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Newslinks for 2/26/2005

City Urges U.S. Senate to Reject Bill on Gun Suits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"City officials are urging the United States Senate to reject a bill, scheduled for a vote in the next few weeks, that would shield the gun industry from lawsuits claiming that guns are a public nuisance, a legal strategy that the city has been pursuing for four years."

"The bill would grant the gun industry broad immunity from civil lawsuits brought by municipalities and individuals who claim that the gun industry fails to exercise adequate control over gun dealers. It would also probably spell the end of efforts by New York and several other cities seeking to make gun manufacturers and distributors liable for weapons used to commit crimes."

TX: Texas CCW Holder Killed While Saving Boy
Submitted by: Tom Gresham

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Shooting rampage in Tyler, Texas, where the murderer had a rifle and wore two layers of body armor. The local Sheriff said (not in this story) that Mark Wilson, who had a carry permit, probably saved the life of the boy who was being shot. Wilson's shots were ineffective due to the body armor. Wilson was then murdered. He could have run from a man who obviously had him outgunned, but he put himself into the fight to try to help. He was killed in the process. We should all ask the news outlets to give us more about this hero.

TX: Samaritan saved life of gunman's son, police say
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"Tyler Police have confirmed two people outside the Smith County Courthouse have been killed after dozens of shots were fired starting just before 1:30 PM Thursday."

"Mark Wilson, the good Samaritan credited with saving another man's life by jumping into the middle of a gunbattle on Tyler's downtown square, was known for taking life head-on."

"Friends weren't surprised to hear that the 52-year-old factory employee sacrificed his own life by confronting a gunman firing an AK-47 assault rifle." ...

"Wilson, who had owned a gun range in Tyler, went to the street and confronted Arroyo with a handgun."

Politicians holster the polemics on gun control
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"The national debate over gun rights, for decades among the most searing and divisive of political issues, appears to be all but over in Congress."

"That means that the assault weapons ban, a signature achievement of gun control advocates that expired last year, probably will not resurface anytime soon."

"Conversely, congressional leaders and the Bush administration haven't put a priority on efforts to expand gun rights."

Howard Nemerov: Gun Control: It's an Assault Weapon!
Submitted by: News Admin

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"On Sunday, February 13, 2005, a young man with a history of alleged emotional disturbance got his moment of fame without killing anybody. Had he performed his stunt without a gun, it is questionable that Google would have listed about 1,000 articles on this incident within three days. Nor would the gun banners have used this unfortunate tragedy to grab for their own moment of fame, using other people’s pain and suffering to promote their flawed agenda."

IL: Democrats, Republicans debate gun control in Chicago
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the Republicans’ opening statement, Kimberley proposed that a conceal-carry law lowers crime rate because people are less likely to engage in criminal acts if they know their victim might be similarly armed— 'it’s a matter of deterrence,' Kimberley argued. When a potential victim is able to pull a gun on his assailant, 'brandishing the weapon is almost always enough to deescalate the situation,' Kimberley said. 'There are so few circumstances when the gun actually has to be used—we think there’s virtually no risk of harm,' he added."

IL: Rep. Elaine Nekritz and Rep. Beth Coulson Introduce the 'Anti-Terrorism and Aviation Protection Act' to Prevent .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle Terror in Illinois
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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".50 caliber sniper rifles, powerful enough to shoot down civilian airplanes during takeoff or landing, or taxiing on the runaway from over a mile away are 'weapons of terror' said Rep. Elaine Nekritz (D-57th) and Rep. Beth Coulson (R-17th).

"Rep. Nekritz and Rep. Coulson today introduced the 'Anti-Terrorism and Aviation Protection Act,' H.B. 1098, a bi-partisan legislative effort to keep the most deadly and powerful sniper rifles on the market out of the hands of terrorists to prevent a deadly attack on Illinois aviation or vulnerable industrial targets."

IL: Ban of .50-cal. rifles sought in Illinois
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Anti-gun lawmakers are seeking a ban on .50-caliber 'sniper rifles,' saying they're favored by terrorists and can shoot down aircraft from a range of more than 2,000 yards -- though they don't appear to be tied to any crimes here in the last decade, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis shows."

"A spokesman for the National Rifle Association, which is pushing dozens of its own bills in the General Assembly, vowed to fight the sniper-rifle legislation backed by Representatives Elaine Nekritz (D-Northbrook) and Beth Coulson (R-Glenview)."

NH: Right to bear arms has no legal legs here
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"Twenty, maybe even 10 years ago, a high school yearbook photograph of a student with his hunting or trap-shooting guns wouldn't have raised many eyebrows. One might say those were days of relative innocence. But those days are no more., Not since Columbine. Not since 9/11."

"Consequently, a Londonderry High School skeet-shooter lost his federal court suit, and won't have his senior portrait published in the yearbook with a gun in his arms."

"Blake Douglass should have gone for the deal he was offered: an 'armed' photo in the yearbook's community sports section. It would have been accepted -- and in better taste."

"Instead, he discounted the feelings of others at the school and fought through the court system to have his senior portrait include a gun. He should have considered the high school violence over the past decade, including 1999's Columbine High School shooting in Colorado."

Russia: Surviving the Asphalt Jungle Without a Gun
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"Under Big Brother’s watchful eye, Soviet citizens were meant to feel perpetually safe and secure — or else. The idea of a personal weapon, even a non-lethal one, was ideologically subversive, marking the citizen’s individuality, personal freedom and dignity that were deemed inappropriate in the Socialist paradise. ...Even karate, while quite popular in the USSR in the 1970s, was outlawed by the Soviet government in 1984 but managed to survive in 'underground' clubs until 1989 when the ban was lifted." ...

"...there will always be a demand for a legitimate arms market, the weapon enthusiasts’ and survivalist community growing each day — firearms ban or no firearms ban. And while Russian gun lovers may still be waiting for their Messiah, a Russian Charlton Heston, if you will, it’s always possible to obtain a hunting license and legally purchase your own personal weapon. ..."

AK: Palmer Lions gun show set for March 5-6
Submitted by: News Admin

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"The 38th-annual Palmer Lions gun show will take place March 5-6 at the Alaska State Fairgrounds in Palmer."

"Both Raven Hall and the Hoskins building will house the show, which will boast approximately 325 tables." ...

"The Lions usually bring in about $14,000-$17,000 from the show - this represents about 97 to 98 percent of the Lions's annual income for community contribution projects."

CA: Repeal the Nasty Assault Weapons ban!
Submitted by: John Hall

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INTRODUCED BY Assembly Member La Suer

FEBRUARY 15, 2005

An act to repeal Chapter 2.3 (commencing with Section 12275) of Title 2 of Part 4 of the Penal Code, relating to assault weapons.


AB 448, as introduced, La Suer. Assault weapons.

Existing law defines assault weapons, and generally regulates the sale, transport, possession, and registration of assault weapons.
Existing law also establishes various offenses in connection with
violations of these provisions.

This bill would repeal those provisions.

Vote: majority. Appropriation: no. Fiscal committee: yes.
State-mandated local program: no.

MT: Bill Hearings 2/28/05
Submitted by: John Hall aka Pred@tor

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Montana Shooting Sports Association

Our Montana Firearms Freedom bill, HB 366, has been scheduled for public hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, beginning at 8 AM, on Friday, 1/28. This is the bill whereby the Legislature declares that any firearms made in Montana and retained in Montana are not subject to any federal regulation under the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce. This bill is basically a Tenth Amendment challenge to Congress's commerce clause power, using firearms as the vehicle for the challenge.

If you want this bill to pass, better come to the hearing to support it, or, second best, contact legislators and ask them to support the bill.

MD: DNR and Gun Club to be Sued Over Lead Shot in Stream
Submitted by: News Admin

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"An environmental group planned to file a federal lawsuit Friday against the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and a Darnestown gun club for failing to clean up lead shot that collected in a stream and wetlands near the club's shooting range."

"Potomac Riverkeeper claims the DNR and the National Capital Skeet and Trap Club violated the federal Clean Water Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act by allowing the lead shot to build up in Great Seneca Creek. The group plans to file the suit in U.S. District Court. ..."

OH: Gun banners' list of recent Ohio gun incidents speaks volumes
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Gun ban extremist Toby Hoover, who fronts what often appears to be a one-woman show at the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, sent an email this week listing some of the recent incidences of gun violence around Ohio, and then went on to call for passage of an assault weapons ban in the City of Columbus."

"As voluntary partners in the OCAGV's 'Changing the Culture of Fear' push, we thought it would be interesting to note some of the many gun control laws that failed to stop these crimes from occurring (the list of gun control laws broken is by NO means exhaustive) ..."

FL: High Schoolers Make Anti-Violence Album (JTO)
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Teacher Aldric Marshall, who produced the album, said that students who wrote and performed for the album have seen the effects of gun violence firsthand, some of them having lost friends or family members to gunfire. Pain and frustration is evident in the album's raw lyrics, but 'Stop the Violence' is also a testament to the students' strength and their hope that the country will hear their voices, he said." ...

"According to the latest figures from the Centers for Disease Control, 2,867 children were killed by gunfire in 2002, an average of eight per day."

Another lie. This number includes adults ages 18 and 19, as well as 16 and 17 year olds - a prime age for gang involvement. Additionally it includes over 800 suicides.

Ireland: Gun clubs fail in attempt to get access to nature reserves
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Minister for the Environment Dick Roche has rejected attempts by gun clubs to gain access to protected nature reserves, according to the Irish Council Against Blood Sports."

"The body said it had received confirmation from the minister that he had no plans to alter the current ban on hunting in Ireland's national parks and state reserves."

"The National Association of Regional Game Councils has been trying to have the ban scrapped since 1999, but its efforts have been rejected by successive government ministers."

Philippines: Barangay captain vows to go after ‘drunk’ policeman
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Kamagayan Barangay Captain Celestino 'Tony' Avila is bent on suing a policeman who allegedly pointed a firearm at his brother and some guests at dawn yesterday."

"If PO2 Andres Lim is not dismissed from the service, Avila said he is willing to resign as barangay captain." ...

"Benjamin alleged that while he and some guests, including his Australian brother-in-law, were outside the house talking, a 'very drunk' Lim suddenly arrived waving a gun."

"Lim allegedly pointed the gun at them and then pulled the trigger."

"To their relief, the gun just clicked several times but didn’t go off."

PA: New bill could arm campus police
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"A legislative bill introduced by state Rep. Tim Solobay (D-Canonsburg) could place guns in the hands of campus police if signed into law."

"Solobay introduced House Bill 509 one week ago after being approached by campus police officers from IUP and California University of Pennsylvania, where officers are not allowed to carry guns. If approved into law, the bill would require all state university police to be armed, according to information printed in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette."

"Of the 14 schools in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, 10 have armed police forces. Two others, Clarion and Lock Haven, keep guns on campus, but police officers have access to them only in emergencies."

Canada: Toy gun results in suspension
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"A Hammarskjold High School student has been suspended for allegedly firing a projectile at another student."

"School principal Terry Reid said a spring-loaded 'soft-air pellet gun' that fires small plastic balls was used in the incident on a school bus Wednesday morning."

" 'It constitutes, under the Safe Schools Act, a weapon,' Reid said in an interview Thursday. 'It fits the definition.' "

"Thunder Bay Police spokesman Chris Adams described it as a toy pellet gun."

UK: Top doctor calls for action on knife crime
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"A TOP doctor at a Glasgow hospital today called for urgent action to curb knife attacks in the city."

"Dr Michael Sheridan made the call after carrying out a shock study that has revealed for the first time the true extent of knife crime in Glasgow."

"He found at least four people are slashed or stabbed in Glasgow every day - but almost half of all cases are not reported to police."

MD: Smith backs measure to expand law on handguns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the wake of the shotgun killing of a popular private school educator, Baltimore County Executive James T. Smith Jr. said he plans to lobby for a General Assembly bill that would add rifles and shotguns to a law that requires additional penalties for the use of a handgun in a violent crime or felony."

"The bill, sponsored by Sen. Larry E. Haines, a Republican who represents parts of Carroll and Baltimore counties, would subject offenders who use any kind of firearm in certain crimes to a mandatory minimum sentence of five years in prison without parole and a maximum penalty of 20 years."

"Haines has sponsored the measure in each of the last two legislative sessions, but the bill never made it out of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee."

NY: Registration then Confiscation
Submitted by: Bob Simeone

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Submitter's Note: New York Bill wants to repeal the grandfather clause in the definition of assault weapon which currently allows the possession of an assault weapon if the weapon was lawfully possessed prior to 9/14/94 or if the weapon was manufactured on of before 10/1/1993; to provide for the surrender and destruction of such weapons.

First they have you register them, then they come and confiscate them.

"Adds semiautomatic rifles, shotguns or pistols or a replica or a duplicate thereof manufactured on October 1, 1993 and semiautomatic rifles, shotguns or semiautomatic pistols lawfully possessed prior to September 14, 1994 to the definition of assault weapon; provides for the superintendent of the division of state police to accept surrendered assault weapons; declares such assault weapons surrendered a nuisance."

MI: Bill unwarranted (Letter)
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Contrary to your (Friday) editorial, House passage of H.R. 418 (the "REAL ID Act") is not to be cheered but feared. I am a conservative with 20 years military service who no longer trusts either political party." ...

"Until this administration takes border security seriously by controlling our borders and jailing and/or deporting violators they have no right to add restrictions on law-abiding citizens."

"As a citizen who values privacy and supports Second Amendment rights, I am greatly concerned by this bill."

"It is a bad law proposed by another administration bent on increasing federal control over our lives."

UK: Hero disarms gunman
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"A BRAVE doorman wrestled a loaded gun from the hand of a pub-goer who pinned him up against a wall and held the weapon to his head."

"Cool-headed bouncer Marcus White, who has been shot twice before, overpowered the gunman out-side a quiet Croydon pub at the weekend."

"The terrifying incident happened on Saturday at 10pm outside The Duke's Head pub in South End, South Croydon."

NY: Man Accused Of Murdering Estranged Wife Held Without Bail
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"A 48-year-old man accused of shooting his estranged wife to death with a rifle Sunday is being held without bail by Glens Falls police."

"Police said Raymond DiLorenzo shot 42-year-old Laurie DiLorenzo as she sat in her car outside a convenience store Sunday." ...

"Police Chief Richard Carey said the victim did not file a criminal complaint Sunday and police had advised her to seek an order of protection in Family Court this week."

Time to think about giving deer rifle a good cleaning
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"It might seem too early to discuss deer rifles, but the old saying that the early bird gets the worm is applicable here. Now is the time to start thinking about the forthcoming big game, seasons. Those who wait until the last minute usually run into problems. Right now is the time to check out the big game rifle and start getting it is shape along with zeroing it in."

"Normally, the best way to start this project is by cleaning the rifle inside and out. ..."

"It depends on the type of rifle action being cleaned. Bolt actions are by far the easiest since the barreled action can be removed from the wood to get to the trigger assembly. ..."

UK: 'Unite against the gunmen'
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"THE reggae producer dad of a man shot dead by gangsters will tell an anti-firearm rally this weekend: 'It's time to stand up to the gunmen.' "

"Blacker Dread, real name Steve Martin, 46, will join other parents who have suffered the agony of losing a child to shootings, at an event in Windrush Square, Brixton, tomorrow."

"At the Brixton-based producer's side will be local campaigners and activists, all determined to send out a united message of defiance to the gunmen casting a shadow over South London's streets."

UK: 13-year-old shot
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"A 13-year-old schoolboy is lucky to be alive after he was shot outside a scout hut at the weekend."

"The teenager is making a recovery at home following his release from hospital yesterday (Tuesday) while police stepped up their appeal for information. He is believed to be the youngest victim of gun crime in Croydon."

"The shooting happened outside a scout hall in Melfort Road, Thornton Heath, at 11.45pm on Saturday as the boy and some friends were queuing to get into a private party inside the premises."

GA: Children asleep as Buford man shoots wife, kills himself
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"A Buford woman was released from a Gwinnett County hospital Thursday, hours after her estranged husband shot her several times and then killed himself." ...

"Roger Hood went to his wife's home just early Thursday morning at 6192 Lakeview Drive where the two verbally clashed before Dana Hood shut the door on her husband, Moloney said." ...

"The couple was not divorced, but Dana Hood had issued a temporary protective order against her husband, which was still valid, Moloney said."

VA: Richmond performance artist keeps walking -- His obstruction-of-justice case continued, he advises police about his next show (Followup)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Richmond performance artist Andy Coppola showed up in court yesterday with his psychedelic orange and pink nylon bodysuit -- tucked deeply in the pocket of a worn, brown wool herringbone jacket."

"This time, no one threatened to shoot him."

"Coppola eventually did stop that day, after the officer who confronted him said, 'I'll put a bullet through you.' Last week the officer was admonished for his actions by Richmond police officials." ...

"Coppola also said he contacted the police to let them know he would be performing, not perpetrating a crime."

" 'I did it out of a little bit of fear for my own safety,' he admitted."

NC: Grifton police officer terminated for violating court order
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"A Grifton Police Department sergeant was fired Wednesday after his arrest on a charge of violating a domestic violence protective order."

"Maury Wills Carmon, 41, was arrested Monday by Pitt County deputies after his wife of 12 years said he was near their Ayden residence."

"Three witnesses, all relatives, also said Carmon was near the residence, Pitt County Sheriff Mac Manning said." ...

"In a request for a protective order filed Feb. 4, Carmon's wife claimed he had been physically and emotionally abusive during their marriage. A temporary order required Carmon to stay away from the family home, his wife's job and school and their children's school. ..."

FL: Nelson holds townhall meetings
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"Attacking the president’s Social Security proposals and espousing the need to protect America’s resources, U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Florida, finished a day of town hall meetings speaking to a crowded room in Bushnell." ...

"Nelson also said that the message of the Democratic Party cannot continue to be defined by extremist conservative groups."

"I have always enjoyed hunting and have always owned guns. I believe in the Second Amendment, but I think there is a difference in asking whether the public should be able to own guns meant for killing, not hunting. Because I don’t believe in having AK-47s on the street and because I want to plug the gun show loophole, does that mean I am against gun ownership? ..."

NY: Rural lawmakers mull weapon ban in county buildings
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"While most government buildings prohibit the possession of deadly weapons, there are some exceptions."

"In one rural upstate county, it's O-K to bring a gun into a county office. But that may soon change."

"Tioga County lawmakers are about to consider banning weapons from county buildings."

"A similar proposal several years ago generated plenty of controversy and was scrapped."

Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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