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Newslinks for 3/16/2020

More Self-Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Firearms instructor Robyn Sandoval joins host Rob Morse to talk about four new stories of armed defense. Will you risk your life to defend someone else? Two of our defenders saved lives and never fired a shot.

Text and 20 minute audio at the podcast link.

Expansion Mono-Block Ammo: EMB Bullets Explained
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Expansion Mono-Block, or EMB, line is Fiocchi’s premier low-penetration and rapid-expansion ammo, created exclusively for defense use. As of 2015, you’ll only find this in the 9mm Luger variety, making it a very specialized round comparable to Federal Premium’s Hydra-Shock personal defense rounds. The EMBs are part of the Extrema brand from Fiocchi, sharing some similarities with traditional hollow points and other expanding ammunition.

PA: Andreoli leaves her mark with Wash High rifle team
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Joyce Eisiminger is a good volleyball coach and maybe an even better recruiter for Washington High School’s rifle team.

At volleyball practice one day, she noticed the calm and steady movements of one of her players, Kayla Andreoli. She did not get rattled under any circumstances.

Those qualities, Eisiminger felt, would be perfect to perform on the rifle team that she coached.

So with a little persuasion, Eisiminger convinced Andreoli to come out for the rifle team. The moved proved good for both.

“She was laid back and calm, the things you need to be for shooting,” Eisiminger said. “She has a really good demeanor and that’s why I encouraged her to come out. I thought she would do very well in it.”

NRA Cancels 149th Annual Meeting, Exhibits over COVID-19
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The National Rifle Association has cancelled its 149th annual members’ meeting and exhibits that were scheduled April 16-19 in Nashville.

While the announcement was not entirely a surprise—Nashville had been recently hit by a devastating tornado and concerns about the spread of the coronavirus led to an emergency declaration in Tennessee—it comes as a disappointment, considering this is an election year and NRA members use the meetings to energize.

Gun Sales Surging as Citizens React to Possibility of Civil Unrest over Coronavirus
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Los Angeles Times reports that gun stores are one aspect of the economy seeing a surge in business as Californians react to coronavirus news. According to the LA Times, the line of customers at the Martin B. Retting Gun Shop in Culver City stretched out the front door and around the block on Saturday. Many of those in line waited five hours for their opportunity to buy a gun.

Friends and Strangers and Robbers- More Self Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: David Williamson

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You didn't see this news covered by the mainstream media, but again this week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Robyn Sandoval joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they well trained?

NH: New Hampshire- House Passes More Anti-Gun Bills
Submitted by: David Williamson

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This past week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives passed a number of anti-gun bills that will directly impact your rights and do nothing to stop violent crime. These bills will go to the Senate, where they await committee assignments. Please contact your state senator today and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 1608, 1349, 1374, 1285, and 1143 when they come up for a vote.

CCW Weekend: Equipping Vs. Collecting Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Guns are tools, but are you adding tools to a toolbox? Or are you just collecting guns and telling yourself that? You can do both, to be sure, but a lot of people tell themselves they’re doing the former when it’s really the latter.

MI: Macomb County Committee Declines to Vote on Second Amendment Sanctuary
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Both backers and foes of Second Amendment "sanctuary" for Macomb County were disappointed Wednesday when a county Board of Commissioners committee failed to act on the issue. The Government Oversight panel, a committee of the whole, in a 7-5 vote kept the resolution “tabled” indefinitely.

WA: Commissioners Could vote on Second Amendment Sanctuary Plan
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A majority of the Washington County Commissioners support a proposal to declare the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary. The resolution is on the agenda for the commissioners’ meeting Tuesday. The proposed resolution would not affect existing gun laws. It does declare the commissioners’ intent “to oppose unconstitutional restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms through such legal means as may be expedient.” It also expresses the commissioner’s intent that county funds “not be used to restrict Second Amendment rights or to aid in the unnecessary and unconstitutional restriction of such rights ... .”

Republicans Need A Vibrant and Vivid Vision
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There’s a megaton communication weapon the Republicans are missing in their arsenal for victory. It’s a compelling, bold vision for the future of every state and the country. I’ve asked well-known politicians and those working for them, “What is the vision for our state and our nation?” Most mistakenly tell me it’s their platform. Others give me a blank stare. They don’t know or have one. More than ever, Republicans need an audacious vision that powerfully showcases imagination, conceptual solutions, commitment and, most importantly, innovative leadership. Leadership expert and author Warren Bennis rightfully said, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

CA: Guns and groceries- Saturday Shoppers Rush to Stock Up as Coronavirus Fears Spread
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Kendall Franklin usually waits in a 5-minute line to buy a box of ammunition. On Saturday, at Turner’s Outdoorsman in San Bernardino, the wait was 40 minutes. The rush to be prepared for a weeks-long quarantine or illness clearly isn’t limited to shoppers trying to snag toilet paper or bottled water. Gun owners also worry about worst-case scenarios.

IL: Illinois Mayer Issues Executive Order That Would Allow The Ban of Guns and Ammo Purchases
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I just so happen to be in Illinois at the moment and saw this story this morning. Earlier this week, the Mayer of Champaign, IL, issued an Executive Order, which would allow her to ban the sale of guns and ammo. In a statement released by the city, the City Council implemented this emergency order in preparedness to address the CONVID-19 AKA Coronavirus in their community.

Results: 2020 USPSA Area 6 Multi-Gun Championship
Submitted by: David Williamson

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I do not shoot multi-gun very often or very well. To me, 3-gun has two guns too many—but that is because I spend hardly any time shooting rifles—and definitely not shotguns. However, I headed to Universal Shooting Academy for the USPSA Area 6 Multi-Gun Championship to try to finish a match in this discipline. My goal for this match (which I did manage to complete) was to not DQ.

6 Tactical Lever-Action Rifles Available in 2020
Submitted by: David Williamson

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It is amazing to think that the lever-action rifle continues to thrive, largely unchanged, in the firearm world more than 160 years after it first emerged. Of course, there were early variations of the concept in the form of Colt’s Ring Lever rifles and the Volition Repeater, but the gun that most point to as the first true-lever action rifle as we know it is Benjamin Tyler Henry’s Model 1860 repeating rifle.

NRA Law Enforcement Keeps Officers’ Skills Sharp
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When cadets enter a law-enforcement academy, one aspect of the training they’re going to receive regards using guns—firearm safety, marksmanship and how to properly handle a sidearm or long gun when facing criminal threats. But did you ever wonder who teaches the teachers? Chances are, it was the NRA.

UT: Utah Sees No Changes to Gun Laws During Legislative Season
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While a number of firearms bills were introduced at the start of the legislative session this year, none of them got very far. While Rep. Walt Brooks, R-St. George, introduced a bill late in the session that would allow the permitless conceal carry of firearms in the state, that bill was introduced as a way to garner support running up to the 2021 legislative session. Brooks had no intention of it moving forward this year.

Review: Spectre Sarah McCree Holster
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Sometimes there is more to the story behind a holster design than simply trying to be innovative and different to stand out among a crowded field. It’s more than the type of materials used or a new retention device that holds the gun in a new and unique way. When the holster design goes beyond the physical gun carrier and takes on a life of its own, it’s time to stand up and take notice.

WA: Joe Biden’s Anti-gun Radicalism
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Sometimes, a single moment on the campaign trail can tell you a lot about a candidate. Likely 2020 Democratic nominee Joe Biden recently had such a moment when he attacked one voter for his earnest Second Amendment concerns. The former vice president’s condescending and belligerent tone exposed his radical anti-gun agenda.

Firearms Sales Up Over 63% in Virginia, Nearly 17% Nationally
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Firearms sales skyrocketed in Virginia and also increased nationally in February, according to new data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). The NSSF’s adjusted National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) data shows that Virginia performed nearly 66,000 background checks in February alone, a 63.4% increase from the roughly 40,000 performed a year earlier. Virginia’s numbers have increased over the past four months, dating back to last November, when the most recent elections took place.

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42B.C)

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