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One more innocent American entrapped by the lying BATFE
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Danny Peterson is a lot like you and me. Father. Young grandfather. American. Never in trouble with the law. But Danny Peterson holds a federal license to sell guns and in January 2004 he made the "mistake" of exhibiting at the Las Vegas Gun Show."

"Eight BATFE agents roamed the aisles at that show that weekend, itching to find somebody to bust. They picked Danny, who had done absolutely nothing wrong. They decided he was their target for the weekend -- even after he refused to go along with their repeated attempts to talk him into breaking the law! Thus one more innocent American gun owner ended up fighting for his very life against corrupt, lying BATFE agents."

MO: Child Punished After Finding Toy Gun At Bus Stop
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"A Kansas City student is being punished for what he thought was a good deed."

"Tuesday morning, a boy waiting for the bus to Oakwood Manor Elementary School, in the North Kansas City School District, dug up what he thought was a gun in the ground." ...

"Frasier wouldn't find out it was a toy until later. He said when he first found it, he wanted to make sure nobody got hurt. Just before the bus arrived at the corner, he put the gun in his backpack so that he could give it to school officials." ...

"...while making his way through the hallway to her office, he told another student what he had in his backpack. Wasserman said the boy should not have told another student. The boy's mother said he was then suspended. ..."

Survey Finds Students Ignorant Of Basic First Amendment Rights
Submitted by: News Admin

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"In a new study of high school students ironically released the day after the historic democratic elections in Iraq, basic freedoms such as the freedom of speech and of the press found in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution were found to be unimportant to them."

"Commissioned by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and conducted last Spring by the University of Connecticut, the survey of 112,003 high school students, 327 principals, and 7,889 teachers from 544 public and private high schools found an ignorance concerning fundamental constitutional rights in the United States by the leaders of the next generation."

Zero tolerance running amok
Submitted by: News Admin

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"Today's question: How can we adults expect our children to respect us and our decisions when so often we act like total blockheads?"

"How can we ask them to accept our edicts without question when too often those edicts, however well-intentioned, are so wildly misguided?"

"Take zero-tolerance policies in our schools. They are in place for a reason. Weapons and drugs have no place in schools. But the words zero and tolerance, when combined, add up to one scary concept: blind enforcement with no room for common sense."

FL: Student arrests test rules of a post-Columbine world
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"...Where the threat of a detention might once have been used to control an unruly student, a teacher today is as likely to call for a police cruiser."

"Now, three recent episodes in Florida elementary schools in which police handcuffed and removed children as young as 6 are crystallizing a national debate on finding a proper and practical balance between safety and tolerance. To school officials and safety advocates, such stepped-up vigilance - and discipline - is the only way to protect students from another Columbine. But to critics, incidents such as those in Florida are disturbing examples of how administrators have grown overzealous in their responses to classroom doodles and rumors of violent schemes."

FL: 5th grader suspended after toy gun found at school in Hollywood
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"A fifth grader who brought a plastic toy gun with a red tip to school Wednesday morning was arrested and suspended for 10 days, according to a police spokesman."

"Police charged the Driftwood Elementary school student with one misdemeanor count of disrupting school, according to the spokesman, Detective. Carlos Negrón." ...

" 'He's lucky he didn't get expelled,' said Negrón, adding that in a post 9/11 world any hint of guns or violence is taken very seriously."

RI: Canceled spelling bee reinstated
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"A school superintendent in Rhode Island reversed a decision by administrators who canceled the district's annual spelling bee because they thought the event's awarding of just one winner violated the federal No Child Left Behind Act's aim that all children should succeed."

"John Tindall-Gibson, superintendent of schools in Lincoln, R.I., told the Woonsocket Call newspaper his job is to make sure schools aren't dull and dreary places." ...

"Mary Carvalho, principal at Lonsdale Elementary, told the Woonsocket newspaper the decision to cancel was based on research discouraging competition at lower grade levels and standards that say, 'all children should be given the same opportunities.' "

Liberty Belles: The Gun-Rights Fight Continues
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"Despite a recent article on National Review Online by John J. Miller, the fight to protect and preserve our Second Amendment rights continues. And with that so does the effort of numerous pro-Second Amendment organizations like Liberty Belles, Keep and Bear Arms, Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, Armed Females of America, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and a whole host of others. ..."

"...While we may differ on a variety of issues, we tend to agree that the fight is not really over, particularly when you consider existing local firearm bans, bans on private-party purchases, one-a-month limits, proposed anti-gun legislation, and range closures. ..."

David Codrea: NRA Board Candidate Questionnaire (Blog)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"No true reform will come to the NRA until voting members can rate director candidates based on unequivocal platforms of support for “shall not be infringed.” Unfortunately, no such demand has been made by the membership, so expect more status quo, backroom deals, political compromises and suspect politician ratings."

"Too bad. As a start, I’d like to see each candidate for the BOD specifically answer the following questions, adapted from a questionnaire I have sent in the past to political candidates who claim to be pro-Second Amendment."

Alan Korwin: The Last Refuge for Hate: Gun Hate
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"People who are terrified of and hate guns -- hoplophobes -- don’t care about anything rational, and we waste our time on such arguments. They want guns to go away. They don’t trust guns. They don’t trust people who have guns, and especially people who like guns. The only exception is 'official' people with guns, meaning, they’re from the government, a source of relief."

"I know, I know, that’s irrational. But that’s the nature of the disease, and it will not be fixed by DOJ reports."

"The more intelligent of the hoplophobes may give up their you-have-no-rights argument due to the DOJ report, but it won’t stop them one bit."

Gun nuts have no real excuse
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"At first glance, the term 'gun nut' would appear to be nothing more than an ad hominem against the more enthusiastic weapon owners of this country. However, as one reads the literature espoused by gun nut organizations, the reasoning behind this term becomes startlingly clear. Gun nuts are called as such because they are incontrovertibly insane."

"...Gun nuts are so obsessed with opposing gun control laws that no amount of factual evidence against their position will sway them. Some call this 'sticking to your guns.' I call it 'deliberate stupidity.' "

IA: Advocates seek restrictions on fairgrounds gun shows
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Gun control advocates called for background checks for those purchasing weapons at gun shows conducted on state property, taking aim at the half-dozen shows each year at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. "If we're going to do that on state property we should have some say-so," said Rep. Don Shoultz, D-Waterloo, lead sponsor of legislation to close the loophole.

FL: Crime is down in county
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"Violent and nonviolent crime was down in Sarasota County in 2004." ...

"Lesaltato was asked whether the thousands of legally armed private citizens in Sarasota County have also been a factor in the reduced crime rate."

" 'We don't know if it contributes or not,' he said."

"According to Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Division of Licensing, 6,567 citizens in Sarasota County had concealed weapons permits as of Dec. 31, 2004." ...

"Many law enforcement officials agree -- and the numbers show -- there is a direct relationship between an armed citizenry and reduced crime."

UK: Gun raiders steal £20,000
Submitted by: News Admin

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"GUNMEN snatched £20,000 from a Finsbury petrol station in a massive cash heist."

"The men were lying in wait when Securicor guards arrived at the Shell Garage in Old Street to pick up the day's takings."

"One of the thugs - who was wearing a black motorcycle helmet and fluorescent jacket - ran up to first guard as he walked back to his van, grabbed him by the arm, pulled out a black pistol and pointed it at his stomach."

"He snatched the guard's money box and ran into Mallow Street where he jumped onto the back of a waiting motorbike."

VA: Zoning limits would hurt gun rights (Letter)
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"Across Virginia, shooting ranges are being targeted for closure through the overzealous application of zoning and noise regulations."

"Recent stories as well as your editorial imply that the private range in question is operating in a neighborhood."

"However, it would appear that this property is actually zoned for agricultural use."

"The use of zoning regulations to prevent individuals from shooting on their own land is not only an affront to private property rights, it's an infringement of our gun rights."

LA: Ex-cop gets probation for shooting alleged shoplifter
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"A former Alexandria police officer was given probation for the 2002 shooting of an alleged shoplifter at the Alexandria Mall."

"Vennie Powell Jr., 33, did not speak, and none of the victims appeared in court for Tuesday's hearing. Powell was placed on two years' supervised probation, ordered to pay a $1,000 fine plus court costs and ordered to perform 50 hours of community service."

"He also is not allowed to own a firearm for 12 years, essentially ending his law-enforcement career."

UK: Gun crime fears 'hitting tourism'
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"Nottingham's image as the gun crime capital of the UK is keeping visitors away - according to a council report."

"Nottinghamshire councillors were told the whole county has endured a difficult year, due to negative images of the city in the media."

"It says tourists do not differentiate between attractions like Sherwood Forest and binge drinking in the city."

"Experience Nottinghamshire, the county's tourism body, disputes the report's findings."

UK: Gun sculpture unveiled by museum
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"A huge sculpture made out of weapons has been unveiled at the British Museum in London."

"The Tree of Life was created with dismantled pistols, AK-47s and grenade launchers from Mozambique."

"The arms were decommissioned by former child soldiers in the country and exchanged for building materials, bicycles and sewing machines."

OR: 'Fly Blaster 22 Caliber Shoot' set for Feb. 12
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The Big Timber Rifle & Pistol Club invites the public to the "Fly Blaster 22 Caliber Shoot" set for Saturday, Feb. 12, at the club shooting range in Siletz.

"Come out to enjoy the sport of rifle and pistol shooting," said organizer Sam DuVall. "This is a good place to teach gun safety to our children."

The club is seeking sponsors to help provide food and refreshments for the event. For more information, contact DuVall at 961-2867 or after 5 p.m. at 867-6333.


TX: Tolar 4th grader totes gun to class
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"After a child under the age of 10 brought an unloaded gun to school Thursday morning, school officials say appropriate action is being pursued." ...

"According to an article printed in the 'Hood County News,' the student showed the gun to several students and they told the teacher." ...

"Davis said because the child is under the age of 10, expulsion is not an option, making suspension and in-school suspension the only two punishments available to the student."

FL: Florida Newspaper Carrier Shot, Returns Fire
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A newspaper carrier for the Fort Pierce Tribune in Florida is in stable condition after being shot yesterday morning after an attempted robbery.

The man demanded money and shot Daniel Destefano, 32, during his route. Destefano returned fire -- he has a concealed weapon permit for his .357 magnum pistol -- but was unsure if he hit his assailant. Destefano was reportedly shot in the spleen and leg.

He has been working for Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers since November. His route takes him through downtown Fort Pierce.

MD: Ballistics database still needed
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"YOU WOULDN'T scrap a major clinical trial of a life-saving medicine after a month because you haven't yet proved the medicine works. You wouldn't change a quarter of the oil in your car. And it would be foolish for Maryland to abandon efforts to build a ballistics fingerprinting database at the project's infancy."

"The Maryland system has only started the cataloguing of shells from new guns, so it would be very surprising for the project to have paid immense dividends this rapidly."

"The money spent on IBIS, about $2.6 million."

"The NRA is using the state police criticism of IBIS to try to kill the project, aided by a handful of rural state legislators who fear crossing the gun lobby."

MO: Lawmakers try again to fix funding flaw in gun law
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"Some lawmakers are taking another shot at fixing a funding flaw in Missouri's concealed carry law."

"Although not a top tier issue, Republican lawmakers pledge the bill will get considerably more attention than last year, when a similar measure never received debate in either chamber." ...

"Republican Gov. Matt Blunt also supports the bill, a spokesman said. The legislation got a hearing Tuesday before a Senate committee, which could vote as soon as next week to send it to the Senate floor."

OH: Man dies after being stung with stun gun 9 times
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"A county inmate died after being shocked nine times with a stun gun, authorities said Tuesday."

"Jail officers used a Taser gun four times to subdue Jeffrey Turner, 41, after he banged repeatedly on a security window of a first floor cell Monday night, Lucas County jail administrator Rick Keller said."

"He had been shocked five times while being arrested on charges of loitering, resisting arrest and obstructing official business, police said."

IN: Indiana Deputy Who Shot Himself to Be Disciplined
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"A LaPorte County sheriff's deputy who accidentally shot himself in the leg while he was on his way to a shooting range will keep his job, but be disciplined, the sheriff said."

"Deputy Paul Adams was driving to the range on Jan. 19 when his department-issued handgun discharged. The 38-year-old underwent six hours of surgery and was listed in good condition at a hospital Wednesday."

"LaPorte County Sheriff Jim Arnold said Tuesday that discipline has not been determined, but that Adams could be suspended without pay, among other punishments."

AZ: More Tucson cops getting stun guns, along with strict policy
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"The city's Police Department has started to outfit more of its officers with stun guns, but has developed a strict policy on when they can be used."

"In recent months, the Tasers - which can deliver a jolt of 50,000 volts - have garnered nationwide attention over their safety."

"Tucson's Police Department will have between 10 and 15 Tasers available in the field at all times." ...

"Officers must complete 10 hours of training, including classroom sessions and practical scenarios."

UT: Bill Would Allow Loaded Guns in Cars
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"Gun owners -- even those without a concealed weapons permit -- would be allowed to carry their loaded weapons in cars under a bill being prepared for the Utah Senate."

"Sen. Mark Madsen, R-Lehi, said he is drafting a bill, SB175, that would give gun owners the same access to weapons in their cars that they have in their homes." ...

"Gun owners now may carry unloaded, secured firearms in vehicles but may carry loaded guns only if they have a concealed weapons permit."

I have carried a revolver; lots of us do, but they are the most innocent things in the world. — MARK TWAIN

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