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Newslinks for 2/28/2012

NM gun case shows government treats citizens differently from its own
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Evidently, when private actors are the suspects, gunwalking ceases to be regarded as 'botched' gun sales, strictly a personnel matter, or a paranoid right-wing conspiracy, and its investigation ceases to be regarded as a partisan witch hunt."

FBI Turns Off Thousands of GPS Devices After Supreme Court Ruling
Submitted by: John Fansler

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The Supreme Court’s recent ruling overturning the warrantless use of GPS tracking devices has caused a “sea change” inside the U.S. Justice Department, according to FBI General Counsel Andrew Weissmann.

These devices were often stuck underneath cars to track the movements of the car owners. In U.S. v. Jones, the Supreme Court ruled that using a device to track a car owner without a search warrant violated the law.


NY: Fordham Law School Symposium Explores Gun Control and the Second Amendment
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The Fordham Urban Law Journal will host its Volume XXXIX Symposium, titled "Gun Control and the Second Amendment: Developments and Controversies in the Wake of District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago," on Friday, March 9 at Fordham Law School in New York City.

U.S. opening up airspace to use of drones -- Privacy is a concern as FAA sets rules to take flights out of just military purview
Submitted by: Anonymous

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After more than 40 years of development and extensive use by the military, the United States has set the date when the nation's airspace will be open for drones. Should you be scared?
Short answer: No, but like any new technology, unmanned aerial vehicles have their dark side.
Legislation passed by Congress last week gives the Federal Aviation Administration until Sept. 30, 2015, to open the nation's skies to drones.

OH: 1 Dead, 4 Wounded in Ohio School Shooting
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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There's been another school shooting, this one in Ohio. A gunman opened fire in a cafeteria Monday morning, and when it was all over, one student was dead and four others were injured. It happened at about 7:30am at Chardon High School, about 30 miles outside Cleveland. The gunman, whose name is not being revealed because he is a juvenile, is in custody. Chardon Police Chief Timothy McKenna said the suspect is believed to be a student at the school. The Associated Press reports other students are describing him as a "bullied outcast." Witnesses say it appeared he targeted a specific group of students sitting at one table in the cafeteria.

UK: Anti Gun Campaigner Caught Lying
Submitted by: Mike the Limey

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An anti-gun and knife-crime campaigner misled a national conference when she said her family members had been murdered.
Narraser Gordon, 24, claimed at the Labour Party's conference in September that eight of her family members had been killed in Bristol.
After a standing ovation from politicians, local newspapers picked up on the Labour youth officer's speech.
BBC Inside Out has found most of the people she said were dead are alive.

Submitter's note: Of course none of the politicians questioned her statement.

Can Brady Campaign’s New President Save Them?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The Brady Campaign recently announced their new president, Daniel Gross, an advertising professional turned gun-control promoter. Gallup rates advertising professionals among the lowest for honesty and ethics, and Gross provides a corroborative case study.

NY: Third annual Sportsmen & Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day to be held March 20
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association will have its Sportsmen and Outdoor Recreation Legislative Awareness Day on March 20. The third annual event will take place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the "Well" of the State Legislative Office Building in downtown Albany, between Madison Avenue and State Street. Gun owners and concerned citizens will have a chance to meet with state representatives and check out exhibits and presentations. Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president and CEO of the National Rifle Association, will give a keynote address. The event is open to the pubic. For more information, call Tom King at 518-272-2654.

IL: Illinois Considering Several "Extreme" Anti-Gun Bills
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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n addition to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s handgun licensing and ammunition tax schemes mentioned here, several other anti-gun bills are expected to see action this week in Springfield: House Bill 4149 and House Bill 4456, both introduced by state Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-14), would require private transfers of handguns to go through a Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder, and allow for fees (gun taxes) for such transfers. House Bill 3809, also introduced by Representative Cassidy, would create a new felony offense for anyone who transfers a firearm to someone the transferor "knows is a street gang member."

VA: Virginia Tech Families to Gov: Veto 1-Gun-Per-Month Repeal
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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“I want to be able to say to anyone who asks that our governor is a profile in courage,” recounted Peter Read, who lost his daughter, Mary Karen Read, during the Virginia Tech Massacre in April 2007.Read was one of five Virginia Tech family members who participated in a 30-minute conference call with Gov. Bob McDonnell this morning at 11 to discuss legislation that would repeal Virginia’s one-handgun-a-month sale law. He and Lori Haas, whose daughter Emily survived being shot on April 16, spoke to the governor from a conference room at the Westin Washington Dulles Hotel in Herndon, Virginia.

GOP and NRA "Locked in a Symbiotic Relationship"
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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Normally when a representative for the National Rifle Association (NRA) visits the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), we’re talking about NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre, and he’s there to promote a range of bizarre conspiracy theories concerning gun confiscation and the Obama Administration. Over the years, Wayne and the NRA have learned that there’s no better fundraising tool than good ol’ fearmongering. This year, however, a far more interesting and revealing moment occurred at CPAC when NRA President David Keene presented Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli with the “Defender of Freedom Award” on behalf of the NRA and the American Conservative Union(for which Keene served as Chairman from 1984-2011

WA: Intruder shooting tops police blotter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A SeaTac homeowner shot an intruder in self-defense on the evening of Feb. 21, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office. Around 6:30 p.m. a man living on the 3700 block of S. 191st St. heard a knock at his door followed by ringing of the doorbell. The man decided not to answer the door and shortly after heard the slider breaking on his back door. The man was in his upstairs bedroom and armed himself with a handgun while calling 911. One intruder came into the home and headed upstairs. The homeowner fired his weapon once and struck the suspect in the head. The male suspect was transported to Harborview Hospital in stable condition. One additional suspect fled the scene. A suspect description was not available.

IA: Iowa Firearms Coalition Needs Your Help to Pass Pro-Second Amendment Bills
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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First off, I want to thank every one of you that has taken the time to utilize our Action Center (also on Facebook) to correspond with Representatives on our bills. Your hard work and willingness to be involved has helped Iowa Firearms Coalition, and the NRA, to move every one of our top priority bills through committee!

At the start of the legislative session IFC announced our four top priorities:

Pistolet Makarova
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Pistolet Makarova, or Makarov, was a Cold War pistol designed in the 1950s for the Soviet Union. Nikolai Makarov, a Russian, developed the medium-powered handgun as a replacement for the aging Nagant revolver and a Tokarev pistol.

The Makarov was imported into the United States in large numbers after the collapse of the USSR.

Santorum presents mixed record on gun rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Supporting the Domestic Violence Offender Gun Ban proposal is probably Santorum’s worst offense. The gun ban, made law in 1997, makes it illegal for individuals convicted of misdemeanor charges of domestic violence to own, sell, ship, or carry firearms, for any kind of use, including individuals under a restraining order.

Domestic violence is a serious crime deserving of the public’s immediate attention, but “our constitutionally protected” Second Amendment rights cannot be infringed as a consequence.

MN: Hoffman gun bill passes Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill that would expand Minnesotans’ self-defense rights was approved 40-23 Thursday night by the state Senate.

The Personal Protection Act – known by many opponents as the “shoot first” bill – extends the right to use deadly force for personal protection outside the home to any place where an individual lawfully can be, sponsor Sen. Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas, said.

“This bill isn’t just about guns,” it is about allowing any use of deadly force if necessary to guard against imminent danger, Hoffman said.

MN: Stearns Co. Attorney Weighs-in on Self-Defense Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A bill that would allow citizens more freedom to use deadly force is getting a lot of attention at the State Capitol. The bill creates a presumption that anyone who uses deadly force while in a home or dwelling does so believing themselves in danger of harm of death. It also expands the definition of dwelling to also mean a hotel room, tent, car or boat.

MN: New Minn. Bill Expands Rights of Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new Minnesota Senate bill would give you more power to use self-defense outside your home.

Right now, Minnesota law allows you to protect yourself in your home if you are threatened or believe you are in imminent danger. The law also allows for the use of deadly force.

TX: Paxton Endorsed by NRA, Texas State Rifle Association
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Texas State Senate candidate Ken Paxton announced today that he has earned the endorsement of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA), as well as an “A” rating from each organization.

Tara Mica, NRA-ILA State Liaison, said, “NRA is proud to endorse Ken Paxton for Texas Senate. As a fellow NRA member, Ken Paxton knows firsthand the importance of protecting the Second Amendment and preserving our right to self-defense.

MN: Tell Minnesota Governor Dayton To Sign The Stand Your Ground Bill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Stand Your Ground bill passed the Minnesota House last year. It overwhelmingly passed the Senate last week. Now the bill is headed to Governor Dayton.

Call Governor Dayton’s office and ask him to sign HR1467, the Stand Your Ground bill.

The Arms Trade Treaty & Our Constitution’s Loophole
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One of the constant mantras of U.S. firearm-prohibitionists is “close the loophole!”

There’s seemingly a loophole in every restrictive firearm law. And although these demands are presumably for our safety, the intent is to make lawful firearm acquisition and possession more difficult for ordinary citizens.

However, there is one very real loophole that almost no one talks about, or even recognizes. And it lies in the U.S. Constitution. And it’s one that most U.S. gun-owners blithely refuse to believe, even when it’s pointed out to them. To most gun-owners, the Second Amendment is unbreachable, especially when it comes to international treaties like the forthcoming Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

IL: State Rep. Costello II decries legislation to impose ammunition tax
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State. Rep. Jerry Costello II (D-Smithton) issued the following statement regarding a myriad of anti-gun proposals recently introduced by Chicago politicians, including House Bill 5167, a bill that would add two percent surcharge on the sale of ammunition:

MA: Pistols and paranoia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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There is one thing that makes me even more uncomfortable than the thought of being surrounded by lots of strangers with concealed weapons beneath their coats. It is the thought of being surrounded by any strangers with concealed weapons beneath their coats and paranoid ideas floating around their brains. Pistols and paranoia are a scary mix indeed.

OH: Time to ban handguns, guys
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So far, strategies to combat these deadly lash outs have been anti-bullying campaigns. That's great, in theory. I was bullied as a kid and didn't like it much, but the anti-bullying message places the victims right back in the position of victim. "Oh, if only we're nice to everyone the outcasts will stop shooting us!" Yes, bullying is bad, but students shouldn't have to walk on eggshells hoping to assuage would-be gunmen. We need to get rid of the [Ed.: expletive deleted] guns.

MD: Some colleges' weapon policies spark student debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Though the vast majority of college campuses across the United States do not allow guns on campus --whether concealed or not-- states like Colorado, Michigan, Virginia and Utah have mandated some of their institutions to allow guns on their respective campuses.

SC: Holster that tax break, pardner
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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S.C. House budget writers started off with a bang last week as they granted another tax-free weekend for gun buyers. As a serious budget proposal, it misses the mark.

There is a rationale for the back-to-school tax-free weekend routinely granted by the Legislature -- though its parameters are overly broad. For example, you can buy a wedding gown tax-free because it's an article of clothing, though one is seldom seen in the classroom.

NJ: Bring Non-Perishable Items, Canned Goods & Meet Alan Gura Wednesday Feb 29th 2012
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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If you are going to attend the meeting this Wednesday, featuring Alan Gura, and would like to donate a non-perishable item for the St. Frances Food Bank in LBI, it would be greatly appreciated.

Alan has agreed to deliver his presentation and also to conduct a Q&A session at the end. There is no one more familiar with our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms than attorney Alan Gura.

UT: Open carry is not the same as disorderly conduct
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Utah’s lack of restrictive gun laws is one reason the state generally receives high marks in terms of personal freedoms. In 1995 lawmakers liberalized Utah’s laws regarding concealed weapon permits and opponents of concealed carry made predictions of blood in the streets, shootouts over parking spaces and police in constant fear for their lives. Not surprisingly, these grave expectations turned out to be false on every count.

Concealed carry permit holders have proven themselves to be among the most law-abiding members of society with only the tiniest fraction of permits being revoked in the past 17 years.

IL: Let's Follow the Entire Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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So here’s my proposal for Quinn and Madigan: if the Second Amendment Absolutists are going to hold you to the second half of the Second Amendment, hold them to the first half: tell them they can carry any gun they want, anywhere they want, as long as they join the state’s militia, the Illinois National Guard. It would require one weekend a month of training, plus the possibility of active duty if the United States becomes involved in a war.

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid. —Dwight D. Eisenhower

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