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Brinks receives four new FFLs after dropping revocation appeal
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "This action brings to a close one chapter of a story Gun Rights Examiner has been following since August of 2012, when it was first reported how ATF revocation actions were in defiance of policy and law. Follow-up reports detailed how ATF was creating a legal injustice for Brink’s, how the company was forced to turn to the courts to protect itself, and how 'serious inconsistencies' in inspections and application of rules were exposed. If left to stand, the revocation would have had a devastatingly costly effect on the ability of Brink’s to buy guns at volume and equip its 220 branches across the country." ...

An Open Letter to Michael Lawlor, the CT Governor's Hatchet Man on Firearms Confiscation. "How's your KGB file hangin', Mike?"
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "As Governor Malloy's volunteer hatchet man on the forcible disarmament of the Connecticut citizenry, it is appropriate that I write you directly on some issues raised by your personal collectivist appetites for control of your fellow citizens' liberty, property and lives, if for no other reason than to politely explain some ramifications of that dictatorial compulsion under the Law of Unintended Consequences and the principles of 4th Generation Warfare, under which the civil war that you seem eager to solicit will likely be fought. This is only good manners, I feel, and since the subject is rather vast will certainly take more than one letter. However, I trust that as a tyrannical collectivist in good standing you recall Ho Chi Minh's dictum:
"'Cherish your enemies for they teach you the best lessons.'" ...

DoJ Report: Since 1993, Murders Using Guns Down 39%, Violent Crime Down 70%
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The numbers just don’t add up for gun control supporters. Based on media coverage of shootings, gun violence and violent crime in general, it would be easy for the average American to think that violent crime, and specifically violent crime involved firearms, is on the rise."

"However, the real numbers say the exact opposite. According to a report by the Department of Justice, homicides involving firearms are down 39% between 1993 and 2011. The report also states that 'nonfatal firearm-related violent victimization against persons aged 12 or older' is down a whopping 70%." ...

How Journalists Learn to Hate Your Firearms Freedom (And What You Can Do About It)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'In order to achieve national standards for gun control our leaders cannot continue to frame the issue in terms of political expediency,' Marda Dunsky writes at 'As a people, Americans cannot continue to frame the issue in terms of narrowly defined freedoms. We have to think the unthinkable and recast the gun-control debate in personal terms: As things stand now, almost any of us can find ourselves in a nightmare scenario in almost any public place at almost any time. The statistical probability of that happening is not what matters. What matters is that it can and does routinely happen in the kind of ordinary places that most of us frequent.' Did you catch all that? Let’s back up a bit and review . . ." ...

Dismantling the stigma of guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Vernon has been a firearm owner and activist for decades, but he doesn't fit the stereotype of a gun nut. He's a middle-class African-American who lives on Chicago's south side. A former university administrator, he's studied civil rights history for decades. A framed photo of Malcolm X hangs in the living room of his modest home. ..."

"Vernon is also a member of the NRA, mostly because the organization offers top-notch training and certification courses ... But he admits to some mixed feelings. 'The only thing we agreed on was guns,' he says of the NRA. ..."

"Yet Vernon believes that African-Americans, of all people, should embrace the right to bear arms, even if they don't want to carry a gun themselves. ..." ...

Even compliance with Connecticut 'assault weapon' ban not enough for gun-haters
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The anti-gun jihadists of the Connecticut government, who boast that the state's ban of so-called 'assault weapons' (recently upheld as 'Constitutional' by a federal judge despite his admission that the banned firearms and magazines are 'in common use,' ...) is now the most draconian in the nation, are not satisfied with mere compliance with every detail of the law. They demand abject, terrified worship of the law. This is illustrated by comments made in response to resident gun manufacturer Stag Arms' attempts to gain clarification from the Connecticut State Police on whether or not the company's new design for a .22 Long Rifle caliber rifle would meet the state's oppressive requirements." ...

The America That We Deserve
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"We are known as the Land of the Free. People from far away places dream of coming to this very country for that exact reason. I know my family did. Because of the issues America is dealing with now, that vision of a free land is no longer. The Government of the United States came up with a plan called 'gun control' and that threatens our right to possess firearms. Our right to bear arms should not be touched by the government because, an act like that, attacks the individual as well as the people overall. It is counterproductive and must not come into play for the sake of the people involved and the future generations." ...

G2 Research’s RIP Ammo – Ballistic Testing, Phase One
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"There’s no denying there’s a lot of interest in G2 Research’s new R.I.P. Ammunition. Their marketing video has gone viral, with well over 1.5 million views as of the time of this writing. And even the mainstream press has picked up and run with the story of the new, amazing, superty-duper ammo that is 'like no other projectile the world has ever seen.' The company has been making some very bold claims about the performance of this new round. And when we didn’t have any ammo to test, we were able to use some elementary deductive skills and basic logic (along with some junior-high-school math) to determine that some of their marketing claims were, to put it kindly, hogwash. ... Things are different now, though . . ." ...

TTAG Exclusive: Kirsten Joy Weiss Drills the Biebster’s CD (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I told her not to do it. 'Kirsten, baby, you know I love you,' I said. 'I believe in you like the Colonel believed in The Memphis Flash. You’re gonna be a big star with this 'performance shooting' thing of yours. TV, Hollywood, maybe even Bollywood. But do you have any idea how many Justin Bieber fans are out there? The pint-sized drag racer's Facebook page has 32 million likes. Thirty million people follow him on Twitter. And you want to piss them off…why? Because it’s cool to hate him?' I begged her. Pleaded with her. Offered to finance her next three trick shots. But no, Kirsten stuck to her guns. ..."

Gear Review: Off the Grid Concepts MKI Holster
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A little over three months ago, I started seriously looking for a dedicated appendix carry holster. Before I go any further, this is an article designed to tell you about a holster ... So if you want to learn more about a holster maker with great customer service, great kydex, and competitive pricing, read on. If you want to tell me how carrying in the appendix position is going to cause damage to my genitals or femoral artery, go watch a Brian LaMaster’s YouTube video, pat yourself on the back and post something to that effect below. (I actually find a lot of what Mr. LaMaster has to say to be insightful and spot-on, but I disagree with him on appendix carry so I will most likely die in a gunfight.) . . ." ...

ABC News Widely Criticized for Jeopardizing Child Safety in Anti Gun Report (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Manipulating statistics and scenarios with children and guns, ABC’s 20/20 tried to convince viewers last Friday there is an epidemic of firearms accidents in the country, but reaction to the many inaccuracies in the report was swift."

"Radio host Dana Loesch produced this blistering video response, Cortney O’Brien fired back in this column and this piece by The Blaze focuses on the misleading statistics." ...

Hoffman was narrator of gun control cartoon
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Yesterday’s death of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman from an apparent drug overdose is being discussed by Seattle Times readers who are taking time out from celebrating the Seahawks Super Bowl win, but his loss may also be a small setback for the gun prohibition movement."

"Should the manner of Hoffman’s death be exploited to throw a stigma on the gun control effort? Put that another way: Would anti-gunners exploit an apparent drug overdose death if the victim were, say, Detroit rocker and stalwart pro-gunner Ted Nugent?" ...

‘Mom’s’ group has fit over rumored Post Office CCW amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The anti-rights Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America (MDA) is having fits today over a rumored proposal that may be coming from Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul that would, if adopted, allow licensed private citizens to carry their defensive handguns into post offices."

"MDA founder Shannon Watts’s Monday press release was based on reports that surfaced late last week that Sen. Paul may propose an amendment to the Senate postal reform bill to overturn the current ban on guns in post offices. Watts uses as the foundation for her argument a number of post office shootings, but she apparently did not do her homework." ...

Dump the Second Amendment for the Privacy Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Cinematic fairy tale notions of protection dominate the gun debate. NRA executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, proclaimed last year, 'The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.' The idea of protection with a gun is delusional, and sadly illustrated by the brutal murder that same year of Kaufman, TX, District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia in their home. They never had a chance, watching television. McLelland had taken to carrying a .38 snub-nose for protection after the brutal slaying of one of his assistants, Mark Hasse, two months earlier." ...

Why I let my NRA membership expire
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"I was a proud, card-carrying member of the National Rifle Association until I let my membership expire at the end of 2013."

"Over the last decade, we have been reminded of the terror firearms become in the hands of the wrong person. These tragedies heighten our indignation toward groups like the NRA because they are the foremost advocates of the Second Amendment. The NRA and its executive vice president Wayne LaPierre’s response to this animosity has been heartless, unclear and detrimental to the organization." ...

Pro Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"In the U.S. about 88.9 guns are owned for every 100 people ... How many of those people are actually qualified to have a gun? That is the question we, as Americans need to be asking. Gun laws eliminate the people who aren’t qualified to possess a gun. People who aren’t qualified could have mental issues or a history of criminal acts. They help protect citizens from people like [name redacted], who went into a movie theater, on July 20, 2012 and shot and killed 12 people, and injured 58 ... Twelve innocent people were killed, 58 were injured and 70 could’ve been saved if we had gun laws. Gun laws provide safety and structure so innocent people aren’t killed. ..." ...

Gun Safety Activist Mom Shannon Watts on Dana Loesch and The View
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "So when I found out this weekend that The View, a television talk show aimed at women and moms, was having Dana Loesch on as a host on Monday, I was disappointed. Ms. Loesch has a history of calling for more and easier access to guns, and erroneously claims that guns make women and children safer. In addition, after the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting, Ms. Loesch worked with Magpul Dynamics to fight for the recall of Colorado state senators who voted for background checks. Magpul is the company that manufactured the 30-round ammunition magazines used in the Newtown massacre." ...

Thompson Trade Troubles Town
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When politicians attempt to ban things via regulations and taxes, weird results usually follow. In the case of automatic firearms, the stage was set by the enactment of the bizarre National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934, which was upheld by the infamous U.S. v. Miller decision. Under the NFA, full-auto firearms have to be registered with the federal government and a $200 tax paid. The 'tax' at the time of enactment was the equivalent of $4,000 today, on items that varied in value from 1/10th the amount of the tax to roughly same amount for a Thompson sub machine gun . . ." ...

Applying Some English Common Sense to Gun Silencers
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "At the Shot Show in January of this year, I sat next to an Englishman who wrote for a UK hunting magazine. We talked about gun laws in the UK and in the US, and the subject turned to gun mufflers, AKA silencers or suppressors."

"I was interested to learn that gun mufflers were relatively easy to obtain, and were in fact encouraged by the police."

"Having a suppressor for your rifle was considered to be polite, and a way to reduce noise pollution. Virtually all air guns had suppressors."

"My new British friend turned to me and said: 'I never have understood the United States regulation of suppressors? What is the purpose of making them so hard to obtain or own?" ...

The "Reel" West (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"My generation grew up in the golden age of TV Westerns. One we regularly watched in our home was 'The Rifleman' starring Chuck Connors. A fellow nostalgia buff took the time to splice together all of lead character Lucas McCain’s shootouts. The body count he came up with was … 120."

"Budget ten minutes to see it here:"

"Takeaway lessons:"

"My generation grew up with TV role models who racked up three-figure body counts, sometimes four at a time, and managed not to go out and perform mass homicides for real." ...

College students sign petition to have gun owners executed in concentration camp (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"College students in San Diego were asked to sign a petition urging that gun owners be sent to concentration camps to be executed. Many of the students actually signed the petition, the Vision to America blog site reported today."

"Political prankster Mark Dice wrote the petition and asked college student in San Diego to sign it. Vision to America reported, that Dice argued, 'We just want to make sure we disarm the citizens. We can trust the government to be the only ones with guns.' Dice also got them to sign a petition to repeal the Second Amendment." ...

Nationally, 8 to 11 milllion now carry concealed guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Twenty years ago, fewer than a million Americans – not counting police officers -- legally carried concealed weapons."

"Today, after major court victories by advocates for more liberal reading of the Second Amendment have led to all 50 states adopting rules to permit concealed carry, something more like 10 million Americans legally carry guns." ...

Chicago vs. Houston (infographic)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"How's that tight gun control working out for Chicago?" ...

TX: San Marcos homeowner who killed intruder may not face charges (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A San Marcos homeowner who investigators say shot and killed a suspected burglar may not face any charges."

"According to a statement released Monday afternoon by the Hays County Sheriff's Office the case remains under review. A report The Criminal Investigation Division may be submitted to the local D.A. by the end of the week."

"This incident dates back to Friday when a South Ridge Estates resident told authorities he had fired shots into his home after hearing burglars inside. One man was later found dead inside the house. The man killed is identified as 20 year old Kevin Ray Rodriguez." ...

KS: Police: Homeowner fatally wounds intruder near 21st, Grove
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A homeowner fatally wounded an intruder who attacked him inside his house early Monday morning, police said."

"The 35-year-old man was awakened at about 3:45 a.m. Monday by noise inside his house ..."

"When he went to investigate, he was attacked by the intruder and they fought for a short period, Ojile said. The resident was able to get a gun and fire several shots, gravely wounding the intruder." ...

AL: They Saw Three Teens Trying To Break Into Their Neighbor’s House — Then They Armed Themselves And Confronted The Crooks
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When residents of an Alabama town spotted three teens trying to break into a neighbors house in the middle of the day, they of course contacted police…but they didn’t just kick back and watch the action play out, either."

"They armed themselves and confronted them."

"With that, all three teens ran from the house on Mountain Laurel Drive in Pinson, but the neighbors chased them into nearby woods, according to They managed to hold one, a 17-year-old, at gunpoint. Two others fled on foot but were captured more than a mile away on Highway 75." ...

MI: Machete-Wielding Suspect Gets A 2nd Amendment Lesson When He Targets The Wrong Woman
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Michigan woman was confronted last week by a machete-wielding, ski mask-wearing would-be home invader, forcing her to exercise her Second Amendment rights. ..."

"The suspect, a 15-year-old teen who was also armed with a shotgun, woke up the Michigan woman at around 1:00 a.m. Friday as he repeatedly tried to break into her home." ...

"As it turns out, the tapping noise was the sound of a machete being scrapped against the front door."

"Her children asleep in the next room, the woman grabbed her gun, rushed to the top of the stairs and drew a bead on the teenage suspect."

"'And I pointed my gun right at him, and he took a couple of steps back,' she said." ...

IL: Cops: Burglar shot to death by homeowner on West Side
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The 44-year-old homeowner was sleeping when his frightened 18-year-old daughter woke him up, then told him that she heard noises and thought someone was breaking into the apartment behind theirs ..."

"... after she heard something fall, she locked the door that separates the two residences ..."

"The man 'grabbed both of his crutches and walked over and unlocked and opened the door,' ..."

"He did not see anyone at first, so he returned to his bedroom to get his gun. When he went back to the rear apartment, he saw two intruders 'charging towards' him so he shot at them ..."

"Both burglars stopped, turned around and ran back towards the back door, but one of them collapsed and fell to the floor." ...

FL: UF lawyers: Gun suit has no legal standing
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Florida Carry Inc. has no legal standing to sue the University of Florida and President Bernie Machen over its firearms policy, lawyers for the university said in a five-page motion to dismiss filed Friday."

"The motion, filed on behalf of UF by Barry Richard, a shareholder with the Greenberg Traurig law firm, attempts to shoot holes in Florida Carry's arguments that UF illegally restricted the rights of students, faculty and staff to keep firearms on campus."

"The suit says that UF has violated the Second Amendment and Florida law by prohibiting guns in cars, dorms and residential housing, but fails to show that any of Florida Carry's members were harmed by UF's firearms policies." ...

ID: Idaho Higher Ed Presidents Oppose Campus Gun Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"All eight of Idaho’s public college and university presidents announced Monday their adamant opposition to a recently introduced bill that would allow guns on state college campuses."

"The stance comes just days after the College of Southern Idaho’s board voiced its same position, signaling a growing feud between college administrators concerned with campus security and lawmakers promoting the Second Amendment." ...

ID: Idaho’s guns-on-campus bill a solution in search of a problem
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"On issue after issue, self-described small-government conservatives tout local control that puts decision-making in the hands of those closest to the problems. But when one party rules a state, the urge for supremacy is sometimes uncontrollable."

"And so it is with the Idaho Legislature, which keeps introducing bills that would allow guns on campuses, where college presidents do not allow them. Law enforcement officials think it’s a bad idea, too."

"But being pro-gun is good politics in the Gem State, so another measure, Senate Bill 1254, has been introduced." ...

Don’t Allow Gun Control To Take Invade Our Cities And States
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The 2014 mid-term Congressional elections will determine where the anti-gunners take their fight."

"With the way the past five years have gone under the Obama Administration it seems farfetched for the Democrats to take over control of the House."

"The most likely scenarios are for the balance of power in Congress to remain the same with the Republicans controlling the House and the Democrats Controlling the Senate. Or the Republicans could gain control in the Senate and retain control in the House. Either way would mean a tough road for new anti-gun laws to pass our U.S Congress." ...

Nullification is no Dream, and is not a GOP-Only Strategy
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Wire recently published a story titled 'The Revolution Will Not Be Authorized: Give Up on the Nullification Dream, GOP' written by Philip Bump. It is a typical collection of half-truths, smears, name calling and revisionist history trying to paint Georgia nullifiers as right-wing, childish crybabies who can’t handle not having everything their way."

"It isn’t very good article, and is filled with legal mischaracterization of the Constitution, and the meaning of judicial review."

"It seems Mr. Bump is bothered by the prospects of the state taking affirmative steps to protect the citizens of Georgia from federal violations of the Second Amendment. The bill he is criticizing is House Bill 732 authored by state Rep. Tom Kirby." ...

IA: Dubuque Shoots Down Home Gun Sale Ban (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The city of Dubuque shot-down a ban that would end home gun sales. Right now, guns are being sold out of some houses in Dubuque. Residents can sell guns out of their home but only if they have a special permit.Those permits are rare as the city has only issued five."

"On Monday, city council member Joyce Connors brought the issue back up for discussion. She said people have been complaining and saying they're worried about the safety of their neighborhoods when people are selling guns out of homes." ...

KS: Prohibition of gun buybacks a step too far
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Action by some legislators to further cement the state’s supremacy on gun issues comes as no surprise. ..." ...

"But the latest measure to be put before the Legislature, House Bill 2473, contains a clause that’s enough to make some people think perhaps the Legislature occasionally does some things because it can, rather than because it should."

"Among the many things HB 2473 would expressly prohibit are gun buyback programs sponsored by local governments."


"If there is something nefarious about gun buyback programs, or if they somehow infringe on citizens’ Second Amendment rights, no one has brought it to our attention." ...

FL: Cape council won't consider 2nd Amendment resolution (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A debate over preserving the right to bear arms ended Monday night in the Cape Coral council chambers. The issue was brought forth and defeated last week when it was first presented to city leaders. This time leaders voted against reconsidering the resolution."

"Last week, the majority of council felt the issue was more about bashing the current administration and less about defending the Second Amendment."

"'Tonight is the night' said Cape Coral Councilmember Rana Erbrick. 'We're going to see if public pressure has forced one of the six members who voted no to bring it forward for consideration.'" ...

CT: Thumbs up, thumbs down
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"THUMBS UP to the federal judge who upheld the constitutionality of Connecticut's gun control reforms enacted by the General Assembly last year in response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. U.S. District Judge Alfred Covello in Hartford ruled that the new laws, while not written 'with the utmost clarity' and which 'burden' Second Amendment rights, nonetheless are related to the 'important governmental interest of public safety and crime control.' We hope the collection of gun rights groups that sued to block the new laws will forfeit an appeal and instead work together to curb the epidemic of gun violence." ...

Sheriff Mack, Constitutional Sheriffs endorse 2nd Amendment Preservation Act
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"The state-level 2nd Amendment Preservation Act just got a big boost with an endorsement from Sheriff Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (CSPOA)."

"On Friday, Florida’s HB733 picked up their endorsement of the CSPOA. Sheriff Richard Mack founded CSPOA, and he was one of the plaintiffs in the 1997 Printz case, which was the modern linchpin for the anti-commandeering doctrine."

"Mack said his organization supports the Florida Second Amendment Preservation Act, and would like to see every state take this path." ...

PA: New Jersey state trooper caught shoplifting at Cabela's near Hamburg, police say
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"A New Jersey State Police trooper asked an officer not to arrest him on shoplifting charges by mentioning he worked on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's security detail, police said."

"An attorney for William Carvounis confirmed the trooper has worked on Christie's security detail but denied he asked for special treatment."

"Chief William McEllroy, Tilden Twp. Police Dept., told The Associated Press, 'That is absolutely what occurred.' McEllroy told 69 News that Carvounis was charged Jan. 9." ...

FL: Border agent suing Palm Beach County Sheriff, deputies over standoff shooting
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"A border protection officer is accusing Palm Beach County deputies of trying to cover up what he alleges was 'illegal activity' on their part including planting a handgun in his doorway to justify shooting at him with live rounds and rubber bullets during a standoff."

"Luis P. Rodriguez, now 56, of suburban West Palm Beach, was hit by a rubber bullet fired by deputies and then bitten by a Sheriff's K-9 on Dec. 27, 2009. ..."

"Rodriguez has filed a civil complaint that accuses Sheriff Ric Bradshaw and five deputies of false imprisonment and arrest, excessive force and malicious prosecution, among other allegations. He is seeking an unspecified amount of damages." ...

KY: Former Police Officer Charged With Bribery For Giving Info To Accused Drug Dealer
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A former police officer in Wayne County has been arrested and charged with bribery, the Wayne County Clerk's office confirmed Tuesday."

"Former Monticello Police Officer Allen Braden was arrested Tuesday by Monticello Police accused of giving details about an investigation to an alleged drug dealer while a sworn police officer, from February through September of 2013." ...

MI: Warren officer restrains, cuts hair of a woman placed under arrest
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"A Warren police officer has been fired after restraining and cutting the hair of a woman in custody. The incident was caught on camera and authorities say her actions were uncalled for."

"Charda Gregory of Detroit was taken into police custody back in November, accused of disorderly conduct, destroying property at a Warren hotel and assaulting a police officer. While she was processed she was placed in a restraining chair, was strapped in and a Warren police officer cut her hair with scissors." ...

"... Gregory settled a lawsuit with the city of Warren out of court, and that the officer's actions of cutting the hair were unnecessary and out of line. 'There was just no justifiable reason to do that,' he says." ...

IL: Settlement in 2012 case of North Chicago cop threat against student
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"The city of North Chicago has settled a lawsuit brought by a woman who said her 11-year-old son was threatened and physically abused by an on-duty police officer."

"A civil suit filed in federal court in 2012 claims that a uniformed Casimir 'Casey' Rincon walked into South Elementary School, 1812 Morrow Ave., and summoned an 11-year-old student into a hallway, then handcuffed the boy, slammed him into a locker and threatened him for allegedly bullying his son." ...

MT: Settlement proposed in Bozeman police excessive force lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The Bozeman Police Department has reached a settlement in a federal lawsuit that claimed excessive force against two of its officers."

"In a proposed settlement, the city will pay $150,000 in the 2009 lawsuit filed by Jesse Soheil Verdi against the city of Bozeman, the Bozeman Police Department, the former police chief, a former deputy chief, a former officer and a current officer." ...

NY: New Yorkers Refrain from Ratting Out "Illegal Gun" Owners…For Now
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"'In February of 2012, 11 months before the state passed their stringent gun law known as the NY SAFE Act, a hotline was set up for people to call who thought they knew someone that possessed an illegal gun,' reports. 'If a person was arrested and convicted the tipster would receive a $500 reward.' So how’s that whole gun snitch thing workin’ out for ya? . . ." ...

VA: Letter: Amy McPike, Brambleton
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"Dear Editor: Over the past week, Delegate Randy Minchew took two appalling votes that would undermine local law enforcement’s ability to protect our community and eliminate sensible gun safety measures."

"The first bill Minchew supported would remove local law enforcement’s discretion to approve Class 3 firearms purchases, even if they think the purchaser may commit a crime. The definition of Class 3 firearms in this bill includes not only machine guns, rifles and shotguns, but also bombs, grenades, and rocket launchers." ...

Submitter's Note: So do cops use tea leaves, Tarot cards or crystal balls to determine if "the purchaser may commit a crime"?

NY: SAFE Act is a disgrace, should not be supported
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Obviously, the gun owners who wrote the Another Voice, 'Responsible gun owners support the SAFE Act,' do not get it. Personally, it’s not about guns and hunting. It’s about keeping your oath. In 1972, I swore to an oath on a Bible. It was administered by the late Rep. Jack Kemp at the Federal Building. Kemp personally shook my hand and thanked me for serving this country." ...

CA: Microstamping won’t be deterrent to criminals (third letter)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Microstamping is just another in the death-by-a-thousand-cuts program by the left wing to deprive law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights, under the guise of making it more difficult for criminals to commit crimes with guns."

"Identifying the owner of the gun that fired a given cartridge does not solve the crime. It tells nothing about who fired the gun, which might have been borrowed or stolen. Most drive-by shootings are done with rifles, not pistols. Criminals will be more apt to use revolvers rather than pistols since the shell casings remain in the gun, making microstamping useless. If a pistol is used, the spent cartridge(s) can be picked up and taken away." ...

IL: Term "well-regulated" is grossly misused
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When Dick Metcalf's association with many shooting publications was terminated and Guns and Ammo editor Jim Bequette was replaced last December, it was predicted at the time that the gun-controllers and the looney left would waste no time using Metcalf's statements to further their agendas." ...

"Metcalf attempted to argue that the phrase 'well-regulated militia' ... referred to---and justified---governmental restrictions, as in 'laws' or 'rules and regulations.'"

"From Metcalf's version of 'well-regulated' it is only a small jump to gun registration, followed by confiscation ..."

"Bequette failed to correct Metcalf's misconception despite having months in which to do so, and ran the article as-written." ...

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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