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Newslinks for 2/25/2012

CCRKBA Blasts CA Sheriff's Hypocrisy: No CCWs For Citizens, Drivers Licenses For Illegals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca advocates handing out driver's licenses to illegal aliens, it would be nice if he applied the same liberal principle to the issuance of concealed carry permits, [CCRKBA] said today."

"The Los Angeles Times reported Thursday that Baca and Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck both believe illegal aliens should be given driver's licenses 'to reduce hit-and-run accidents.'"

"'This is simply appalling,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. 'Baca is less interested in the personal safety of California citizens than he is in the personal convenience of illegal aliens ... No wonder that Baca and his department have been sued over the concealed carry permit issue.'" ...

Anti-gun activists and complicit press aid Mexico’s call for U.S. ‘gun control’
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "Curious that the group Haugaard leads, Latin America Working Group, blames 'misguided U.S. policies' for 'thousands of deaths [and] human rights abuses on both sides of the border,' instead of the murderous cartels, who might hang then from bridges with chains around their necks if they get too sassy." ...

The False Dichotomy of Gun Rights vs. Property Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Tennessee legislature is working on a bill (Senate Bill 3002/House Bill 3560) to prevent businesses and employers from banning lawfully possessed firearms in the cars parked in their parking lot(s). According to a story on"
"[Governor] Haslam told reporters Wednesday that he’s trying to work out a compromise between gun rights supporters and business groups. 'A lot of government is like that, it's about getting the balance right,' he said after a speech to the Tennessee Hospital Association. 'This is one of those cases where you have property interests versus gun rights interests — both of which people in my party take very, very seriously.'" ...

Fear Marketing In The Shooting Industry: Will Crying Wolf Backfire?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the 2012 Presidential election within striking distance and the 'Obama Panic' of 2008 still a fresh memory in many shooters' minds, I’ve once again been hearing the phrase, 'fear sells firearms' from both members of the press and people I know in the gun industry. And for good reason: a lot of firearm manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers had a couple very good years, courtesy of the fear that the new Democratic president Barack Obama would lead a major push for gun control. But is this thinking good for shooters, gun rights and the industry as a whole?" ...

The Rise and Fall of DoJ’s ‘Gun-Show Sting’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some legal stories weave together several distinct 'Cato was right' themes. Among them is the news this week that the U.S. Department of Justice, conceding that its case has collapsed, has ended its prosecution of remaining defendants in the enormous 'Africa Sting' case charging violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ..." ...

Bad week ignites war on guns in Washington State
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the aftermath of Wednesday’s school shooting near Bremerton and Thursday’s slaying of a Washington State Patrol trooper near Gorst, gun prohibitionists are already talking about the Evergreen State’s allegedly weak laws."

"They’re getting some subliminal help from the Associated Press, which has managed to quote the Legal Community Against Violence, the Brady Campaign and Washington CeaseFire, ... but has mysteriously failed to quote anyone from the National Rifle Association or the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation or Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Call it press bias or just lazy reporting, but it is perhaps indicative of what firearms owners will be facing as these cases unfold. ..." ...

Giving quarter to anti-gun usurpers in government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... I was more inclined to mercy back then than I am now--probably because I had never conceived of the possibility of an administration so far lost to honor and decency, so single-mindedly intent on disarming American citizens, that it would deliberately arm the most brutal killers in North America, leading to the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens and two U.S. law enforcement officers, all to make the case for trampling the Second Amendment into the blood-soaked dirt."

"For those officials, there can be no total amnesty--leaving the government is not nearly enough. For them, the best I would offer is to take the death penalty off the table. ..." ...

Lets Close The Law Enforcement Gun Loophole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An ICE Agent went on a workplace shooting rampage in a Long Beach CA Federal Office Building last night after reportedly getting into a heated exchange with his Supervisor."

"The gunman was stopped only when another person with a gun, a fellow Agent, drew his own weapon and shot and killed the assailant. ..." ...

"... a quick Google search reveals similar cases from all over the World of cops going on shooting rampages, in Countries that have stricter gun laws then the US, laws we are incessantly told we simply must adopt so everyone will be safer, according to the Gun Control sycophants."

"Its long past time to close the 'Law Enforcement Loophole' ...

Idiots of the Day: MLB gun-phobes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In 1964, the Houston Astros were named the Colt .45s, and their uniform jersey featured a picture of the Colt Peacemaker revolver. That classic single-action revolver was carried by U.S. troops in the Spanish-American war."

"This season at Friday home games, the Astros will wear vintage jerseys from different periods in the team's history. But the Peacemaker will be missing from the 'Colt .45s' uniform." ...

Team FNH USA Expands with New Members
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the addition of multi-platinum country music artist and TV’s 3-Gun Nation host Mark Wills, Team FNH USA is pleased to welcome 6 more new members to their award-winning shooting team."

"Former 'Top Shot' Contestants Chris Cerino and Ashley Spurlin are joined by new recruits Karla Herdzik, Greg Jordan, Joe Satterfield, and Jayson Smith to round out the 2012 roster." ...

Encyclopedia of Gun Control & Gun Rights, 2nd edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, Grey House Publishing, based in Amenia, NY, sent me a copy of the Second Edition of Encyclopedia of Gun Control & Gun Rights. According to an accompanying press release, the first edition was published by Greenwood Press in 1999."

"Reviewing an encyclopedia may seem a bit of a tall order, especially since, I will freely admit, I have not read the 550 page volume cover to cover. But encyclopedias aren't meant to be read page for page, but rather are to be used as a reference guide. I will also admit that, in this age of the Internet, I honestly hadn't realized encyclopedias were still being published ... Judging by the press release, Grey House Publishing's primary target market for the volume is libraries." ...

The Dragunov: the Original Designated Marksman's Rifle (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Firearm Blog has an article about a Russian gun company by the name of OOO Skat (rather unfortunate name in English, Triple-Aught Scat) modernizing the Soviet-era SVD sniper rifle. OOO Skat is doing a lot more here than just giving it fancy new plastic furniture, they're replacing everything but the receiver, trigger group, and bolt group." ...

"To us, this is greatness, but a lot of people are scratching their heads. Why throw all that crap onto a big old AK? Because a Dragunov is not an AK. It may share some cosmetic similarities, but what it has in common with the Kalashnikov is that it's Russian and it shoots bullets." ...

A New Gun Magazine Hits the Shelves: Recoil
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recoil, a new gun magazine, hit the shelves on Jan. 31. Recoil is a quarterly firearms lifestyle magazine that has been lauded for its younger writing style and stand-out photography. Also, the publishing quality has compared to the Japanese gun magazines that are known for their above average printing and paper quality, such as Combat, Strike and Guns." ...

FP-45 Liberator: One of the Most Powerful .45-Pistols of WWII
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I read a review of the Stinger 9mm Liberator handgun recently and it has me wondering about the original Liberator: the FP-45. The new 9mm homage is a familiar concept accurately described as get-off-me-guns. If they have an intended purpose, they are only meant to be a last-ditch self defense pistol. But the FP-45, similar in so many ways, had bigger ambitions." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Train at What You’re Bad At (videos available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Most shooters go to a gun range to put lead in the center of a target at a given distance. Some do so using carefully considered form: proper grip, ideal stance and controlled breathing. Most simply load, aim and shoot. Check the target. If they succeed in tightening their groups, it’s mission accomplished—especially if they’re shooting with their Significant Other or Best Friend Forever. Yes, but—if you’re practicing shooting for self-defense you need to get out of that mindset STAT. Unless you’re failing, you’re failing . . ." ...

Anti-Gun Bait and Switch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We'll see how long before I get blocked from viewing a certain Facebook Group for this one, but, just read a very interesting post while doing the old 'Keep your friends close, and your enemy closer.' thing. ..."

"Anyway, the NRA doesn't want people to have to register/declare legally owned firearms. Something we should all agree with ... Apparently the anti-gun crowd feel that denying this declaration/registry is begging for more suicidal soldiers. While I can't say I agree with their views, I give it this, it's a well written article... except for one small teensy detail. The numbers quoted in it suggest that guns aren't the big issue in 'suicidal actions' and don't really support the writer's story." ...

Dennis Henigan is Insane
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign ... is the most media-friendly of gun control organizations. If you’re a journalist writing a story about a someone who got shot, just ring up Director of Communications Caroline Brewer (202-289-5769) and you’ll have a 'lax gun laws are to blame' stat and quote to end your piece before you put down the phone. Here’s one closing out today’s Seattle Times story Documents: Boy got gun during visit with mother . . ." ...

"I digress. My main point: The Brady Campaign gets an inordinate amount of metaphorical ink despite the fact that its leader, one Dennis Henigan, has had a messy reality divorce."

"Normally, Dennis hides his semi-psychotic break with dubious stats and vague proposals. Today’s he’s broken cover ..." ...

Bloomberg gives gun control partial credit for New York's low suicide rate
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"During his regular Friday morning radio appearance today, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said New York City's relatively low suicide rate can be attributed in part to the city's relatively strict gun-control laws."

"'The rate of suicide in New York City is almost half of what it is in the country on average,' he said. "And most of that comes from the difficulty in getting a gun.'" ...

KABA Note: Mike, you're either a moron or a liar. Japan which has 0.6 firearms per 100 people (as opposed to the U.S.'s 88) had a suicide rate of 24.4 per 100,000 in 2009 (as opposed to our 11 and your city's 6). Russia had a 2009 suicide rate of 30.1 and gun ownership rate of 8.9 per 100 people.
There is not even any correlation, much less causation.

Gun hypocrisy (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Criticism has been raining down on Brock as of late."

"Reports all over Washington D.C. say he is getting paranoid about his safety."

"So, what does a liberal who takes donations to go after Second Amendment lovers do?"

"He hires a personal body guard with a glock pistol to watch over him." ...

School Shooting by 9-Year-Old: a Gun Control Wake-up Call
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A third-grader faces criminal charges for accidentally shooting 8-year-old Amina Kocer-Bowman, a fellow student at Armin Jahr Elementary School in Bremerton, Wash. ..."

"This story is a train wreck from the get-go. Mom and dad both have criminal track records. Neither one is a fit parent ..."

"... Kids who live in homes with guns are much more likely to hurt others and themselves with guns, says the University of Michigan. I know, I know--second amendment rights, teach kids gun safety (the ultimate oxymoron) and all that rhetoric about 'guns don't kill, people do.' Well, this .45 shot and almost killed without the boy intending it to, so that argument is a washout." ...

UT: Revised open-carry law obstructs law enforcement
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Right from the start, let me say that I honor the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, although the editor in me wants to clarify its language to make it easier to understand."

"Here in Utah, a lot of people think gun rights are sacrosanct. But when the right to bear arms comes into conflict with a law enforcement officer’s ability to protect the public, we have a problem."

"Here’s one scenario. A person has a gun on her hip, and a cop wants to ask her some questions about it. Under current law, if she remains silent, she can be cited with disorderly conduct and formally charged by prosecutors." ...

Submitter's note: She clearly understands right from wrong based on the first paragraphs then degenerates into ignorance.

A Reality Check
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You’re a New York City cop, driving home with your spouse and kids from a pleasant family gathering watching a game on TV… a pedestrian runs into your car, you stop to help, and discover the pedestrian was being chased by a guy in a mask with a gun. That guy points the gun at you…and you draw your off-duty 9mm and shoot him. He runs away, wounded."

"No, it’s not a real case, though it certainly could have been. It’s an episode from the highly regarded TV series Blue Bloods. ..."

"The whole show, well worth watching, is considerably more complicated than that. ... But, for purposes of this blog entry, consider the following clip. The cop's son – present at the off-duty shooting ... – asks the police parent about guns. See it here

Guns In Space: Still Just Science Fiction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The idea of taking guns into space has a long and scientifically…um…questionable history. It hasn’t been done much in real life (the pictured Soviet TP-82 is a rare exception) but literature abounds with fictitious examples. We’ve been speculating about heat rays, Phasers, and Imperial Laser Blasters for ages, but where does science take you when you start thinking about shooting real guns in space?"

"Live Science posted a fascinating article about shooting in space, but it offers little practical advice for the Armed Interplanetary Intelligentsia. With that in mind, I thought I’d add some more completely useless space shooting tips of my own." ...

OH: Homeowner Shoots Home Invader In the Chest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An OH homeowner shot 1 of possibly 2 home invaders in the chest when they attempted to enter his home. The suspect was taken away in critical condition and is being treated at a local hospital. Details are still emerging and police have not confirmed if there was actually a second suspect yet." ...

Roger Ebert Reviews the Act of Valor Movie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Roger Ebert released a review on Wednesday of the highly anticipated movie 'Act of Valor', set to premier this weekend. ..."

"Since the main characters in the movie are played by active duty Navy SEALs, Ebert said he was unable to review the performances within the movie because they aren't necessarily professional actors, so he, instead, described the experience. Ebert’s observation are not surprising, describing the movie as action-packed and focused more on events than character development:" ...

Act of Valor: In Theatres TODAY!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Act of Valor hits the big screens across the country today, and I highly suggest you go see it. Heck, I already got a free preview but I’ll be spending my cold hard cash to see it again ..."

GA: Libertarians protest gun restrictions with empty holsters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you spied someone walking around Athens or the University of Georgia campus on Friday with an empty holster attached to his belt, he hadn’t misplaced a pistol."

"Georgia’s Libertarians, the UGA student group Young Americans for Liberty and other groups asked like-minded people to wear empty holsters Friday to show their support for changing Georgia law to allow people to legally carry concealed guns in most public places, including college campuses." ...

AZ: Surprise City Council against SB 1474 in informal poll
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Surprise is opposing a bill that would require Arizona's public universities and community colleges to allow guns on campus."

"The city has posted a description of the proposal, Senate Bill 1474, on its legislative update website along with the word 'OPPOSE' in red letters. It would affect the Communiversity @ Surprise, a hybrid between a community college and university housed in the City Hall complex."

"SB 1474 would allow anyone 21 or older with a concealed-carry permit to bring a firearm on campus. The schools could ban guns in buildings, stadiums and classrooms as long as they provide secure gun lockers." ...

Now This Is An Interesting Question (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local reporters in Arizona are asking whether guns, ammo, and cash found in a raid on a 'stash house' are tied to Operation Fast and Furious. The story is from CBS 5, KPHO, out of Phoenix." ...

John Hayward's take on the CBS revelations. "This is, by the way, how the Obama gun-walking operations were designed to work."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This wasn’t part of Operation Fast and Furious, which was run out of Arizona. It was another gun-walking operation, running out of Texas. A second 'walked' ATF gun was also recovered from the scene of Zapata’s murder, sold by a different group of people… who were also on the ATF radar screen. How many more of these gun walking fiascoes are there? Who knows? That question should be taken seriously: who knows?" ...

"What say you, Republican leadership? Is there enough blood on Eric Holder’s hands to get those impeachment hearings going yet, or do you need to hear him laugh at contempt of Congress citations a few more times?"

What’s the difference between Roy Alloway and Fast & Furious?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Retired Bremerton Police Detective Roy Alloway reportedly sold hundreds of firearms without a license – possibly putting many guns into the wrong hands – and he’s going to spend two years in a federal prison."

"Some people responding to this story in the Tacoma News Tribune are suggesting that Alloway got a break. Had a private citizen done the same thing, they suggest, he might be going away for a longer period." ...

"If Alloway were an agent with the [ATF], he might not be going away at all, provided, of course, that he could claim he was working on an undercover investigation to trace those guns to kingpins in some drug cartel." ...

New Santorum Ad Goes Silent on Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes, in the midst of all the campaign blather and spin, saying nothing at all is the most effective way to communicate. That’s the rationale behind Rick Santorum’s latest ad blasting Mitt Romney. For months Santorum has tried to focus attention on the liberal components of Romney’s past, confronting him in debates and on the stump. But now, less than a week before the high-stakes Michigan primary, Santorum’s campaign has decided to let Romney hang on his own words."

"The ad, set to air this weekend in the Wolverine State, compiles Romney’s past quotes about gun control, congressional earmarks, abortion, and health-care reform. All, the spot implicitly alleges, contradict Romney’s current positions on the same issues." ...

Coulter doubles down on insistence on Romney
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an odd article in which she refers to Sarah Palin as part of the Republican elitist establishment, columnist Ann Coulter doubles down on her insistence that the GOP choose Mitt Romney as its nominee to face Barack Obama in November." ...

"But she then launches into a tirade against a half dozen conservative pundits who vehemently disagree with her ..." ...

"Further, Coulter fails to mention a major sticking point with regard to Romney in the minds of a huge number of conservatives--gun rights. As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney signed into law a provision supported by the NRA that put into place some of the most stringent gun control laws in America." ...

KY: Outdoorsmen’s interests in a political season
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This essay is a discussion of issues, not of candidates, political parties or personalities."

"In this major election year, numerous individuals have vied or are still contending to oppose the sitting President of the United States. Here in our district we also must choose a replacement for our retiring U.S. Representative, Geoff Davis, who has done well for the interest of outdoor sportspersons as a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. We cannot keep his experience and seniority, but we can certainly hope to break even by electing someone equally committed to the cause of firearms rights." ...

NY: In blow to Grisanti, Conservatives back Swanick for Senate (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Erie County Conservatives dealt a major blow to State Sen. Mark J. Grisanti's re-election hopes Thursday evening by spurning the Buffalo Republican and endorsing Democrat Charles M. Swanick." ...

"'Chuck Swanick is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-Second Amendment and a fiscal conservative,' said Erie County Conservative Chairman Ralph C. Lorigo."

"'I understand the argument made to us that the Republican Senate may hang in the balance,' he said. 'Unfortunately, a number of people on my board feel the Republican Senate has not been there for the job we expect them to do.'" ...

Fishing and Hunting Protection Bill Introduced in the U.S. Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Protection of fishing, hunting, and shooting on national forest and public lands has taken a step forward with the Senate introduction of the Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act. Introduced by Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia), the measure is backed by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance, American Sportfishing Association, National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, and others in the angling, hunting and wildlife conservation community."

"The bill will protect fishing, hunting, trapping, recreational shooting and wildlife management practices on more than 400 million acres of public land across America ..." ...

OK: Oklahoma Senate panel approves open-carry bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A Senate panel approved a measure Thursday that would allow for the open carrying of firearms."

"Senate Bill 1733 by Sen. Anthony Sykes, R-Moore, passed the Senate Public Safety Committee by a vote of 8-1."

"Sen. Constance Johnson, D-Oklahoma City, cast the lone vote against it. She could not be reached for comment after the meeting."

"The measure heads to the Senate floor." ...

IL: Illinois Politicians Plot New Assaults on Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners in Illinois are bracing for a fight against the latest round of legislation aimed at inhibiting their right to keep and bear arms. With efforts to essentially ban the ownership of firearms having been struck down by the Supreme Court, and Illinois now standing as the only state that makes no provision for legal concealed carry of firearms, leftist politicians in Chicago and throughout the state are far from conceding defeat."

"This time, according to critics, they are attempting to interfere with the free exercise of Second Amendment liberties by simply taxing gun ownership and use beyond the means of many residents." ...

UT: Open-carry firearm bill passes the House
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Utah residents may be one step closer to being able to carry their firearms with them wherever they go. Wednesday the Utah House of Representatives passed House Bill 49, an open-carry law that would make it legal for a resident to carry a gun in plain sight."

"HB 49, sponsored by Rep. Paul Ray (R-Clearfield) says that in the absence of threatening behavior, the lawful possession of a firearm or dangerous weapon, whether visible or concealed, cannot be considered in violation of municipal ordinances and government entities cannot give citations for disorderly conduct or a enforce dangerous weapon laws." ...

SD: Bill eliminating permit to carry concealed weapons passes committee
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A measure to let South Dakotans carry concealed weapons without a permit passed out of committee Friday morning."

"House Bill 1248 would require only a valid South Dakota driver’s license for an adult to carry a concealed weapon, as long as they were able to pass the background check currently required to receive a concealed carry permit." ...

MN: Bill expanding self-defense rights passes in Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A bill that would expand Minnesotans’ self-defense rights was approved 40-23 Thursday night by the state Senate."

"The Personal Protection Act – known by many opponents as the 'shoot first' bill – extends the right to use deadly force for personal protection outside the home to any place where an individual lawfully can be, sponsor Sen. Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas, said."

"'This bill isn't just about guns,' it is about allowing any use of deadly force if necessary to guard against imminent danger, Hoffman said." ...

Federal judge severely limits Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While Judge Myerscough conceded the Second Amendment protects a 'general right to carry guns that include a right to carry operable guns in public,' she tossed out the lawsuit, claiming that the 'Supreme Court has not recognized a right to bear firearms outside the home.'"

"As absurd as this federal judge’s ruling appears on the surface, it unfortunately finds some basis ... in Heller. While the five-member majority in that case importantly recognized the fundamental right of an individual to keep and bear arms ... the actual language of the opinion has been interpreted now to recognize the right to possess a firearm only inside one’s home." ...

Navy Seeking More Minority SEALs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In nature, most seals are black, with relatively few white ones. The Navy’s SEALs have exactly the opposite problem – they’re overwhelmingly white, with hardly any blacks. So they’re trying to do something about it."

"It’s a fundamental challenge in a democracy with an all-volunteer force: recruits may be drawn from all segments of society, but elite military units – and none is more elite these days than the SEALs, following their dispatch of Osama bin Laden last May – tend to draw from small pools of talent. For the SEALs, that includes athletic young men who are smart and good in the water. For whatever reason, that has led to an overwhelmingly white SEAL force." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Politically correct Navy SEALS!

TX: Former deputy faces charge for allegedly having sex with woman in custody
Submitted by: jac

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"A Harris County Sheriff’s Office deputy faces a criminal charge for allegedly having sex with a woman in custody last year ..."

"Tony Richards, 48, has been indicted for improper sexual activity with a person in custody ..."

"Richards, a former senior deputy, was fired from the sheriff’s office on Wednesday. ..." ...

IL: Judge: Jury will hear police 'code of silence' allegation in bar beating suit (video of beating available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal jury will be allowed to hear a bartender’s allegation that Chicago police officers practiced a 'code of silence' to protect a fellow officer caught on video brutally attacking her at the Northwest Side bar where she worked."

"The ruling on Thursday by U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve will allow lawyers for Karolina Obrycka to make that case to jurors in a civil lawsuit against ex-cop Anthony Abbate and the city." ...

UT: Police officer accused of filing fake reports (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Allegations of filing a false report have surfaced in South Salt Lake, and the accused wears a badge." ...

"The police internal investigation concluded that Bernards 'falsely reported vehicles as stolen, violating South Salt Lake Professional Standards and Conduct Manual … Conduct Unbecoming a Police Officer.'"

"'He's helping Basam doing a lot of false reports,' Nunez says. 'I have a lot of friends with the same (problem).'"

"And police investigators came to the same conclusion. The South Salt Lake police report found 'The call history at 2800 South State Street (Utah Valley Motors) supports Fernando Nunez's claim that Officer Bernards was entering vehicles into NCIC as a favor to Basam Hamdan.'" ...

SC: SC officer dismissed, charged with weapons theft
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Orangeburg's police department has been fired after being accused of taking weapons from the department's armory."

"Forty-four-year-old Harold Thad Turner of St. Matthews has been charged with one count of grand larceny."

"Public Safety Department Chief Wendell Davis says an investigation found eight guns were removed from the police armory without authorization." ...

NY: Not-so-Finest moment as cop caught napping on F train
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A hero cop has been disciplined for catching Z's on the F rain while armed and in uniform."

"Officer Matthew Sobota, 43, was caught snoozing on the subway by a straphanger, who snapped photos with his cell phone camera and emailed them to NYPD brass."

"'I thought maybe a teenager could take (Sobota's) gun and sell it or use it. I felt like it was a potentially unsafe thing,' said Martin Bisi, 51, of Brooklyn, who took the photos of the sleepy cop on Feb. 16." ...

MN: Cops Trolled Driver’s License Database for Pic of Hot Colleague
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former female police officer, suspecting randy colleagues were abusing Minnesota’s driver’s license database to look her up, discovered that 104 officers in 18 different agencies across the state had accessed her driver’s license record 425 times, using the state database as their personal Facebook service." ...

Submitter's Note: Just a few bad apples though, right?

NY: Bronx cop sues over arrest 'quotas'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A whistle-blowing cop says arrest quotas in one Bronx precinct have the Finest there so angry that the locker room has to be guarded 'around the clock' to prevent vandalism."

"In a civil-rights suit filed this morning, veteran cop Craig Matthews says the quota system at the 42nd Precinct 'has pitted police officers against each other, straining professional relationships and diverting resources away from law enforcement activities.'"

"He says cops who 'comply' with the program 'have had their precinct lockers dislodged and overturned ...'"

"'This practice of 'locker flipping' has escalated to the point where on-duty police officers are now assigned to guard the precinct's locker room around the clock,' court papers say." [emphasis added] ...

Canada: Arrest over daughter’s gun sketch a case of vigilance and too much zeal
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"Give a kid a box of crayons and a piece of paper and they are going to draw all sorts of things ... mostly rendered in erratic scribbles, especially if the artist is four-years-old and in kindergarten, like Jessie Sansone’s daughter, Neaveh."

"Neaveh ... drew a picture of her Daddy in class this week. Daddy was holding a gun. Upon seeing it, the teacher began asking questions, triggering an avalanche of unfortunate events that saw ... an innocent man arrested at his daughter’s school and later strip-searched at the police station." ...

"And there was a gun … a clear plastic toy gun that shoots soft plastic biodegradable BBs and retails for around $20 at Walmart." ...

VA: Clark Hollow Ramblings: I may be old and savage, but . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps I should consider moving to the shore. ... If I move to the shore, I want to embrace the people there and their traditions and learn everything I can to be a part of and to continue the tradition and culture of the region. Yes, perhaps I should move to the shore."

"Or, maybe I should remember the wise words once told to me by my father:"

"'Son, you should not try to teach a pig to sing. It will only frustrate you, and it wastes the pig's time.'"

"I think I will become physically ill if I have one more person who has discovered the beauty of Rappahannock County approach me and begin the conversation with, 'Now, Richard, I’m not opposed to hunting, but . . .' ..." ...

NY: 2012 New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame To Induct Eight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The New York State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame proudly announces that it will induct nine new members at the Annual Banquet, April 28, 2012 in Canastota, NY."

"The nine individuals represent a cross section of interests and achievements from various regions of New York State. What they do have in common is a lifetime of dedication to conservation and improving participation in outdoor sports." ...

WA: Armin Jahr shooting leaves some looking for legislative remedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Gun-control advocates in Washington have suggested various laws from requiring gun safes to trigger locks."

"'The firearms community gets a little frustrated about stuff like this,' said Dave Workman, who wrote a book on Washington gun rights and responsibilities and edits the Second Amendment Foundation's Gun Week magazine. 'Every time something like this happens, somebody wants to run down to Olympia and pass a law that affects a million gun owners in the state who didn't do anything wrong.'"

"It's likely that no legislation would have prevented Wednesday's accidental shooting at Armin Jahr, he said.The boy was believed to have gotten a gun from his [felon] mother's home ..." ...

NC: Church offers concealed carry weapon class
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns and church seem to be topics of discussion on different ends of the spectrum, but one congregation is bringing them together in an effort to reach out to the community."

"Central Baptist Church is hosting its first concealed carry permit class from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. March 24 at the church's Family Life Center." ...

WA: Arm yourselves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Feb. 19 front page news states property crimes are no longer being investigated in Spokane ... due to budget restraints. What can be done to protect our property?"

"Fortunately ... our Founding Fathers considered this possibility ..." ...

If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen. — Samuel Adams

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