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Newslinks for 3/18/2001

MMM Nationwide Mothers' Day Events, By State & City
Submitted by: Skypod

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Listing of planned MMM Mothers' Day state and city rallies. If there's one planned in your state, be there to be a voice for gun rights! - Perhaps with the Second Amendment Sisters!

MN ALERT: Support Boudreau's 'Shall Issue' Bill
Submitted by: Skypod

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Under a bill authored by Rep. Lynda Boudreau (R-Faribault), police would be *required* to issue a permit within 15 days of an application unless the applicant fails a background check.

"The current law is unfair and discriminatory because local officials have the power to arbitrarily deny requests," said Boudreau. "The established human right to protection must be realized in Minnesota."


Muhlenberg Schools Hire Dogs to Sniff for Drugs & Guns
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Muhlenberg County school officials decided Monday to hire a Cincinnati-area company to use drug- and gun-sniffing dogs for several inspections of school lockers, gymnasiums and parking lots next school year."

Florida Court Denies Motion to Dismiss Gun Lawsuit
Submitted by: Skypod

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The suit was brought on behalf of the family of Barry Grunow, a FL teacher shot in school by a 13-year-old student. The gun distributor, Valor, filed for dismissal because the suit has no merit under FL law. The court denied that motion, holding that Valor could be liable for selling a gun that was "unreasonably dangerous and defective" because it lacked a locking system or other safety feature to prevent unauthorized use.

NM Medical Society Drops Support for Trigger Locks
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The New Mexico Medical Society has backed off its previous endorsement of legislation to require child safety locks on all firearms sold by licensed gun dealers in the state."

AZ House shoots down Pro-Gun Bill
Submitted by: Skypod

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"After 90 minutes of impassioned speeches, back-and-forth debate and a roll-call vote, the House torpedoed a bill Thursday that would have let people bring concealed weapons and other handguns into restaurants that serve alcohol."

Get To Know Your Mayor!
Submitted by: Skypod

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U.S. Council of Mayors - search for your Mayor by Name, City, or State.

Submitted by: Skypod

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"The year 2001 hasn’t had a chance to truly establish itself and already we have a clear picture of what the anti-gun forces have in mind: Attack! Not surprisingly, those dedicated to an “America without guns” used the tragic shootings in Massachusetts, Illinois and outside the White House to amplify their gun-ban message." -Russ Thurman

National Association of Counties
Submitted by: Skypod

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Find out what is happening in your county, and what is happening across America.

Find Out Where Money is Going in Your State
Submitted by: Skypod

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"The independent source of information on campaign contributions in state politics for reporters, researchers and the general public."

Will Gun Control Make You Safer?
Submitted by: Skypod

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According to the U.S. Dept. of Justice statistics, most criminals don't use a weapon. Of those that do, it usually isn't a gun. "Just goes to show that if you outlaw all the guns it won't make you safe. We need to look elsewhere to handle the crime problem." --Ron Purvis

Colorado Considers "Anti-Bullying Plan"
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Experts" say schools can curb teasing and bullying by working harder to change attitudes. As a result, many school districts are implementing anti-bullying programs. "Experts predict" that effective programs could reduce incidents of bullying and harassment by more than 50%.
Do they really think they can change human nature? I'd like to know how they plan to go about it.

Ashcroft Defends Individual Right To Bear Arms
Submitted by: Skypod

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A cornerstone of the U.S. government’s argument in the case of U.S. v. Emerson is the long-held position of the Deparment of "Justice" that the Second Amendment protects a "collective" right rather than an individual one. -- That argument may be on a collision course with the philosophy espoused recently by US Attorney General John Ashcroft.

Fight to control U.N. leadership?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"States are now widely understood to be instruments at the service of their peoples, and not vice versa. At the same time individual sovereignty -- by which I mean the fundamental freedom of each individual, enshrined in the charter of the U.N. ... When we read the charter today, we are more than ever conscious that its aim is to protect individual human beings, not to protect those who abuse them." --Kofi Annan

More Guns, Less School Shootings
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"While we can't legislate what parents teach their children, and while it will be nearly impossible (but still should be attempted) to let teachers teach right from wrong, we definitely can legislate in favor of gun possession for law abiding people. Let ordinary citizens and a few schoolteachers follow their own consciences in arming to defend themselves, and watch the school shootings go away." -Brad Edmonds

'I Had a Dream'
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"I had a dream that all the politicians of all political persuasions decided that the government had grown vastly too large and too powerful. That it had become corrupt and unresponsive. That it was swayed by notions that really had nothing to do with what was good for people, but rather that which was good for government."

KY Lawmakers Make Deal on Concealed-Carry Law S.B.114
Submitted by: Skypod

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The compromised plan approves expanding permit exemptions to allow sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, jailers, and alcoholic beverage control officers to carry concealed weapons at any time anywhere in the state; but not state insurance investigators, coroners, airport police, university police, or school security officers. Also dropped was the proposal to allow court officers to carry a concealed weapon in a courthouse.

Macomb, MI a Lab for Gun Law
Submitted by: Jim

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Check this story out in today's Detroit Free Press. It is amazingly fair and balanced, especially for the usually far left 'Free Press'.

Get To Know Your State Attorney General!
Submitted by: Skypod

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(and let him or her get to know you!) - National Association of Attorneys General - Find out about your own AG, or find out what is happening around the U.S.

The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. — JOHN F. KENNEDY

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