MI: Gas station clerk with a gun scares away would-be robber
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Corey Salo
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A quick-handed gas station clerk scared away a man allegedly attempting to rob a Dundee BP gas station.
But he may have just drawn faster than the thief
The would-be robber went on to rob two other places, Fox 2 reports, and those times, he used a gun.
According to the Monroe Evening News, Dundee Village Manager David Uhl a man walked into the gas station and told the 60-year-old clerk he was going to rob the gas station.
The clerk pulled a .45-caliber handgun. He is a CPL holder.
The would-be robber allegedly ran from the store and got in his car. He then robbed other gas stations less than a half hour later. |
Obama Supreme Court Nominee Has History of Advocating Gun Control
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President Barack Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court has some conservatives up in arms over his past opposition to the Second Amendment. If confirmed by the Senate, Garland would fill the seat of the late Justice Antonin Scalia. And if his past record is any indication, the jurist could tip the ideological balance of the court in favor of gun control. Since 2013, Garland has been chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. Appointed to the appeals court in 1995 by President Bill Clinton, Garland delayed the landmark District of Columbia v. Heller gun rights decision and supported what critics considered Clinton’s informal gun registration program. |
NV: Nevada Church Holds Gun Control Event: Approximately 20 Attend
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Mark A. Taff
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On March 14, Journey United Methodist Church held an “educational seminar” on gun control in partnership with Nevadans for Background Checks. The seminar was attended by “20 or so congregants.”
Universal background checks — like those in California, Colorado, and Paris — are on the ballot in Nevada this November. And while they are ostensibly being pushed by a group represented as local and/or grassroots — Nevadans for Background Checks — the Las Vegas Sun previously reported that the Nevada background check push is “largely bankrolled” by Micheal Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety. |
MO: Senate looking to expand on Stand Your Ground
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Mark A. Taff
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Missouri is looking to pass a new law regarding self-defense.
A bill proposed by Sen. Kurt Schaefer states people should be able to do whatever it takes to defend themselves.
Senate Bill 1037 would expand the stand your ground laws and allow people to defend themselves in any way without worrying about a lawsuit later.
The stand your ground laws now in place allow people to use deadly force if they believe it is necessary to protect themselves from serious or fatal injuries and forcible felonies. Otherwise, people are expected to withdraw and not confront situations. This is known as duty to retreat. If a person is in his or her home, car or other private property they are expected to follow their duty to retreat. |
FL: Homeowner Shoots and Kills Burglar in Davie: Police
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Mark A. Taff
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An off-duty Miramar Police officer shot and killed a burglar who was trying to break into the officer's Davie home early Wednesday, authorities said.
The incident happened in the 6200 block of Gauntlet Hall Lane shortly after 6 a.m., Davie Police said.
According to Broward Police Benevolent Association president Jeff Marano, the officer was woken up by the sound of broken glass. He confronted the burglar outside the home and that's when the shooting happened, Marano said.
The officer, 39-year-old Tait Thomas, told authorities he feared for his life and was forced to fire. No one else was injured. |
MA: Man Takes Gun From One Home Intruder, Shoots Another With It
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Mark A. Taff
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A Massachusetts man was able to wrestle a gun from one home invader and shoot another with it on Monday.
Nicholas Hoard, 24, opened the door to his apartment at 8:30 p.m. when he heard a knock at his door. Two masked men then rushed into his home in a robbery attempt. While one robber held Hoard at gunpoint another ransacked the apartment looking for valuables.
While the second robber was in another room, Hoard was able to wrestle the firearm from his captor. The second gunman then ran into the room, pointing his own gun at Hoard, and Hoard shot him once, killing him. The second gunman ran off and has yet to be apprehended by police. |
MA: Firearms license applications spike after shootings
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Mark A. Taff
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In Norwell 1,150 people are licensed to own a gun. At about 11 percent of of the population, Dan Knowles, of Norwell, who teaches gun courses at the Marshfield Rod & Gun Club, said this number might surprise people.
“Around town, there’s quite a few people that I might know for a year or two before finding out they go hunting,” he said.
While critics of gun ownership tend to call for stricter regulations after mass shootings or violent incidents, many say the regulations in Massachusetts are strict enough. Registration for safety classes goes up after mass shootings, Knowles said, because people want to defend themselves and don't want to lose the ability to get a gun before regulations might become more stringent. |
CA: California Sheriffs Oppose Newsom’s Ammo Control Bill
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Mark A. Taff
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The California Lieutenant Governor’s “Safety for All Act of 2016” ammo-control measure taking aim at the fall ballot would require people to pass background checks to buy ammunition, and all ammunition sales are required to be made through licensed vendors. Ammunition sales would also need to be reported to the Department of Justice.
And he’s smugly predicting it will not only hit the ballot, but that it’ll pass into law.
In response, the California State Sheriffs’ Association has sent a letter blasting Newsom’s initiative and highlighting the effects such a measure would have on law-abiding gun owners in the state, saying in part: |
Gun Review: FN Five-seveN MK2
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Mark A. Taff
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FN Herstal stepped way out of the civilian handgun production box when brought to market the 5.7x28mm, which it calls the Five-seveN™ MK2, though most people refer to as the “five-seven.” This relatively new cartridge, with a history of less than 30 years, in combination with the FN pistol, is a promising combination for people looking for greater versatility from a handgun. |
MO: Missouri panel considers more gun access on college campuses
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Mark A. Taff
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Missouri lawmakers during a Monday House committee hearing weighed proposals that would expand gun access on college campuses by allowing people to carry concealed firearms.
The bills are among several introduced this year by state Republican lawmakers, who have argued that students should be allowed to carry firearms for self-defense and that armed, law-abiding citizens with proper training can save lives during attempted mass shootings.
"Why are we taking an individual's right away to protect themselves on campus?" said Nixa Republican Rep. Jered Taylor, who is sponsoring one of the bills. |
Appeals Court Ruling Could Threaten the Second Amendment Rights of American Citizens
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Mark A. Taff
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It is to be hoped that to minimize uncertainty, future courts will eschew applying a Fourteenth Amendment “balancing” approach and hold conclusively either that illegal aliens are not included among “the people” protected by the Second Amendment or that prohibitions on the ownership of firearms by illegal aliens fall within a category of presumptively justifiable restrictions on gun ownership.
Ed.: Or we could hope that the 2nd Amendment applies to everyone, and that illegal but non-violent presence in the US is insufficient to violate a fundamental human right to effective self-defense. |
New Type of Bra Designed for Self-Defense
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Mark A. Taff
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After a scary encounter with a man lurking in the woods who jumped out to grab her, Cutrona took action.
She sewed a sheath into her sports bra so she could carry a knife for protection.
The mother of two has now patented her idea as a way for women to safely store a special knife or pepper spray.
Gun Test: Kimber Diamond Ultra II Pistol
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Mark A. Taff
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Those who legally carry a firearm for self-defense know successful concealment requires modifying the wardrobe to accommodate their handgun. The act of donning a holstered sidearm and related gear is as routine as selecting any other item to complete their daily ensemble. But what about those special occasions when one must look their best? Such occasions call for formal wear paired with fine jewelry, rather than a run-of-the mill service-grade semi-auto. The Kimber Diamond Ultra II delivers the quality and reliability consumers expect from the brand in a special-edition compact pistol that imparts equal amounts of elegance and peace of mind. |
Obama's Supremely Bad Nominee
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Mark A. Taff
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Garland was on the wrong side of Supreme Court’s Heller decision. The 5-to-4 decision, authored by Justice Scalia, upheld an individual’s right under the Second Amendment to own a firearm for self-defense.
But as a judge on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Garland voted for the District of Columbia’s outrageous anti-Second Amendment gun ban. Thankfully, Justice Scalia struck down Garland’s distorted view of our constitutional rights.
So, once again, it is absolutely clear that Obama has nominated a liberal judge who would undo Justice Scalia’s legacy and further erode our constitutional rights. |
Serious Stopping Ammo in 7.62x39mm
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Mark A. Taff
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G2 Research announces a specialized new 7.62×39 mm AK/SKS round for hunting and self-defense use.
The G2 Research 7.62×39 Ripout Round is engineered to deliver serious penetration and produce a huge temporary and permanent wound even at the lowervelocities[sic] inherent of this round (about 2,270 fps). |
Choosing the First Handgun
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Mark A. Taff
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Over the past few months we have seen a shift in the handgun buying market. In the past it was experienced shooters looking for another gun to shoot or upgrade their concealed carry handgun. We have noticed a trend into the novice or less experienced buyer looking for that first gun for either home defense or concealed carry. Many of these folks are older and have lived their entire lives without thinking about a gun for self-defense. Now they are not sure about their security. There are hundreds of models of handguns out there for a variety of purposes. This is a big decision and if this is the only gun you will ever have it needs to be the right one. Here are some things we ask and consider when assisting the new gun buyer. |
VA: Gun maker is not to blame
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Mark A. Taff
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Sandy Hook parents: I am sorry for your loss, but you’re wrong. To sue someone for someone else’s actions and for the courts to agree would be wrong. It is not negligent to manufacture a product that is misused.
The world has many things that, when used improperly or criminally, can kill or maim. But is it the manufacturer’s responsibility or the user? Anything from a heart-clogging burger to a bag of fertilizer can kill. Do we want a world where the actions of a monster, or even a busy housewife, set the stage for lawsuits? While texting and driving or speeding to a late appointment can kill innocents, should Verizon or Ford be sued? |
Merrick Garland Is Being Smeared as an Anti-Gun Nut
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Mark A. Taff
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Soon after President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court on Wednesday, commentators on the left and right zeroed in on his interpretation of the Second Amendment—and seemed to agree that he’s not a big fan. The New Republic’s Jeet Heer wrote that Obama chose Garland because he wants a “reliable gun control justice.” Daniel Horowitz of the Conservative Review speculated that Garland would “be the 5th vote to overturn the Second Amendment,” a sentiment echoed by Breitbart and the Blaze. |
Is The Voisine Case Properly Understood As A Second Amendment Case?
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Mark A. Taff
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The U.S. Supreme Court case, Voisine vs. United States, No. 14-10154 (S. Ct. Dec. 17, 2015), aptly illustrates the devious way in which the Federal Government slowly and quietly and inexorably operates to undermine the Second Amendment to the United States.
Voisine is presumptively a Second Amendment case, notwithstanding that the U.S. Supreme Court specifically rejected a review of Petitioners’ Second Amendment claim when granting Petitioners’ writ of certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Voisine vs. United States, 2015 U.S. LEXIS 6761; 136 S. Ct. 386 (2015). |
GA: Campus Carry Law May Be Too Much Even For Georgia’s ‘Guns Everywhere’ Governor
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Mark A. Taff
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On Tuesday, less than 24 hours after HB 859 landed on his desk, Deal issued a statement urging legislators to reconsider several aspects of the campus carry measure. The Republican prefaced his message by touting his record as a “lifetime defender and staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights.” But he expressed concerns over the safety of pre-k, elementary, and high school kids who attend classes or day care on college grounds. Deal added that he believes discretion should be given to faculty as to whether or not guns are allowed in disciplinary hearings, and in faculty members’ offices. |