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Newslinks for 3/11/2001

UK: Girls with Guns is The Latest Trend
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"Girls in Pearls, as they were once known, were women of a certain ilk whose engagement to Lord Such-and-Such was considered worthy of a full blown colour picture. Today they are, if this week's issue is anything to go by, Girls with Guns - beautiful sporty types with a penchant for shooting, a growing trend among fashionable women."

What About Socialization?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The burning question that obsesses me is where is the breaking point? When will parents finally show some outrage and declare that enough is enough? When will they appear en mass at the juvenile penitentiaries, their suppressed primeval drive surging forth to liberate them? When will Americans storm their Bastille and separate school and state?" -Cathy Cuthbert

Washington Parents Ask Why Teacher Brought Gun to School
Submitted by: Skypod

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"'What would compel a teacher to think she had to bring a firearm onto this campus,' asked one of the many parents who crowded the Kent Junior High Library. Some parents worry similar incidents could lead to yet another school shooting tragedy. And why, the parents asked, did it take the school district two weeks to fire her?"
These "parents" can't possibly be this stupid, can they? :(

Arizona Bill Would Slash Handgun Penalty
Submitted by: Skypod

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The punishment for carrying a concealed handgun without a permit would all but disappear under H.B.2562, passed by the State House. Now it has to go to the State Senate.

Iowa Bill to Prohibit Lawsuits Against Gun Manfacturers
Submitted by: Skypod

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Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence (IPGV) announced their opposition to Senate study bill H.S.B.1173 to prohibit Iowa cities from filing civil actions against gun manufacturers for the damages caused by their products. Contact your Iowa Senators to SUPPORT this bill!

Arizona Bill to Allow Guns in Drinking Establishments
Submitted by: Skypod

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H.B.2218 is being pushed by Rep. Russell Pearce (R-Mesa). He said current law that bars weapons in places where liquor is served forces gun owners who want to get a bite to eat to leave their weapons in their vehicles. Pearce says he will amend the bill further to specify that anyone carrying a weapon cannot consume alcoholic beverages.
Contact your Arizona Reps to SUPPORT this bill!

Family of Mafia Victim Files $36Million Lawsuit Against FBI
Submitted by: Skypod

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The family of Michael J. Donahue who was gunned-down by Mafia boss James 'Whitey' Bulger is preparing to file a $36 million wrongful-death lawsuit against the FBI for reckless and deliberate indifference.

Seizing Power
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The Third Way between socialism and capitalism was the original brainchild of Adolph Hitler. It reared its head again in America in 1990, when Bill Clinton, the stealth-socialist candidate, became chairman of its principal organization, the Democratic Leadership Council. Tony Blair and the heads of most European countries are Third Way advocates and work in concert to implement this socialist shell game." By Richard Roberts

U.N. - Thinking Globally, Oppressing Locally
Submitted by: Skypod

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"There always will be local officials who will want a World Heritage designation for a landmark or river in their town and the pot of money that goes along with it There always will be people, like the man who bought the tie, who will not stop to read the fine print or count the cost." By Jane Chastain

Parents Face Felony Charges
Submitted by: Skypod

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Authorities filed felony charges Wednesday against the parents of a kindergartner who brought a loaded gun to a Washington Township school. The charge of 'neglect of a dependant' is a Class D felony punishable by up to 3 years in state prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

'The Lure Of A Gun': ABC News Spying on Children
Submitted by: Skypod

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Galella, 15, stumbled across a gun at a YMCA in Yonkers, NY, last year — placed there, unbeknownst to him, by ABCNEWS as part of a hidden-camera experiment. Galella was part of a special "PrimeTime" investigation; the gun he found had been disabled and was incapable of firing.

Store Owner Defends Shooting Armed Robbers
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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The customers praised Weidle for shooting two men who he said had tried to rob him. It was the second such robbery in a week at his Clinton Township business. Both occurred at about 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.

"When they walked in this time, I was almost certain it was the same two guys," Weidle said. "I felt my life was in danger."

Federal Case Puts Gun Seller in Prison
Submitted by: Skypod

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A longtime Oklahoma gun dealer was sentenced Wednesday to more than four years in prison for selling parts that would convert semiautomatic weapons into machine guns.

Thomas William Acton, 44, pleaded guilty in October to a charge of being a felon in possession of a machine gun.

Prosecutors said Acton sold unregistered conversion kits that enabled some semiautomatic rifles to become automatic weapons.

Teens At Risk: Alcohol and Drugs Also Killers
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The San Diego Union-Tribune comments on the biggest threat to high school students in light of the Santana High School Shooting... alcohol.

Officers Investigating Impersonation Scam
Submitted by: Scott Bieser

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Here's another reason not to hand over your guns to the police: the "cop" may not really be a cop.

Home Intruder Shot
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Florida teen defends family from break-in with rifle.

Maine Bill would Force State to Give Up Gun Sales
Submitted by: David Shimm

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Sponsored by Sen. Anne Rand (D-Portland), the bill would force state agencies such as the State Police, the Maine Warden Service and the Maine Drug Enforcement Agency to destroy guns that are confiscated or forfeited. Under existing law, those agencies can and do sell such guns.

Rochester, NY Churches to "Fight Illegal Guns"
Submitted by: David Shimm

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Members of Rochester's faith community gathered yesterday to announce their next step in helping city officials fight crime: the church group will make a "sizable donation" toward the gun-reduction effort, possibly including a "buyback" program.

Wisconsin Guns and Hunters' Rights
Submitted by: David Shimm

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An amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution that guarantees hunting, fishing and trapping rights, now before the state Legislature, is on the fast track for approval.

Support And Defend The Constitution
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Will we remain a federal constitutional republic with a government of limited powers or continue our drift toward a centralized, national plebiscitary democracy with an essentially unconstrained national government?" ask Edward Crane and David Boaz of the Cato Institute.

Seeds Were Planted For School Shootings in 1965
Submitted by: Skypod

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"1965 was a watershed year for the change-agents in their quest to turn American education from one oriented toward the development of the intellect and character to a centrally controlled laboratory of social and psychological experimentation." -Charles A. Morse

Washington S.B.5528 & H.B.1444 - Safe Schools/Bullying Bill
Submitted by: Skypod

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What you need to ask yourself if you are a citizen of Washington State: Would this bill actually protect children from being bullied? Or is it just one more example of Federal control over people's lives? Contact your WA Senetors and Reps to let them know what you think!

"From Shop to Criminal, Guns Pass Many Hands"
Submitted by: Skypod

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The findings are part of a Crime Gun Trace Report compiled for the first time by the Portland Police Bureau's Youth Gun Anti-Violence Task Force and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Maine Debate Rages Over Gun Bill
Submitted by: David Shimm

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Gun rights advocate Wilbur "Bud" Landry of Abbot told a legislative hearing that gun control advocates have disarmed school grounds and made classrooms more attractive for those seeking mayhem and revenge.

Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what have for dinner. — JAMES BOVARD (1994)

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