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Newslinks for 2/28/2013

Oath Keepers group issues nationwide call to support militia documentary
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "'Gun ownership serves basically five purposes, not just three,' documentary producer Jaeger told Oath keepers. 'The three everyone talks about are: target practice, hunting, and self-defense, but the other two almost never mentioned are: deterrent against tyranny and participation in the 'Militia of the several States.' Why are [these] almost never mentioned even though the Founders mention the Militia in four separate places in the U.S. Constitution? If the Founders mention deterrent and Militia, but few others mention them, is this not be a serious red flag?'" ...

New video destroys myth about large capacity magazines
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A newly-produced video, funded by ArmaLite and supervised by Boone County, Ind. Sheriff Ken Campbell, demolishes the myth surrounding so-called 'high capacity magazines' that banning these devices will prevent the rare mass shooting events that currently fuel the gun prohibition movement." ...

Submitter's Note: Excellent, excellent video! The first 1:45 has a lot of good, relevant, information; then the shooting starts ...

Debunking the “No One Wants to Take Your Guns” Myth (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When I’m arguing with my mother about gun control (she, being a stereotypical Westchester county New York Democrat) there’s a normal progression of events. First, she hears something on the news ... and then asks me how I could possibly be opposed to such 'common sense' proposals. Naturally, I reply with a well thought out and rational argument about how taking guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens won’t stop criminals, would probably result in an increase in crime, and is both unconstitutional and immoral. Her natural fall-back position is to snark that 'no one is taking your guns' and refuses to hear any arguments to the contrary. But the fact is, whenever she says that, its a complete and total lie . . ." ...

Announcement from Magpul
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"... there is the possibility that Colorado residents’ ability to purchase standard capacity magazines will soon be infringed. Before that happens, and Magpul is forced to leave the state in order to keep to our principles, we will be doing our best to get standard capacity PMAGs into the hands of any Colorado resident that wants them." ...

GunUp the Magazine Officially Launches
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"... You can view the first digital (preview) copy here for free ..." ...

How to Buy a Suppressor Using an NFA Trust
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year, Foghorn did his usual thorough job of covering the basics of buying a suppressor. In that article, Nick ran through the basics of selecting one and provided an overview of the steps you’ll have to go through to get one transferred to you. His post covered the process if you’re buying as an individual. Since then, we’ve had a few requests to cover the process using an NFA trust. And since I’ve just recently done just that, I’ll take this one . . ." ...

NYT: Who’s Afraid of a National Gun Registry?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The dark and nonsensical fantasy that the United States government will one day transform itself into a jackbooted fascist state and seize American weaponry has long been peddled by the gun lobby to stir up donations to its cause,' today's New York Times editorial opines. 'It is the reason the federal background check system is not allowed to keep records of people who are approved to buy guns — advocates claimed that doing so would lead to a national gun registry and thus a road map for the storm troopers to know whose door to kick down in their rabid search for a revolver.' More likely a modern sporting rifle but we understand alliteration’s artistic allure. ..." ...

Founders never implied treason
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Alan Gottlieb of the Second Amendment Foundation, was wrong in his implication that the 'true purpose' of the Second Amendment is protection against the United States government ('First, remember the Constitution,' Feb. 12)."

"The Second Amendment never was, is not now and never will be an invitation to treason. No matter how many times some say so, it's not intended to protect the people from 'tyrannical government.' Bearing arms against the United States government is treason. The founders would never have put that in the Bill of Rights." ...

He Doesn't Want To Be Seen With The Likes Of Them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jimmy Kimmel Live last night was supposed to feature the British singer Morrissey and the Robertson family from the A&E Show Duck Dynasty. However, when Morrissey, a vegetarian and 'animal rights activist', found out the Robertsons were sharing the limelight with him, he issued an ultimatum - them or me." ...

"UPDATE: Cancelling at the last minute doesn't go over too well with late night talk shows. Jimmy Kimmel takes Morrissey to task and explains why he wasn't about the disinvite the Duck Dynasty folks."

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Use Geico’s Digital Insurance ID Card (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG reader Robert Bubb writes: I recently saw this Geico ad featuring the pig using his phone’s Geico App to show a police officer his digital vehicle insurance card during a stop for a broken tail-light. The handful of times I’ve been stopped the officer has taken my ID and insurance card back to his or her cruiser to enter the info into their computer. What has me concerned about using this app (or similar apps by other insurance companies): by handing your phone to a police officer you’ve essentially given him or her permission to search your phone . . ." ...

TX: Homeowner Shoots At, Scares Off Car Burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A TX homeowner heard noises outside of his at around 1am."

"When the homeowner went to investigate he says he found a man trying to break into his vehicle."

"The homeowner fired one shot at the suspect who then fled the scene." ...

TX: Texas homeowner shoots intruder during home invasion, protects wife and kids
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Saturday night, Feb. 23, a Texas homeowner shot an intruder in the leg, according to a report by Lubbock Online. The man heard someone in his home in Slaton, a Lubbock, Texas suburb, and after checking on his three children in their bedrooms, the man realized that there was an intruder in his home."

"The father cornered the intruder at gunpoint in his dining room. The intruder repeatedly ignored the father’s commands to get on the ground and when he moved towards the man’s wife, the father shot him in the leg." ...

TX: Truck burglar awakens sleeping driver, then dodges bullets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"League City police are looking for a gold Buick with damaged windows after it was shot at by a man awakened from a nap while his pickup was being burglarized." ...

"The awakened man and the burglar struggled over a backpack on the front seat, which the burglar abandoned in favor of a bank bag with $80 cash in it, [Sgt.] Spencer said."

"As the burglar was fleeing, the other man hopped out of the pickup with his Sig Sauer .40 caliber handgun and fired two shots at the Buick, hitting the front and back windows on the passenger side."

"'The victim didn't think he hit the suspect,' Spencer said. 'We called local hospitals and asked them to let us know if they treated anyone.'" ...

TX: Homeowner Interrupts Burglary, Captures Three Burglars & Holds Them at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A homeowner in TX came home to find two burglary suspects inside of his home."

"The homeowner drew his firearm and ordered the two suspects to the ground. A third suspect who was upstairs was also eventually ordered to the ground."

"The three suspects, all of whom are juveniles complied with the homeowner’s commands."

"The homeowner’s wife called 911 and the homeowner held the three suspects at gunpoint until police arrived and took the three suspects into custody." ...

NC: Alleged home invader killed in Hickory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One man was shot dead on Saturday morning after he allegedly broke into a residence."

"The Hickory Police Department received a call from the owner of a home located in the 1700 block of 14th Street NE, according to a news release from the department. The caller stated he had shot an intruder during a break-in."

"The homeowner and the alleged intruder were located when police arrived at the residence. The alleged intruder was pronounced dead at the scene. A revolver was recovered nearby." ...

Annals of Disarmament: Life in a Gun-Free Zone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This morning I was awakened by a text message at 2:30am. That isn’t necessarily odd, as my husband is a baker and is occasionally (OK, more than occasionally) at work at that hour. Except it wasn’t my husband. It was the emergency text alert system from my school – Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. But I’m getting ahead of myself. SIUE, like much of the state of Illinois, is a gun-free zone. It’s not even legal to store a weapon on campus, which essentially means that aside from campus police, no one is armed. Which is awesome, because that means we’re all totally safe . . ."

"Except the text message I received this morning suggested otherwise in a big way." ...

GA: Anti Gun Woman Says She Would Rather Die Than Use a Gun to Defend Herself (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not quite sure I follow this woman’s logic."

"This video from CBS Atlanta is about an anti-gun rally taking place in Atlanta on the anniversary of the day George Zimmerman was attacked by Trayvon Martin in FL."

"There is one interesting comment by one of the supporters who was interviewed (after the 1 minute mark) when she says, 'Self defense is not an option.'"

"Reporter: 'What if someone is trying to kill you?'"

"'Then they’re gonna have to kill me.'" ...

Submitter's Note: I fully support her idiotic choice to be a victim; all I ask is that she support my choice not to be one.

VA: VA Man Arrested for Following “Double Barrel” Biden’s Armed Defense Advise
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'A 22-year-old man found himself facing a summons after he told officers he fired his shotgun repeatedly upon finding masked suspects leaning in his window.' Huh? But the Vice President of these here U-Nited States said firing warning shots with a shotgun is the sine qua non in home defense strategy. Ol’ Double Barrel Joe even confided that he advised his own wife to do just that if she ever felt threatened in their home. Guess that doesn’t apply in Virginia. Trevor Snowden of Virginia Beach 'told police his dog was acting strange. When he walked to his bedroom, he said he saw two masked suspects leaning in his open window' . . ." ...

NY: Hollywood could be exempt from NY’s assault-weapons ban
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Gov. Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders may exempt film productions in New York from the stringent assault-weapons ban passed last month."

"Cuomo and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, D-Manhattan, told reporters today that there are not expected to make major changes to the gun-control law adopted Jan. 15. But they could amend the law so Hollywood productions are exempt from the assault-weapons ban." ...

NY: Cuomo Announces Plans To Modify Gun Control Law To Exempt Film Industry
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"Just a month after Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the strictest gun control law in the country, state officials plan to make some exemptions."

"The law toughened restrictions on military-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic handguns, but those restrictions will be changed so those types of weapons can be used on the sets of television shows and movies being shot in New York." ...

reasoned discourse NY: New York alderman: Gun advocates are ‘tea party psychotards’
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Hudson city alderman Dave Marston has received some backlash since an email exchange where he called Second Amendment advocates 'gun-toting tea party psychotards' and implied gun rights supporters are 'unemployed.'" ...

GunUp Joins the LEO Boycott List
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our friends at GunUp — who now sell firearms, btw — have joined the growing list of companies who won’t do business with LEOs or other gummint agencies in states that restrict their citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. That makes number 72 on our hit parade, but it looks like we’re way behind the folks at who seem to have the authoritative list. GunUp’s email blast on the subject after the jump . . ." ...

NY: DiPietro among speakers at anti-gun law rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Assemblyman David DiPietro, R-East Aurora, was among the speakers who addressed thousands of opponents of New York’s new gun control law during rally Thursday in West Capitol Park in Albany."

"The event was a protest against the NY SAFE Act."

"'The governor has gone too far in his efforts to force his progressive agenda down the throats of decent New Yorkers, and I will not allow for this type of injustice to take place,' DiPietro said. 'Our freedoms are too precious to be thrown away in the dead of night by a law that will do nothing to prevent the disasters he claimed influenced his decision. Our founders were right, Gov. Cuomo is wrong.'" ...

NY: County committee split on NY SAFE Act
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The County Government Committee of the Columbia County Board of Supervisors passed a resolution on Tuesday calling for the repeal of the NY Safe Act passed by the State Legislature last month."

"The committee voted 6-2 in favor ..." ...

NY: N.Y. infringes on gun owners, mentally ill
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"As the executive director of The Mental Health Association in Tompkins County, a concealed-carry pistol permit license holder in New York, a lifelong resident of New York, a lifetime member of the North American Hunting Club, and a lifetime sportsman license holder in New York, I am appalled by the NY SAFE Act." ...

FL: Sheriff Scott scolds Obama over gun proposals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A letter signed by Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott and posted on the department’s Facebook site assures President Barack Obama the sheriff’s office will not uphold laws that infringe upon the constitutional rights of county residents."

"The sheriff was on record pledging to not enforce laws that violate the Constitution or infringe on the rights of the people to own firearms. That pledge, made by him in January as Florida sheriff No. 57, has since been taken by all 67 Florida county sheriffs, making the state first to have all its county sheriffs sign." ...

Smoke a Joint, Get an ObamaPass -- Sell a gun to someone who smokes a joint, get 20 years in jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s Looney Toons on Capitol Hill."

"Everyone’s heard about the 'red herring' Feinstein Gun Ban, which 'red state Democrats' will vote down in order to pretend they’re 'pro-gun.'"

"But the bigger danger is that Obama will sign 'non-controversial' gun control which is just as dangerous, but no one but us is talking about." ...

Father of Newtown victim: Ban assault weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After weeks of arguing constitutional fine points and citing rival statistics, senators wrangling over gun control saw and heard the anguish of a bereft father."

"Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse, was among those cut down at a Connecticut elementary school in December, asked the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday to ban assault weapons like the one that killed his child." ...

GOP Sen Tom Coburn Supports Universal Background Checks & TRACKING Those Checks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Washington Post is reporting that GOP Senator Tom Coburn, who is part of a bipartisan team of Senators looking to draft universal background check legislation, has no problem with requiring background checks on private transactions and more disturbingly has no problem with the federal firearms license holder keeping a record of that sale." ...

Gun Control Fight Has Only Just Begun
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Governor Andrew Cuomo’s courageous NY SAFE Act is a model for states and local municipalities across the U.S."

"Protecting our most valuable resource – our children – is any society’s most sacred duty. However, it’s a mission that too often we, as Americans, fail to accomplish. And that failure, whether it’s in a supermarket parking lot in Tucson or a classroom in Newtown, is a continuing tragedy that should offend all of us and shame us into immediate action."

"For too long, we have sat aside and done nothing." ...

Second Amendment Author and Attorney Hardy to testify on Feinstein gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As this column is being published, hearings will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern time in the Hart Senate Office Building as Dianne Feinstein presides over testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee on her 'Assault Weapons Ban of 2013.'" ...

Biden calls Ill. primary victory a signal by voters on gun policy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vice President Joe Biden argued Wednesday that the primary election victory of a gun control advocate to represent Illinois in Congress sends a message that voters won't stand for inaction in response to shooting violence after the Connecticut school shooting." ...

Submitter's Note: Of course it was the "voters" speaking and not the $3.5 million Mayor Mike's Super PAC dumped in support Ms. Kelly. Oh and the other 5 candidates spent a total of $573,000.

Assault weapons ban could get committee vote Thursday
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A proposed ban on military-style assault weapons faces a key test vote as early as Thursday when the committee considering gun control legislation is scheduled to decide whether to refer the proposal to the full Senate."

"The Senate Judiciary Committee released a list of four bills it plans to consider at a business meeting Thursday morning, but Senate Republicans could use the panel’s procedural rules to delay the meeting for a week. ..." ...

DiFi Exhibits Lack of Firearms Knowledge. Again. Still. (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today we got another peek inside the dank mind of Dianne Feinstein. She sat before a committee rambling on about things she knows absolutely nothing about — firearms. As she was trying to explain why the proposed AWB isn’t about cosmetics, an aide showed this cue card. Take a look at the 'barrel shroud'. ..." ...

Time to Stop Being Civil
Submitted by: Nicki

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... "... it’s time to stop being civil and walking on eggshells around Neil Heslin, Gabrielle Giffords and anyone else who is using their tragedy to kick you in the head. You are not guilty. You have done nothing wrong. And they don’t get to make you feel guilty, because you want to protect your fundamental rights." ...

UT: Bill could give police ability to charge disorderly conduct for open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man photographed carrying an assault rifle in a Riverdale store earlier this year could have been charged with disorderly conduct, if legislation that cleared the House on Thursday makes its way into law."

"The House voted 54-12 to approve a bill defining the ability of police to charge a person openly carrying a weapon with disorderly conduct. The bill, HB 268, contains language on what is considered reasonable and allows local police to do what has been described by bill sponsor Rep. Paul Ray, R-Clinton, as an attitude check. It also has language about a firearm being in a holster or covered when openly displayed." ...

FL: Gun debate stays civil at community forum (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday’s Tallahassee community conversation about firearms did its job in opening the dialogue on how student safety and the Second Amendment play off each other on a local level."

"The panel, made up of local community leaders in school safety, law enforcement, faith, education and law addressed an American culture that hinges on violence." ...

NY: Thousands expected to rally in Albany in support of legal gun ownership
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Thousands of gun owners and Second Amendment rights advocates are expected in Albany on Thursday for a rally sponsored by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association."

"Hundreds of people are planning to travel, many by chartered buses, from the counties of Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Sullivan and Ulster. " ...

MI: Bills aim to expand gun rights in Michigan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While several other states and President Barack Obama are trying to tighten gun controls, Michigan is going in a different direction, introducing legislation that would either expand gun rights or work toward making the state immune from any new federal regulations on weapons ownership." ...

WA: Seattle anti-gunners announce big $$ campaign to push agenda
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle-based anti-gunners, calling themselves the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility (WAGR), have announced plans for a big-money campaign to push their agenda, first with lawmakers in Olympia and then possibly with an initiative campaign, the Seattle Times and KPLU reported." ...

OH: Ohio targeting gunmen, not guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the gun control debate rages across the country, the head of one of the state's top policing agencies said Ohio is working to target the few criminals who commit the vast majority of gun crimes."

"The Ohio Attorney General's Office is working with state leaders and agencies to identify the type of offenders responsible for most gun crimes to tailor new laws with tougher penalties, said Tom Stickrath, the superintendent of the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation." ...

NY: State Supreme Court wants NYS to show good cause that gun law is constitutional
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The Buffalo-based attorney who is spear-heading a lawsuit against Governor Andrew Cuomo's recent gun laws said that Wednesday was 'monumental,' as a State Supreme Court Justice issued an order requiring New York State to show good cause that the law is constitutional."

"New York State has until April 29 to respond or else an injunction will be issued." ...

NY: NY gun proponents expect to file suit against state within 10 days
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The New York Pistol and Rifle Association, an arm of the National Rifle Association, is planning to file its lawsuit against the NY Safe Act within 10 days, the association's president Tom King said today."

"King said the group is also planning on asking the courts to stay the implementation of the law."

"'We think we have a really good suit,' King said." ...

NY: NY Supreme Court: SAFE Act Injunction Unless State Proves Law Constitutional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This just in at TTAG command central: the New York Supreme Court has stated that an injunction against the new SAFE Act (AKA massive, over-reaching gun ban) will be put in place on April 29th unless the state can prove that the law is constitutional. This puts the burden of proof on the state of New York to show the law is legal under the newly re-affirmed provisions of the Second Amendment, which is impossible. From WKTV . . ." ...

TX: Ex-police officer, UIL coach charged with having inappropriate relationship with student (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Officials say two men are charged with having an inappropriate relationship with the same Caney Creek High School student."

"Officials say former Conroe ISD police officer Chris Sutton is charged with the offense of Improper Relationship Between Educator and Student."

"According to officials, the alleged victim is an adult student who attends Caney Creek High School."

"District officials first learned of the possible charges when Sutton resigned on February 17 from the Conroe ISD Police Department." ...

NY: So New York bans guns then holds a “Tactical Expo!”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "A little bird told me that when they were asked about the legality of displaying weapons which were banned by the NY SAFE Act, show promoters responded thusly:"
"'Larry Beresnoy, The Executive Director of NYTOA, was advised by the NY State Police Headquarters Legal Department that as long as an Distributor/Vendor has a Federal Firearms License (FFL) they can bring inoperable weapons to the New York Tactical Expo, since Law Enforcement is authorized to purchase these weapons. ...'"
"Umm…. No they are not." ...

CA: Oakland Neighbors Policing Their Own Streets As They Lose Faith In Cops (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oakland’s crime problems have gotten so bad that some people aren’t even bothering to call the cops anymore; instead, they’re trying to solve and prevent crimes themselves."

"KPIX 5 cameras caught up with a half dozen neighbors in East Oakland’s Arcadia Park neighborhood Monday as they walked the streets on the lookout for crime. The vigilance has never seemed more necessary than now; 25 homes in the neighborhood have been burglarized over the last two months alone." ...

NY: NYPD Sergeant Charged In Online Baby Molest (WARNING: Not for the squeamish)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A New York City police sergeant last week was arraigned on numerous child pornography charges after investigators at the NYPD Internal Affairs Unit found several explicit images on his laptop computer."

"Law enforcement sources said the twisted sergeant communicated with a woman in a video chat room, ordering her to sexually abuse a infant."

"In recordings found on the computer, Alberto Randazzo is heard providing 'verbal instructions during a cyber video chat session' with the woman, who was lying in bed with the infant who appears to be 1 to 2 years old, police said."

"During the conversation, Randazzo is heard directing the woman to 'perform certain sex acts on the infant,' police said." ...

MA: Somerset police officer charged in prescription drug scandal resigns from force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Somerset police officer who is facing felony drug charges after allegedly convincing an elderly man to hand over expired prescription drugs resigned from the police force Wednesday."

"A 10-year veteran of the police department, 33-year-old Ricardo Pavao resigned the same day he was scheduled to appear before the Board of Selectmen for a disciplinary hearing during executive session." ...

PA: Man charged after Baldwin police officer accidentally shot by fellow officer (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Chief Michael Scott said Sgt. Ralph Miller was shot in the lower back while responding to a 911 call ..."

"Scott said a woman called 911 to report that her boyfriend had a loaded gun and that she feared for her life and the lives of her children. When officers arrived, Scott said, a man answered the door and refused to let them talk to the woman who called for help."

"'They could see the woman in the background holding a child and the sergeant told him we need to be able to see her and we need to see your hands. He started closing the door. Apparently one of the officers put his foot in the door and Sgt. Miller put his shoulder in the door to try to force that door open. That's when this discharge came about,' Scott said." ...

CO: More Craziness From CO – Lawmakers Consider Holding Gun Manufacturers and Sellers Liable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you read our previous post, What the hell is going on in Colorado? you probably know our feelings on the current anti gun political climate of the state lawmakers there. ..."

"According to, CO lawmakers are considering a bill which would make gun makers and sellers liable for any damages done by the weapons they sell."

"The bill is targeting so called 'assault weapons' which this particular bill is defining as any firearm other than a handgun, shotgun, bolt-action or lever-action rifle."

"At a press conference State Senate President John Morse said, 'You fire this weapon, you own that bullet, whatever it does …" ...

Submitter's Note: In case you were wondering if this liability will also apply to the state's highly trained and skilled LEOs, the answer is (of course) no.

We have right, not need, to own guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The debate over privately owned firearms and the Second Amendment may not end during our lifetimes, so it’s important that everyone at least get educated on the issues rather than going off half-cocked over amateur blogs, Facebook posts and knee-jerking."

"Let’s examine a few facts. While an assault-type firearm was used at Sandy Hook Elementary, that is an extremely rare occurrence."

"The number of mass killings involving assault-type weapons is so minuscule the effects of their previous ban could not be measured. However, the number of mass murderers on drugs is measurable and significant." ...

Want to try a biathlon? The Syracuse Biathlon Club can help
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Interested in trying a biathlon?"

"The Syracuse Biathlon Club can give you a taste Saturday morning at the Osceola Tug Hill Cross Country Ski Center in Osceola. The club has scheduled a competition that’s doubling as a fundraiser for Ann Jardin, a club member and Olympic level trap shooter who’s hoping to represent this country in her event at the 2016 Olympics in Rio." ...

Magpul Breaks Bad, Continues Sales to LEOs in Ban States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While nearly 100 companies have pledged to hold all purchasers of firearms and accessories to the standard of what’s available to everyday civilians, in what’s commonly known as the New York boycott, Armalite and now Magpul have taken an opposing stand. (See also The Police Loophole.) The good folks at Magpul have instead sided with Armalite against freedom and law-abiding American firearm owners – and what’s more, they’ve one-upped Armalite in their sales practices . . ." ...

NJ: Response to Haryn column regarding guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the Jan. 31 issue of the AIM West Milford [editor’s note: and the Feb. 1 edition of AIM Jefferson] there was a column by Tony Haryn under his 'For What It’s Worth' column. Mr. Haryn’s article was titled, 'Newtown, the NRA and common sense.'"

"I would take issue with some of his comments. He, like so many others, seems to think the Second Amendment is about hunting. It is not. It’s about freedom and liberty! Mind you, I’m a hunter myself and have been since age 10 and see nothing wrong with it. Hunting however, is not why the founders of our constitutional republic gave us a Bill of Rights." ...

NY: The right reasons
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"My name is Kelsey Coons, I’m 10 years old and live in New York. I wanted to talk about the new gun law. In my spare time I like to read, hang out with friends and stay active. But what I absolutely love is to shoot guns and archery."

"I think that it’s important to keep our country safe. But at the same time we need to give people like me whom enjoy using these guns but for the right reasons, the right to keep them." ...

WI: Chief, sheriff trade barbs over gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Milwaukee’s police chief testified on Capitol Hill Wednesday to call for a ban on assault rifles."

"'How many people have to get murdered in a mass murder for it to be enough?' said Ed Flynn, Milwaukee police chief. 'Now, I’ve been wrong time after time, but I’m a grandpa. I’ve got little kids at home. Is 20 babies enough to say that these implements should not be so easily distributed? That’s what we’re asking for. When was that gun bought?'" ...

"Flynn’s testimony has led to a war of words with the area’s other top law enforcement officer." ...

MI: On 2nd Amendment, no right is absolute
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives[sic] Americans the right to bear arms. And even though this amendment was enacted when the musket was the height of high-tech weaponry, Americans still retain the basic right to be armed." ...

TX: First CHL course completed at RCC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman on Wednesday announced that the Railroad Commission’s first concealed handgun license course was successfully completed last Saturday at the agency."

"Due to the tremendous interest in this course, Smitherman said he will continue work to make available future concealed handgun license courses for all interested Railroad Commission employees." ...

Who can protest and does not, is an accomplice in the act. — THE TALMUD

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