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Newslinks for 3/16/2018

MI: Our editorial: Keep focus on student safety
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Following the horrific school shooting last month in Parkland, Florida, that left 17 dead, seeing and hearing students speak out about their safety makes a strong impression. While students have a right to voice their concerns, forces behind the Wednesday walkouts are using these young people to make a political case for gun control.

And this coordinated effort was far from organic. The Women’s March, a far-left movement that has shut out conservatives, was key to organizing the student walkouts. Using the #Enough hashtag, the Women’s March put together a whole webpage offering tips and a toolkit for students and other school activists.


Are Schools Safe and Growing Safer?
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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How safe are our schools? Are they growing safer or more dangerous? You would think those simple questions would be well covered given the extensive media time we’ve devoted to the Parkland, Florida murders.

You don’t know the answers because the media never told you. It is easier for the media and politicians to manipulate you if you are uninformed. For a moment, let’s try to understand rather than inflame.

WA: Police: Practicing with self-defense tools can help keep you safe
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police claim the key to protecting yourself is knowing how to use self-defense tools properly.

There are many ways to defend yourself. A few of them include tasers, pepper spray, holding keys with your fist.

KREM 2 asked police if one is really better than another.

Police said each tool is different. So the key is to know how to use what you are carrying.

WY: Stand Your Ground Legislation Becomes Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Today, Governor Matt Mead stated that he allowed important self-defense legislation, House Bill 168, to become law at midnight last night without his signature.

Under House Bill 168, a law-abiding citizen who has not initiated the conflict would have no duty to retreat from any place where the person is lawfully present before using force to defend themselves. The proposed legislation would also clarify that a person who faces a civil lawsuit because of the allegedly improper use of defensive force may apply to a court for a determination of the use of force issue prior to trial.

Gun owner and competitive shooter travels on both side of the Canada/U.S. border
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The solution to mass shootings, including those in schools, is resistance. That’s the opinion of longtime firearms user Dennis Robinson in response to the Parkland school shooting.

He points to instances where the crowd stood up to their attackers and likely reduced the overall casualty and injury count, such as Flight 93, and the Long Island train incident.

FL: Violent fight caught on camera at Westside High
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Under section 2.12 in the code of conduct, self-defense is described as “an action to block an attack by another person or to shield yourself from being hit by another person.”

A student will not be disciplined if the retaliation meets that definition, per DCPS.

However, if the student retaliates by hitting a person back, that is not considered self-defense, according to the code of conduct.

Ed.: So self-defense in FL is limited to standing there getting beaten to death. If a student hits a mass murderer, will the student be expelled, if they survive?

WA: Time to ban the AR-15
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It’s time to ban assault weapons. The AR-15 is a killing machine, period. It is not a weapon for use by homeowners for safety or hunting. The Second Amendment reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Webster’s defines “militia” as citizens enrolled and drilled as soldiers.

MN: Minnesota student holding pro-Second Amendment sign escorted off campus during National Walkout Day
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A student participating in National Walkout Day Wednesday holding a sign in support of gun rights was escorted off school property and threatened to be put in a police car.

The student at New Prague High School in Minnesota was peacefully protesting with a sign that said, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” when he was escorted off of school property by the principal, according to a Wednesday post on Facebook by user Kenny MacDonald.

NM: Second Amendment is a travesty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Second Amendment to the Constitution is a joke, a travesty that has resulted in more deaths of American citizens that all the wars we have waged in 230 years. It uses the imagined device of militias to explain its declaration of the “right” to own a gun. There hasn’t been a militia in the United States in 150 years, and the slaughter continues.

Young America's Foundation Announces New Second Amendment Initiatives For High School Students
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Young America's Foundation announced two new initiatives this week promoting Second Amendment rights for high school students across the country.

"First, for any school participating in a walk out or similar program that interrupts instructional time, Young America’s Foundation will help students host a lecture during an all-school assembly on gun safety and the importance of the Second Amendment. If schools use taxpayer-funded instructional time for political purposes to oppose a God-given freedom, it is only fair to provide an opportunity for an alternative educational lecture on gun safety and the Second Amendment," Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) National Chairman Grant Strobl released in a statement.

CA: San Diego County Gun Owners To Hold California Gun Laws Convention Saturday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns have been the focus of a lot of attention this week. The National Student Walkout Wednesday took place in remembrance of the 17 people killed in Parkland, Florida last month and urged lawmakers to put more restrictions on guns.

On the other side of the debate — this Saturday, a gun show and a California Gun Laws Convention at the Del Mar Fairgrounds is expected to bring together gun rights advocates, many of whom feel there are already too many restrictions on gun ownership, especially in California.

RI: Gun-rights defenders are cowards who lack insight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The people who marched at the Rhode Island State House for gun rights and all the morons who believe assault weapons should be available to the public need to hear the truth. They are cowards who lack the intelligence to imagine a better world.

WA: Armed teachers: Too many questions, no good answers
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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All the discussions about arming teachers seem to assume any shot fired will hit the desired target, yet we know statistically that is not the case.

What do we do when a shot fired by an armed teacher misses the active shooter and accidentally hits a student? Do we extend them the same protections we accord police when responding to an active shooter?

WY: Kudos to Governor Mead for getting the state out of churches
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Monday, March 12, Governor Mead signed HEA 34 (HB 141). This not a gun bill; it is a government bill. “Concealed Weapons in Places of Worship” is not about whether concealed weapons will be in places of worship or not. It is about whether church or state decides the matter, and whether it is enforced by guns or by the Word of God.”

Short of armed guards and metal detectors, the only people who can keep guns out of the sanctuary are the worshipers themselves. This is as obviously true as it is routinely forgotten.

CA: Students lead gun protests
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Stay focused and don’t be distracted by the shiny object. The folks at the National Rifle Association want proponents of common sense gun laws to do the opposite.

In the wake of last month’s mass shooting at a Florida high school, the NRA proposed an absurd and outlandish idea to arm teachers in schools to prevent attacks, even though there is little evidence that a “good guy with a gun is the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun,” as NRA supporters like to parrot.

CA: In Just Three Weeks, Interest in California Rifle & Pistol Association Grows Substantially
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In just a few short weeks following the tragedy in Florida, the hotly-contested debate about what’s next continues to grow. But while the media pushes a narrative that Americans simply want more gun control now, numbers suggest the alternative.

“Just in the past three weeks, requests to become a member of the California Rifle & Pistol Association have skyrocketed – we’ve seen an increase in memberships by 400%,” said Rick Travis, Executive Director of CRPA. “Californians are truly concerned about how much longer they’ll be able to protect their homes and families and to shoot for sport without that right taken away,” he continued.

Beneath the gun debate: Bonding and nostalgia
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Wendy Lackomar, 41, remembers vividly the first time she shot a gun. She was a 12-year-old girl and her father, a marine, was target shooting. He was using a Soviet-designed SKS rifle.

“I was trying to be all cool and stuff because I didn’t want my dad to think I was weak or anything like that,” she said. He showed her how to hold and aim the weapon. “I pulled that trigger and I thought my right shoulder was ending up underneath my left ear. Honestly, the very first time it was weird, it scared the living hell out of me. It really did because I couldn’t imagine the amount of kick or anything that it had.”

MO: Jury believes St. Louis man's self-defense claim, finding him not guilty in 2016 killing
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A St. Louis man who stabbed another 13 times during a fight in the Baden neighborhood was found not guilty Wednesday night of murder.

Terrell McDaniel 36, of the 4800 block of Sacramento, stood trial this week in St. Louis Circuit Court on charges of second-degree murder and armed criminal action.

WV: At work with Alison: Defense in Depth
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week, Alison Kaiser went to check out Defense in Depth: a new gun range in Morgantown.

At 20,000 square feet, Defense in Depth is the largest indoor shooting facility in the state.

"We're really one of a kind and we're very proud of our staff and our facilities," said Nick DeMedici, the general manager and director of training. Medici has a lifelong knowledge of firearms; most of his training comes from the years he spent working in law enforcement.

VA: All gun control bills defeated in 2018 Virginia General Assembly
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Well, even though the Democrats are now 49 out of 100 in the General Assembly, the gun bills generally go to a small-small committee disproportional to the numbers in the House staffed by rural legislators who are very skeptical about any gun safety measures. So, these things never get on the House floor. If they had gotten a vote on the House floor, we think a number of them would have passed, but they are defeating these reasonable gun safety measures. I think we had almost 50 in the last session and they have all defeated in these very very small subcommittees."

MN: Sign supporting Second Amendment gets high school student booted from anti-violence walkout
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Minnesota high school student was booted off campus by the school’s principal, reportedly over a pro-Second Amendment sign that he brought to a school walkout against gun violence on Wednesday.

The New Prague High School student brought a sign reading “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” that prompted his principal, Lonnie Seifert, to escort him off school grounds, the Jordan Independent reported.

Approximately 100 students from the school participated in the National School Walkout calling for stronger gun control.

The provision in the Constitution granting the right to all persons to bear arms is a limitation upon the power of the Legislature to enact any law to the contrary. The exercise of a right guaranteed by the Constitution cannot be made subject to the will of the sheriff. [People vs. Zerillo, 219 Mich. 635, 189 N.W. 927, at 928 (1922)]

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