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Newslinks for 3/15/2001

NY ALERT: Gov. Pataki Proposes Stiffer Gun Penalties
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Gov. George Pataki is targeting gun traffickers, proposing yesterday to toughen penalties for sales and possession of illegal firearms. Pataki wants to lower the number of guns, from 20 to 3, that it takes to trigger felony charges of possessing illegal firearms. Possessing 10 or more illegal weapons would be a felony carrying a 5- to 25-year sentence, as would selling 20 or more." ~ Contact your NY Legislators

Massachusetts Proposed as Gun-Control Model
Submitted by: Skypod

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MA is a gun-control model alright: full of defenseless "citizens".

'Trigger Happy'
Submitted by: Angel Shamaya

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"Fear and anger made her buy the gun -- but the last thing a young New York editor expected was for her new .45-caliber automatic to bring her true happiness. A politically incorrect love story."

D.O.J. 'COPS in Schools' Program Grants
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The grants are awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice to police departments throughout the United States. The funding is available for new police officers to be deployed as School Resource Officers in public schools. The maximum size of each grant is $125,000 per officer."

Bush Identifies "Measures" to Reduce School Violence
Submitted by: Skypod

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"U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft plans on instructing U.S. attorneys to aggressively enforce laws aimed at keeping guns out of the hands of children. In addition, the Bush administration is working on appointing special prosecutors for involvement in cases with juvenile gun offenders."

Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"In a republic ... citizens had intrinsic value-to protect them was the purpose of government. In an empire, people are material for the rulers to do with as they wish. They may be expended in the interest of or even for the whims of rulers. What have we learned in the decade of Bush Senior and Clinton? ... Consider: ... A boy doing what Jefferson called the best training for character-exploring the woods with a long gun-would, in many places, be seized by the government for re-education."

NM: House OKs Concealed Handguns!
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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SANTA FE — A bill that would allow New Mexicans to carry concealed handguns handily passed the House on Tuesday and sped toward the Senate.

NC ALERT: "Lock Up Your Safety" Introduced in North Carolina
Submitted by: Skypod

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"H.B.320, the Burglar and Rapist Protection Act, would require honest, law-abiding gun owners to either keep their firearm unloaded, in a locked container and with the ammunition stored separately or unloaded with a government mandated "Lock Up Your Safety" device." -GOA

Contact your NC State Congressmembers to OPPOSE this bill!

Tragic Accidents Plague Family, Handgun
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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Careless people continue to blame the tool:

"One gun has been responsible over a period of three years for a severe hand injury, two deaths and a blown-out window — all within one New Mexico family and all due to accidental discharges."

NM: 2 boys suspended for "inappropriate comments"
Submitted by: Rich Henderson-Gragg

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The first ammendment is under direct attack in public schools:

"Mayfield High School was locked down Wednesday after someone heard a conversation between two boys, one of whom said 'judgment day was coming' ... The two boys were questioned and suspended, even though their comments were not serious threats."

TN ALERT: House Legislation would let TBI Deny Firearm Sales
Submitted by: Skypod

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The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) would have authority to block the sale of a firearm to any potential buyer charged with a felony or with domestic violence under legislation discussed in a state House subcommittee yesterday. The TBI already is following such a practice but needs a state law passed allowing it to continue. (emphasis mine) Contact your TN Legislators

GA ALERT: Sneak Attack & Legislative Update
Submitted by: Skypod

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1. "Rumor has it that anti-gunners in the Senate will amend a House bill with language that would require gun owners to use a "Lock Up Your Safety" device whenever there is even a chance a child might be in the presence of a firearm." -GOA
Tell your state legislators to OPPOSE any "Lock Up Your Safety" additions to ANY bill!

2. Two pro-self-defense bills were defeated by anti-gunners on the Rules Committee ~ see link for details.

West Lee Middle School: Student Searches Begin
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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Follow up on yesterdays report of Lee North Carolina Middle School where two students brought guns to school. Now all students have to go through a search and metal detectors.

Man suspected of having gun at Sacramento Airport
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"It was also unclear how the man got near the airport grounds with a weapon, airport spokesman Gregg Weissenfluh said". ~~That is a true statement. How he had any weapon in Kalifornia is suspicious. Isn't it a crime to own a weapon in Kalifornia?
KABA Note: Not yet, but they are working hard at it.

Anti-gunners Target Constitution
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Jon E. Dougherty: "Just because the vehement anti-gunners in the former Clinton administration have left Washington D.C. don't imagine for a moment that Washington's most vociferous anti-gun lackeys have left with them."

The boyz-in-the-burbs Myth
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Paul Sperry: "But gun violence is not out of control. The suburbs are not a more dangerous place. Nor are white kids more dangerous.

And for every school shooting you hear hyped on TV, there are thousands of other schools who have never had such an incident.

The only thing out of control is the liberal media elite, who blow such tragedies out of proportion to serve their gun-bashing agenda (while boosting their ratings)."

School Shooters Don't Know Right From Wrong
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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Tanya Metaksa: "The juvenile criminals among us are proof that our nation has lost its moral fiber. The Judeo-Christian value system, which has been the basis of two centuries of American ethics, has been badly eroded during the last decade. We have replaced the Ten Commandments with a new system of relativity."

Three Teens Face 'Exile' Gun Counts
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Gun at school: illegal and dumb, no doubt. Disturbing is the fact that no criminal histories were mentioned. Can 'Exile' legally be invoked for FIRST offense, or is it "mission creep"? Isn't 'Exile' supposed to be used against "convicted felons with guns"?

Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch: "'Petersburg Exile' is modeled after Richmond's 'Project Exile', under which those convicted can face mandatory five-year sentences. The teens qualify because they are older than 14..."

Father of murdered Columbine student stuns House Judiciary Committee
Submitted by: Chicago farmer

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Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee.

They were not prepared for what he was to say, nor was it received well. It needs to be heard by every parent, every teacher, politician, sociologist, psychologist, and so-called expert! These courageous words spoken by Darrell Scott are powerful, penetrating, and deeply personal.

Stupid Is As Stupid Learns
Submitted by: glen biddle

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Walter Williams explains how the intentional dumbing down of American Education has allowed an erosion of our rights. All the while the educators and Democratic politicians have worked hand in hand to ensure so called educational excellence. NOT!

All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void. — Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. (2 Cranch) 137 (1803)

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