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Manhunt highlights enforcement weaknesses against determined resistance
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "One man has done this, and people are noticing. Aside from an attitude among panicky enforcers that appears to regard public safety as an expendable inconvenience when they perceive a real or imagined threat to themselves, people are noticing how much illusion and presumptions have to do with state power. For many, it is a 'Behold, a god who bleeds' moment." ...

Searching for Judas: The dangers of being in the gun business today
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's official. The Dept. of Homeland Security, under Janet Napolitano, has put forth a "Personal Defense Weapon Solicitation" to purchase 7000 rifles chambered in 5.56x45mm NATO. (source: This is an official solicitation that they are accepting bids from manufactures/suppliers. While that story in and of itself is a bit incredulous given the current administration's stance against so-called "assault weapons", the big question on my mind is, will any U.S. firearms manufacturer dare to step up and bid on this contract?"

"This query is particularly poignant as orders for Stoner-based rifles are back-ordered months or even years" ...

Why I Just Joined the NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm not your typical NRA member. I'm Jewish, Ivy League educated (Columbia University, Class of '83, President Obama's classmate), and have been a member of the mainstream media (I started my career as an anchorman and host for CNBC, then called Financial News Network). Also unusual, I joined the NRA in the days after the Sandy Hook, Connecticut tragedy."

"Here are the reasons why." ...

Universal background checks would strip 18-20 year olds of handgun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lost amidst the clamor for universal back ground checks are a lot of important details. One of those details, besides the issues of who will pay for universal background checks, and how will such checks be precluded from turning into a registration scheme, is the fact that simply making firearm background checks “universal” would have to effect of denying the right of 18-20 year olds to own a handgun, even in their home." ...

What Does the 2nd Amendment Really Say About Gun Rights?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "That is what it says in the copy that is in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. But what was the real meaning and intent of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution? What did the framers of the Constitution meeting in 1787 in Philadelphia really mean by this amendment? And if we believe in sane gun safety regulations, what do we do and say now?"

"After fighting off the largest and most powerful military empire on Earth at the time, I am sure that the Founders and Framers where leery of both having a large standing army and being prepared if the British or someone else came to take power away from us. ..." ...

How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America
Submitted by: Greg

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"In the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun mainstream media, people like Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo, Feinstein and Obama managed to stir up a frenzy of fabricated fear that promised all our children would be violently gunned down if we didn't immediately agree to turn in all our guns and ammo magazines."

"The push for gun control, however, has spectacularly backfired. In reality, it has hardened the positions of gun rights advocates while massively increasing the number of AR-15s and other firearms sold across the country." ...

A look at the numbers from the guns and ammo shortage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Valley Guns posted the following on their Facebook page. Its a little inside-baseball look of what is going on in the industry:" ...

OR: Deadiest mental illness (third letter)
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"The picture in Sunday's paper of the pro-gun demonstrator flaunting his weapons (Jan. 27) raises an interesting question. Somebody disturbed enough to strut around with an assault weapon could just as easily be disturbed enough to use it. How are we supposed to differentiate, and why should we have to?" ...

MI: Man shoots teens allegedly trying to rob him in Detroit
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"For the second time in a week, two alleged teenage robbers have been shot by their intended victim."

"The incident occurred at about 9 p.m. Thursday in an alley ... near Schoolcraft Roads."

"'The victims, each age 59, were working on a public lighting pole…when the two teenagers approached, produced a weapon and announced a robbery,' Sgt. Eren Stephens said."

"According to Stephens, one of the intended victims possessed a valid concealed pistol license (CPL)."

"'During the robbery, the CPL holder fired shots, striking both teenagers. The first teenager, age 16, is listed in critical condition. The second teen, 17, is listed in temporary serious condition.'"

"'The victims were unharmed.'" ...

WI: Sheriff: 'Have plan in place' to protect yourself against gun violence (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brown County Sheriff John Gossage says he has concerns about some of the gun-control proposals from President Barack Obama’s administration, but he hopes Congress 'can get it right' when it comes to passing laws that will curb mass shootings in the U.S." ...

NJ: Weehawken enlists retired cops to patrol schools with concealed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the wake of the Newtown, Conn. school tragedy, the school district here has stationed armed security at all three of its public schools, Mayor Richard Turner said this week." ...

Virginia congressman cites stinger-wielding terrorists to argue for further gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Gerald Connolly, a Democratic congressman from Virginia, has argued to his constituents that Americans shouldn’t be allowed to wield Stinger missiles 'capable of downing commercial aircraft' even though such weapons are already illegal." ...

If 'assault weapon' ban fails, 'bump fire' stocks may be consolation prize
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to the 'conventional wisdom' (an admittedly dubious term), a new federal ban of so-called 'assault weapons' is unlikely in the near future--with Slate magazine going so far as to call its demise 'inevitable.' The Huffington Post argues that this was the plan all along, with the ban being a sort of sacrificial lamb to be martyred for the real goal of banning private sales. Chris Knox, of the Firearms Coalition, offers perhaps the most useful characterization of the gun prohibitionists' strategy, referring to Senator Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA) 'assault weapon' ban bill as a kind of 'rope-a-dope' gambit." ...

Video of CA Sen. Darrell Steinberg’s Press Conference 2/7/13 “Proposals to Reduce Gun Violence” (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"21 minutes of rabid anti-rights pontification and rationalization. It’s not a surprise but it never makes watching clips like this less infuriating."

"Said California Senate Pro Tem Steinberg, 'So that’s just a little bit of clarification on what [the proposed laws] do, and why they are really the next step, beyond what even New York, which has a terrific package, is seeking to do and has done.'" ...

Gun focus shifts from ban to checks and trafficking (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Eight weeks after the massacre of 20 Connecticut first-graders, a ban on the kind of semi-automatic rifle used by the killer remains elusive ..."

"Such a ban became a rallying cry for victims' families, advocacy groups and politicians supporting tougher gun laws in the emotional aftermath ..."

"President Barack Obama still calls for updating a 1994 assault weapons ban that expired 10 years later as part of his package of steps intended to reduce chronic gun violence in America, especially in major cities."

"However, fierce opposition by the powerful [NRA] and millions of American gun owners has shifted debate away from prohibiting specific weapons to making it harder for criminals, terrorists and the mentally ill to obtain guns." ...

WA: Juvenile crime bill hearing brings out the stereotypes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thursday’s public hearing on Senate Bill 5376, which would crack down on armed juvenile criminals and has the support of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, brought out some stereotypes, and their stereotypical arguments in opposition."

"The hearing may be viewed here on TV Washington." ...

IN: Gun owners rally at Indiana Statehouse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-toting protesters rallied at the Indiana Statehouse to voice their opposition to President Barack Obama's proposed gun control plan." ...

OR: Gun rights advocates bring weapons inside Capitol during peaceful 'Patriot Party' rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A rare sight greeted visitors inside the Oregon Capitol Friday as a handful of gun owners openly carrying semi-automatic rifles and other weapons strolled the marbled hallways and peeked into the House chamber and state offices."

"Outside, it was just another demonstration on the Capitol Mall as more than 1,000 gun rights advocates gathered to promote gun safety and protest gun control efforts. A lively atmosphere greeted drivers in front of the Capitol and many honked their horns in support of demonstrators lining the street. State police reported no incidents." ...

VA: Gun permit privacy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia legislators will now decide whether to bar circuit court clerks from disclosing to the public the names of people who have concealed handgun permits after a House panel advanced a significantly altered bill on Friday." ...

OR: Hundreds of gun-rights advocates flock to Oregon Legislature, carrying semi-automatic rifles, handguns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-rights advocates, with semi-automatic rifles slung over their shoulders and holstered handguns on their belts, packed the mall outside the Oregon State Capitol today for a three-hour rally."

"The rally, 'Patriot Party at the Oregon Capitol Building,' was more about warning state lawmakers to not restrict Oregonians’ Second Amendment rights than in support of or opposition to a particular bill, organizer Michelle Finn of Independence said." ...

AK: Alaska House panel advances 'stand your ground' bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Alaska House committee advanced a bill Friday that would expand people's right to use deadly force as a means of self-defense."

"The House Judiciary Committee held another measure that would make it a felony for federal officers or agents to enforce any new laws restricting firearm ownership. A legislative attorney said the measure is largely unconstitutional." ...

OK: Pro-Gun militia group rallies at Oklahoma Capital
Submitted by: D. Smith

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"A group of gun rights supporters and survivalists gathered Friday outside the Oklahoma state Capitol to recruit members for a militia and urge the Legislature not to impose any restrictions on gun rights."

"About 80 people, several openly carrying firearms, attended the rally sponsored by the Oklahoma Defense Force, a survivalist group that has a militia. Some carried 'Don't Tread on Me' flags and others held signs criticizing President Obama and U.S. Sens. Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe. A young boy carried a sign that read: 'I'm Safer Because my Mommy Packs Heat.'" ...

CA: California’s New Gun Bill is Tyrannical
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Here is what the new California gun control civilian disarmament bill looks like:" ...

NY: Cuomo Aide Howard Glaser Defends Governor's Stance On Gun Control
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State Director of Operations Howard Glaser took a break from his handling of Blizzard Nemo – which he described this morning as a 'routine blizzard' - to e-mail reporters examples of Gov. Cuomo’s gun control efforts dating back to the governor's days as a member of President Clinton’s cabinet."

"Glaser sent the email after he appeared on an Albany radio station this morning and got tangled in something of a sparring match over Cuomo’s recent gun legislation and what’s been perceived as the governor’s shift to a more liberal agenda." ...

AL: Former Alabama deputy accused of keeping drugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Hale County deputy has been indicted on charges accusing him of keeping drugs he acquired during investigations."

"District Attorney Michael Jackson announced Thursday that a Hale County grand jury indicted 37-year-old Darrell McGuire on 16 counts of second-degree theft of property. ..." ...

OH: Ohio police officer pleads guilty in drug case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A southwestern Ohio police officer admitted yesterday that he deposited money meant to avoid bank-reporting requirements in an alleged marijuana-smuggling operation."

"Bryon Roos pleaded guilty to one count of structuring financial transactions to evade federal reporting requirements. Roos had pleaded not guilty in August to charges of money laundering, illegally structuring financial transactions, and conspiring to bring hundreds of pounds of marijuana to southern Ohio from Texas." ...

LA: Former police officer indicted on sex charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Lafayette police corporal has been indicted by a Lafayette Parish grand jury on charges of sexual battery and malfeasance for allegedly sexually battering a woman while he was on duty." ...

MN: Former Minneapolis police officer of the year gets probation for stealing from cop organization
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Minneapolis police lieutenant will spend a year on probation and perform 240 hours of community service for stealing money from an international police group."

"Marie Fierck Przynski, 60, of Maplewood was sentenced Tuesday, Feb. 5, by Hennepin County District Judge Marilyn Rosenbaum -- the same judge who had once thrown out the woman's case."

"An appeals court reversed Rosenbaum and reinstated the charges. In December, a jury found Przynski guilty of theft by swindle and four counts of forgery."

"In sentencing Przynski, Rosenbaum said that if she completed her probation without incident, the five felony convictions would be reduced to misdemeanors." ...

Submitter's Note: Say, the next time I commit 5 felonies can I get that same deal?

IL: Cop Accused Of Seducing Women Involved In Domestic Disputes (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Elmwood Park police sergeant has been accused of using his police powers to target women he could seduce, when he was supposed to be working. He also has been accused of targeting the men who are in those ladies’ lives."

"CBS 2 Investigator Dave Savini spoke with three men who questioned how Sgt. John Wasilenko sergeant is still on the job."

"Dewey Paccagnini said Wasilenko was on duty when Paccagnini caught the officer with his wife." ...

CA: Female Paper Carrier, 71, Shot During Manhunt
Submitted by: repeal1968guncontrolact

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"Two women are recovering after their pickup was riddled by police gunfire in Torrance, in what investigators are calling a case of mistaken identity." ...

Submitter's note: OMFG. This is where you demonstrate in front of the DA's office until he/she/it charges these criminals with MULTIPLE felonies, and if not, then demand recall/impeachment of the DA. I'm actually stunned. FELONY assault with a deadly weapon (dozens of counts should be filed). FELONY attempted murder (3 counts should be filed). FELONY reckless endangerment (dozens of counts should be filed). FELONY use of a firearm in the commission of a crime (dozens of counts should be filed).

Double standards emerge in cop-killer coverage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the massive manhunt for suspected California cop-killer Christopher Dorner – himself an ex-police officer – continues Friday across much of the West, there is an underlying issue that only a few daring folks, including KVI’s John Carlson, have discussed: The gross hypocrisy of the coverage as it relates to Dorner’s apparent political leanings." ...

Promoting hysteria v. reporting reality
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As predicted, Thursday evening’s investigation on the effectiveness of gun 'buybacks' by KIRO’s Amy Clancy revealed that they are not an effective counter-measure to violent crime, but that’s not stopping the Seattle’s Joel Connelly from going after guns in his Friday morning on-line column." ...

Myriad of gun laws should be enough
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So, now, a bipartisan group of lawmakers wants to increase penalties for straw purchases of firearms, eh?"

"I know where they should start to get some real practice about enforcing existing American firearms laws."

"Let's refer them to Eric Holder, the attorney general, whose mandated straw purchases of real assault rifles caused the deaths of two border patrol agents and who knows how many Mexican civilians." ...

NJ: Gun advocates oppose stricter firearm laws at Second Amendment rally in Trenton
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Of the 1,000 or so gun advocates who gathered for a Second Amendment rally in Trenton today, Anthony Mills was among the most recent converts."

"It wasn’t until last month that the 42-year-old Jersey City resident became a gun owner. The catalyst, he said, was Hurricane Sandy."

"'People were reverting to a feral state,' Mills said. 'I felt for my safety. I’ve never been afraid in my adult life of society going to the edge. But seeing people go crazy because they couldn’t get gas for a couple of hours is frightening.'" ...

FL: Milton rally supports gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"More than 100 people are gathered in the parking lot of the Santa Rosa County Administrative Complex in Milton this evening at a rally supporting the Second Amendment." ...

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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