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Gun-control bullies
Submitted by: The Eggman

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Plaintiffs' lawyers tout products liability cases as a remedy that allows injured poor people to take on powerful corporations, but they can't credibly make that claim with respect to certain recent suits against gun manufacturers.

Bush budget contains $10 in new spending for every dollar in tax cuts, Libertarians say
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"If you think President Bush’s tax cuts will save you money, guess again, Libertarians say, because the long-term spending increases in his new budget outnumber tax cuts by a ratio of 10 to 1."

" 'Celebrating Bush’s tax cuts is like thanking a pickpocket for returning $10 of the $100 he just stole,' said Libertarian Party Chair Geoffrey Neale." ...

The other Lott controversy
Submitted by: Robert Lewis

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"But as he prepares to release a new book, "Bias Against Guns," next month, Lott must grapple with an emerging controversy – brought to the public eye by the blogosphere – that goes to the heart of his academic integrity." ...

"Assuming the survey data was lost in a computer crash, it is still remarkable that Lott could not produce a single, contemporaneous scrap of paper proving the survey's existence, such as the research protocol or survey instrument. After Lindgren's report was published, a Minnesota gun-rights activist named David Gross came forward, claiming he was surveyed in 1997. Some have said that Gross's account proves that the survey was done. I think skepticism is warranted."


UK: Boy shot himself dead with dad's gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A teenager with no apparent problems shot himself after breaking into his father's gun cabinet." ...

"He had smashed his way through the bedroom door and broken the locks off the cabinet. He was very determined."

More proof that a person determined to commit suicide will find a way, even through a locked gun cabinet. So much for the "Lock your gun up so it's inaccessible to anyone, including you in times of need" theory.

DC: District Balks As Taxi Panel Ponders Guns For Cabbies
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"To the short list of equipment D.C. taxi drivers are offered to protect themselves -- emergency roof light, security camera, bulletproof partition -- the city's Taxicab Commission yesterday debated adding another: guns."

"In the 'it's about time' category were some drivers who say they need something more to fight back against the occasional armed passenger. On the 'not in this lifetime' side was virtually everyone associated with city government."

CA: Uzi-armed bank robber has struck nine times
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A robber armed with a machine-gun pistol has staked out bank parking lots in Sacramento County recently to prey on people carrying business deposit bags, authorities announced Tuesday."

"Since December, the bandit has pulled off nine robberies, some of them for thousands of dollars, police and sheriff’s officials said. Nobody has been hurt during the daytime robberies, but investigators are worried that could change."

Aren't Uzis illegal in California? Amazing, isn't it, that these criminals keep breaking the law?

China: Blood In the Streets
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"China is falling prey to serial killers—and its police are ill-equipped to catch them."

"China's police claim to solve 85% of the country's regular murder cases. But they're way behind when it comes to serial killings, a seemingly universal form of evil that flourishes most in societies under stress."

CA: Council says 'no' to ban on concealed weapons
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"A Modesto City Council majority on Tuesday rejected the idea of banning concealed weapons from council meetings."

"Mayor Carmen Sabatino's proposed ban died when none of the other five council members seconded his motion. Councilman Bill Conrad was absent, but has said he opposes the restriction as well."

Philippines: PNP issues gun ban guidelines
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Under the guidelines, all 31,000 Permits to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence (PTCFOR) previously issued to licensed firearm holders have been revoked. The PNP Chief emphasized that 'possession and carrying of firearms is a privilege granted by the State to its citizens for their individual protection against all threats of lawlessness and security.' "

No wonder that country is a violent, backwater hellhole, they don't even consider the right to defend oneself inalienable - just another privilege granted by the almighty state!

GA: Georgians For Gun Safety Calls Citizens' Attention To State House Bills 40 and 113
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"Two exactly identical pieces of legislation have been submitted to the Georgia Legislature that would significantly limit the ability of law enforcement to search and retrieve illegal firearms from vehicles. These bills, supported by the NRA, would effectively make it legal for non-permitted holders of firearms to carry them in moving vehicles and would prohibit Georgia law enforcement from searching for these weapons even with probable cause."

UK: Police gun for armed criminals
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Heavily armed police returned to the streets at the weekend in a crusade to rid Newham of gun and drug dealers." ...

"More than three dozen officers, some carrying Heckler and Koch carbines, took part in the seven-hour operation."

"Cars or suspects, targeted by Trident or picked out following checks by a computerised index number recognition system, were halted as they traveled along certain highways."

AL: Mobile gun program gets national recognition
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"He was bribed to buy a gun for a man who could not pass the background check. That gun was ultimately used in a triple homicide. Now the 'buyer' is in federal prison."

"Local authorities are cracking down on this practice, and their efforts are winning national recognition and federal funding." ...

OK: Gun dispute
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"A dispute over the status of several guns and several thousand dollars in cash appears headed back into an Adair County courtroom."

"Donn Baker and Rex Earl Starr filed a motion last Friday asking District Judge Mike Norman to reconsider his Jan. 22 decision to vacate an order giving the cash and guns to Starr. The motion states Baker and Starr represent Mack [Maxie] Flynn. Authorities seized the property when they arrested Flynn, who is now serving a federal prison sentence on drug charges."

CA: Personal defense (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I spent 30 years as a California law enforcement officer, with 21 of those 30 years spent as a crime scene investigator. I have personally been to way too many crime scenes where the victims would still be alive today if they had a gun in their hand instead of a telephone when their door was kicked in by their killer."

CA: It's never enough (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Regarding Don Shaw's column on gun control: Of course the liberal left wants us to believe it just wants sensible controls and restrictions. That is so liberals can continue to pass ever more restrictive measures and laws, just as Shaw suggests.

Let's be clear -- for him and those like him, there are never enough laws, never enough restrictions.



Coble's remarks spark ire at HPU
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"U.S. Rep. Howard Coble is not backing off his statement about Japanese internment on a Triad radio station." ...

"Just like today's Arab-Americans, Coble said, the vast majority of the Japanese-Americans of that day were not enemies of America."

"Still, FDR had to consider the nation's security."

" 'Some probably were intent on doing harm to us,' he said, 'just as some of these Arab-Americans are probably intent on doing harm to us.' "

"Mascali said Coble's comments are not helpful in building relationships with the country's immigrant community."

You know my number, look up my name
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"When Social Security was first proposed, there was a huge controversy over whether the number might become part of a national identification system. Even the most ardent advocates conceded that the Act would never have passed if it was to be part of such a system, yet here we are, three quarters of a century later, and that is exactly the case. How did it come to pass? When I received my first SS card, it was written across it, that it was not to be used for identification purposes."

Australia: Guide guilty of killing brother
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Territory fishing guide yesterday Dave Ashfield cried out in anguish after being jailed for nine years for killing his brother." ...

"He shot dead his brother Paul at their mother Fay's Queensland property in January last year."

"The court heard during the five-day trial that Paul had a history of violent behaviour and schizophrenic tendencies." ...

"On the day of the killing, Paul was trying to strangle his mother outside their home when Dave intervened."

CA: Police officer suffers dog bites, shoots boxer in leg
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"When Hendrix arrived, witnesses directed him to a woman attempting to load the dog into a van. The officer approached the woman — reportedly related to the dog's owner — and the dog attacked, biting Hendrix on the right forearm, Nanfito said."

"Hendrix wrestled his arm free from the dog's mouth, but the dog latched onto his left hand, police said. Hendrix drew his gun and fired once, hitting the dog in its leg, Nanfito said."

Canada: Stabbing and shooting critically injures two men
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two men are in critical, but stable condition following a couple of violent incidents on Tuesday."

"In the first, a man was shot in broad daylight at approximately 3 p.m. while he was in the parking lot behind the North Hill Sopping Centre."

"Police were called to a parking lot behind the mall to find empty shell casings and broken glass."

"A few blocks from the scene, police recovered a red vehicle and a badly-injured man." ...

"The victim had been shot in the arm, leg and jaw."

Canada: Accused Mountie killers challenge law
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Two Albertans accused of murdering a Mountie are challenging the law that automatically elevates the intentional killing of a police officer to first-degree murder." ...

"Greg Brodsky, Mr. Sand's lawyer, argues in a motion filed in Manitoba Court of Queen's Bench that, 'There is no demonstrably justifiable criteria which validate singling out' police officers for special treatment in the Criminal Code of Canada. The court will hear the application this month."

Australia: Torturer jailed for nine years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"...Perdikoyiannis persuaded the man to get into a van for the purposes of an inspection." ...

"While he was in the van, his legs and hands were bound with gaffer tape and he was beaten with pistols and stabbed with what appeared to be a sharp object in the area of the right hand."

UK: Shooting horror at rugby club
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A shooting victim was under armed guard in a Teesside hospital today after being gunned down at point blank range."

"The 23-year-old single man from Guisborough was shot in the lower abdomen in the town's rugby club car park at about 6.30pm last night."

It's amazing how the shootings continue in the UK, despite their supposed "crackdown" on gun crime, their amnesties and their love letters to criminals.

IL: Man cleared in shooting of two officers
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"In the scuffle, one of the officer’s guns was discharged. Officer Michael Tillman was shot through the palm and a bullet grazed the head of officer Earl Wallace. Officer Gil Espinoza had also been at the scene."

"Fran Mazzocchi said that officers contended her son fired the officer’s gun, yet there were none of his fingerprints on the weapon. She noted one of the officer’s reports also failed to mention her son allegedly grabbing the gun."

Canada: Shot man nabs thief
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"Two men entered the store just after 10 p.m., about an hour before the store was to close for the night, and demanded cash."

"The owner resisted, and a struggle took place among the three men."

"One of the robbers pulled out a handgun and shot the store owner in the upper left part of his stomach. Police did not reveal what calibre of gun was used in the robbery attempt."

"Despite the stomach wound, the store owner clung to the man who shot him, preventing his getaway."

CO: Shots fired at Ranum High School; no injuries reported
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A boy brandished a small semi-automatic handgun at another student inside a Ranum High School hallway Wednesday before he ran outside and fired several shots, authorities said. No injuries were reported."

Aren't schools supposed to be gun-free zones? Why are stubborn criminals ignoring this law?

Gun Plaintiffs Seek to Head off Immunity Efforts
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Several of the most serious lawsuits the gun industry has ever faced are scheduled for trial this year. But if Congress pushes through a bill that would provide the gun industry immunity from litigation, plaintiffs in those suits will not be given their days in court."

Contact your representatives NOW!

CO: Student in custody after firing shots (Another report)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A boy fired several shots outside a suburban high school today after confronting another student in a hallway and gesturing to show he had a gun inside his coat pocket, authorities said. No one was injured."

"A police officer assigned to Ranum High School chased the boy and captured him nearby..."

"The 14-year-old, a freshman at the school, was taken to the Adams County Jail, Coleman said. The other 23 schools in the school district were locked down."

Australia: Man shot in Toowoomba home invasion
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 42-year-old man remains in hospital after being shot a number of times in a home invasion at Toowoomba west of Brisbane overnight."

"The victim suffered gun shot wounds to the chest and stomach, when another man broke into his house at Gleeson Crescent..."

"A woman in the house at the time was unharmed."

"Police were called to the scene by a neighbour."

"Another 42-year man has been charged with attempted murder and other weapons offences in relation to incident..."

Why isn't stringent Australian gun control putting a halt to these violent victimizations?

NY: Grant to help fight gun crime by juveniles
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Staten Island district attorney's office has received a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to hire two new staff members to help combat juvenile gun violence. The grant, part of the Project Sentry program, will fund two positions in the district attorney's office dedicated to prosecuting juvenile gun offenders."

TX: No gun found; officials open JHS campus at 11:15 a.m.
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"The campus was on lockdown since about 8:30 a.m., after students reported another student had a gun at school. The student who allegedly had the gun was soon detained by high school administrators with no reported incidents."

"No gun was found." ...

"Earlier in the morning, George praised the 'responsible' students who made the report. She also explained the campus lockdown was a safety measure so a safe and proper search could be conducted."

Yes, these "responsible" students have been indoctrinated into the paranoid Stasi mentality, but are praised for inciting panic and causing a lockdown of the school.

Liberty Amendment
Submitted by: doug thompson

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"Today the concepts of rights and property ownership are completely arbitrary. Congress, the courts, presidents and bureaucrats arbitrarily “legislate” on a daily basis, seeking only the endorsement of the majority. Although the republic was designed to protect the minority against the dictates of the majority, today we find the reverse. The republic is no longer recognizable."

Rep. Ron Paul gave this speech when he introduced the Liberty Amendment last week in Congress.

The speech is long. Yet in my opinion it presents the best list of 'democratic socialism' which has overtaken our land. We are no longer a Republic. We are a majority democratic tyrant.

For a root cause of our troubles, including the loss of our firearm rights, look to this speech. It gives answers.

UT: No to Guns in Schools
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"We believe ...introducing guns into schools in the possession of permit-holders makes schools more dangerous rather than safer. If a loaded gun were left unattended or a permit-holder somehow lost control of it in other circumstances, that weapon in the wrong hands could produce a tragedy."

"Frankly, this risk outweighs the possibility that criminals will be deterred by the knowledge that permit-holders may be present in a school. The chance of something going wrong because of guns brought into schools by permit-holders is more likely than the chance that permit-holders would be able to stop a Columbine-style attack or some other crime."

Permit holders are responsible and skilled with their guns. The chances of them leaving a gun unattended for someone to grab are slim to none. The massacre at the Appalachian School of Law in Virginia was stopped by a gun owner. However, these people would apparently rather have a completely disarmed school populace threatened by a gunman than have a permit holder on the premises who just might save a life.

CA: Jurors Sorry They Convicted Medical Pot Advocate
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"A marijuana advocate and the jury that convicted him are making an unexpected show of solidarity: Jurors claim they were misled and the defendant says it isn't them he blames." ...

"Jurors said they felt cheated because they weren't allowed to hear that Rosenthal supplied Oakland's medical marijuana program, an outgrowth of a 1996 medical marijuana initiative that conflicts with federal law."

Philippines: Just ‘eyeball’ checkpoints - PNP
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"The National Police assured the public on Wednesday that the checkpoints being set up nationwide are just visual checkpoints and involve no physical contact." ...

"Director Ricardo de Leon, the chief of the National Police Directorate for Police Community Relations, said those assigned to man checkpoints have been strictly advised and warned to be courteous at all times."

Canada: Neighbours shocked by home invasion
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"A scream from across the street prompted Nick Brandon to run out of his Timberwalk townhouse and into the street Monday."

"Brandon says he was shot at while trying to chase down several men who invaded his friend’s neighbouring home."

UK: Gun point cab robbery
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"A mini-cab driver was robbed at gun point in the early hours of Sunday morning."

"The 57-year-old male victim, who works for Southern Radio Cars in Bromley, was called to pick up a fare from Beckenham to South Norwood."

"As the victim pulled into a car park on Portland Road, the suspect put a gun to his head and demanded cash."

"The driver handed over around £75 and the suspect demanded the car keys." ...

MN: Minneapolis police officer charged with assaulting driver
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"An off-duty Minneapolis police officer accused of aiming a gun at a man's head on a downtown street after a department Christmas party was charged Tuesday with assault and drunken driving."

"Matthew Olson, a five-year member of the force with a clean disciplinary record, also was charged with misconduct of a public officer and reckless use of a firearm." ...

UK: Gun-wielding robbers handcuff staff in raid
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"An off-licence manager and a shop worker were handcuffed and threatened with violence during an armed robbery in Battersea last week."

"Two men entered Oddbins in Battersea Bridge Road, at around 8.45pm, on Tuesday, January 21 and produced a semi-automatic handgun and a knife."

"After taking a set of keys from behind the counter and locking the front door they led the two male staff members into a rear office and asked them to open the safe."

Australia: Pepper spray gun confounds firearms laws
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"The Western Australian Police Service will not appeal against a magistrate's decision to dismiss firearms charges against a man who used a replica gun to shoot pepper spray at an intruder." ...

"Magistrate Graeme Calder dismissed the charges on the basis the gun did not fall under firearms laws because it discharged a gas rather than a projectile."

IL: Officer charged in McHenry fight
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"Will D. Redmond ...a detective for the Chicago Police Department, was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of battery for allegedly pointing a gun at business owner Kim Koenen and her employees." ...

"The Chicago Police Department will conduct an internal investigation into the incident, Cargie said. The outcome of the internal investigation and the criminal proceedings will determine whether Redmond will remain employed by the police department..."

OH: Inmate tries to flee courtroom, grabs deputy’s gun
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"A felon, about to be taken away to serve 10 years in prison, bolted out of the courtroom Tuesday and grabbed a sheriff’s deputy’s gun, Stark County sheriff’s deputies said."

"But a deputy grabbed the felon’s hand before he could pull the trigger, pepper-sprayed him in the face and handcuffed him, said Sheriff’s Maj. Michael McDonald."

Canada: Gunfire erupts outside mall
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"The increasingly familiar sound of gunshots left shoppers stunned and cops combing the streets for evidence after an afternoon showdown that left two men badly wounded."

"Just after 3 p.m. yesterday, police received calls from people who'd heard or seen parts of the bloody incident which saw one person stabbed and another shot in the North Hill Centre parking lot just off 14 Ave. N.W."

"When cops arrived, broken glass, shell casings and blood were spilled on the ground."

The NRA has a point about the inadvisability of simply taking guns away from the populace. If that were possible, it would not disarm that small percentage of the population willing to break the law.... Punishing people who obey the law is backward thinking. — Hugh Downs, Veteran ABC newsman

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