More Self-Defense Gun Stories
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Robert Morse
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You probably didn’t see this in the news, but again last week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Heather Reeves joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they prepared? (25-minute audio) |
WI: Kyle Rittenhouse trial delayed until fall
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Mark A. Taff
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There's a delay in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. The teen is accused of killing two protesters and injuring a third in Kenosha in August 2020.
Rittenhouse's trial was scheduled to start March 29 but in court Wednesday, March 10, the prosecutor and the defense agreed that’s too soon.
Both sides asked the judge for a new trial date. |
ID: House committee approves bill that would allow concealed carry in Idaho schools
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Mark A. Taff
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A controversial bill that would allow school staff members to carry concealed weapons on school property is moving forward in the Idaho Statehouse.
The House State Affairs Committee on Tuesday voted 11-2 along party lines to approve the measure.
If it becomes law, the bill would allow school district employees to carry a gun while working, so long as they obtain an enhanced concealed carry license. The gun would always have to remain on the employee and could not be put in a drawer or safe. |
These 11 Examples of Defensive Gun Use Undermine Push for More Gun Control
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Mark A. Taff
Website: http://www.marktaff.com
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March is Women’s History Month, yet Congress appears ready to celebrate in the worst way possible by creating more barriers for women who seek to exercise their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
While COVID-19-related bills have taken up much of the national spotlight, several gun control bills are primed for passage this week in the House. This is hardly surprising, given that just last month, President Joe Biden called on Congress to enact a plethora of new federal gun legislation. |
MS: Husband acquitted in shooting death of wife
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Mark A. Taff
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A Jones County man who claimed self-defense after shooting his wife five times was found not guilty of manslaughter. The jury deliberated for a little more than an hour-and-a-half before reaching the verdict that acquitted 45-year-old Whitney Kitchens for the shooting death of 43-year-old Erin Galaher in February 2018.
Jurors heard testimony that Galaher had a .22-caliber pistol and threatened to shoot Kitchens after he confronted her about having drugs in their house. Jurors also saw evidence that she had methamphetamine and other drugs in her system at the time of the shooting in their house on Oak Bowery Road. |
WV: Fourth Circuit Weighs Legal Arguments Over Roadside Detention of Gun Owner
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Mark A. Taff
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The Fourth Circuit heard arguments on Wednesday over whether officers had reasonable suspicion to briefly detain a man for openly carrying an AR-15 rifle in West Virginia.
In February 2018, Michael Walker, 24, was stopped by two Putnam County Sheriff’s deputies while strolling down Route 33 in West Virginia with an uncased AR-15-style rifle strapped to his back.
Corporal Brian Donohoe and Deputy Brandon Pauley, listed as defendants in Walker’s lawsuit over the stop, had responded to a 911 call from a concerned citizen who reported Walker for open carrying the semi-automatic rifle in a residential area within a mile of a school. |
NY: NRA Files Reply Brief Urging Supreme Court to Take Concealed Carry Case
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Mark A. Taff
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Today the NRA-ILA and the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association filed a reply brief asking the Supreme Court to hear a case challenging New York’s restrictive concealed-carry-licensing regime.
This case challenges New York’s requirement for applicants to demonstrate “proper cause” to carry a firearm. New York regularly uses this requirement to deny applicants. New York’s practice is unconstitutional because the Second Amendment “guarantees rights to ‘keep and bear arms’ to all ‘the people,’” the brief argues, not just to the select few that the state deems worthy. |
PA: Roommates Stop an Intruder
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Mark A. Taff
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You’re startled awake by a crashing sound. You feel the house shudder even though you’re in bed. It is three in the morning. You’re a 27 year old woman. Your female housemate is 26 years old. You yell to her and ask her if she is OK. You both look outside your bedrooms and see a man inside your home. Both of you shout for him to leave. You move toward him. He pushes you and then hits you. You run back to your bedroom to get your handgun. When you return, your attacker is fighting with your roommate. You shoot your attacker in the leg. Now he stops fighting. Your roommate calls 911 while you stand there holding your gun. |
Democrats want total ban on members carrying guns in the U.S. Capitol
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Mark A. Taff
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In the wake of the Jan. 6 assault on the United States Capitol and some members of Congress carrying firearms near the House floor, Democratic lawmakers are proposing a ban on guns in Congress.
"I've been pushing for years to change this outdated rule, knowing there was an inevitable risk in allowing members to carry guns in the Capitol," Rep. Jared Huffman, D-California, the primary sponsor of the ban, said in a statement. "While we'd like to think we could rely on common decency, we now have colleagues who are QAnon and white supremacist sympathizers, incite violence and insurrection, and have even bragged about bringing guns into the House chamber." |
IL: State Police sued over Concealed Carry License delays
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Mark A. Taff
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Four Illinois residents who have been waiting for months for their state-issued Concealed Carry Licenses are suing officials with the Illinois State Police for allegedly depriving them of their right to bear arms and right to due process.
The lawsuit, filed Friday by the four individuals as well as the Illinois State Rifle Association and the gun-rights group Second Amendment Foundation, claims the state’s concealed carry law is unconstitutional. |
Garland Confirmed as Attorney General
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Mark A. Taff
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Merrick Garland was confirmed as the U.S. attorney general on Wednesday by a 70-30 vote.
America’s 1st Freedom has reported extensively on Garland’s disbelief that the Second Amendment protects an individual right. He has already said that there is more “room” for gun control in President Joe Biden’s plans. His track record in Second Amendment cases runs counter to American freedom and any honest reading of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Bill of Rights. |
LA: Louisiana state GOP lawmaker pushing bill allowing concealed carry without permit
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Mark A. Taff
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A Louisiana GOP lawmaker is pushing a bill to allow concealed carry of firearms without a permit.
State Rep. Danny McCormick (R) introduced HB 16 in February, which would allow those who are 18 years of age or older and not prohibited from possessing a firearm under state or federal law to carry a gun without a permit.
The state currently requires concealed carry permits to carry guns. According to the Louisiana State Police, permits are available for for those that are 21 years old and take firearms training. |
SD: Opposition to ‘Stand Your Ground’: What’s really in HB 1212
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Mark A. Taff
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The fate of a controversial ‘stand your ground’ measure is now in the hands of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem after House Bill 1212 cleared the Senate on Monday. The bill, which was killed in the Senate Judiciary committee on March 4, was recovered via the ‘smoke out’ rule just hours later. The Senate voted 21-14 in favor of approving the bill.
In response to the question, Noem’s director of communications, Ian Fury, says, “Governor Noem supports that legislation.” |
IA: Iowa Gun Battle: Four Wounded, One Killed, Confusion, Bad Judgement, and Alcohol
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Mark A. Taff
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On 30 May 2020, a gunfight ensued at Sunset Village Mobile Home Park in Hiawatha, Iowa. In the end, one person was dead, three others were wounded, and 25 shots had been fired. The gunfight happened at the intersection of Sunset Lane and Wright Drive, a little before high noon.
The trouble started when Selena Straka, who was living in the trailer park with her sister, her brother-in-law, and her boyfriend, Tyler Bell, told her sister she had been walking in the trailer park, alone, when she was attacked by two unknown men. The brother-in-law started looking for the attackers, but no police were called. |
CO: Colorado Firearms Instructors: Repeal Government Training Class Regulations
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Mark A. Taff
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Guns For Everyone, the largest handgun training company in the state of Colorado, is voicing its support of HB21-1185, a bill being introduced in the Colorado legislature to repeal the onerous firearms training regulations inflicted on the citizens of Colorado.
The bill specifically seeks to repeal the state government’s authority to limit the sale, transfer or transportation of firearms during a disaster in the state, as well as repeal the prohibition on online or remote training in order to complete the requirements for Coloradans to apply for their concealed handgun permit. |
Republican Lawmaker Introduces Bill Blocking VA From Interfering With Veteran Gun Purchases
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Mark A. Taff
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Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy will introduce a bill Wednesday that prohibits the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) from sending information to the DOJ about veterans with a service-connected disability seeking to purchase a firearm.
The “Defending Veterans Second Amendment Rights Act” stops the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Denis McDonough, from transmitting information about VA beneficiaries to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), solely because that person has a service-connected disability, according to a copy of the bill obtained by the Daily Caller. |
OK: Senate approves measure declaring Oklahoma a Second Amendment sanctuary state
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Mark A. Taff
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The Oklahoma Senate is one step closer to making the state into a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
The measure was approved Tuesday to pass the Second Amendment State Act.
The bill now travels for approval to the Oklahoma House of Representatives, and it’s preventing local or federal laws on action against the right to keep and bear arms.
The bill is supported by 24 Oklahoma sheriff’s including BJ Hedgecock in Pushmataha County, Wayne McKinney in Stephens County and Marty Grisham in Love County. |
.356 TSW: A Comeback Kid?
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Mark A. Taff
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It wasn’t that long ago that Smith & Wesson and Federal Cartridge Company introduced a new 9 mm cartridge. It was 1993, and the new cartridge was the .356 TSW (Team Smith & Wesson, sometimes abbreviated as .356 TS&W). It was made for IPSC and USPSA shooters as a major power factor round for Limited division competition. Rated to launch a 147-grain bullet to 1,240 f.p.s. from a 5-inch barrel, .356 TSW would produce a 182-power factor. |