"Stand For Children Day" 2001, June 1
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"Building Our Voice and Vision for All Children" will consist of Town Hall Meetings across the country to discuss the needs of local children and to develop a clear vision of how communities should support children and families. The results from the thousands of Stand For Children Day 2001 events will be shared at Stand For Children's first convention in Washington, DC at the end of June. ~~~~~ KABA Note: Get Involved - be a Voice for Gun Rights! |
The "Success" Side of American (Public) "Education"
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"By some criteria, American education might be deemed a remarkable success. Let's look at it: Pretend you're a politician or high-level bureaucrat seeking low accountability standards, as well as more power and control over American lives. Which would you prefer: ignorant and uninformed constituents, or ones who are educated and informed?" -Walter Williams |
Scalia Slams 'Living Document' Philosophy
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Justice Scalia insisted that only his approach - interpreting the Constitution based on the Framers' precise words and the meaning they intended at the time - can preserve the Constitution's guiding principles. "The Constitution is not an organism," the justice said, "it is a legal document." |
Tin Man in the Emerald City
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"Why did Seattle's police stand by and do nothing while Kristopher Kime was beaten to death in front of their eyes? Three hundred riot-suited police officers -- to a man -- followed the orders of police chief Gil Kerlikowske: Don't break up the city's fun on 'Fat Tuesday'." |
Pro-Gun Organization Announces Safe Schools Initiative
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"In 1974 Israel armed volunteer parents and grandparents and asked them to patrol their schools and grounds. They have not had a child killed in school since they put this program in place. Even though Israel is the target of terrorists and other violent radicals, they have not had one child killed in twenty seven years! ... John Bender, Executive Director of SUSSA, said, "We want to make our schools safe and stop the killings. Israel has a program that is tested and proven to work." |
Should Guns Be Part of a Patient Profile?
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"If Jeremiah Barondess, the patrician elder statesman of the New York medical community, has his way, the average doctor’s examination in the near future will include questions not only about a patient’s consumption of red meat and alcohol, but of ammunition, too. Dr. Barondess, who is president of the august New York Academy of Medicine, thinks physicians should know if their patients have guns in the house. Some 600,000 doctors nationwide are seconding that opinion." |
Where it's a crime NOT to own a gun
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There is a town in Utah that finds government intrusion into their life very annoying. So the town council passed a law REQUIRING everyone to own a firearm... |
Swiss seek stricter controls on light weapons
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We have heard about it and been warned this was coming since 1993. Now, the French and the Swiss are looking to the U.N. to stop and control the sale and proliferation of small arms. |
Gun found at school in Durham, NC
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G. Hughes
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"Walden (the suspect) was arrested several times last year on charges of larceny,possesion of marijuana up to half an ounce and reckless driving." ~~The suspect said he brought the gun to school for protection. With a record like that I wonder what he was afraid of? ~~~~~ KABA Note: The article also says that there was no indication he intended to harm anyone. |
Deputy fired after leaving gun in school sink
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Gibson County, IN Sheriff fired a reserve deputy who left a loaded 9mm pistol in a high school bathroom sink. The incident occurred Saturday, while Deputy Wallace worked security at a music festival at Princeton High School. A school student who found the gun turned it over to his mother. Wallace said he had gone to the restroom because he was having trouble with the gun weighing down his belt. |
.50 Caliber Shooters Respond
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John Rich
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John Burtt of the Fifty Caliber Shooter's Association makes their official position statement in response to Senator Diane Feinstein's latest attempt to restrict .50 caliber firearms with her recently introduced Senate Bill S.505. Her speech introducing the Bill was highlighted here in the Newslinks for Tuesday, March 13.
Link posted with permission from John Burtt and the FCSA. |
GOOD NEWS for Illinois! - Daley FAILS
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"Mayor Richard Daley's proposal to limit the number of handguns that people in Illinois can buy to one a month narrowly failed Wednesday in a House committee along with other gun control measures.
Fewer than half of the gun control proposals Daley has pushed survived the House Judiciary Committee." |
Michigan Governor John Engler wins special award from the MMM
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Rich Henderson-Gragg
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The MillionMomMarch awards The Time Out Chair to Michigan Governor John Engler, who kicked off the new year by signing Public Act 381, which takes affect July 1, 2001, making almost any Michigan adult able to carry a concealed handgun nearly anywhere. ~~I think we should congratulate him in winning this "coveted" award. |
"Security or Threat"? (NM)
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Beth Robak says that if a proposed state law allowing qualified New Mexicans to carry a loaded, concealed handgun passes, she'd be among those in line for a license. The class she is taking, introduction to handguns, includes material applicants would be required to master to get a license. "I think for women it's really important," Robak said of carrying a concealed gun for self defense. |
'Guns and Poses'
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glen biddle
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Blaming guns not the answer. Conservative values are the answer. No nonsense editorial about the real causes of violence today. |
"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling in terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? [...] The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" —Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago (Chapter 1 "Arrest") |