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Newslinks for 3/10/2001

Schools Taking Threats More Seriously?
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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At a Philadelphia high school, students have now been banned from driving cars to school for fear bombs or weapons could be hidden in the trunks.

In one Houston intermediate school, students were herded through metal detectors after a threatening message was discovered in a restroom.
Real threats should be taken seriously but schools are sounding more and more like prisons.

If your child goes to a public school I have 3 words: Bullet Proof Vest.

Freedom Under Siege: Campaign Finance Reform
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Take away the dollars, and you take away our right to meaningful speech. Disempower the public's right to organize and speak during elections, and you further empower and entrench the existing political and media elite, which will never rock its own boat. Do you love the status quo that much?" -Tony Blankley

New South Wales: Another Gun Control Failure
Submitted by: Skypod

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The Coalition for Gun Control says the Act is failing to ensure public
safety, citing five handgun shootings in public places in Sydney in the past
couple of weeks. State Convener Samanatha Lee says semi-automatic handguns should be put in the same category as semi-automatic rifles or shotguns.
Of course! When the first law proves a failure, write new laws to make the situation even worse! That makes sense!

LEAA Says Congress Must Pass Bill Allowing Off-Duty Officers to Carry
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Were it not for the valiant intervention of off-duty police officer Robert Clark, the shooting at Santana High School likely would have been worse -- perhaps horribly worse," said James Fotis, Exec. Dir. of Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA). "What further proof do the opponents of our call for a national concealed carry law for police officers need that this legislation can save lives?"
The same result could happen if the adult civilians were trained and able to carry, too.

Students Demand More Accountability from Gun-Owning Adults?
Submitted by: Skypod

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This is a good one! More accountability? The LAW-ABIDING citizens ARE ALREADY accountable. What we need is to hold violent CRIMINALS accountable.

Children Say Bullying & Teasing Big Problems?
Submitted by: Skypod

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Is this NEWS to anyone? Has it ever NOT been a problem?

U.S. Supreme Court Declines to Hear ANOTHER Gun Case
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The U.S. Supreme Court declined without comment to hear an appeal in an Illinois case where a man was stopped and searched for a gun based on an anonymous tip."
Will our "SUPREME" Court EVER stand up for the Second Amendment? I am beginning to wonder.

Morality Crisis Driving School Violence
Submitted by: Glen Biddle

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The real blame for violence in schools is parental responsibility not guns.

H.CON.RES.44 - The Importance of Hunting for Wildlife Management
Submitted by: John Rich

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Representative Green of WI has introduced H.CON.RES.44 to recognize the vital importance of hunting as a legitimate tool of wildlife resource
Please ask your Federal Rep to support this resolution.

School Couldn't Avoid Shooting?
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Officials at Santana High School did everything they could think of: anonymous sign-in sheets for students to report threats, SWAT training for the principal, programs to help youngsters get along, including one called "Names can really hurt us."

How prepared could they really be, and what type of SWAT training could the principal have used without a gun?

Sure, Blame The Gun
Submitted by: glen biddle

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The media's love affair with the Santee school shooting shows bias against guns.

Straight-shooting Texas Attorney talks about self-defense rights.
Submitted by: Paul Williams

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This straight-shooting Texas Attorney talks "straight shooting about guns".

Part One: Meaning of the Second Amendment
Part Two: "If Guns Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Guns"
Part Three: Intellectual Deception by the Gun Control Movement
Part Four: Stupid Gun Control Laws
Part Five: Letting the Good Guys Shoot Back

Gun control laws do just what they say they'll do: they prevent people who obey the laws from having weapons.

HEADS UP: Possible S.240 Feinstein Amendment
Submitted by: Skypod

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Gun Owners of America has learned that Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) could be offering an amendment next week that would make it impossible for you to keep an unlocked firearm in your home or business for self-defense. The Senate will be debating the bankruptcy bill (S.420), and Feinstein would offer her proposal as an amendment to that bill. As her amendment has not yet been published, GOA will provide you with more details next week.

Texas bill would let principals of rural schools carry guns.
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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The bill by Rep. Suzanna Gratia Hupp (R-Lampasas), applies only to officials with concealed handgun licenses in counties with fewer than 20,000 people. Trey Blocker, Hupp's legislative director, said the bill was filed because several school officials from rural communities asked for it.

MAINE L.D.464 - Gun Owner and Firearm Registration Bill
Submitted by: Skypod

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L.D.464 would require anyone selling a gun, as a dealer OR a private sale, to be licensed with ATF, and would force all gun sales to undergo NICS, expanding the registration of gun owners and giving government an electronic record of all who purchase a firearm.
Contact your Legislators to OPPOSE this bill!
Call the House 800.423.2900, the Senate 800.423.6900, or the Maine board 207.287.1400, or FAX 207.287.4469

Berenstain Bears Tackle God & Guns: More Kiddie Propaganda
Submitted by: David Shimm

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Gun proponents were initially upset when the chapter book, "The Berenstain Bears and No Guns Allowed" (March 2000), was published. "But it's a straightforward treatment of the subject matter for third- and fourth-graders," he said. "The message is that you shouldn't bring guns to school. It's not a statement of society."

Utah CCW Bill Backfires On Supporters?
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"A concealed weapons bill that would let visitors with out-of-state permits carry their guns in Utah for 60 days may not actually loosen gun restrictions as intended."

California Has Plenty of Gun Controls
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Gun-control activists are certain to exploit the tragedy at Santana High School in Santee CA, to promote their anti-gun agenda. But a brief review of current California law demonstrates that the Golden State has already enacted most of their major legislative proposals related to gun control:"

Boulder Man Sees Self in California Teen
Submitted by: David Shimm

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Gary Emerson, now 56, carried a gun to school at age 15, he said. During his senior year, he attempted to bomb his high school. He decided to share the details of a story that few people, apart from his wife, have ever heard.

Gun & Money AGAIN Missing from Police Property Bureau
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"More money and a gun are missing from the Denver Police Department's property bureau, and a criminal investigation is under way - again, officials said Wednesday."
Of course, only cops should be allowed to have guns...

To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense or by partial orders of a dissolution of the government. — John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788).

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