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Newslinks for 3/17/2001

UT: Law Officers Suing to Keep Stolen Goods
Submitted by: Skypod

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Law enforcement officers couldn't win before Utah voters so now they hope a federal judge will strike down Initiative B, 'Utahns for Property Protection' spokesman said Tuesday.

"I'm not surprised law enforcement is trying to stop Initiative B in the court. They were frustrated when nearly 70% of the voters said they wanted their property rights protected. They couldn't win it on the ballot, so now they want the court to stop it," said attorney Andrew Stavros.

Bank Promotion Gives Guns for Opening Accounts!
Submitted by: Skypod

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The North Country Financial Corp. in Traverse City, MI, is attracting customers by giving away rifles and shotguns (instead of toasters!) in exchange for opening an account with the bank. To date, the program has brought in millions of dollars of deposits from customers in every U.S. state.

David Bohnett Fndn. Funds JoinTogether in Preventing Gun Violence
Submitted by: Skypod

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JoinTogether, a project of the Boston University School of "Public Health", has received a grant from the David Bohnett Foundation in support of its web-based work in "gun violence prevention".

NJ Police Recall S&W Guns (Awww!)
Submitted by: Skypod

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The New Jersey State Police have recalled hundreds of Smith&Wesson 9mm guns, recently issued to troopers, after several of the weapons jammed or otherwise malfunctioned during training. ~~It couldn't have happened to a nicer company! LOL!

LRC Recommended Books
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"The following reading list includes a little over one hundred books, useful for understanding liberty and the system of individual enterprise. It emphasizes, with a few exceptions, modern rather than historical works. It makes no claim to be comprehensive and is nothing more than introduction to a vast literature. Only books currently in print have been included. I urge readers to study everything they can get their hands on by Mises and Rothbard."

Lord of the Flies High
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"William Golding’s novel The Lord of the Flies has helped me to understand what I experienced ... For children are savage, even the girls in their own way. They do not need a "culture of violence" to teach them this. It is a civilized culture that teaches children to restrain their natural violence. We are born barbarians. It is the job of responsible adults to train their little barbarians into people who know how to respect the person and property of others."

More Culture, Less Crime
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"And yet, when these warped young minds go off and kill, the leftists purport that guns are to blame, and guns are too available, and guns are the evil of the universe. The left liberal message is: don’t blame the welfare state, the public schools, inattentive parents, or misplaced priorities in family life brought on by a life attached to the Big Nipple in the Sky, but rather, blame guns and those who fight to protect the right to own guns."

With Friends Like These, Pity America's Kids
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"In words and deeds, young people today tell us that they do not like being patronized, made to feel useless and baby-sat in day-care prisons called "schools." School administrators, teachers, child psychiatrists, child psychologists, social workers, grief counselors, pharmaceutical companies and the many other businesses that profit from the education racket are not the friends of children as they proclaim."

Governor Gun Lock and the Disarmament Agenda
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"If firearms owners in the U.S. want to prevent any more infringements on their Second Amendment freedoms they had better fight the new, intrusive gun locks tooth and nail. What is voluntary today will be mandatory tomorrow and politicians from Dubya (who gave gun locks out for "free" in Texas) to Parris Glendening don't care that these devices are defective or a hindrance at 3:00AM when you awaken to a strange noise downstairs..."

OPPOSE H.R.998 - the 'Stop Gun Trafficking Act'
Submitted by: John Rich

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Rep. Payne (D-NJ) has introduced H.R.998 to federally restrict handgun purchases to no more than one per month.

If this looks familiar, it is because it is an exact copy of Bill S.406, introduced a few weeks ago. They're trying to get it moving on both sides of Congress simultaneously.


AZ: You Made A Difference!
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Tuesday we reported to you that the fight to enact a "clean" preemption law in Arizona was most probably over for the year. A lot of Arizona gun owners were not at all happy with that turn of events. Rep. Debra Brimhall has apparently felt enough heat to see the light. She is removing her "strike everything" amendment from HB2347. Under the rules of the House, the result is that HB2347 will go before the Committee of the Whole WITH ITS ORIGINAL PRO-GUN TEXT." --GOA

In Defense of the Right to Bear Flintlock Muskets
Submitted by: Jack Jackson

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Typical Los Angeles "liberal" (read "ignorant") mis-interpretation of the second amendment. But hey, it may get us "permission" to carry flintlock muskets and pistols. Of course, there's no link, email, or snail-mail address to respond to this great "thinker".

Personal story *should* sway Handgun Opponents
Submitted by: David Shimm

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"To those who attended the March 8 legislative hearing for the Personal Protection Act, who heard Texas Rep. Suzanna Hupp relate her tragedy -- mother, father and 21 other people murdered in front of her -- and still oppose the right to self-protection."

Gas station attendant shot by policeman's toddler
Submitted by: Jeff Rau

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Off-duty Patrolman Randy Tomlinson brought his truck into the gas station on Thursday, leaving his gun in the back seat and his son in the front, Capt. Danny Hill said ~~ If one of us did something this stupid we would be in big trouble.

Guns often help ordinary citizens from winding up as crime statistics
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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"Despite the shootings in a San Diego suburban school, legally obtained guns provide a vital first line of defense for many U.S. citizens. Here are a few recent cases from my files of more than 6,000 such incidents."...

"Down" Now Another Word You Can't Say on an Airline
Submitted by: Skypod

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Just after the routine announcement to turn off electronic devices including cellphones, a man said to a lady (who continued to use hers), "Why don't you turn that off, it could interfere with the flight and bring the plane down." The lady panicked and told a stewardess that the man was threatening to take the plane down. The stewardess told the captain, who took her word for it and stopped the flight to have the man escorted off by police. ~~And you wonder why the U.S. is having problems?

NV: Share your opinion with the State Legislature!
Submitted by: Skypod

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Here is a direct and easy way to tell the Nevada Legislature if you support or oppose any of the bills. Has searchable database, with a form to fill out.

'The Second is as Sacred as the First'
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Whether it’s a tragedy of 1 or 21, people will get shot—the odds just dictate that in a country of over 280 million; you know it, I know it and just as importantly, the left knows it. In fact, they rely on it." --Colonel Dan

Sara Brady asking for "emergency" $250,000
Submitted by: Chicagofarmer

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Handgun Control Inc (i.e. Sara Brady) appears to be hurting from the Million Misguided Mommy scandal, and is pleading for money.

Read the Free Republic thread here and the response of a strong supporter of 2nd amendment citizen.

My suggestion, donate the $250,000 to and Second Amendment Sisters.

Philippines Gun Ban Exemptions Mostly Government Employees
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Government employees made up the bulk of gun-ban exemption applicants whose applications were approved by the Commission on Elections (Comelec), officials announced Wednesday." ~~I'm sure the citizens are SOO much safer.

Bush to Parents: Love Your Kids
Submitted by: Skypod

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"In many ways, I agree with him, but I really don't know why the president of the United States is saying it," says Jeffrey Goldfarb, a sociologist at New York City's New School University. Furthermore, says Goldfarb, "as a very dedicated parent, I find it totally inappropriate for the president to be telling me about what my relationship is supposed to be with my children."

Allowing riflery training while decrying gun violence doesn't send a mixed message any more than does supporting a wrestling team while opposing schoolyard brawls. — CHICAGO TRIBUNE

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