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Newslinks for 3/18/2002

Bush Advances Global Government: The real ante at Monterrey
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Ever since George W. Bush has been elected president, I have had one question that has echoed in my mind, "What is the ante for the son to be elected president, when the father was replaced for his non-compliance with the mandates of the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992?"

My answer came when the current President Bush announced several weeks ago that he was going to attend the Financing for Development Conference in Monterrey, Mexico.

Disarmament Through Obsolescence
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Throughout history, tyrannical governments have known that to wreak their will, they must first disarm the people. No armed population has ever been oppressed without first being disarmed. In the case of America, our long history of weapons ownership, and our jealous regard for our rights, makes the removal of our firearms more difficult than most...

Attorney Says Militia Leader May Have Been Kidnapped
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Lexington, KY, March 15 - The 'self-proclaimed' leader of the Kentucky State Militia is a wanted man after agents with the [B]ATF say he escaped from his home incarceration unit sometime Wednesday night.

But Friday, attorney Gatewood Galbraith said he and Charlie Puckett's wife believe Puckett was actually kidnapped.

OfficeMax Rats Out Its Customers
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Laura Hershey of Denver, Colorado, went to her local OfficeMax to do some copying on March 9, and she was astonished to see a "Notice to Our Customers" that read: "During this time of heightened security awareness, we will report suspicious or questionable requests for printing or document reproduction to law enforcement authorities."

Next Steps: The People Proceed
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The formal record of the Truth-In-Taxation hearing removes any doubt that this nation's income tax system is unconstitutional in its origin, fraudulent and abusive in its operation, and ultimately repugnant to every principle of equal justice, due process of law and personal liberty that we cherish as Americans.

AZ: 'A bull's eye on gun club'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Montini's description of this whole concept as "sick" is right on target. And the jerk who thinks playing with a machine gun on a Humvee is "fun" is a good example of why our society has a long way to go before we can legitimately call ourselves civilized. And isn't there some law against littering the desert landscape with poisonous lumps of lead?" - Harold T. Crutcher

Uncle Sam's child abuse
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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U.S. Capitol Police said on Thursday that they planned to create a network of public surveillance cameras to "help fight terrorism." The network would link some 200 cameras around schools, subways, businesses and public places – all in the name of "security," of course.

The Fourth Branch of Government: The Danger of Factionism
Submitted by: T.E. Slusser

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So what would, ye, Americans? I think I know a place to hold the meetings, and I think the sooner the better. How many do you think would come?

[I would like to suggest that your articles state that people and organizations MUST unite if we expect to restore The Constitution.]

OH: CCW Legislation & Lawsuit Moving Wednesday
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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Ohioans For Concealed Carry is calling on all Ohio CCW supporters to attend this week's Civil & Commercial Law Committee hearing on HB274. This legislation will be debated (and possibly amended) at 9:30am in room 114 of the Ohio Capitol. See our site for dress suggestions.

At almost the same exact time the Ohio First District Court Of Appeals will hear oral arguments in the appeal of our (SAF,OFCC,PRO) Lawsuit Victory declaring Ohio's CCW prohibition unconstitutional.

HCI Parody site goes International!
Submitted by: Free Speech, Inc

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The HCI parody site,, has gone international. We discovered that the premier gun control groups for South Africa, UK, Australia and Canada each had left open their namesake .org domains. This provides us the opportunity to give them all a lesson in American political parody and Free Speech. Here are the links:
AU -
Canada -
S.Africa -
UK -

Gun Control: Opinion; or Treason?
Submitted by: The Hunter

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With H&R Block joining the whimpering herd of corporate lemmings hurtling over the cliffs of public opinion, I believe the time has come to pose a vital question:

Can a freedom-loving American justify supporting gun control?

[Feedback and comments preferred via links at the bottom of the article so Sierra Times can share them with our readers. Thanks. The Hunter]

TX: Brazos County awarded grant to 'fight gun crimes'
Submitted by: serinde

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The Brazos County District Attorney’s office recently received a $120,000 grant which will assist in prosecuting crimes involving guns.

[Assistant District Attorney Shane] Phelps said the funding will allow prosecutors to place a “renewed emphasis” on violent crimes that involve the use of a handgun.

About 20% of the cases that the district attorney’s office prosecutes involve guns, Phelps said.

Firm turning SUVs into covert weapons for anti-terror fight
Submitted by: John Fansler

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The SUVs -- and versions with nonlethal weaponry such as guns that fire rubber bullets -- are intended for military and anti-terrorism use - prototypes -- both lethal and nonlethal -- of a new "Homeland Defense/Counter-Terrorism Vehicle."

"They're nondescript, they look like normal vehicles," says Buckner. "It's more of a stealth vehicle that doesn't cause alarm, that doesn't make people nervous." ...
[Like] a bodyguard carrying a concealed weapon.

...They're not available to civilians.

BATF harassing Amateur Rocketry Hobbyists - NAR fights back
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The National Organization of Rocketry (NAR) and the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA) recently filed an injunction against the BATF.

It seems the BATF regards rocket motors above a certain size to be destructive devices under the National Firearms Act.

UK: Freed prisoners commit 1,400 new offenses
Submitted by: Anonymous

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PRISONERS freed early under the Government's tagging scheme have committed more than 1,400 new crimes, including rapes and kidnappings.

This represents the tip of the iceberg, however, because the perpetrators of crime are successfully prosecuted in only a small percentage of cases.

U.N. seizure of U.S. land: Toward a wilderness utopia
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Few people know – including most congressmen – that the management of 73,270,583 acres of the United States is determined by 34 non-Americans, who are elected by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

This land is distributed in 47 U.N. Biosphere Reserves, managed according to principles and guidelines established by the Man and the Biosphere International Coordinating Council, and set forth in the "Seville Strategy" and the "Statutory Framework."

For the gun enthusiast who has $400 and 144 rubber bands
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Incredible Rubberband Machine Gun -- After 10 years of work, an aerospace engineer has invented an all-wood, tripod-mounted firearm that unleashes 144 rubber bands as fast as it is cranked. Rubber band-firing gatling gun is every boy's dream, but not every boy could afford it, so it is popular with executives.

The supposed quietude of a good mans allures the ruffian; while on the other hand, arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside...Horrid mischief would ensue were one half the world deprived of the use of them... — Thomas Paine, I Writings of Thomas Paine at 56 (1894).

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