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Newslinks for 2/25/2014

Supreme Court ducks three gun cases
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "The Supreme Court refused ... as it has done repeatedly in recent years, to reopen the issue of whether Second Amendment rights to have a gun extend beyond the home ..." ...

Piers Morgan's 'threat' gives gun owners brand new reason for excitement
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "As far as I'm concerned, we need to keep [Morgan] right where he is, reminding American firearm owners with his outrageous disarmament advocacy just exactly why we had a Lexington and Concord in 1775. Piers is the best advertisement for citizen disarmament lobby I can think of -- from our point of view. He's ignorant, stupid, wholly uninformed, rude ..."
"Precisely, and for precisely that reason, the best news Morgan could give the NRA and the gun rights movement in general is his 'warning' that he's 'not done with [us] yet.' Please, please, Morgan, continue to be the pompous, rage-filled, sputtering, incompetent face of 'gun control.'" ...

Anti-gun California state senator to face federal corruption charges
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Updated: Democrat California State Senator Ronald S. Calderon today pleaded not guilty in federal court to corruption charges in a case that also touches his brother, former California Assemblyman Thomas Calderon, the Sacramento Bee and Los Angeles Times reported late Monday afternoon."

"Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of the United States today turned down all three Second Amendment cases that had sought review. This column discussed those cases Friday."

"Sen. Calderon allegedly accepted cash bribes totaling $100,000 and and other gratuities for what the Long Beach Press Telegram reported was his alleged support for 'legislation that benefited a Long Beach hospital owner and a Hollywood studio owner.' ..." ...

A Sipsey Street Public Service Announcement: The Connecticut Tyrants List, voluntarilary subscribed by the participants on 3 April 2013.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The state of Connecticut is making lists of firearm owners to raid. It seems obvious to me that it is thus only fair to list those anti-constitutional tyrants who will have blood on their hands the moment the first Connecticut citizen is shot by the CT state police while carrying out their orders. I will be sending these folks my own email later today."

"CT State Senators voting Yes on 'An Act Concerning Gun Violence Prevention and Children's Safety, also known as Public Law 13-3 or Connecticut Senate Bill No. 1160,' 3 April 2013. List includes home addresses. Photos and home phone numbers of these tyrants are available here:" ...

Your Activism is Making a Huge Difference! -- GOA's message drowning out the Bloombergs & Piers Morgans
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rather than present credible data to counter GOA, [] defers to talk of clouds and bunnies, while resorting to nothing more than cumulus fluff.' -- Gun rights author, David Codrea, reporting how a Bloomberg hit piece on GOA fell flat ..." ...

"'I laugh at your foolishness,' said a editorialist recently, when commenting on efforts by Gun Owners of America to help stop the anti-gun amnesty bill."

"Bloomberg's hatchet man, Francis Wilkinson, just can't understand why gun owners would be concerned about legalizing millions of anti-gun voters who broke the law to get here."

"In his February 19 editorial, he ridicules GOA (and you) for thinking this could be an 'electoral threat' to gun rights." ...

Handgun Heroism Cheered with Catholic Saint Feast Day This Week
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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andguns to save the innocent from bad guys is commemorated this week,' Catholic right to self-defense expert John M. Snyder announced here today."

"Snyder also countered attacks on the accuracy of the account of the heroic handgun use"

"'On February 27, we commemorate the feast day of St. Gabriel Possenti,' noted Snyder, chairman of the international St. Gabriel Possenti Society ..."

"'This year is the 25th anniversary of the founding of the interdenominational Society,' Snyder added"

"'The life of St. Gabriel Possenti shows clearly that a person of goodness, even holiness, can use firearms to promote peace and justice,' Snyder commented. 'Sometimes people need guns to defend truth and freedom. ...'" ...

Gun ownership should be responsible
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "When the First Amendment was written, the authors had no way to forecast electronic communications, the Internet or smart phones. We have laws written to regulate these things and interpret how they’re used, but the freedom of speech is still alive and well."

"I’m not sure why there’s so much emotion behind the Second Amendment. There’s never been an effort in the United States, that I know about, of the government to take away citizens’ guns. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Well Winston, your abysmal ignorance regarding ongoing gun confiscations in New York and California, to say nothing of historic gun confiscations (post-Katrina LA comes to mind) just goes goes to show that reporters "should be responsible" and "should have to demonstrate they know how to safely and properly use their" word processors. With permits to be issued at the discretion of local LEOs after you demonstrate "good cause" for needing one.

A Good Teacher With a Gun.. or Guilt and Liability in the Next School Shooting
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"We know better now. There was a time when the best assumption was to keep firearms out of schools. Now we know the best method to stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun. Think of what we do if a murderer comes to class. We call a good person with a gun. When school boards say they want a 'gun-free school environment', they are replacing the real world with their fantasy world. That is a fantasy world we can’t afford any more. I’m sorry, but we’ve seen what happens in 'gun free zones'. We’ve paid the price in blood when murderers enter our schools." ...

ID: Whatever Happened to Common Sense?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"So now what do the governing bodies of Idaho’s private colleges ... do? The Idaho Legislature, taking leave of all common sense, and abetted by a governor who approaches all issues from a purely ideological standpoint, swallowed whole-hog the latest gambit by the National Rifle Association to make the Second Amendment an absolute right as opposed to the qualified right the Supreme Court has ruled it is."

"By overwhelming majority the Senate kissed the NRA’s ring and passed legislation allowing students over 21 years old who have taken an eight-hour enhanced training course to carry concealed weapons on a public college campus." ...

TN: Clarksville Student Suspended For Knife In Father's Car
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A high school student in Montgomery County has been suspended after school officials found a knife inside his father's car."

"David Duren-Sanner should be spending his time going through college and scholarship applications this time of year."

"Instead, he's wondering if he'll even be able to graduate after what hundreds of people are calling an overreaction to a mistake."

"On Thursday, Duren-Sanner, a senior at Northeast High School drove his father's car to school. During a random lockdown, his car was chosen to be searched."

"Duren-Sanner gave permission because he said he had nothing to hide." ...

Submitter's Note: NEVER give permission for a search!
This incident further confirms the widespread belief that our country's public school system does not exist to educate but to indoctrinate and cow young people into submission to the state.

Ted Nugent vows no more name calling — then calls Obama ‘liar’
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Rocker Ted Nugent, who just made media waves with a printed reference of President Obama as a 'subhuman mongrel,' now says he’s going stop calling people names — but apparently not the name 'liar.'"

"Mr. Nugent said in CNN: '... I’m going to get right to the meat of the matter where our president is a liar. He lies about you can keep your doctor, period. Over and over again, he lies about Benghazi. He’s lying about the IRS.'"

"The Second Amendment activist then promised not to call the president any more names."

"'I won’t call him names anymore. I’m going to get right down to the nitty-gritty and identify the criminal behavior by the people abusing power in the United States government,' he said, CNN reported." ...

TX: Nugent is Too Toxic for Texas but on NRA Board
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"What was he thinking? That's what many are asking about Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott’s choice of gun rights advocate Ted Nugent as a campaign side show while he pursues the Texas governorship. It's not that Nugent called President Obama a 'subhuman mongrel' and 'a piece of sh-t' who should 'suck on my machine gun.' It's that Abbott apparently didn't know about Nugent's unbalanced, incendiary rhetoric--not a good sign in someone who wants to be a state's top elected official." ...

TX: Let’s get past Nugent issue, Abbott says
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Greg Abbott, suggesting he’d like a do-over on his campaign appearance with rocker Ted Nugent, said Monday that he wants to move past the uproar."

"Abbott, the Republican front-runner for governor, compared getting beyond the Nugent affair to the way he dealt with recovering from injuries that put him in a wheelchair. He was hit by a tree while running in 1984."

"'If I had it to do all over again, I probably wouldn’t have went out for a jog that day,' Abbott said at a news conference after a rally at The Pantry restaurant in McKinney. 'But life doesn’t give you do-overs. I am in a wheelchair because I can’t go back and do that over, and I’ve learned ever since then that you move forward from where you are. ...'" ...

McAllister learning the ropes in Congress
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "In fact, three months into his career, McAllister, who had never been to the nation’s capital until he was elected to Congress, still comes off as a blunt, unfiltered, independent-minded outsider, not a member of a party known for holding the ideological line."

"He likes many of the tea party’s goals but questions its obstructionist tactics and its absolutism." ...

"And he has no qualms about questioning GOP orthodoxy. While he firmly defends the Second Amendment, for example, he’s fine with background checks and other measures that, while popular in polls, have stalled in Congress."

"'I tell everybody it’s not black and white. There’s a lot of gray in this whole world,' he said." ...

VT: My Turn: Burlington gun proposals draconian
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"To who it may concern (The Burlington City Council and mayor):"

"Are you serious? You want to have firearm owners lock their firearms in a safe, or use trigger or other locking devises when they are not in use? What do you suppose a home owner is supposed to do when confronted by an armed burglar hopped up on crack in their home? Call the police department? What is the response time? Unless they are outside the door, you’re dead! Do you suppose that the crackhead will wait for you to take off your trigger lock or open your safe and load your firearm?" ...

MS: Miss. House considers narrower sales tax break for guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Mississippi House members are now eyeing a narrower sales tax holiday for guns, ammunition, bows, arrows and accessories."

"The House Ways and Means Committee passed House Bill 1404 Monday. It would create the Second Amendment Sales Tax Holiday, which would occur on the first Saturday and Sunday of September." ...

NJ: N.J. lawmakers can't tell me which kind of gun to have
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Concerning the article 'N.J. Dems make deal on gun restriction bill' on Feb. 21:"

"Here we go again! The would-be rulers who know better than the average citizen are again trying to limit our constitutional rights (with reported agreement between the state Assembly and Senate on a bill to limit most gun magazines to 10 rounds)." ...

NJ: Lobbyists, guns and money in N.J. politics: Explore the database
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New Jersey is consistently ranked among the states with the strictest gun laws in the nation, and they could be getting stricter, with gun control advocates and their allies in the Legislature gearing up to renew the charge for more regulation this year."

"Last year, the Legislature considered more than two dozen bills, most of them seeking to tighten regulations on firearms. But key measures on the agenda from gun control groups — including a restriction on magazine size and a ban on .50-caliber rifles — didn't make it past Gov. Chris Christie's desk."

"Those are among the priorities that legislators will take up again at a press conference in Trenton. ..." ...

Supreme Court declines challenges to gun laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Supreme Court on Monday declined to wade into the politically volatile issue of gun control by leaving intact three court rulings rejecting challenges to federal and state laws."

"The court's decision not to hear the cases represented a loss for gun rights advocates, including the National Rifle Association, which was behind two of the challenges." ...

"The court has yet to decide whether there is a right to carry guns in public, a question left unanswered in its two most recent gun-related decisions." ...

Federal Judge Rules San Francisco Can Limit Sales of High-Capacity Magazines
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) has lost its first legal battle against the City by the Bay over the banning of high-capacity magazines in city limits."

"San Francisco’s mayor, Edwin Lee, approved an ordinance last November that prohibits residents from possessing firearms with clips that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. Individuals owning such weapons must turn them into police, sell them to licensed gun dealers, or remove them from the city by April 7." ...

Justices won't hear challenge to young adult gun limits
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Supreme Court refused Monday to consider any new cases seeking to expand gun rights, including two challenges to restrictions on young adults."

"The decision does not preclude the court eventually agreeing to consider the next big legal issue in the national debate over guns: whether the right to keep a gun at home for self-defense extends to public places." ...

Challenges to gun laws won’t be heard
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Supreme Court has turned down two Second Amendment appeals lodged by the National Rifle Association, keeping in place laws that restrict those under 21 years old from buying or carrying a handgun."

"Without comment, the justices dismissed claims by NRA attorneys who argued limits on those who are 18 to 20 infringe the 'fundamental right' to have firearms for self-defense." ...

"'It is unthinkable that a court would allow Congress to declare law-abiding individuals in the first years of their legal majority too 'irresponsible' to be entrusted with First Amendment rights,' [former U.S. Solicitor Gen. Paul D. Clement] said. He urged the court not to allow 'this fundamental right (to) be relegated to second-class status.'"

CNN pulling Piers’ plug, or playing ratings game?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The New York Times reported yesterday, and the Times of London, and the Seattle Times confirmed earlier today that CNN and Piers Morgan may be parting company, only four days after this column questioned if it was time he went home, and provided readers with a link to send their sentiments to the cable network."

"The announcement is responsible for three top headlines on The Gun this morning." ...

NY: Loss of individual rights should be bigger concern
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Sheriff Timothy Howard has every right to express his private opinion about any act our state or federal legislatures may pass, guaranteed by the Constitution he is trying to protect. It is well-known that he is opposed to the SAFE Act. Our county has not sent him to Albany to create legislation, only to enforce the laws it has passed, no matter his opinion of the law." ...

NY: Home on the range with New York's gun owners -- Welcome to one of the most regulated cities in America
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The only public shooting range in Manhattan is tucked away in the basement of a commercial building at 20 West 20th Street. After passing through the lobby and descending a winding staircase, I came to a long corridor whose green walls are adorned with framed newspaper clippings, photos, and painted-on golden bullets pointing the way. The muffled blasts of gunfire grew louder as I got closer." ...

"I visited the Westside Rifle & Pistol Range because I was intrigued that such a place could exist in one of the least gun-friendly cities in the country. I was curious about the rare breed of New Yorker who is licensed to own a gun." ...

NY: Knicks point guard Raymond Felton arrested, charged with felony weapons possession
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Knicks point guard Raymond Felton was arrested on three counts of criminal possession of a weapon early Tuesday after his estranged wife went to cops with his gun, sources said."

"The struggling Felton was charged with second- and third-degree criminal possession of a firearm — all felonies — and an additional misdemeanor charge (fourth-degree possession), an NYPD spokesman said."

"The Knicks guard was cuffed when he turned himself in for questioning at the 20th precinct in Manhattan at about 12:50 a.m. ..."

"Felton surrendered after his wife, Ariane Raymondo-Felton, 26, brought a Belgian pistol — an FNH 5.7x28 mm. — that belonged to the hoops star, sources said." ...

MA: More than Half of Traceable Guns Seized in MA from Out of State
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Worcester Police arrested a local man for discharging a firearm and possession without a license after responding to one of three reports of shots fired over the weekend. How did that gun get into the hands of 36-year-old Franky Perez, who witnesses claim fired several rounds into the air outside of a nightclub?"

"The majority of guns seized by law enforcement in Massachusetts that can be traced come from outside the state, according to the latest available data from the [ATF] ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Indeed, of the 999 guns traced 546 came from other states! Which means that 453 came from MA. Further, the average 'time-to-crime' was 14.21 years as opposed to the national average of 11.12 years. Hardly even an 'outbreak', much less an epidemic.

"Some people think that the Second Amendment is an outdated relic of an earlier time. Doubtless some also think that constitutional protections of other rights are outdated relics of earlier times. We The People own those rights regardless, unless and until We The People repeal them. For those who believe it to be outdated, the Second Amendment provides a good test of whether their allegiance is really to the Constitution of the United States, or only to their preferences in public policies and audiences. The Constitution is law, not vague aspirations, and we are obligated to protect, defend, and apply it. If the Second Amendment were truly an outdated relic, the Constitution provides a method for repeal. The Constitution does not furnish the federal courts with an eraser." --9th Circuit Court Judge Andrew Kleinfeld, dissenting opinion in which the court refused to rehear the case while citing deeply flawed anti-Second Amendment nonsense (Nordyke v. King; opinion filed April 5, 2004)

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