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Newslinks for 3/10/2005

Bill Would Ban Gun Sales to Terror Watch List
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"A House Democrat introduced legislation on Wednesday to ban terror suspects on the 'No Fly List' from buying weapons, a day after a government report showed that at least 47 had been able to legally purchase firearms."

"New York Democrat Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced legislation barring anyone included on the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) No Fly List from purchasing firearms."

"House of Representatives Republican leaders generally oppose gun control legislation, but in the Senate there have been some bipartisan efforts in the past."

Senators request meeting with Mueller to discuss gun law
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"Both of New Jersey's senators joined three of their colleagues Wednesday to request a meeting with FBI Director Robert Mueller to talk about whether terror suspects should be allowed to purchase guns in the United States."

"The senators sent the letter a day after the Government Accountability Office issued a report saying more than 40 terror suspects were allowed to buy guns in the United States last year because background checks showed they had no felony convictions and weren't illegal immigrants."

"Under current federal law, belonging to a suspected terrorist organization does not prohibit a person from owning a gun, the GAO noted in its study."

Activists call for global gun control measures
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"Gun control activists said on Monday the world was awash in small arms, fuelling violence, and called for global cooperation and stricter limits on the trade." ...

"A human rights report by a consortium of groups highlighted the impact of guns on the lives of women, saying they were often the 'silent victims' of the small arms trade."

"The activists noted there were an estimated 650 million guns in circulation around the world -- almost all in the hands of men."

Anti-Gunners and .50 Cal. Rifles: Same Song, Different Gun (NRA)
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"Anti-gunners are just trying to manufacture an issue to rejuvenate their gun-banning agenda, which collapsed last year when Congress allowed the Clinton Gun Ban to expire, after independent studies for Congress showed that the ban had been a mistake. The Congressional Research Service's report also exposed anti-gun groups' false claims about the ban. Ultimately, anti-gunners always want to ban something - all handguns, small handguns, semi-auto rifles, pump-action shotguns, .50 cal. rifles, or varmint-caliber pistols. But whatever the gun, anti-gunners' rhetoric is always the same."

Guns + terrorists = trouble
Submitted by: News Admin

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"PRESIDENT BUSH suggested Tuesday that his aggressive foreign policy was helping protect the U.S. from terrorism -- reiterating his theme that it's better to fight them there than here."

"Meanwhile, a new Government Accounting Office report this week found that dozens of terror suspects on federal watch lists were allowed to buy firearms legally in the United States last year."

"It's time for the Bush administration and Congress to connect the dots. This ... is ... a ... danger."

Ted Kennedy was on a "no-fly" list. Should he be denied the ability to purchase a firearm?

A recent article shows that identity errors can also be made on these terrorist watch lists. Should people like Clark County, Nevada School Superintendent Carlos Garcia be denied their rights merely because their name appears on a list and he has not been charged with - nor has he been convicted of - any crime?

Beware of Back-Door Gun Registration Scheme, Group Says
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"Being on a terrorism watch list does not mean you really are a terrorist -- and therefore, your right to buy or own a gun should not be infringed, Second Amendment supporters say."

"But FBI Director Robert Mueller, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and gun control groups disagree."

"In testimony before Congress on Tuesday, Mueller said lawmakers 'ought to look at what can be done' to prevent people on the government's terrorism watch list from buying guns." ...

" 'In Sen. Lautenberg's warped view, anyone who buys a gun is a suspected terrorist,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. He believes Lautenberg is looking for a way to 'justify a back-door gun registration scheme.' "

Have gun, will terrorize: GAO study underscores need for reforms
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"It's a safe bet that if the Bush administration learned a foreign government was selling arms to suspected terrorists in the United States, it would take whatever steps were necessary to halt the sales."

"Yet last year, dozens of terrorism suspects on federal watch lists strolled into U.S. gun shops and purchased firearms, and the administration has done nothing to fix the laws and policies that allowed this to happen."

"That's both inexcusable and dangerous. It's also craven, given the reluctance of the administration and its supporters in Congress to stand up to the politically powerful National Rifle Association, which opposes such reforms."

The NRA: Defending Terrorists - Says the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence united with the Million Mom March
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The National Rifle Association and its president, Wayne LaPierre, have a new cause: Ensuring there is a 'gun rights' exception to America's war on terrorism."

"Yesterday, the Government Accountability Office released a report revealing that dozens and dozens of individuals on America's terrorist watch list were able to purchase guns last year. On numerous news programs Tuesday, LaPierre urged caution against putting limits on the ability of suspects on our nation's terrorist watch list to purchase firearms. 'Every citizen is entitled to due process of law,' LaPierre said on one program. 'Every citizen is entitled to Constitutional freedoms.' (ABC World News Tonight, 3-8-05.) On another news program: 'I think we need to know a lot more about this secret watch list...before you start denying Constitutional rights and due process of law.' (NBC Nightly News, 3-8-05.)"

"Translated: The NRA believes that an individual who has been identified as credibly an enemy of the United States during our nation's war on terrorism should be entitled to purchase any and all firearms he or she wants."

Questions: How many of these purchases would have taken place anyway via the black market had those on the watch list been banned from legally buying guns? How many guns that were bought by alleged terrorists were used in terrorist acts? How many were used in any type of crime?

Dave Workman: "Contrary to what gun banners and opponents of concealed carry laws would have us believe, legally armed citizens are not vigilantes at heart"
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"The press traditionally ignores such details as Wilson's gun. ..."

"Perhaps what separates Wilson's story from the others is that he was killed. Maybe reporters were subliminally trying to discourage other armed citizens from this kind of bravery. One can only hope they were just trying to be thorough."

"Wilson was not a lawman or a soldier; it was not his job to 'protect and serve.' He was just a good neighbor, doing the right thing. Alas, bad things do happen to good people."

Second Amendment isn't source of firearms rights
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"Vaughter seems to suggest we have a right under the U.S. Constitution to own and bear firearms. Whether or not a high-school teacher constitutes a member of a 'well-regulated militia,' the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is not where we get the right to bear arms. Any right to firearms that we may have comes from state constitutions and laws. That's why gun laws differ from state to state."

"In Hickman v. Block, 81 F.3d 98 (9th Cir. 1996), the court noted 'the Second Amendment is not incorporated against the states.' This means Second Amendment rights are not among the federal rights extended to the states by the 14th Amendment. ..."

Cop shoots himself in the foot during safety lecture (Video)
Submitted by: Dave Hobart

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During a safety lecture, a police officer manages to shoot himself in the foot.

CA: Opinion about ban on 50 caliber rifles
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"It should be noted that the 50 caliber BMG rifle was never used anywhere in the United States in the commission of a crime. The author of the bill in California even acknowledged the gun was never used in a crime. But he felt that if we restrict the rifle now, then we'd ensure the gun would never be used in a crime in the future. Yes, that's the logic of the anti gunners in Sacramento."

MO: Raytown Schools Consider Concealed Weapons Policy
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"When is it OK to bring a gun onto school property?"

"Those who say 'never' haven't read Missouri's concealed weapons law."

"KMBC's Bev Chapman reported that one local school district is taking a closer look at the statute before deciding how to deal with it."

"Most of the schools in Jackson County, like many businesses, have already adopted a 'No Guns' policy and have posted signs on buildings stating that concealed weapons are not allowed."

"At the public schools in Raytown, there are no signs like that, KMBC reported."

IL: Three weapons taken from Sangamon County deputy's car
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"Three weapons have been stolen from the car of a Sangamon County sheriff's deputy, and the department wants them back."

"The weapons in question are a submachine gun, an M-16 automatic rifle and a shotgun. And they were all loaded when they were secured in a bag in the trunk of the deputy's car."

ND: Change to N.D. Gun Exam Opposed
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Carey McWilliams carries a pistol, but he can't see it or whatever -- or whomever -- he might shoot at. Still, he comes armed with the full blessing of North Dakota."

"It wasn't easy to get to that point, though."

"McWilliams, 31, blind since age 10, had to pass a two-part exam to obtain his concealed weapon permit. First, he had to ace an open-book test of 10 true-or-false questions. Then, he had to prove his shooting proficiency by hitting an 18-by-20-inch human silhouette at least seven of 10 times, from 21 feet away."

"Now, North Dakota lawmakers are considering getting rid of the exam or at least the shooting part -- and McWilliams doesn't think that's right."

Shooting my mouth off about right to carry guns
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"Much as we wish to live in a world where everybody is nice and nobody has need for a gun, it demonstrably ain't so. There are nasty creatures out there, many of them with opposable thumbs, who dress neatly and cannot be distinguished from a Montessori teacher ... until they stick a 9 mm in your ribs and say, 'Your wallet, s'il vous plaît.' "

"What do you do in a case like that?"

"What does a gun-carrying NRA member do in a case like that? According to the doctrine of those who teach gun owners to qualify for concealed-carry permits, you give him your wallet. Your money isn't worth your life."

"It is these everyday occurrences everywhere in the world, sadly, that speak to the necessity for law-abiding people to arm themselves."

"There is no right more intrinsic than the right of self-defense: not free speech, not freedom of religion - nothing. If you are set upon by attackers who do not hesitate to use every available means to injure or kill you, is there any earthly authority you can imagine that could justly deny you the right to defend your life?"

"Of course not. There's no instinct more basic than this."

South Africa: Women with guns to their heads
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"In South Africa a woman is shot dead by a current or former partner every 18 hours, according to a new report from the Stop Violence Against Women campaign and the Control Arms campaign."

"The report, 'The Impact of Guns on Women's Lives' ...said women were paying an increasingly heavy price for the unregulated multibillion-dollar trade in small arms."

"South Africa is named in the report, along with countries in the American continent and Europe, all battling to stem a mounting tide of handguns."

"There are an estimated 650 million small arms in the world today, nearly 60 percent of which are in the hands of private individuals, most of them men, said the report."

AK: Rifle Team Goes for Record Seventh in a Row
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"With an 11-1 regular season behind them, the University of Alaska Fairbanks rifle team is getting ready for the NCAA Championships at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO this week."

"The Nanooks have won seven championships, the last six in a row, and they can establish an NCAA mark for consecutive rifle championships if they are victorious this weekend."

IL: Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence Applauds Human Services Committee Vote to Protect Illinois and Calls on State Lawmakers to Back Vital Homeland Security Measure
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The 'Anti-Terrorism and Aviation
Protection Act,' (H.B. 1098), passed out of the Illinois House of
Representatives Human Services Committee today, a homeland security bill to prevent a terrorist from using a .50 caliber sniper rifle to shoot down a civilian airliner during landing or takeoff. Rep. Elaine Nekritz (D-57th) and Rep. Beth Coulson (R-17th), the two main sponsors, have launched a bi-partisan effort to keep the most deadly and powerful sniper rifles on the market out of the hands of terrorists to protect Illinois aviation and vulnerable industrial targets."

".50 caliber sniper rifles were designed as battlefield rifles to puncture armor, attack personnel carriers and fuel tanks, and to be used for assassination due to the rifle's astonishing range and firepower, but are easier to get in Illinois than a handgun. ..."

IL: Gun Found In 12-Year-Old's Locker
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"Charges are pending against a 12-year-old Aurora girl after a handgun was discovered in her middle school locker late Wednesday morning, police said."

"The girl is a sixth grade student at Still Middle School in the 700 Block of Meadowridge Drive."

"Authorities found the 32-caliber handgun and a loaded clip after a student alerted a teacher around 11:30 a.m. The teacher notified school administration and the police department’s school resource officer."

IL: Gun-rights bills surpassing anti-gun measures in legislature
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"Two gun-control measures cleared an Illinois House committee Wednesday, but Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and other gun-control proponents are still trailing gun supporters in the spring legislative session."

"Major restrictions on guns failed last week in a Senate committee, and on Tuesday, a House committee approved two measures that would expand gun-owners' rights by allowing them to carry concealed firearms."

" 'The Second Amendment is a right, it's not a privilege, so we're just standing firm with what we believe in and what our forefathers gave us,' said Rep. Brandon Phelps, sponsor of one of the concealed-carry bills."

MO: Lawmakers OK bill aiming to fix gun law flaw
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"Opponents of concealed guns joined with supporters yesterday as the House endorsed legislation that attempts to fix a flaw in the law identified by the state Supreme Court."

"In a ruling a year ago, the court upheld the legality of concealed guns but said a 2003 law authorizing them could unconstitutionally impose new costs on county sheriffs who process the applications."

"Since then, every locality in the state except St. Louis city and county has begun issuing concealed-gun permits. But sheriffs had to employ a variety of creative funding mechanisms, and a cloud of legal uncertainty remains."

"Legislation intended to fix the funding mistake gained initial House approval yesterday on a voice vote with no audible opposition."

VA: Former Sheriff's Investigator Still Being Investigated
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"A Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office investigator who resigned after he accidentally shot his wife last year is still being investigated for a separate incident, according to Loudoun’s chief prosecutor."

"Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney Jim Plowman said there was no question that former investigator Mike Grau accidentally shot his wife Sept. 23, 2004, as he cleaned an antique gun in his Lovettsville home. He resigned Nov. 22, 2004."

"He will not be prosecuted for the shooting, Plowman said. However, Plowman said that during the investigation of the shooting, other information came to prosecutors' attention regarding a separate alleged incident he could not comment about."

UK: Air gun controls 'cannot be rushed'
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Any further controls on air guns must not be rushed in after the death of toddler Andrew Morton, Tony Blair has warned.

The Prime Minister said lessons must be learnt from the tragedy and any future legislation introduced in a "sensible way".

Two-year-old Andrew Morton died last Friday after being hit in the head by an airgun pellet fired in the Easterhouse area of Glasgow. A man has since been charged with his murder.

FL: Cop Uses Taser Gun On Man Who Refused Urine Sample
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"Orlando police said Antonio Wheeler was arrested on a drug charge and taken to an emergency room after telling officers he had consumed cocaine."

"The police document said Wheeler was handcuffed to a hospital bed and then secured with leather straps after he refused to urinate in a cup. When medical staff tried to insert a catheter to get the sample, Wheeler refused."

"At one point, police officer Peter Linnenkamp noted that he jumped on the bed with his knees on Wheeler's chest to restrain him. Then, when Wheeler still refused to let the catheter be inserted, Linnenkamp said he twice used his Taser gun, which sends 50,000 volts into a target."

CA: Boy With Toy Gun Causes Scare On Merced School Bus
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A toy gun in the hands of an eight-year-old boy is being blamed for causing a scare on a Merced school bus.

Police detained the boy yesterday after other children said he pointed the toy gun at a classmate's head at a bus stop.

Six children were too scared to get on the bus. They went home, told their parents and the parents called police.

Merced police pulled the bus over before it got to school and took the boy off.

The boy was eventually turned over to his parents.

Police say no charges will be filed.

LA: Former Welsh police chief found innocent on gun charges
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"A federal jury has acquitted former Welsh police chief Ben Richard on federal firearm violations."

"Richard was accused of making a false statement in the purchase and acquisition of a firearm and of possession of a firearm by a person convicted of domestic violence."

"Richard had been convicted of simple battery of Jennifer McCoy, his child's mother. He later pleaded guilty to the charge and was placed on six months unsupervised probation."

"Court documents show that Richard possessed a firearm from March eighth, 2001, to June first, 2001." ...

"The case was prosecuted by the U-S Attorney's Office as part of Project Safe Neighborhoods, a program designed to reduce violence in communities."

NH: Trial Continues In Yearbook Gun Photo Case
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"A trial continues today for a Londonderry (New Hampshire) High School student barred from posing with his gun for a yearbook photo."

"Blake Douglass' family testified in federal court yesterday after suing over the decision, arguing it violated their son's rights."

"Douglass is an avid trap shooter and the photo shows him with a broken-open shotgun draped over his shoulder. The school has a zero-tolerance policy on violence."

"School administrators have testified that students on the yearbook staff had the final say on whether the photo would run. But the family's lawyer is working to prove school officials made the decision to ban it, not students."

UK: Antique gun dealer hits out at ban
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"A DEALER in military memorabilia is urging city council bosses to lift a ban on his trade in vintage weapons."

"Andrew Stephen has been barred from selling antique pistols, swords, daggers and rifles from his Glasgow market stall, but nearby military shops and antique dealers selling the same items are exempt."

"Mr Stephen, 39,who trades as Alba Militaria in the Barras, sells deactivated First and Second World War guns which come with Home Office certificates, as well as antique flintlock weapons, daggers and swords."

"But he insists the ban means on some days he barely makes enough to pay his stall rent."

UK: Man pulled gun on two cops
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"TWO terrified police officers were confronted by a gunman at a Glasgow block of flats, a court has heard."

"The two officers twice ordered 26-year-old Christopher McKenna to put the weapon down."

"But when he refused, they called in the armed response unit, who cordoned off and surrounded a house in nearby Blairlogie Street, where McKenna had fled."

"McKenna eventually gave himself up and was grabbed by two officers, who handcuffed him."

Shooting Hobbyist Invents Eco-Friendly Target
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Joe Schroeder is a man who isn't afraid to pull the trigger on an inventive idea."

"Living on a portion of his family's farm in Juneau, the self-employed 44-year-old used to spend time pondering ways to fire his shotgun at targets across the open spaces. But, an environmentally conscious shooting hobbyist, Schroeder could not bring himself to fire a single shot." ...

"His predicament is not uncommon among rural Wisconsin residents who enjoy shooting trap but want nothing to do with polluting the land, which can be their livelihood. Schroeder, a man with a mind for business who once produced and sold machines to recycle television cables, turned his sights toward a solution."

"By developing a non-toxic chemical formula which mixes with water 'the formula is a secret and only my dog knows, and he's not talking' Schroeder's Ice Blasters solution is poured into molds, tossed into the freezer and can be hand-thrown just like any sporting target. Subsequent blasting comes secure in the knowledge that the shattered target is environmentally safe."

FL: Police: Student Brings Gun To School To Show Friends
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"The student was caught Tuesday after two classmates heard him bragging about bringing his gun to school, officials said."

"The 11-year-old was searched and police found the .40 caliber gun loaded with 12 bullets."

"Police said the student found the gun in a locked gun safe in his father's bedroom closet."

"Officials said the student admitted to taking the gun, and that the student's father will not be charged."

The pool of guns that get turned in in buybacks are simply not the same guns that would otherwise have been used in crime. — Harvard professor David Kennedy, as reported on FoxNews

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