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Newslinks for 3/14/2011

ATF Should Change Its Name to WTF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was tough picking a Liberal to lampoon for today’s column. ... I was tyrannized with too many options upon which to opine ..." ...

"What finally drew my ire and ink was the underreported story about how, according to Alan M. Gottlieb, Chairman of the [CCRKBA], the Obama Administration and members of Congress are still trying to take away our Second Amendment rights, especially in the wake of the Tucson shootings."

"And I quote: 'The ATF has a very political agenda in mind, and that is to take away your gun rights—even if it means allowing gun sales to criminals so they can present 'evidence' to the administration that the Second Amendment should be restricted or abolished!'" ...

Second Amendment Culture Wars: Eastern Elites vs. Gun-Friendly Red States
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Consider how Americans on opposite sides of the liberal-conservative divide are viewing the gun-rights debates underway in at least nine state legislatures. According to Eastern elites, lawmakers are doing the unthinkable: They're debating whether to eliminate so-called 'gun-free zones' on public college and university campuses; such zones exist in 22 states, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Texas is considered the most likely to pass such legislation, with a vote possible this March. Only Utah allows concealed carry holders on its campuses." ...

Newsweek Hearts "Gun-safety advocates"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Gun grabbers' is an inflammatory name for gun control advocates. After all, these firearms-focused folk don't want to prise guns from [the cold, dead fingers of] Americans lawfully exercising their Second Amendment right to bear arms. No, they want to change the laws so that most Americans can’t get their hands on guns in the first place. ... As a certain non-presidential presidential hopeful likes to say, how’s that workin’ out for ya? Not good. You know gun control is on the ropes when Newsweek has to invent a new name for their poster children . . ." ...

The Truth About Mexican Drug Cartels’ Weaponry. Again. Still.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Most of the weapons used by criminal groups in Mexico (40 to 60%) comes from the United States. According to the Department of Homeland Security U.S. government, 40% of the weapons introduced in Mexico fall into the hands of drug traffickers.' That’s forty percent of ALL the weapons introduced into Mexico, including those sold to Mexico by our good friends at Bushmaster, Colt, etc. The first stat also includes U.S. weapons sold to other South American governments which find their way north. Including some very heavy weapons indeed. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Barely relevant but very cool video available (hey, any excuse to show slo-mo explosions!).

What makes the gun owners so nervous?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Let me say here that I support the right of law-abiding people to own weapons and carry them concealed if they want. ..." ...

"My guess is that a lot of guys are drawn to guns the same way they're drawn to the tool department at Home Depot: They like fine, precision machinery, and guns are the ultimate power tool."

"What I don't understand is the — shall we say — nervous attitude of many gun owners. So what if your names are made public?" ...

Submitter's Note: 'So what if our names are made public'? Kevin, you might "support the right of law-abiding people to own weapons and carry them concealed if they want", but not everyone is of a like mind. I once had a former boss literally wet herself when she saw me carrying. Another time when I took off my cover garment so my doctor could examine me, she saw my gun, paled and fled the examining room, not returning until hospital security had taken my weapon. Tell me, do you think either of these people would willingly hire someone they knew had a permit to carry or FOID? Hoplophobia is real, and it is irrational, and some of us don't feel like being discriminated against just because we have are certified non-criminal, non-insane, non-substance-abusing, gun-owning citizens.

Self-Defense Tip: Two Ways to Enter a Room
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun gurus call doorways the 'funnel of death.' The bad guy knows you’re coming and you’re perfectly framed in the doorway. To quote the old Rowan & Martin sign-off, say goodnight Dick. The best way to avoid that fate: avoid doorways. For example, if you’re in your house and you hear a crash bang noise downstairs (i.e. through several doorways), don’t go downstairs. Use the doorway thing to your advantage. Position yourself on the other side of a doorway, aim your weapon (low ready’s good) and wait. Of course, life’s never quite that neat. You may have to go through a doorway to gather friendlies, get to a weapon or escape a BG. So, there are two very different approaches for going through doors . . ." ...

Question of the Day: Do You Fantasize About Killing a Creep?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mikeb302000 has deigned to bless us with his presence again, adding his unique perspective on questions of firearms responsibility and legislative control. Back on his own site, Mikeb’s posted a clip of Robert Diro’s famous 'Are you talking to me?' monologue from Taxi Driver underneath the headline 'The Great Fantasy of All Gun Owners.' Obviously, the gun control advocate wants some goats trip trapping on his bridge. And yet I think it’s a legitimate question. Because yes, I do 'fantasize' about using my gun in a self-defense scenario . . ." ...

Guns on campus? Expect tragedy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-friendly Arizona and Texas are among about a dozen states considering versions of bills to allow university professors and students to bring loaded guns into their classrooms to defend themselves against 'gunmen.'"1 ...

"The drafters of these bills seem to have an image of peaceful students, bent over their books, suddenly attacked by gunslingers who materialize from nowhere. They ignore that students can and do shoot people on campus." ...

1Submitter's Note: And "muggers" and "rapists" and "thugs" and ...

Mayors Against Illegal Guns Statement on President Obama's Comments on Gun Policy
Submitted by: NYSRPA-PVF

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... "Today, President Obama signaled he has heard the message of more than 550 mayors - Republicans, Democrats, and independents - who support common-sense reform of our broken gun background check system. Our coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns has proposed a straightforward plan to fix the problem the President discussed: people who are legally prohibited from owning guns can easily buy them. First, we must ensure that all records of prohibited purchasers like criminals, drug abusers, domestic violence offenders and the seriously mentally ill are in the federal background check system. Second, we should make sure every gun seller performs a simple background check." ...

Smart bombs: On Safety (second item)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Idaho is on the same trajectory as many other states that want to lift the bans on guns in public places. Emboldened by recent court victories that expand the right to bear arms, many legislators are raising fears about public safety in the hopes of lowering resistance to widespread gun-toting."

"College campuses are the lawmakers’ favorite target, thanks to the mass murders at Virginia Tech University in 2007. But it’s questionable that increased safety is the goal, because a better way to prevent that kind of tragedy is being widely ignored." ...

Dancing On Graves
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) seeks 'to secure freedom from gun violence through research, strategic engagement and effective policy advocacy' according to their self-description. There is a lot of things you can say about CSGV and their methods."

"However, classy isn't one of them." ...

IN: Gun bill puts community safety in danger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There is an extremely troublesome bill under consideration at the Statehouse that is of great concern to mayors and police chiefs across Indiana."

"Imagine you are enjoying a spring day at the park with your kids and suddenly you hear gunfire yards away. You quickly grab your family and find cover only to realize the noise is coming from someone firing a gun for target practice in the same serene green space. Terrified, you call 911 to report the incident. Your trauma turns to outrage when you learn that it's no longer against the law in Indiana to shoot a gun at a city park. Worse, the police can't do anything about it." ...

Submitter's Note: I would never accuse Wayne, Steve, and Bryan of professional misconduct by failing to perform proper research, so they must just be lying.
Indiana Criminal Code 35-42-2-2 - Criminal recklessness:
(b) A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally performs:
(1) an act that creates a substantial risk of bodily injury to another person ... commits criminal recklessness.
(c) The offense of criminal recklessness as defined in subsection (b) is:
(2) a Class D felony if:
(A) it is committed while armed with a deadly weapon

NC: Guns for self-defense increase safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Except for police and security officers, guns are prohibited on college campuses in North Carolina. This policy only serves to limit the rights of responsible adults and actually makes campuses less safe."

"Public officials in North Carolina are considering liberalizing gun laws to allow them to better defend themselves. Legislators should follow other states and consider giving students more self-defense options as well." ...

NC: Keep campuses safe from guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Advocates for liberalized gun control laws like to say that guns don’t kill people, people do. But guns make it a whole lot easier. On a college campus, where students come to learn and grow, allowing students to carry guns — even for the stated purpose of protection — would only compound the problem of homicides, suicides and accidental gun deaths."

"I have never personally felt the need to carry a weapon on campus and would definitely feel uncomfortable knowing that others were allowed. And while it is true that we as a society do not have the capacity to restrict all criminals from carrying guns everywhere, current laws are largely effective. Adding more firearms to the mix will not make anyone safer." ...

Shotzberger on Obama’s Gun Control Editorial
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Reading Barack Obama’s gun control editorial, I admit I was surprised. Surprised that the three points made actually were… somewhat reasonable (if flawed, analysis below). The FBI’s NICS background check system for gun purchases and permits is broken in its current form. It does a wonderful a job keeping me from taking home my transfers the same day I start the paperwork. [Thank you to whoever it was with a name and social similar to mine that decided to murder a bunch of people, resulting in me getting flagged and delayed EVERY transfer for not less than 24 hours.] The NICS is also notorious for not providing accurate data on those prohibited from owning firearms. In short: it sucks at both." ...

Will POTUS Op-Ed on Gun Violence Reopen Gun Debate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an op-ed penned for the Arizona Daily Star, President Obama lays out where he thinks the discussion on gun laws should go. In raising the issues of guns, it appears Obama is ready to reopen one of the country’s most volatile political issues." ...

In Op-Ed, President Obama Advocates For ‘Common Sense’ Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On a smaller platform than some may have hoped, President Obama wrote an op-ed in today’s Arizona Daily Star launching his intention to tackle serious and 'common sense' gun control. Two months after the Tucson, Arizona shooting tragedy, Obama seems to be searching for middle ground on the issue in an effort to protect 'our children’s futures.'"

"Obama first reaffirmed he has no intention of confiscating guns:" ...

Submitter's Note: Indeed there is no need to 'confiscate guns' when you can just drive firearm sellers out of business and expand the list of 'prohibited persons' until those few people who are permitted to buy guns can't find a retailer.

President Obama: We must seek agreement on gun reforms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But one clear and terrible fact remains. A man our Army rejected as unfit for service; a man one of our colleges deemed too unstable for studies; a man apparently bent on violence, was able to walk into a store and buy a gun."

"He used it to murder six people and wound 13 others. And if not for the heroism of bystanders and a brilliant surgical team, it would have been far worse." ...

Obama wants better checks on gun buyers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Obama called for more effective background checks for gun sales after the January shooting rampage in Arizona that killed six people and wounded 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords." ...

The Foggy Bottom spin doctors dance faster to Mexican pressure & Hillary's demands. "There is no contradiction."
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This just in: word from sources familiar with the inner workings of the State Department is that Hillary is, as has been reported here before, some kind of urinated off about the Obama administration's inability to properly execute a cover-up. However, when I asked 'which way is she going to jump on this?' one of sources said, 'THAT I don't know. There's hints both ways. She's playing her cards close to the pants suit.' Meanwhile, the floggings have begun below decks, and the resultant spinning is classic:" ...

ATF Lied, Mexicans Died
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've been thinking about this all day, but Alvie put the bellows to the furnace and brought the metal to a bright white color in my mind. It has been driving me crazy that Barack Obama had a press conference today and not one single question was asked about Project Gunwalker. ..."

"Am I crazy to think that a scandal that has finally gotten some light shed on it over the past few weeks isn't worthy of comment? ..." ...

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I think the proper term to describe this press release is not clarification but spin. This is especially true when you examine this map of recovered firearms for Operation Fast and Furious[.pdf file]. It was released by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona. It shows 372 firearms recovered in the United States and 195 firearms recovered in Mexico. So if the U.S. Attorney's Office says 195 firearms were recovered in Mexico, is this just 'an allegation'?" ...

Scandal? What scandal? Hypocrite Obama pushes new gun control measures "to prevent future bloodshed." Shouldn't he get a handle on the ATF first?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I can't believe this."

"The President whose administration is apparently still in the middle of executing a conspiracy against the Second Amendment by encouraging the smuggling of firearms to cartels and bandit gangs wants us to be 'reasonable' and exercise 'common sense' on further restrictions of our own liberties. He doesn't talk about the data base problems where innocents get rejected because of 'false positives.' Or how giving the feds even more power over people will make any of the rest of us safer. And you can bet your ass that the restrictions on 'mental health' will be drawn until anybody with a contrary political opinion is rejected." ...

FL: Greg Evers Weekly Wrap-Up: Septic Tanks, Gun Open Carry, Health Care
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This week marked the beginning of the 2011 legislative session. I am working hard with my fellow legislators to represent and serve the people of District 2 ..." ...

"Senate Bill 234, relating to the open carry of firearms, ... will be up for a vote on the afternoon of Monday, March 14th in the Senate Criminal Justice Committee. During a committee meeting this past week, the bill was amended to remove the provision that would have allowed for concealed carry license holders to carry firearms on college campuses ..." ...

IL: Concealed carry gets new push
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the help of a new freshman class and a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the hotly contested measure that will allow people to carry concealed firearms might have a chance of winning approval this year." ...

"'The city of Chicago is behind the eight ball, so to speak, and they know they aren’t going to be able to stop people from using their Second Amendment right — and it’s a right, not a privilege,' [sponsoring Rep. Brandon] Phelps said." ...

WV: 2011 Legislative Session Ends with NO Gun-Related Legislation Passing
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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"The 2011 regular session of the West Virginia Legislature ended at midnight with good news and bad news for West Virginia gun owners."

"The good news: Once again, as we have done every year since 2007, WVCDL helped stop every anti-gun bill that surfaced." ...

CA: Suit challenges discretion in issuing gun permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The nationwide debate over liberalizing gun laws spilled into a federal courtroom in Sacramento on Thursday as gun-rights groups challenged how much discretion California's law enforcement officials have in issuing concealed weapons permits."

"Gun-rights advocates argued that county sheriffs, who handle most such permits, must issue them to anyone who completes a training course and has no mental health problems or criminal background." ...

NY: Long Island cop killed in friendly fire incident identified as Geoffrey Breitkopf, 12-year-veteran
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Gentile, a second MTA cop and about eight uniformed Nassau police officers were outside a Massapequa Park house where a knife-wielding satanist had just been gunned down when Breitkopf, 40, pulled up with his partner, officials said."

"He was in an unmarked car, wearing plain clothes and approached the property with a rifle at his side, authorities said."

"Not realizing Breitkopf was a cop, Gentile shot him." ...

NC: Yancey deputy on paid leave pending investigation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yancey County Sheriff Gary Banks has placed a deputy on paid leave pending an investigation into whether the officer pawned a departmental weapon."

"Banks did not name the deputy in a written statement about the matter ..." ...

AL: Limestone County man shot in search warrant mix-up gets $500,000 legal settlement
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A man shot by Huntsville SWAT team members during a search warrant mix-up will receive $500,000 from the city."

"City Attorney Peter Joffrion said the settlement agreement means that Kenneth Wayne Jamar will remove the city and the officers involved in the shooting from his ongoing federal lawsuit." ...

"'This is not to be construed as an admission of guilt' [Joffrion said]." ...

TX: Off-Duty Border Patrol Agent Allegedly Pulls Gun In Street Altercation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"El Paso Police have charged a 29-year old [Border Patrol Agent] with two counts of Aggravated Assault with a deadly weapon after an incident that allegedly occurred Wednesday morning." ...

"Pugh allegedly pointed a handgun at the two men and one of the men saw a red dot on his chest. Pugh then allegedly demanded one of victims to get on his knees and apologize." ...

MI: Police officer under investigation resigns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"City officials say that a police officer who was being investigated by the Michigan State Police has resigned." ...

"City officials would not comment on what the allegations against Paravas were, or any other details surrounding the hearing or his resignation." ...

Submitter's Note: No name, no allegations . . . I wonder if SPD is so reticent when perps are not members of the 'Blue Brotherhood'.

MI: Fired Warren cop may face criminal charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Intravia admits he had the illicit drug in the glove box of his car last July. However, he and his attorney insist the three small packets were illegally seized by a veteran Warren police commander they accuse of lying about where he first spotted evidence during a traffic stop."

"The sergeant, Timothy Maniere, was fired last month. County prosecutors are mulling criminal charges against him." ...

WI: Former Waupaca County Sheriff's Deputy gets drug charge sentence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former deputy of the Waupaca County Sheriff's Department was placed on probation for two years for misdemeanor convictions of possession of cocaine and possession of a prescription drug." ...

FL: Flagler Beach Police Officer Brett Smith Jailed on DUI Charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Flagler Beach patrolman was arrested for driving under the influence Saturday evening after Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies found him passed out in his personal vehicle in the Daytona North area around 5:20 p.m." ...

IL: Amish Gun Owners Face Tough Choice
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Amish gun owners in Illinois face a showdown over their religious teachings and their Second Amendment rights, after a change in policy may require them to have their picture taken for their Firearm Owners Identification card ..."

"The Amish have a religious edict against having their photo taken. Up till now, the state had allowed them to obtain an FOID card without a photo, as is required of every other gun owner. But last month, the state police director reversed that policy, and said photos would be required of every gun owner, Amish or not." ...

MO: Jennings Police Department Now Defunct
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Jennings police department is now a chapter in a history book."

"The city of Jennings has shut down its troubled police department and contracted out the work to the St. Louis County Police Department." ...

TN: Local college joins gun bill opposition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Columbia State Community College is joining institutions across the state in opposition to a bill that would allow educators to carry guns in the classrooms of Tennessee’s colleges."

"House Bill 2014, which is accompanied by a bill in the state Senate, would allow permit-holding gun owners who are full-time faculty and staff to bring firearms to public college campuses across the state ..." ...

IL: Less emotion, more common sense needed in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The argument over gun rights seems to be coming to a head in the state's capital, between a ruling from the Attorney General's Office that the identities of Illinois gun permit holders are public information and a bill picking up steam that would permit concealed carry of handguns in the Land of Lincoln." ...

FL: Independent Poll Shows Strong Support For Open Carry Of Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Independent poll by Open Market Research, Inc. shows strong support for open carry bill, says WCTV-TV"

"WCTV-TV in Tallahassee is reporting results of two new independent polls show strong support for Florida Senate Bill 234."

"The bill, would reverse the current general ban on the open carry of firearms, and would remove Florida from the list of only seven states in which the practice is prohibited." ...

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