoughts on the current gun debate. In regards to your gun control initiatives . . ." ...

Updated: Over three dozen gun companies tell New York to pound sand… and Armalite doubles down on stupid…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More and more companies have announced they are restricting sales not only to civilians, but also law enforcement and government purchasers in states which have passed restrictions on civilians owning modern firearms and accessories."

"The list is growing rapidly and is now up to nearly three dozen companies, with more coming on almost hourly."

"Here’s the list of the good guys standing behind freedom:" ...

"The Plan"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A long, long time ago, I had what I thought to be a pretty good plan ..." ...

"Let's say - as the 'trigger' event - that just 'gun registration' gets passed into law ... We - the Patriot movement - know that gun 'registration' is invariably the precursor to confiscation and that the only unmistakable 'line-in-the-sand' that we will not let them cross had just been crossed."

"THAT event triggers 'The Plan' and on every patriot website, all other posts, rants, comments and discussions are made to magically disappear from their 'gateway' main pages, with NO further postings allowed - to be replaced by a page-filling, big, bold word (and nothing else) -"


"The GO! command triggers the following course of action:" ... asks for gun violence stories, only shares ones that promote gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I also passed Pat's suggestion on to our more than 16,000 followers by posting the link on the [BFA] Facebook page on Thursday morning, Feb. 21."

"Several people have commented on the Facebook post, noting that they have submitted their stories. Some have also begun sharing their stories on our Facebook page."

" has begun posting stories, but it's a funny thing - not one of these stories have been posted. Indeed, only stories promoting gun control are being shared there."

"In addition to my own story about how my father-in-law used a gun to protect himself from a violent attacker, here are some of the other accounts that have been submitted to and posted on our Facebook page:" ...

Armed and Caffeinated: Gun Owners Thank Starbucks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Make that a double shot, because today is Gun Owners Support Starbucks Day."

"In honor of the Second Amendment, gun owners’ groups in Virginia chose February 22 to give thanks to the Seattle-based coffee chain for allowing customers to carry guns in its stores, where local law permits it. The celebration comes as the national debate over gun control is reaching a peak." ...

AR: Concealed Carry Classes Filling Up Fast
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With all of the new gun legislation in Arkansas, there is now a waiting list to get into some concealed carry classes."

"Adding open carry to the mix should have a big impact on business."

"Friday, KARK went to Don's Weaponry in North Little Rock where the ammo is flying off the shelves, and there's a waiting list for concealed carry classes that fill up every two weeks." ...

VA: Carrying guns openly, gun rights activists stage sit-ins (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rev. Bruce Rivers heard 35 gunshots when his son was killed by gang members right in their front yard."

"'I've learned I'm the first line of defense in my house, not police,' says Rivers, now a gun control opponent."

"Now he stands in defense of Second Amendment rights with a coalition opposed to gun control."

"'The cure is freedom and personal responsibility. It's not a welfare state, not more laws,' says Star Parker, executive director of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education." ...

TX: Houston program offers free shotguns (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"What's missing in high crime areas? More guns? One Houston man's controversial experiment is training and arming women to protect themselves for free."

"As the debate over gun control heats up in Washington, one Houstonian's plan is to give away shotguns to women in crime-stricken neighborhoods. He wants to train them to be ready for the worst."

"Kyle Coplen with the Armed Citizen Project said, 'If someone does break into your house, you don't really need to be an expert marksman to shoot down your hallway and hit them.'"

"[Kyle] says he's not concerned with second amendment debates right now. He's says he wants to give away shotguns to test whether it helps reduce crime. For about a month now, Coplen's been on a mission." ...

FL: NAACP challenges gun rally location
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The location of a gun rally slated for Saturday afternoon in Pensacola is being challenged by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."

"Rally organizer Stephanie Schwartz says the city recommended the venue to her. It is set to be help at 3 p.m. at Martin Luther King, Jr. Plaza on Palafox Street."

"She says she meant no disrespect by accepting the location and does not wish to move the event." ...

MS: MS House speaker urges CT gunmakers to move
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn has invited gunmakers such as Colt to relocate to his state from Connecticut, where firearms have been a controversial issue since last December's elementary school shooting left 20 students and six adults dead there."

"The gun industry in Connecticut is being attacked and "demonized" because of national politics, Gunn said in a letter this week to Colt's Manufacturing Company CEO Dennis Veilleux."

"He also invited gunmaker Magpul Industries Corp. of Colorado to relocate to Mississippi." ...

MN: Minn. Capitol sees spike in gun notices
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Handgun holstered on his hip, Anthony Triemert showed up to Minnesota's Capitol on Friday ..."

"'I just came down here today to show support for Second Amendment rights,' he said. But Triemert's right to carry a loaded gun is safe in this building. Minnesota is one of at least nine states that allow people to carry guns into the brick-and-mortar homes of government."

"All he and other Minnesotans have to do is notify the Minnesota Department of Public Safety in advance. As hundreds of pro-gun activists have streamed into the state's legislative hearings on gun controls, such notifications have spiked in the last month — almost 1/5th of all notifications given since the current permit law took effect in 2006." ...

TX: Gun Control Debate Plays Out in North Texas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Supporters on both sides of the emotional debate on gun control are making their case at North Texas demonstrations."

"On Friday, the group Organizing for Action went to the Dallas office of Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz to ask him to support President Barack Obama's proposals." ...

"About two dozen people attended the demonstration, including parents of victims." ...

"On Saturday, 500 people are expected at a Dallas rally opposing new limits on guns."

"Organizer Jonathan Osborn said the Day of Resistance is one of 90 similar rallies scheduled around the country on Saturday." ...

Submitter's Note: Hmm, 24 vs. 500, which one is the real grass roots?

TN: Rutherford Co. group calls for more gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A group of voters in Rutherford County is trying to raise awareness about gun violence by holding what it calls a 'Day of Action' to get the attention of lawmakers." ...

There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him. — ROBERT HEINLEIN

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