Corzine, Lautenberg To Introduce Bill Banning Assault Pistol Use
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"New Jersey's U.S. senators plan to introduce a bill that would make it illegal for anyone, except a police officer or military official, to purchase or use an assault pistol that fires bullets capable of penetrating a bulletproof vest."
"The Five-SeveN gun made by FN Herstal of Belgium has already been denounced by three national police organizations and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. The handgun is small and lightweight and easily concealed in a person's pocket, the groups said."
"Last month, the Brady Campaign released a videotape of its staff test-firing one of the handguns it had purchased from a Virginia gun dealer. The bullets penetrated a police Kevlar vest."
"Democratic Sens. Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg said the guns are a menace to society." |
Agencies Warned to Halt Fake News Videos
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Congressional investigators warned federal agencies this week that the promotion of government policies through video news releases meant to look like TV news stories may violate federal rules against propaganda."
"In a letter sent Thursday to heads of government departments and agencies, the Government Accountability Office noted that 'prepackaged news stories have become common tools of the public relations industry.'"
"The presentations 'are intended to be indistinguishable from news segments broadcast to the public by independent television news organizations,' the letter said." ... |
CCRKBA blasts CNN report alerting terrorists how to obtain .50 cal. rifles
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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) today condemned a sensational report on CNN that not only alerts potential terrorists on possible misuses of .50-caliber sporting rifles, but also literally provides a 'road map' on how to obtain one of these cumbersome and very expensive firearms."
" 'In yet another media attempt to demonize a particular firearm, which CNN's own reporter, Drew Griffin, acknowledged has ‘really never been used domestically in a criminal event,' this outrageous report still suggests to potential terrorists how such a gun might be put to criminal use,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb." |
Gun Control in Canada Today . The U.S. Tomorrow?
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"Canadians firearms owners, like their American counterparts, view their guns as symbols of tradition and independence. Unfortunately this is where any similarity ends. Americans are blessed with the Second Amendment. We in Canada have no such protection. In fact Canadians possess no gun Rights at all." |
Mike Straw: Everything You Know Is Wrong
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"To ensure survival, you should draw your revolver, taking a good two-hand grip, and, adjusting your stance and closing your non-dominant eye, concentrate on the front sight as you slowly squeeze the trigger until you achieve the perfect double-tap on the well-lit static paper target twenty-five feet from your shooter’s box, right?"
"O. K., so it was a trick question: you’re also supposed to back up to make yourself a smaller target."
"If tyrannical 'government' is actually good for anything, it’s collecting statistics." |
Sergei Hoff: Defeating the Republican police state mandate
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"...Let us not ignore his failed domestic programs and selective suspensions of 'habeas corpus' [the people's protection against unlawful imprisonment] along with the guaranteed protections of the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Tenth Amendments within the Bill of Rights. The results of his treachery should be obvious to all. Nonetheless, the Republicans have spoken with their votes, and in doing so they overwhelmingly gave the President an additional four years of opportunities to invade other sovereign nations and further assault the unalienable rights of all Americans." |
AL: Former state Senator receives full Pardon
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"Former state Senator Bill Drinkard of Gadsden has received a full pardon from the Alabama Board of Pardons and Paroles, nine years after his conviction in a kickback scheme."
"Drinkard told parole board members Sidney Williams and VeLinda Weatherly yesterday that he made a mistake."
"He pleaded guilty on January second, 1996 to taking a five-thousand dollar kickback on a state grant in 1989. He was the first of three former legislators to plead guilty in a federal and state investigation of corruption in Alabama's Statehouse."
"Williams said a full pardon entitles Drinkard, a shopping center developer, to all civil rights he enjoyed before his sentence, including possession of a firearm." |
LA: Trooper arrested, accused of assault, malfeasance
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"A Louisiana state trooper has been arrested and booked on two counts of aggravated assault, one count of unauthorized distribution of criminal history records and one count of malfeasance in office."
"State police made the arrest of Trooper Daniel Garcia of Troop B after getting a complaint from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office."
"State police spokesman Lt. Lawrence McLeary said Wednesday that the first aggravated assault count stemmed from an incident in which Garcia argued with a female acquaintance and allegedly pointed his police-issued gun at her." |
OH: Ex-officer gets jail time
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"A former Cincinnati police officer reports to jail Monday for 90 days, her sentence for improperly using a police computer to help her boyfriend."
"Helen Bliss was sentenced this morning. She also was ordered by Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Mark Schweikert to spend 90 additional days on home incarceration and three years on probation. She pleaded guilty to two counts of unauthorized use of property, a felony, earlier this month and resigned from the force." |
PA: Ex-Doylestown Twp. cop resentenced for attempted murder
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"Former Doylestown Township police officer Daniel Todd Getter was resentenced Tuesday to 5-10 years in a state prison for the attempted murder of his girlfriend, also an officer."
"Getter's sentence was overturned by the Superior Court, which found the mandatory minimum sentence didn't apply because the Milford Township man had never actually showed his girlfriend the gun."
"In resentencing Getter, Judge John Rufe noted that the Superior Court did not find the sentence excessive, so he resentenced Getter to the same term and also tacked on five years probation." |
PA: Ex-cop denied shorter jail sentence
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"A former Doylestown Township police corporal who tried to kill his mistress - a fellow cop - during a tense standoff at the police station in 2002 will not get a shorter sentence, a Bucks County judge ruled Tuesday."
"Daniel Getter, 39, of Milford, is serving a five- to 10-year state prison term for attempted homicide. A state court last year granted him a new sentencing hearing, saying mandatory minimum firearm laws did not apply in his case."
"County Judge John Rufe re-sentenced Getter to five to 10 years, and added an additional five years of probation to his sentence." |
PA: Pennsylvania state trooper commits suicide four days after police search his home
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"A veteran state trooper fatally shot himself Wednesday, four days after authorities searched his home for items 'related to child pornography,' a state police official said."
"Trooper Arthur J. Mizzoni, 49, was found dead in his pickup truck in the parking lot outside his barracks in Ephrata, about 60 miles northwest of Philadelphia." ...
"The police investigation began after a teenage boy reported Mizzoni had allegedly molested him over a period of about four years, according to court papers related to the search warrant. Another witness reported seeing a picture of a naked boy on Mizzoni's computer, the court papers said." |
WA: Gun, Gear, And Car Stolen From Mount Vernon Dept. Of Corrections
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"Police are looking for a state Department of Corrections car that was stolen along with a gun and other official gear in Mount Vernon."
"They are especially concerned because the thief took a badge and bullet-proof vest."
"Police say someone broke into an office at the State Department of Corrections overnight Tuesday and took the equipment, cell phones and keys to a state car used in the getaway." |
WI: Security guard almost shoots wife
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"A security guard narrowly missed shooting his wife Tuesday when his gun accidentally fired."
"Madison Police Sgt. Sue Armagost said the man was at his home in the 500 block of Northport Drive getting ready for work just before 6 p.m. when the incident happened."
"The bullet from the 45-caliber Beretta handgun shattered some wood near the man's wife, and the splinters injured her shoulder. Paramedics looked over the injury, but the woman did not need hospitalization." |
AZ: Jury acquits border-watch group member
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"A member of a self-styled border-watch group was acquitted by a federal jury of charges that he threatened three Border Patrol agents during a confrontation that he said never happened."
"Defense attorney Jason Hannan said the agents' accusations against Casey James Nethercott were 'politics, pure and simple. They were just trying to get rid of him.' "
"Nethercott, a member of the group Ranch Rescue, which seeks to stop illegal immigrants from entering the United State, spent five months in federal custody after he was accused of trying to intimidate the federal agents, who had been trying to pull him over in a smuggling investigation Aug. 31."
FL: Save the Pink Pistols
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"I'm not like your average gay man. I can't decorate a house, but I can tell you about every working part of that Porsche parked outside in my driveway."
"A move south might also pump some life into the organization Bednar has tried – unsuccessfully – to get going in Orlando: a local chapter of the Pink Pistols, the national group that advocates arming gays as a means of combating hate crimes."
"Bednar's sexual orientation, combined with his affection for firepower, made him a natural to lead an Orlando chapter. ..." ...
"Bednar doesn't believe guns are a 'cure-all' for gay bashing. He does, however, believe that being armed helps even the odds." |
TX: Bill conceals ID of gun carrier
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------- "Texans who carry concealed handguns would have their identities concealed as well under legislation that easily passed the House Law Enforcement Committee on Monday."
"The bill, which the House has passed twice but the Senate never has, would block requests from the public to learn whether an individual has a concealed-gun license. Law enforcement officials would still be able to access the records."
"The bill by Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp, R-Lampasas, a staunch gun-rights backer and privacy advocate, has the support of an unlikely alliance: gun-rights groups and family-violence organizations that tend to push for gun control." ... |
FL: Clay Sheriff's Office Revises Taser Gun Policy
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"The Clay County Sheriff's Office announced Wednesday changes to its policy on the use of Taser guns." ...
"Last week, noting more than 80 deaths of people after being shocked by the guns, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) called for a review of how law enforcement agencies used Taser guns. Amnesty International says 93 people nationwide have died after being shocked."
"Beseler said the changes are in line with the review requested by the IACP, and said the National Sheriffs Association is doing same." |
GA: Check your piece at the door, partner. It doesn't look like the housewives are that desperate
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------- "Both sides are telling us that Gov. Sonny Perdue has slapped a lid on the Legislature's efforts to ease restrictions on concealed weapons, so that hidden sidearms can be carried — by permitted owners — into many restaurants and some bars."
"No explanation was given, but we can hazard a guess. With the exception of a very few bills intended for the Republican base, this session's low-volume agenda has been devoted to: A) reinforcing GOP ties with a business community that will be funding the '06 contests; or B) convincing suburban women — now a key swing vote in Georgia — that they need not fear the excesses of GOP rule."
"Apparently, the concealed weapon issue didn't go over well with either 'A' or 'B.' Restaurateurs had nightmares over liability issues that come when 9mm semi-automatics mix with surly waiters and dirty spoons." |
MO: Debate over gun control has taken a breather
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"It's the Democrats who are moving further and faster from their previous position on guns. It's a notable change from 1994, when the assault weapons ban passed with backing from President Bill Clinton and a Democratic Congress."
"That coincided with the beginning of a big decline in Democratic support in rural areas. The year the ban passed, Democrats lost control of the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years."
"Now Democrats want to reconnect with those voters."
"Two new Democratic leaders, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, are examples of the party's current direction." |
VT: Proposed law gives gun clubs some armor
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"Two local legislators are introducing a bill today in Montpelier that would protect the state's gun clubs, although its effect on Shaftsbury's lawsuit-entangled Hale Mountain Fish and Game Club is unknown."
"The bill would give more teeth to statutes already on the books that protect gun clubs from criminal prosecution resulting from noise pollution if they are already in compliance with municipal and state noise ordinances, said Rep. Joseph L. Krawczyk, Jr., R-Bennington, a co-sponsor of the bill."
"Hopefully, it would prevent clubs from having to go to court and pay thousands of dollars in legal fees in cases they will undoubtedly win, he said." |
South Africa: 'Stressed' cop on shooting rap
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"A police inspector, who was on sick leave for stress, appeared in Port Elizabeth magistrate's court on Wednesday after allegedly firing his gun inside Algoa Park police station."
"The incident came after he was allegedly 'forced' to return to work."
"Three of inspector Roland Schoeman's colleagues, of whom one is pregnant, were caught up in the shooting and left traumatised." |
IN: Lafayette Teenager Facing Charges for Bringing Gun to School
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A Lafayette teenager is facing felony charges after being caught with a loaded gun at school.
Thanks to a tip, officials at Jefferson High School found the gun duct-taped to the leg of 18-year-old Christopher Zeese.
He was taken out of class and arrested.
Authorities say Zeese did not threaten anyone with the weapon.
They say he might have been carrying it for protection because of a recent confrontation with another student. |
NC: Pregnant Woman Kicked In Stomach During Robbery
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"Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police are investigating a robbery at a pizza restaurant in which two employees were shot and a pregnant customer was kicked in the stomach."
"Investigators say two men walked into the back of a Pizza Hut restaurant on North Tryon Street Tuesday night in hopes of getting to the safe. Two employees were shot."
"Two men and a pregnant woman waiting at the counter for a pizza were beaten. Police say one of the men was hit with a gun and the suspects stole money from their pockets."
------- Note: Pizza Hut has a victim disarmament policy. |
KY: Lewis measure promotes gun safety
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"Nearly a third of all violent crimes in the United States are committed with guns stolen from American homes, according to the National Gun Safe Coalition."
"Rep. Ron Lewis, R-Cecilia, has proposed an incentive with the aim of reducing those thefts."
"The Child Protection and Home Safety Act of 2005 would provide individuals with a 25 percent tax credit of up to $250 on the cost of a theft-resistant residential gun safe, Lewis' office reports." |
UK: £1000 fine for shop owner who sold 'hand claw' to visitor
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"THE OWNER of a shop in Newquay has been fined £1000 for selling potentially lethal replica weapons to youngsters last summer."
"Johnathan Mallet, from Clarendon Imports on East Street, appeared before Bodmin Magistrates on February 9 following a police prosecution in June."
"He was fined £1000 and ordered to forfeit the weapons, which included a ‘hand claw’ and rifle, for destruction. Magistrates also ordered him to pay £21 in costs."
"Sergeant Dave Meredith from Newquay Police Station said the result shows the zero tolerance attitude of police towards the sale of replica weapons in the town." |
UK: Brewer's shotgun advert is banned
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"An advert for beer featuring a double-barrelled shotgun has been banned by the industry watchdog after it sparked more than 50 complaints."
"The advert for Ruddles Ale, which appeared in newspapers, showed the gun positioned between two pub stools and pointed in the direction of the reader." ...
"Those who objected included the British Association of Shooting and Conservation, the Gun Trade Association and the Metropolitan Black Police Association." |
MN: St. Paul NAACP opposes police use of Tasers in schools
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"St. Paul Police Spokesman Paul Schnell said the small, bright yellow weapons will be issued to officers in the St. Paul Public Schools as part of training for all officers, according to an article in the Star Tribune. 'It should enable us to calm situations down quicker,' said School Police Supervisor Paul Strong in the same article."
"But the NAACP finds Taser use in schools outrageous. 'Just a short while ago, it was reported in the New York Times that Tasers were responsible for 84 deaths across the country,' said Khaliq." |
NY: Restrict ammo sales, two lawmakers say
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"The sale of ammunition like that used in the Hudson Valley Mall shooting should be restricted, two local Democratic lawmakers say."
" 'I realize you can't stop somebody from committing a crime, or committing a heinous act if they're really intent on doing it, but maybe you can slow it down,' said Bill Reynolds, majority leader of the Kingston Common Council. 'Obviously, real strict gun control doesn't make a lot of sense, but perhaps there is some wisdom in at least slowing people down from getting their hands on weapons of war and the ammunition for them.' " |
NC: Officials may alter handgun regulations
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"State lawmakers seem to like a proposal that would allow members of the armed services fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan a grace period if their concealed handgun permit expires while they're overseas."
"They like it so much that they'd like to see the proposal broadened to cover all active duty military personnel and guardsmen deployed overseas or mobilized in other states."
"Sen. Scott Thomas, D-Craven, brought his bill extending the deadline for renewing a permit for deployed military personnel to 90 days after the deployment ends before a Senate committee Tuesday." |
CA: SF Assemblyman Seeks Taser Gun Restrictions
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San Francisco Assemblyman Mark Leno is introducing a bill to restrict the use of Taser guns.
Many police departments in the Bay Area use Taser guns and Leno wants to track and limit their use.
Since August 2004, six people in Northern California have died after being shocked by a Taser gun.
Under Leno's bill, police departments that use Taser guns will have to report how much officers use the guns. Independent medical research on the effects of the guns would also be required. The bill will be introduced next week. |