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The Ultimate Hornady Ammo Review: Tested & Approved
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Interested in learning more about the Hornady Manufacturing Company and its ammo offerings?

Hornady is one of the older ammo brands out there, but have they been keeping up with advances in ammunition technology, or have they been resting on their laurels?

Best M193 Ammo for Stockpiling to Defend Freedom
Submitted by: David Williamson

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If you've decided to stock up on the best 5.56 NATO ammo for your AR-15, then it's hard to ignore all of benefits M193 offers.

It has a flat trajectory. It's inexpensive. It's easy to find from various manufacturers thanks to the U.S military using it for years. It's the classic M193: perfect for stockpiling, reloading and target practice, and cheap enough for plinking. You can even use it for self-defense and hunting in a pinch.

WA Senate Passes Restrictive Carry Bill, Exempts CPL Holders
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Washington State House of Representatives is the next stop for Senate Bill 5098, a measure which bans guns in parks and playground facilities where children are likely to be present, government buildings and county fairgrounds during fairs, but holders of valid concealed pistol licenses are exempted.

Grassroots Legislative Update—March 10, 2025
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New: Secretary of Commerce: letter from Senator Lee and Representative Green; Arizona: two pro-Second Amendment bills in Judiciary Committee; California: AB1333, “no duty to retreat” law being threatened Colorado: gun bills on the move; Iowa.

While Getting Public Money, WA Gun Control Group’s ‘Victory Fund’ Backed Dems
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility appears to have received public funding from the Washington state Department of Commerce for “grants, benefits & client services,” the Alliance’s Victory Fund political action arm has donated tens of thousands of dollars to political candidates, many of whom consistently show up as sponsors of gun control legislation at the Capitol in Olympia.

Colorado House Takes Up ‘Most Sweeping Gun Control Bill Law’ in State History
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Senate Bill 3, described by the Denver Post as the “most sweeping gun control law” in Colorado history, will come before a House committee this Tuesday.

SB 3 is a semiautomatic firearm ban which targets numerous gas operated semiautomatic rifles and shotguns.

South Carolina Executes Double Murderer via Firing Squad
Submitted by: David Williamson

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South Carolina executed double murderer Brad Sigmon via firing squad on Friday, making him the first death row inmate to die by firing squad in the United States in 15 years.

The Associated Press reported that 67-year-old Sigmon was shot at 6:05 p.m. “by three volunteer prison employees.” He was pronounced dead at 6:08 p.m.

GOA Goes On The Attack Against New Jersey’s Hollow Point Ban
Submitted by: David Williamson

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New Jersey has enforced a near-total ban on hollow point ammunition since 1978, restricting one of the most effective self-defense tools available to civilians. Now, Gun Owners of America (GOA), alongside the Gun Owners Foundation, is challenging the state’s restrictions in court. According to Phil Reboli, host of Law & Ammo for GOA, the lawsuit (GOA v. Platkin) aims to strike down what gun rights advocates see as an unconstitutional limitation on the right to bear arms.

California tries to tear down the Castle Doctrine
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A few decades ago the movement for concealed carry began. Anti-liberty/gun cracktivists were outraged. There would be wild west gunfights everywhere! The streets would run with blood! Of course, none of that happened. More recently, the Constitutional Carry movement caught fire, and the same predictions of blazing gunplay were made and failed to materialize. More than half the states allow constitutional carry and every state allows concealed carry of some sort. No state that has adopted concealed or constitutional carry has repealed either.

Gov. DeSantis makes push to repeal Florida’s red flag laws
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, signaled that he wants to repeal the red flag law in the Sunshine State, arguing that it infringes on gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.

The governor made his intentions known during Tuesday’s State of the State Address.

3rd Circuit Denies Rehearing in Case Recognizing Gun Rights of Young Adults
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On February 26, the Third Circuit denied a petition for rehearing en banc in Lara v. Paris. That case involves a challenge to Pennsylvania’s law banning 18-to-20-year-olds from carrying firearms during a state of emergency.

Last year, a three-judge panel of the Third Circuit held the ban unconstitutional, based on its finding that 18-to-20-years-olds are part of “the people” whom the Second Amendment protects.

Controversial permit-to-purchase gun bill clears Washington House
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Democrats in the Washington state House on Saturday approved an overhaul of the state’s system for buying guns.

House Bill 1163 would require a state permit to purchase firearms. Majority Democrats pushed the bill through without any Republican votes.

Senate passes bill requiring police to confiscate guns in orders of protection cases
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With just hours before the end of the 103rd General Assembly, the Illinois Senate has approved a measure requiring police to confiscate firearms from subjects of an order of protection.

New Gun Control Bill Targets Firearms Dealers for Crimes Committed with Their Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Connecticut lawmakers have introduced House Bill 7042, a proposed law that could fundamentally change how firearm sales are regulated. The bill, titled the Firearm Industry Responsibility Act, would allow civil lawsuits to be filed against gun dealers, manufacturers, and distributors if a firearm they sold is later used in a crime. While the bill is still in the early stages of legislative review, it has already sparked strong reactions from both gun rights advocates and legal analysts who see it as a direct attack on gun sellers and possibly an attempt to force gun shops out of business.

21st Century Classic: Review of the SIG Sauer 1911-XCarry .45 ACP
Submitted by: David Williamson

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SIG has been in the 1911 game for over 20 years, entering the market around 2004. The company hit the ground running and was one of the first M1913 "railgun" pistol makers available, then continued to enhance the century-old design and produced models with characteristic styling including the Granite, Super Target, and Spartan.

Girsan Witness 2311 Brat Review: 500 Rounds + Carry Time
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Girsan 2311SC Brat made its way into my hands just before SHOT Show this year, and since then I’ve had the chance to run up the round count quite a bit. Is it swanky to “be Brat” now and shoot and carry the double-stack 1911? Let’s dive in to find out.

Is life so dear or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! — Patrick Henry

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