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In wake of actress' murder, CNN offers mugger safety tips (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to the shooting of off-Broadway actress Nicole duFresne by Manhattan mugger last, week, has published tips on 'How to survive a mugging'."

"The story is based on a press release by the Washington-based National Crime Prevention Council, who is now circulating a list of tips on how to survive a mugging."

"'It demonstrates that confronting an attacker is probably the worst thing you can do," council spokesman Todd Post is quoted as saying."

"When it comes to the statistics of self-defense and surviving a violent attack, Todd and CNN have got it all wrong."

"Consider this evidence:" ...

"'Raw data from the Justice Department’s annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a 'stranger rape' with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1% and of victim injury 0.1%, compared to 31% and 40% respectively, for all stranger rapes. Woman who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist, and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun.' (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000)" ...

NY: The Wrong Target
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In January, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg signed a bill passed by the City Council making gun makers and dealers liable for crimes perpetrated with their products unless they adopt a 'code of conduct' that, among other things, would limit the number of handguns they can sell to one person and require background checks on prospective buyers at gun shows. The strange thing about this new law is that it applies not only to sales within New York City, but also to sales in other states and cities." ...

NJ: Many exchanging weapons for cash to keep them out of criminals' hands
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At first glance, the Marinos appeared to be toting small children into church, but the women had actually hauled two rifles into St. Nicholas, and were turning them in to police officers for cash as part of the citywide gun buy-back program."

"An avid hunter, Fran Marino's husband died several years ago, leaving her with a cabinet full of guns and few ideas about how to dispose of them."

"'We didn't know what to do with the guns,' Lisa Marino said. 'We didn't want someone to break in and take them.'"

The gun buy-back program, dubbed Operation LifeSaver, presented the Marinos with the perfect option. The women said they planned to return to St. Nicholas with additional weapons during the program's final day today." ...

MA: Sisters in arms -- Growing number of women are using guns for self-defense -- and fun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was finally Saturday, and Kathy Hynes was winding down from her week of work. Dressed neatly in white turtleneck, red sweater, and jeans, she raised her 9mm semiautomatic pistol, and gently squeezed the trigger."


"A bullet ripped through a square paper target hanging 50 feet away. ...."

"Meanwhile, Jacqueline Scott stood outside in a nearby field, shooting clay targets with a shotgun. Inside the clubhouse, Lynne Roberts passed a .22-caliber handgun to a gray-haired woman, then resumed unpacking extra targets from a red polka-dot beach bag."

"It was a typical Saturday afternoon for members of the Second Amendment Sisters, a women's gun rights group that they call Sass." ...

CT: Police department upgrades weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The police department recently upgraded the fire power of the guns its officers carry, from 9 mm to 40 mm."

"According to training Lt. Eric Osanitsch, the department made the move to upgrade to what he called a better ballistic weapon when the Glock 40 mm was chosen as the new department-issued service piece."

"Osanitsch said some of the advantages of the 40 mm weapon include a heavier, faster bullet, a more controllable and accurate gun and the officers seem more comfortable shooting it." ...

Submitter's Note: Heavier bullet, yes, and I suppose if it was pintle mounted it would be more controllable and accurate . . .

LA: Armed robbery target kills gunman, cops say -- Teen dies, brother booked in stickup
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager wielding a handgun was shot and killed late Friday near Tulane University by a man he was trying to rob, New Orleans police said, marking the second time in four days that a would-be criminal was killed in the act."

"Police think the teen who was shot Friday, Micah Adams, 17, and his brother Darius Adams, 19 ... were responsible for a series of recent stickups in the University section of town." ...

"... The target of the robbery ... was leaving work and walking to his car when Micah Adams approached him with a handgun drawn, Defillo said."

"The man produced his own weapon and fired at Adams, who was shot multiple times in the torso. Adams tried to flee but collapsed nearby. Emergency medical technicians pronounced him dead at the scene." ...

TN: Teen shot, listed stable; man reacts to prowler
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 14-year-old Friendsville boy was in serious but stable condition at University of Tennessee Medical Center after he was shot in the abdomen early Friday morning." ...

"Deputies were called to the David Roger Murphy residence on Lane Drive just after midnight ..."

"Deputies said Murphy told them he heard a prowler near his barn a short distance from his house. He said he went to investigate, taking a pistol with him for his own safety."

"Murphy encountered McBee, a student at William Blount Middle School, and tried to restrain him until deputies arrived. According to information released by the sheriff's office, 'the prowler made a sudden move and Murphy's pistol discharged, striking the prowler in his abdomen.'" ...

TX: Man shoots enraged husband in self-defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Original Title: Clues lead to robbery suspect

"Investigators say Raymond Brown believed he was about to die."

"Seconds earlier, Russell Wentworth, enraged over seeing Brown talking to his wife behind a bar ... rammed Brown's pickup with his own truck ..."

"Detective M. Hargis said Wentworth then got out of his truck with a gun in hand."

"'He approached Brown's vehicle with some words, and Brown felt that he was fixing to be shot, so he retrieved his own gun,' Hargis said. 'When Wentworth opened the vehicle door, [Brown] fired one shot.'"

"Wentworth died from a wound in his chest."

"The Tarrant County district attorney's office declined to file charges against Brown, 42, telling investigators that the Jan. 14 shooting was a 'clear-cut case of self defense.'" ...

NY: Elderly Crimefighter Foils Armed Robbery
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A 70-year-old employee of a Bayport store foiled an armed robbery, grabbing a shotgun and with a neighbor holding two suspects until police arrived.

Detective Lieutenant Edward Reilly, a Suffolk County police spokesman, says the two had entered the interior decorating store Friday afternoon, one armed with the shotgun.

They allegedly confronted the employee, Allan Densing, who reacted by grabbing the weapon.

Next door at an auto body shop, owner Sean Mullarkey, heard a commotion and came to the rescue.

The police spokesman says one of the two suspects, a woman, tried to flee, but Mullarkey wrestled her to the ground.

Police arrested and charged 20-year-old Carrie Lewis, of Bellport, and his alleged accomplice, 21-year-old Shalisea Doran, of Mastic Beach. The two are being arraigned today and charged with attempted robbery and criminal use of a firearm.

MA: Sister seeking justice [vengeance] for brother's murder [justifiable homicide]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Every week, Missy Cimbron visits her brother's grave to light a candle, say a prayer, and vow justice for his killing."

"'The fact of the matter is he took a human being who was a good person, a father, brother and son, and now we're left with a gravestone to look at while Charles Chieppa gets to enjoy his life,' said Cimbron, the sister of slain Frank Pereira Jr."

"Cimbron wants Chieppa to serve a lengthy jail time for shooting her brother to death June 17."

"Earlier this week, the 57-year-old decorated Vietnam veteran was set free after he pleaded innocent to second-degree murder of Pereira." ...

"'This is a classic case of self-defense and the law as well as the facts clearly indicate justifiable homicide,' said Chieppa's attorney, Kevin Reddington. ..." ...

FL: FSU student uninjured but shaken after traffic shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sometimes being at the wrong place at the wrong time can be dangerous." ...

"By chance, the student was stopped at the traffic light when a driver got out of the car next to him and smashed the window of a sport utility vehicle. The SUV driver then tried to shoot at his assailant in retaliation." [emphasis added]

"'He stuck out a pistol and started shooting, and (the other driver) booked it back to his car,' the victim said this week. 'I had ducked down a little bit. (The bullets) went into the glass and missed me by three or four inches ...'" ...

Submitter's Note: Retaliation?!?! How about self-defense!!!

South Africa: Would-be robber and dog killed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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A 63-year-old man was shot in the leg and his dog killed during a shootout with a would-be robber in Knights, Germiston yesterday morning, East Rand police said.

The man was walking the dog with his wife when they were confronted by an armed man shortly after 7am, Inspector Thomlyn Jacobs said.

The man, thought to be in his late twenties, shot and killed the dog when it attacked him. The husband then drew his pistol and a shootout with the man ensued, during which the husband was hit in the leg.

He was taken to Union Hospital where he is in a stable condition.

His assailant was killed.

NY: Man kills estranged wife, wounds her friend before killing self [in 'gun-free' New York City]
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Brooklyn man on Friday shot and killed his estranged wife and critically wounded her fiance in Manhattan before killing himself, police said."

"Police found the shooter, a 43-year-old man, critically wounded with a pistol in his lap at about 7 p.m, police spokesman Paul Browne said." ...

"Nearby ... police found the body of the woman, Inessa Ivanov, who was shot twice, and her fiance, John M. Turco. Turco ... was shot three times and is in critical condition." ...

"Browne said Ivanov had complained to the police four times about domestic violence while she was married ... She twice obtained restraining orders against her former husband, and he was arrested twice for violating those orders, according to the Times." ...

DE: Man shoots 2 women [one of whom had a restraining order against him], kills self
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man suspected of shooting two women in the head -- including his ex-girlfriend -- outside a Wilmington, Del., nightclub, held police at bay here for several hours before killing himself ..."

"Michael Moriarty ... allegedly gunned down the women, both from Salem County, and then fled back to Deepwater where the standoff began." ...

"Authorities declined to release the names of the two women, but the mother of the one victim, Bobbi Jean Hiner, 22, the ex-girlfriend of Moriarty, told Today's Sunbeam her daughter remained in critical condition ..." ...

"Debbie Hiner said her daughter had an active restraining order against Moriarty. She also said that Moriarty had threatened her daughter and the Hiner family." ...

UK: This leaflet won't protect us
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "When Charles Clarke insists, 'I believe an Englishman's home is his castle,' there is something grotesque about his declaration. Mr Clarke, who has stated his unwillingness to give householders more rights to defend their homes and families, is apparently unaware that the saying refers to the supposed inviolability of a man in his own home."

"What is particularly grating is that he dismisses the complaints of those who have been prosecuted for doing nothing more than protecting their homes and families against intruders while, as a Cabinet minister, enjoying a level of personal security that elevates him out of the way of such harm." ...

MO: Use of steroids pits officers against law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a brand-new police officer, Chris Holden wanted to do everything he could to protect himself, especially after he heard about a highway patrolman who was shot to death in a struggle over his gun."

"So he began bulking up with steroids."

"Now Holden, 31, is out of work, one of four members of the Norman Police Department who were fired last fall after being accused of using or selling bodybuilding steroids."

"Police officers in Mississippi, Ohio, Connecticut, Hawaii, Colorado, Alabama, Florida, Arkansas and New York have also been accused of steroid-related offenses in recent years. In many cases, they were charged with using, possessing or dealing steroids." ...

Submitter's Note: Did they all receive the prescribed sentence enhancements for committing a crime with a gun?

IL: Former gun shop owner [and former cop] pleads guilty to weapons charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The former operator of a gun shop in the southern Chicago suburb of Sauk Village, has pleaded guilty to six federal firearms counts.

As part of his plea yesterday, 47-year-old Philip Stutts admitted owning two illegal sawed-off shotguns.

Stutts is a former Ford Heights police officer who now lives in Chicago Heights. Federal prosecutors say he might face as long as three years in prison when he is sentenced May 20th.

OH: Officer loses appeal -- Will face theft in office charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Cincinnati police officer who had theft in office charges placed on hold when a judge ruled the search warrant in the case was faulty lost his appeal Friday and again faces the original charges."

"In April 2004, Hamilton County Common Pleas Court Judge John Andrew 'Skip' West ruled that police improperly gathered evidence used to charge England and prevented prosecutors from using that evidence at England's trial."

"Prosecutors appealed the judge's ruling and won that fight with Friday's ruling from the appeals court." ...

"That means England, accused of keeping guns and equipment given to him as a police officer to destroy, again faces five counts of theft in office and a maximum prison sentence of five years." ...

FL: Pistol, armor-piercing ammo draw cop's ire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A local police chief has joined national gun-control advocates in calling for a ban on the public sale of a handgun that can fire armor-piercing bullets."

"After receiving a Florida Department of Law Enforcement memo warning local police agencies about the FN Herstal Five-seveN, Oak Hill Police Chief Walt Zalisko is calling for a state and federal ban of the gun and its ammunition." ...

"New Smyrna Beach Police Chief Ron Pagano, who supports Zalisko's efforts, said the weapon is designed for one thing. 'Its purpose is to maim people,' he said. 'It is not a personal protection weapon. It is an anti-personnel weapon.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Then it is safe to say that you will support banning it for LEOs too?

GA: Deputy fired in shooting of hound
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Killing a coonhound has cost a Gwinnett County Sheriff's deputy his job. Sgt. Michael Mustachio was fired Monday over conduct unbecoming of an officer and reflecting unfavorably on the county, according to a termination letter."

"Mustachio also faces a felony animal cruelty charge and a lawsuit by Stanley Barnes, the North Hall hunter who owned the dog."

"Mustachio, who lives in Clermont, shot and killed the [hound] shortly after 9 p.m. Christmas Eve at his parents' home ... He told White County deputies he was only trying to scare the hound and another one. ..."

"But media reports of Mustachio's attempts to hide the dog's body, even cutting off a radio tracking collar, and his confession only after deputies came to the home a second time spurred howls from coon hunters." ...

FL: Fatal confrontation begins with laser light
Submitted by: Z. Kidd

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"Pinellas deputies went to see who was shining a laser beam at them, and ended up shooting a suspect to death." ...

"Concerned they were being targeted by a laser-sighted weapon..."

"Deputies drove to the apartments to investigate. Within minutes, the man they say pointed the laser was dead."

"Authorities said the deputies wound up in a confrontation with Thomas D. Setzer in the door of his apartment. They said one deputy fired a shotgun blast after Setzer, who authorities thought might be armed, refused to show his hands and made a sudden movement." ...

IA: West Union in showdown over gun sale
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"A gun show licensing feud might leave the city looking down the barrel of a lawsuit."

"Gun show organizer Keith Nemecek said Friday he is shopping for an attorney after city officials last weekend shut down a three-day firearms sale, costing him and other venders thousands of dollars." ...

"City administrator Martin Games, who ordered the show closed, refused comment Friday other than the issue is on Monday's city council agenda." ...

"At about 1:30 p.m., as show organizers were setting up, Police Chief Ed Adams said he was asked by Games to check and see that sellers had proper paperwork with them." ...

"'The timing seems convenient,' Nemecek said. 'They had a month and a half they could have notified me. They waited until Friday afternoon.'" ...

TX: Defendant Carries Gun Through Security At Houston Courthouse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty security guard, who was also a defendant, carried a gun past security and into a Houston courtroom, Local 2 reported Friday."

"The incident happened at Houston's Municipal Courthouse, 1400 Lubbock, in downtown Houston."

"Sources told Local 2 that in December, the unidentified defendant carried a pistol past security. His security uniform was similar to the ones worn by county deputies."

"The man carried the pistol on his hip in plain sight. He sat in the courtroom quietly for hours as he waited for his case, which was a misdemeanor. The judge and a couple of police officers noticed he was armed and he was escorted out." ...

AZ: Accused cop in apparent suicide
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A veteran Phoenix detective who was shot by his wife in a domestic violence incident and then arrested on aggravated assault and kidnapping charges was found hanging from his jail cell Saturday in an apparent suicide, authorities said."

"Billy Soza, 53, died shortly afterward at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix."

"Soza ... was found at 9:15 a.m. hanging from a noose that was made out of several plastic sandwich bags ..." ...

"Soza’s wife, Pamela Soza, told police that she shot her husband several times in the torso in self-defense on the night of Dec. 27."

"Soza pleaded not guilty to the charges against him on Jan. 20, according to court records. He was scheduled for a court appearance on Wednesday."

Mexican shot by U-S agent receives compensation from U-S government
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Mexico's Foreign Relations Department says a Mexican migrant shot by a U-S Border Patrol agent in 2002 has received 125-thousand dollars in compensation from the federal government.

Arturo Rosas of Mexico was shot by a U-S Border Patrol agent in January 2002 as he dangled from the border fence near Agua Prieta, Mexico, and Douglas.

The agent had told investigators he fired in self-defense after Rosas hurled a rock at him.

F-B-I investigators had refused to identify the agent.

Rosas says he didn't throw any rocks.

Mexican officials publicly condemned the shooting while helping Rosas file a civil suit against the U-S government.

Philippines: Many seized guns ending up missing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many police stations are not complying with the order to turn over to the regional supply accountable officer of the police all recovered guns, particularly those abandoned by people afraid of being apprehended during checkpoints and other police operations."

"As of now, the Cebu City police office and the Cebu provincial police office have not yet submitted their report of their confiscated guns since in 1999, while the other police offices ... have already complied with the directive."

"When The Freeman informed Cebu City police chief Melvin Gayotin about the failure of his office to submit such report to the RIID, he quickly promised to make a follow-up to his operations personnel about the matter." ...

Jamaica: Chang to be charged
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) deputy leader Dr Horace Chang is to be charged with assault at common-law for pulling his licensed firearm to ward off a hostile crowd last week, Police Commissioner Lucius Thomas told journalists yesterday."

"'The DPP (Director of Public Prosecutions) has ruled that he be charged with assault at common law, and necessary documentation is being prepared', Commissioner Thomas said at his first press conference since assuming duties as the island's police chief last month."

"Dr Chang, who has since apologised for his action, said he pulled his firearm in self defence, claiming he felt threatened by a crowd of Norman Horne supporters after an aborted JLP meeting ..." ...

Germany: Radar Police Stumped by Parking Ticket
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An over-zealous policeman slapped a parking ticket on the windshield of a fellow officer's squad car while his colleagues were setting a radar trap to catch speeding motorists in a town in eastern Germany.

"Traffic regulations apply for everyone," Hans-Joachim Schneider, head of the Jessen town office, told the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung newspaper.

The radar police had parked their squad car on the wrong side of the road -- facing the oncoming traffic.

New Zealand: Policeman investigated over sex attack claim
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bay of Plenty police officer has been stood down from duty and is being investigated for allegedly sexually violating a woman - the latest of several cases to rock the force." ...

"The Western Bay of Plenty police area commander, Inspector Murray Lewis, confirmed an investigation had been launched into a complaint of sexual violation. ..."

"'The officer has been stood down from duty while the investigation into the allegation is carried out.'" ...

"The incident is the latest in a string of allegations made against Bay police officers."

"Tauranga constable Fredrick Follas is awaiting trial after allegedly sexually violating a massage parlour worker in the women's showers at Tauranga police station a year ago." ...

WA: Student Arrested After Gun Threat At East Valley
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An East Valley High School student is arrested after allegedly bringing a gun to school Friday.

The Spokane Valley Police Department says the student tried to get into a classroom to see his ex-girlfriend. When the teacher would not let him in, officers say he pulled out a fully loaded and cocked pistol.

Investigators credit the teacher with preventing a potentially deadly confrontation.

The school was locked down while the principal and school security officers questioned the student and took the gun away from him. No one was injured.

The student now faces a felony charge of bringing a firearm on school grounds.

CA: Council to vote on gun club's fate (first story on page)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The City Council is expected to vote Monday on whether the San Gabriel Valley Gun Club can remain at its present location at the base of the Angeles National Forest.

Other businesses may be forced to relocate depending on how the council votes on the city's zoning and development codes.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall, 213 E. Foothill Blvd.

For more information, call (626) 812-5200.

WY: Shooting complex hopes to expand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's getting crowded at the Cody Shooting Complex."

"Sitting on 320 acres of sagebrush plains northwest of town, the range is used for competitions, rifle, skeet, sporting clays, trap and handgun shooting. But lately, elbowroom is hard to come by."

"'We're at the place that if we don't expand, we're going to have to start shutting our venues down,' said Cody Shooting Complex President Mike Schnell. 'It's a safety issue.'"

"The heavy use triggered a movement to more than double the size of the complex. Currently, Park County is petitioning for the title to another 355 acres of Bureau of Land Management land to add to the range. The arrangement comes at no charge to the county, as the Recreation and Public Purposes Act allows the BLM to lease or transfer land to local and state governments for recreation purposes." ....

TN: Women Are Handy With Handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Experts say more and more women are learning how to use handguns.

In Nashville at this self-defense class, there are more women registered in the classes than men. Trainers say women have an advantage over men when learning how to carry a weapon.

Buford Tune, one of the instructors says it’s because the women pay closer attention.

"Women will listen! One funny thing about it, we will find most of the time when we have a husband and wife or a boyfriend and girlfriend on the range and when we bring them into street survival tactic shooting, the women will outshoot the men."

Buford says he tells women to be proactive rather than reactive. That means teaching them to recognize and avoid dangerous situations.

GA: Benning hosting pistol event
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the global war on terrorism evolving by the hour, now more than ever, the American combat soldier has to be ready for anything."

"Soldiers must know how to operate expensive, sophisticated equipment. They must be proficient with powerful, long- and medium-range weapons. And sometimes, they must be ready to use small firearms in short-range, face-to-face confrontations."

"With that last bit of knowledge in mind, the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit at Fort Benning is reviving a competition aimed at testing and improving soldiers' sidearm proficiency. For the first time in a decade, Fort Benning will hold the Combat Pistol Championships, which started Friday and runs through Sunday." ...

VT: Vermont saw safe hunting year
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"Congratulations, Vermont hunters."

"Just three hunting incidents were reported in Vermont last year, making 2004 the safest year in the state's forests and fields."

"None of the three hunting-related incidents was life threatening, and Vermont's most popular hunting season -- the November rifle deer season -- was accident-free."

"'Vermont hunters should be very proud,' said Vermont Fish and Wildlife Commissioner Wayne Laroche. 'Their track record shatters the perception held by some people that hunting is dangerous. Still, even three incidents are too many.'"

"In 1976 and 1993 there were also just three incidents, but the wounds suffered were more severe. Vermont keeps safety records from hunting seasons as far back as 1953." ...

LA: Gun clinic first step to M1 ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The M1 Garand, used by American infantrymen in World War II and the Korean Conflict, was called "the greatest battle implement ever devised" by Gen. George Patton Jr."

"Shooters and collectors maintain high interest in the rifle, so the South Louisiana High Power Club will hold an M1 Garand Clinic this Saturday at the Ascension Parish Sheriff's Range in Gonzales."

"Attending a clinic is the first part of the purchase process for the weapon. At the clinic, a shooter can qualify with the rifle. With certification of participation and scores, the person can purchase an M1 from the Civilian Marksmanship Program based in Anniston, Ala." ...

VT: Guns and goods on display in Barre
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"Guns, ammunition and game-related items are packed into every nook and cranny of the Barre Auditorium this weekend. With over 80 exhibitors from all over New England displaying their wares, the Barre Fish and Game Club's 23rd annual gun show is no small event."

"'It started out as a little fund-raiser at the Berlin armory,' said John Simanskas, vice chair of the Barre Fish and Game Club. 'But we outgrew that place after the first year.'"

"By 9 a.m. the line into the auditorium snaked its way out the front door, down the steps and around the side of the building. Inside the packed auditorium, visitors paraded slowly through lines of tables covered with rifles, handguns, knives, stuffed deer heads and wildlife paintings." ...

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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