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Newslinks for 2/27/2012

Salt Lake City Police Chief Burbank carries gun to intimidate fearful public
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"That Chief Burbank is giving official sanction to doing exactly that which the hoplophobes accuse peaceable gun owners of does not register on Peg’s irony meter?"

MA: Massachusetts off-duty sergeant shoots officer, then kills self, district attorney says
Submitted by: jac

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BEVERLY, Mass. – A Massachusetts district attorney says an off-duty sergeant shot a police officer from a nearby town, then returned to the scene and killed himself as authorities closed in.

In a Friday night press conference, Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett alleged that Hamilton Police Sergeant Ken Nagy shot off-duty Beverly officer Jason Lantych and then fled the scene.

Nagy and Lantych knew each other, but the motive for the shooting is unclear, the district attorney's office said. Beverly and Hamilton are towns about 5 miles apart in northeastern Massachusetts.

Canada: Man arrested after daughter draws picture of gun
Submitted by: Mike the Limey

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KITCHENER A Kitchener father is upset that police arrested him at his children’s school Wednesday, hauled him down to the station and strip-searched him, all because his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a gun at school....

....The detective told him his four-year-old daughter had drawn a picture of a man holding a gun. When a teacher asked her who the man was, the girl replied, “That’s my daddy’s. He uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters.”

Submitter's note: I hope he sues.

IA: Iowa Firearms Legislation Update
Submitted by: Sean McClanahan

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An update on firearms legislation in Iowa. Not as good as it could be, mostly due to the actions of one man.

OH: Cleveland homeowner wounds young intruder before gun jams
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Ted Ziolkowski's pistol jammed right after the 78-year-old farmer shot someone for the first time in his life late Thursday night.
He left a single hollow-point round in the chest of a 17-year-old Cleveland youth who was later arrested for aggravated burglary, for trying to break into the rental property Ziolkowski owns on Clement Ave., on Cleveland's southeast side.
"Police told me if I hadn't dropped him with that that first one, he would have got me," Ziolkowski said in a telephone interview.
The youth remained in Metrohealth Medical Center under police guard. His mother said late Friday afternoon that "he's fighting for his life."

OH: Ohio food stamp recipients waste millions of U.S. tax dollars buying guns, drugs, beer
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An exclusive 5 On Your Side investigation reveals food stamp recipients using millions of your tax dollars to buy beer, cigarettes, guns and other illegal items, including cars.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: Sticking the word "guns" in the headline and mentioning it again in the first paragraph makes for eye-catching copy, but not a single example is mentioned in the article.

OH: Bonding over bullets: Women pack heat due to increase in violent crime
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Now more than ever, women are drawn to guns. According to an annual Gallup Crime survey, 23 percent of women own a gun. That's up from 13 percent in 2005.
George Horne owns a firing range and has noticed the trend. "There's been a real increase in women visiting the store and purchasing firearms, especially handguns, smaller ones for conceal carry."
The firearms industry is targeting female shooters with merchandise like pink guns, grips and accessories.

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: There's that tired old cliche "pack heat" again. You'd think the writers and editors could be more creative!

NY: 4 Detectives Suspected of Drinking on the Job
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Four New York City police detectives have been placed on desk duty and stripped of their guns and badges amid claims that they drank alcohol at a Washington Heights restaurant while on duty last week, according to a law enforcement official and the detectives' lawyer.
In addition, the official said that one of the detectives was being investigated by the police Internal Affairs Bureau to determine if he sexually assaulted a waitress there — or if he paid for sex with her.

'Act of Valor': The Military's Bid for an Authentic War Movie Pays Off
Submitted by: Anonymous

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It is disingenuous to call Act of Valor a work of propaganda. The film, which opens nationwide this weekend, is neither hyper-patriotic nor prescriptive of what America should be doing around the world. Rather, it would seem to be a plain assertion of what we are already doing. Filmed with the cooperation of the U.S. Navy and starring actual SEALS who've seen war and will see war again, the production is an interesting experiment for the secretive U.S. Special Operations Command. Twenty-five years after its inception and 10 years into its hardest and most costly call to duty, here is an official stamp on how the special operations community wants to be recognized.

FL: "You Can't Fix Stupid"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Comedian Ron White has made a catchphrase of 'you can't fix stupid'. I think one of the reasons it has caught on is that sometimes it is just so apropos. Take Thomas Gabor's opinion piece in the Palm Beach Post:"
"In October, Florida Statutes Chapter 790.33, a law declaring that the state is 'occupying the whole field of regulation of firearms and ammunition,' took effect. The law renders all county and municipal firearm regulations null and void. Officials who fail to repeal local gun laws or enact new ones face fines and even removal from office."
"Actually, Thomas, 790.33 was passed more than two decades ago. Called the 'Joe Carlucci Uniform Firearms Act' it was passed in 1987. ..." ...

NY: Manhattan Elected Officials Rally Against NYPD's Stop-And-Frisk Policy
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Elected officials, religious, and community leaders rallied on the Upper West Side of Manhattan on Sunday against the New York City Police Department's "Stop and Frisk" policy, days after the Manhattan Borough Board approved a resolution asking for reform.
NYPD statistics show police made nearly 700,000 stop-and-frisks last year, a 14-percent increase from the year before.
Protesters said the policy unfairly targets black and Latino men.

UT: Authorities tracing phone of mountain man's family
Submitted by: Anonymous

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[UPDATE: "Mountain Man" identified]

Troy James Knapp is a wanted man, a mountain recluse authorities say is responsible for more than two dozen cabin burglaries in the remote southern Utah wilderness. He's considered armed and dangerous, a ticking time bomb.

After more than five years on the loose, a virtual ghost in the woods, authorities say they have finally identified their suspect. Now they just have to catch him.

MN: New Minn. Bill Expands Rights of Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new Minnesota Senate bill would give you more power to use self-defense outside your home.

Right now, Minnesota law allows you to protect yourself in your home if you are threatened or believe you are in imminent danger. The law also allows for the use of deadly force.

CA: You and your right to keep yourself safe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Congratulations to the courageous woman on Olympic Drive on her bravery and for arming herself to protect not only her property, but perhaps her physical well-being as well ("Woman's errant gunfire scares off intruder", Times-Herald, Jan. 21).

Kick-in-door crime in this lawless town has now reached epidemic levels. The modus operandi is simple, quick, and, almost always successful. Kick in the front door, ripping out the door lock/dead bolt from the door frame. Run into the house, grab a jewelry box, cash, etc., run out of the house. Was a burglar alarm tripped? No problem. There's always plenty of getaway time before any law enforcement can respond.

OK: More Women Learning to Protect Themselves with a Firearm
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More women are learning to protect themselves, with a firearm. In the past year, local instructors for Concealed carry permits have seen a big change. The instructors have seen a four hundred percent increase in the number of women that are coming to their conceal carry classes.

MN: Minnesota's controversial deadly force bill advances
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Minnesota bill that could be sent to the governor next week would sharply expand the circumstances under which people can use deadly force when they feel threatened, a measure that law enforcement groups call a recipe for getting away with murder.

Democratic Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton has not said whether he will sign or veto the measure advanced by the Republican majority state Senate and House when it gets to him.

TN: Lawmakers grapple with 'guns in parking lots' legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Where do private property rights end and gun rights begin?

That’s the central question Tennessee lawmakers and Gov. Bill Haslam’s administration are attempting to answer in legislation filed by state Sen. Mike Faulk, R-Church Hill.

Faulk’s so-called “guns in parking lots” bill would ban employers from prohibiting an employee from keeping an unseen locked-up weapon inside their parked on-premises vehicle.

Haslam, a Republican, believes Faulk’s bill is too broad because it applies to private and public parking lots.

TN: Too close for comfort: Knox Co. man wants gun laws changed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After several hours of rapid fire shooting, Charles Claunch says he decided to call 911.

It wasn't the first time his neighbors took to firing guns on their property, but he says it was nearing his grandchildren's bedtime.

The three young kids live with Claunch and his wife in a subdivision on Smithland Lane.

He says half-acre plots separate him and his neighbors and when there's guns involved, he says that's too close for comfort.

TX: Even 'gun nuts' can oppose this
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now there is no law pending, so I’m free to tell you what a bad idea it is to have guns on college campuses.

First, the original bill was written specifically to disallow individual college campuses to opt out of the law. I didn’t like the idea a college isn’t free to figure out if it wants guns on campus or not.

College administrators didn’t want the law. They felt their students would be less safe, rather than more safe, if the law had passed.

VA: Va. gun rights activists to hold meetings across the Old Dominion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While District of Columbia residents like the Washington Times' Senior Editor Emily Miller continue to suffer though a complicated and almost Kafkaesque system merely to purchase a single firearm, the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) has had some success this year in rolling back several layers of burdensome gun state control measures across the Potomac."

"These include repealing the 'one handgun a month law' as well as ending the local option to force concealed handgun permit applicants to undergo FBI fingerprinting." ...

AZ: Agree with the need to veto campus guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It was quite a good letter to the editor from Clint Norris on the college campus gun law in the newspaper. Norris’ request that Gov. Brewer veto allowing guns on college campuses made excellent points and shows just how wrong our Legislature can go.

TX: Bowie may ban gun sales on city property
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Turk Largent, a former councilman, said that one of this country's freedoms is to sell guns and that he is taken aback by the ATF's comments, asking, "Where did our freedoms go?"

Mike Ward told the council that this ban is not needed and that these sales have been going on longer than any of those present have been alive.


Mayor Pat Polk concluded comments as several people began talking at the same time. She asked for council action on the motion, and the panel was silent, as the proposed ordinance died for lack of a motion.

If we lower our standards, we lower the flag. — President Ronald Reagan

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