John Longnecker: Guns On Campus: Debate continues.. and continues and continues . . .
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"Many cases of quandary are in the news over guns on campus. I have written on the subject since the Virginia Tech Shooting, and I critique the Review Panel's conclusions in a monograph available to seminar hosts."
"Outside of that dissertation, let me address some of these questions and quandaries in the debates over what to do on the subject of concealed carry on campus."
"To begin with, let me state the obvious which the debaters do not want to accept."
"In this country, it is a liberty truth and patriotic truth that officials do not have the authority to allow or disallow anything when it comes to guns. This is the part officials and anti-gun nuts won't accept and somehow try to work around ..." ... |
Wayne LaPierre: License For Tyranny
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... "Registration is the key ingredient in the anti-gun rights brew marking presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s core beliefs. And photographing and fingerprinting honest American citizens as a condition of potential gun ownership is the key gun control scheme of Hillary's rival, U.S. Senator Barack Obama, D-Ill."
"As for gun confiscation? Both leading Democratic candidates, Obama and Hillary, are supporters of firearm bans. ..."
"For his part, Obama has variously supported bans on the manufacture, sales, and possession of handguns; the extension of the Clinton gun ban; and most remarkably, in 1998 as a state senator, embraced the call to 'ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.'" ... |
OUR VIEW: Don't shoot down this nomination
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Red's Trading Post
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"It's a little ironic that it is two Republicans holding up Michael Sullivan's appointment as permanent director of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives while a leading Democrat is demanding that the nomination be approved, sort of a parallel universe scenario that can only happen in politics." ...
"The two GOP senators from Idaho, Larry Craig and Mike Crapo, have been holding up his nomination ..."
"On the other side, Sen. John Kerry, as partisan a Democrat as they come, has been pushing for Sullivan to be approved immediately."
"Craig and Crapo say they are concerned that the ATF is already too aggressive in enforcing gun laws. Are we missing something here or isn't that what the ATF is supposed to do?" ... |
MT: Senator Tester fights for gun rights
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"Montana's Congressional delegation is backing gun owners, in a landmark Supreme Court case over the District of Columbia ban on handguns." ...
"55 senators and 250 representatives have signed a brief, that urges the court to strike down the ban."
"They want the court to rule the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to own guns for their protection."
"'This unwavering protection of the second amendment isn't just about having more guns than we need and not as many as we want,' said Tester in a prepared statement, 'And it's not just about our heritage, our traditions and our families. It's about rights guaranteed in the Constitution.'" ... |
MA: Advocates Argue History of the 2nd Amendment
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"Monday's event on the Heller v. District of Columbia gun rights case, sponsored by the American Constitution Society and the Federalist Society, felt more like a lesson in history than a legal battle. Attorneys Tom Goldstein, arguing for the District, and Alan Gura, speaking for the gun owners, took those in attendance into the depths of Constitutional history. Instead of sifting through precedent, most of the lunch hour conversation was spent attempting to come to grips with the framers' understanding of their own society and what those few lines in the Second Amendment were meant to say." ... |
TX: Hutchison urging court to overturn D.C. gun bans
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"Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, who might start a run for Texas governor next year, has mustered support from a majority of Senate and House members to help persuade the Supreme Court to strike down the District of Columbia's gun laws."
"Hutchison said Thursday she is filing a friend-of-the-court brief in a challenge to the laws. Fifty-five senators and 250 House members have signed the brief to be filed Thursday ..."
"Hutchison has long opposed the district's ban on handguns and requirement that rifles and shotguns be registered, stored unloaded and either locked or disassembled. She has sponsored legislation several times to overturn the district's laws. Her 2004 bill passed the House, but not the Senate." ... |
TX: Store owner fatally shot suspected thief
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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The owner of an office supply business shot and killed a would-be thief.
It happened on Reveille and Bradford in southeast Houston. The owner heard someone trying to get into his business at midnight. He went outside with a gun and caught a man trying to steal a trailer parked behind his business.
The would-be thief then tried to run over the business owner with his truck and the business owner fired back through the truck's rear window.
Despite being shot, the suspect kept driving his truck for three blocks until he fell out of his truck and died on the road.
Police officers also found tires in the back of that truck, which may have been stolen. |
MO: Yep...Another "Gun-Free Zone" Shooting
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No Looking backwards
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"A gunman opened fire at a city council meeting in this St. Louis suburb Thursday night, hitting the mayor and several city officials, a newspaper reported. There are reports that six people, including two police officers, have been killed." ... "From the City of Kirkwood's PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS:" ...
"In keeping with the spirit and intent of this policy, it is the stated commitment of the City of Kirkwood:" ...
"4. To prohibit employees, former employees, customers and visitors from bringing unauthorized firearms or other weapons onto the City’s premises ..." ... |
Perfect storm for gun owners? McCain, DeWine and Giuliani join forces
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"Traditionally, whomever is leading in polling one year ahead of the Presidential primaries becomes the eventual party nominee. If tradition holds true...there is a storm on the horizon..."
"It's been little more than one year since I wrote those words, warning of dark clouds looming for the Second Amendment in the 2008 Presidential election." ...
"Indeed, with each passing day, it appears the perfect storm that we've been warning gun owners about for the past year is nearly overhead." ... |
McCain Madness
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"A few weeks before Super Tuesday, my friend Howard Phillips asked me who I thought the Republican Presidential nominee would be. I predicted John McCain. With the results of Super Tuesday now history, most political pundits are also predicting that the Arizona senator will gain the Republican nomination for President. And with Mitt Romney now out of the race, McCain is all but assured the nomination. One did not need to be a seer to figure this one out." ...
"... Regarding the Second Amendment, the president of the NRA called John McCain the 'worst 2nd Amendment candidate,' and Gun Owners of America gives McCain a grade of F-." ... |
SC: Senate panel agrees to keep concealed weapons permits secret
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A Senate panel has agreed the public shouldn't be able to see who has a concealed weapons permit.
The legislation the panel approved Wednesday would keep the State Law Enforcement Division from providing the information to public under Freedom of Information Act requests.
Representative Mike Pitts told the panel the records needed to be kept secret after a Virginia newspaper obtained and published that state's list of permit holders.
South Carolina Press Association Executive Director Bill Rogers says the permit lists should be treated the same as liquor licenses and an other permits the state issues.
The House bill now moves to the full Senate Judiciary Committee. |
FL: Bill Would Boost Penalties for Criminals Using 'Assault Weapons'
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"Hoping to reverse an 'alarming trend,' two Florida state lawmakers, both Democrats, have introduced a bill[.pdf] that would require stiffer mandatory sentences for criminals who use semiautomatic or automatic weapons."
"The legislation also targets criminals who fraudulently acquire assault weapons and sellers who 'know or should have known the buyer was using false identification.'"
"In a Feb. 6 news release announcing the bill, State Senator Gwen Margolis and Representative Evan Jenne mentioned a case in September, where a 25-year-old fugitive shot and killed a Miami-Dade police officer with a semi-automatic rifle." ... -------
Submitter's Note: "Assault weapon" is defined as "a semiautomatic firearm and its high-capacity detachable box magazine", meaning any semi-auto, pistol or rifle, with a mag capacity of more than 10 rounds. |
Gun Ownership Has Long History in America
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"Forty kilometers west of Washington - in the southeastern U.S. state of Virginia - sits the headquarters of the National Rifle Association, or NRA. It is a non-profit research and advocacy group dedicated to promoting the interests of America's gun owners. Collecting and preserving firearms - and keeping track of significant events in the history of their development - are considered essential components of the NRA's mission. So the organization has established the National Firearms Museum. As VOA's George Dwyer reports, the objects on display there tell the story of America from a powerful and distinctive perspective. Jim Bertel narrates." ... |
Democratic Political Economy, "Necessity being provided for, then comes the natural division--Society and Government, both of which are subordinate to nature's first law", [c. 1852]
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"(From 2 to 17 inclusive of verses of Exodus, chap. xx.)
"("Love thy neighbor as thyself" "Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.")
"Religion (or creed) ranks above society or government, because both are forbidden to add a jot thereto, or abate a tittle thereof.
"Necessity being provided for, then comes the natural division--Society and Government, both of which are subordinate to nature's first law.* ..."
Ed. Note: Democratic you say? Are you sure about that? My, my how times have changed.... |
Address To The Citizens, "has rights from his very nature, not the gifts of society, but of God; they are not surrendered on entering the social state; they must not be taken away under the plea of the public good", Jan. 1840
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"...no people can submit to their own disfranchisement without eventually becoming tools in the hands of their masters..."
"..."government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed:" consequently, the right of the people to govern themselves is not the boon of kings; neither is the right of sovereignty inherent in, or derived from, real estate..."
"..."All men are created equal," says the Declaration of Independence. "On entering into society man gives up none of his natural rights," says Jefferson. "Man," says Channing, "has rights from his very nature, not the gifts of society, but of God; they are not surrendered on entering the social state; they must not be taken away under the plea of the public good..." |
FIRST DIVISION MASSACHUSETTS MILITIA, "Every individual must know his own duty". [The meaning of "Well-Regulated Militia"], Aug. 10, 1818
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"...The basis of military strength is unity of action among great numbers. Every individual must know his own duty, and feel assured that command and obedience are understood by others, as they are by himself.
"The first object is the discipline of the person of the individual; next, the use of arms; and then the application of this knowledge by the individual, in connexion with others, who have received the like instruction.--When numbers are embodied, their duties relate to the use of arms while remaining on the same ground, or to change of place by uniform and precise movements.
"...If our militia were called on to perform the duty intended by our constitution and laws..."
Addresses To The Citizens, "and using those arms which Providence has put into their hands, will make a solemn appeal to "the power above."", [1787]
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"...The United States guarantee to every state in the union a separate republican form of government. . . . any man or body of men, however rich or powerful, who shall make an alteration in the form of government of any state, whereby the powers thereof shall be attempted to be taken out of the hands of the people at large, will stand guilty of high treason..."
"...If a time of public contention shall hereafter arrive, the firm and ordent friends to liberty may know the length to which they can push their noble opposition, on the foundation of the laws. Should their country's cause impel them further, they will be acquainted with the hazard, and using those arms which Providence has put into their hands..." |
Loaded, Hidden Guns in National Parks Puts Visitors at Risk
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"A proposal facing action by the U.S. Senate would force National Park and National Wildlife Refuge managers to allow more loaded, hidden handguns in national parks and wildlife refuges, endangering the public as well as wildlife."
"'This is more of the same from the gun pushers - any gun, anywhere, at any time,' said Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. 'Why are we putting hikers, campers and families at risk by introducing loaded, hidden handguns into our national parks and refuges? This proposal is a bad idea that the Senate should reject.'" ... -------
KABA Note: This is the same tired old "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" rhetoric that the antis trot out every time we try to ease unConstitutional restrictions on our civil rights. |
NM: Game officer charged with illegal killing of bobcat on highway
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"The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish filed charges last week alleging one of its off-duty conservation officers illegally shot and killed a bobcat near Raton."
"Officer Levi Irwin, 26, was charged Wednesday in Raton Magistrate Court with two misdemeanor criminal counts in connection to the shooting of the bobcat ... Irwin, who is based in Clayton and has worked for the department since September 2005, is charged with unlawful killing of a furbearer and unlawful possession of a furbearer." ...
"'The Department is committed to ensuring equal application of the law regardless of who may be accused of violating wildlife laws,' Department of Game and Fish Deputy Director Bob Jenks said. ..." ... |
WE HAVE A WINNER! Of the JPFO "Name the BATFE Mascot" Contest!
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Red's Trading Post
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"As regular readers here at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership are all aware, we've been conducting a little contest lately."
"It seems that the poor little Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives doesn't have a cute little mascot -- you know, like Smokey the Bear or Charlie the Tuna? -- to represent them in the mass media. We took pity on them and asked artist Brian Axtell to create one -for- them -- a vicious rattlesnake we feel is entirely appropriate because it's a faithful representation of the heart, soul, and spirit of a deeply criminal organization within the federal government." ... |
FL: Police officer charged with doctor shopping
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A Tarpon Springs police officer is accused of doctor shopping to get prescription painkillers.
Susan Gorman allegedly went to several doctors over a 30-day period to get Hydrocondone and Oxycodone.
She's charged with withholding information from a practitioner - a third degree felony that could get her up to five years in prison and a fine of $5,000.
She's been freed on bond and has been put on unpaid leave pending the outcome of her case. |
PA: Pa. officer charged with DUI resigns
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"Charged last month by Pennsylvania State Police with driving under the influence, a sergeant with the Mercersburg Police Department submitted his resignation Wednesday, Mayor James Zeger said."
"William E. 'Bill' Sheppard Jr., 46, submitted his resignation at noon, resulting in the cancellation of a special council meeting set for Wednesday night to consider Sheppard's job status, Zeger said." ...
"Sheppard also was charged with public drunkenness and disorderly conduct in the incident at the Mercersburg Sportman's Club ... Sheppard was leaving the MMP&W Volunteer Fire Department banquet when he drove his Chevrolet Blazer into two parked vehicles, witnesses told state police." ... |
VA: Officer charged for shooting in town, fired
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"A Coeburn police officer has been removed from the town police force and charged with two misdemeanors in connection with a December incident during which he fired his gun outside of the police station." "Town Manager Terry Gibson confirmed that the department's K-9 officer, Tony Paul Davis, 36, has been released from duty. When contacted for comment following the incident in December, Gibson said Davis had been suspended, but declined to comment further. Gibson said Davis and the town's drug dog, Shadows, will be replaced."
"The incident that lead to the charges and Davis' subsequent dismissal occurred in the early morning hours of Sunday, Dec. 11, according to Wise County Commonwealth Attorney Chad Dotson." |
ID: Another day, Another ATF audit at Red's Trading Post
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"... Right on the heels of the Judge denying the ATF's request for Summary Judgment, Area Supervisor Linda Young and 2 Investigators came in, in an attempt to attain more violations yesterday. The Judge initially allowed them to conduct inspections to appease the ATF's concerns that we would place the public's safety in jeopardy. The ATF and has since used this as an opportunity to build their case against us. Scrutinizing everything and continuing to make remarks like, 'I am going to have to put this in my report'." ...
"... In the past they have worn clothing indicating that they were with the BATFE, this time they concealed the shirts which were marked ATF." ... |
ATF agent leaves gun in bathroom at Milwaukee airport
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Red's Trading Post
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"A special agent returning to Mitchell International Airport left her firearm in a bathroom there Tuesday night, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said."
"The special agent immediately alerted authorities when she realized she left her weapon ..."
"Thomas said he didn't know how long the weapon was left in the bathroom but said the situation ended quickly."
"'The important thing here is that the firearm is in the appropriate control,' he said."
"The incident is being investigated by the ATF, which is standard procedure ..."
"He wouldn't provide details about the Milwaukee-based agent ..."
"'It's a sensitive situation as you can imagine,' he said. 'The agent is embarrassed.'" ... |
NC: Pasquotank to change sign after volley of complaints
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"Under assault from critics that included the National Rifle Association, Pasquotank County officials have decided to change a building sign that requires gun permit seekers and sex offenders to register at the same window."
"Pasquotank County Manager Randy Cartwright said his office has received 17 complaints from citizens from as far away as Ohio since The Daily Advance published a story Jan. 28 about the sign in the lobby of the county's Public Safety Building. The sign, which reads 'Gun permits/Sex offender registration,' will be changed, he said."
"'Sheriff (Randy) Cartwright and I agree that the sign is misleading and we will develop a sign that is more appropriate,' Keaton said Monday. ..." |
Kenya: Kenyan Police to Charge Officer with Murder of 2 Protesters
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"Kenyan police say they will charge one of their officers with murder after he was filmed shooting dead two protesters last month."
"Police said Thursday that Constable Edward Kirui will be charged for the January 16 killings of George William Onyango and Ishmael Chacha in the western town of Kisumu."
"A team of investigators looked into the case after the shooting was broadcast on national and international television. Police say Kirui will appear in court soon."
"At least 1,000 people have been killed in Kenya in protests and ethnic violence triggered by the disputed December 27 presidential election." |
NY: Gun tipster plan won't be effective (12th letter)
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"A Westchester County press release on Jan. 23 offering information about illegal guns states that the new rewards program will use a tip hotline and the promise of up to $1,000 if that tip leads to the confiscation of a gun and the arrest of the person that carries it."
"Although I believe this to be a well-intentioned program, it is not specific to your typical layman. A tipster will be waiting a long time for this $1,000 due to the hurdles that await the tipster - first, the arrest if there is a weapon found; second, the accused can decide to fight the charges rather than plea bargain, which would then secure his conviction." ... |
NV: I-Team: Concerns Mount Over Neighborhood Gun Stores
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"When you think of a federally licensed gun dealer, you probably think of a well-established business on a busy commercial street. But what if that business was operating out of a home right next door to you?"
"The Channel 8 I-Team has learned of several local, fully licensed gun dealers that operate in the middle of quiet residential areas."
"Busses pass by all afternoon -- some stop and drop off students. Those students then walk right by this ranch-style home. But what's inside?"
"It's the legally licensed address of a gun dealership called Ray Lynn's Custom Guns. There's even an ad in the yellow pages." ... |
NC: Gunning For a Concealed Carry Permit
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"'Be nice. Be polite. Have a plan to kill everyone you see.'"
"That admonition by the instructor came across as a non sequitur following four hours of classroom discussion covering the intricacies of North Carolina laws concerning the justification for the use of deadly force, the quirks of statutory law and the fact that even if a perfectly justifiable situation that you still had a ten-percent chance of going to jail in a jury trial, plus more than an hour of examining videos of legal theory and 'shoot/don't shoot' scenarios."
"Welcome to concealed carry class."
"Early on the morning of Super Bowl Sunday ... seven of us showed up at a cramped classroom in a gun shop in eastern North Carolina." ... |
UK: Firearm in station
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A man carried a loaded air rifle in a bus station, a court heard.
Decorator David Alun Williams, 29, who had a background of mental health problems, told police he intended to shoot vermin in a Merthyr Tydfil cemetery.
Williams had the weapon at the town's bus station on a Saturday afternoon but he wasn't carrying it aggressively.
He admitted it was illegal to have the firearm because he had served a prison sentence. The judge jailed Williams, of Fifth Avenue, Galon Uchaf, Merthyr, for a year. |
Australia: 'Sub-machine gun' found in Newcastle
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Police have charged a man after finding a machine gun and ammunition dumped in a roadside garbage bin near Newcastle.
About 3.15 (AEDT) yesterday afternoon officers saw a man with a black bum bag on his shoulder standing outside a block of units in Hamilton South.
When police approached the man he fled but he was found a short time later.
The bag containing a 9mm sub machine gun and a quantity of ammunition was found in a nearby garbage bin.
The 30-year-old Mayfield man has been charged with possessing an unauthorised firearm and will appear in Newcastle Local Court today. |