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Newslinks for 3/18/2006

Remember New Orleans!
Submitted by: News Director

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"In the days following Hurricane Katrina, Americans watched in horror as law enforcement officers confiscated legally-possessed firearms from New Orleans residents, who were accused of no crimes."

"But in the three months since Katrina, gun owners and their advocacy groups have cast the response to the hurricane as an assault on the Second Amendment ..." ...

"The events in New Orleans have done more than anything else to rally gun owners, who had drifted toward complacency over the past few years as their opponents in the gun control movement suffered numerous legislative and electoral defeats."

FL: Baxley's senseless gun bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Navigating the streets of our fair community, you have perhaps seen a bumper sticker that, in effect, argues the Second Amendment makes the rest of the Bill of Rights possible. There is a great deal of truth in this pithy bit of political philosophy. The Founding Fathers, by enshrining gun ownership in the Constitution's Second Amendment, implicitly understood the American people needed a mechanism to ensure they would never again be under the yoke of a despot, British or otherwise."

"Florida lawmakers in recent years have been very friendly to the state's estimated 6 million gun owners and their chief lobbyist, the National Rifle Association, in supporting laws that expand the bounds of the Second Amendment."

"But state Rep. Dennis Baxley's effort to continue that trend during this legislative session has faced rough going so far."

MS: Bill expands gun owners' rights
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Depending on your outlook, a bill sent to the governor on Thursday would increase personal safety or sanction reckless killing."

"Proponents say Senate Bill 2426 will give residents broader rights to defend their homes, cars and businesses."

MS: Senate bill is self-defense vs. 'gunslinger' battle (Alternate Report)
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A bill the Legislature sent to the governor Thursday would revise the state's "justifiable homicide" law to provide more protection for those using deadly force in self-defense."

"Senate Bill 2426 would provide citizens using deadly force the presumption of innocence and take away the 'duty to retreat' required in current law if you are threatened."

"The bill, supported by the National Rifle Association, is similar to laws being pondered or passed by legislatures across the country."

NJ: Activists: Violent crimes in New Jersey committed with out-of-state guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"While some activists will gather this weekend to commemorate the loss of American lives in Iraq, others in New Jersey will be focusing on violence at home."

"Members of the Million Mom March and CeasefireNJ will hold a rally in Trenton on Saturday, the third anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The antigun advocates' mission: to point out that while New Jersey has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, shooting deaths in its major cities surged last year."

But of course it's not New Jersey's fault for failing to understand the basic principles of economics -- it's all the other states' fault for abiding by the Constitution.

NJ: Student removed for pellet gun arrested for trespassing in school : Teacher claims team ignored her warning
Submitted by: News Director

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"About three weeks after he was found with a pellet gun on school property and then removed from the school, a Glenfield Middle School student was arrested last week for trespassing the school property."

"The sixth-grade student was initially arrested on Feb. 16 after several of his classmates told school officials that the young man had a gun and had threatened them with it." ...

"This wasn’t the first time Morton said she had experienced difficulties with the student. Two days before the student was discovered with the pellet gun, Morton had sent the sixth-grader to the school’s main office after his fellow classmates complained that he had a gun."

NJ: A.C. man indicted under new gun-violence initiative
Submitted by: News Director

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"Faulkner is the first person in Atlantic City to be turned over to the U.S. Attorney's Office under the new city initiative, which is part of 'Project Safe Neighborhoods,' a federal program that links federal, state and local law enforcement, prosecutors and community leaders to deter and punish gun crime."

"The charge carries a maximum penalty of 10 years in prison and a fine of as much as $250,000."

"'Every arrest made in Atlantic City for a gun crime comes into this office and is reviewed to determine if it should remain here in Atlantic County for prosecution or be turned over to the U.S. Attorney's Office... The determining factor is which jurisdiction is likely to secure the greatest sentence upon conviction.'"

OH: "It’s a little ironic to get up and talk about open records when we just closed some records"
Submitted by: News Director

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"Ohio House Republicans sabotaged a much-improved version of Ohio’s public records law this week, by inserting a last-minute amendment that caters to the gun-control crowd."

"The bill, sponsored by Rep. Scott Oelslager, R-Canton, is needed to ensure that Ohioans have access to the government records to which they are entitled. ..."

"However, to Oelslager’s surprise, an amendment to the bill was introduced at the last minute by Rep. Tom Brinkman, R-Cincinnati, that would shield the names of those who have obtained permits to carry concealed weapons. The irony was not lost on at least one lawmaker. ..."

OH: Changes may be in store for concealed carry law
Submitted by: News Director

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"Ohio’s concealed carry law could be getting a makeover, as the Ohio Senate begins consideration of a bill that would make a number of changes to the law."

"House Bill 347, which passed the Ohio House on March 8 and was sent to the Senate the next day, first declares that state law would preempt any local laws involving the concealed carrying or transporting of a weapon. Concealed carry advocates have argued that the local restrictions create a 'patchwork of laws' that make it hard for gun owners to comply with the law or even to know what the laws are in different parts of the state."

PA: Bushkill Twp. neighbors fired up over guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The arrival of police officers at the Bushkill Township house was hardly a surprise. Nearly every time Alan Birtchet or his sons have fired guns in their backyard practice range since moving in a year ago, neighbors have called police, and Saturday was no exception."

"Bushkill police visited Birtchet's residence in the 300 block of Stonegate Road at 3:30 p.m. after receiving four complaints. They investigated and found that an AR-15 rifle, a .40-caliber handgun and a .45-caliber handgun had been fired. Police determined no one was in danger and, because no law was being violated, left."

TN: Controversial Gun Bill
Submitted by: News Director

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"Lawmakers in the State House are considering a bill that would get rid of the $10 fee you now pay for a background check when you buy a gun."

"But could that move make you less safe?"


NY: Immigration officer accused of brandishing gun at boy
Submitted by: News Director

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"A confrontation between two students at a Queens school playground ended with a father pulling out a gun to settle the dispute. Police say 37-year-old Carlos Ugarte, who is an immigration officer, brandished the gun in front of a ten-year-old boy."

"That federal officer was being questioned here at the 103rd Precinct in Jamaica, Queens. We're told he is being charged with menacing after allegedly brandishing his service weapon at a young child." ...

"Sherland Thorne, Parent: 'It makes it worse knowing that he's one of the law, that he'd do something like that.'"

UK: Fathers of child gun crime victims call for global crackdown
Submitted by: News Director

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"They are two fathers united by an inconceivable grief – both know the pain of losing a child to murder."

"It is this shared anguish that led David Grimason and Mick North to join forces yesterday in spearheading an international campaign to halt gun crime."

"Mr Grimason's son Alistair, two, was shot dead in a Turkish cafe in 2003; Mick North's daughter, five-year-old Sophie, was killed in Dunblane 10 years ago."

Brazil: Ex-soldiers in Brazil admit gun theft
Submitted by: News Director

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Two former Brazilian soldiers confessed to stealing weapons from an armory, prompting a military operation to recover them, O Globo reported Friday.

Some 1,500 troops staged search operations in Rio's hillside slums known as "favelas" in an effort to find the cache of weapons.

However after 10 days of searching, the patrols supported by tanks and helicopters did not find the guns.

The operation sparked increased violence in the favelas, where soldiers and drug gangs exchanged fire and wounded several people.

MS: Gun 'defense' law will hurt prosecutions
Submitted by: News Director

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"As an assistant district attorney, it is my sworn duty to prosecute criminals. I am also a husband, father, homeowner and gun owner with a vested interest in strong laws that benefit the citizenry of this state."

"Any measure that provides meaningful protection from and sanctions against criminals is heartily welcomed."

"However, it is my belief, supported by the Mississippi Prosecutors Association and a clear understanding of current Mississippi law, that Senate Bill 2426 will, as stated in a resolution drafted by the MPA and distributed to legislators, 'Benefit the criminal defendants, not the good, law-abiding citizens who already have self-defense protection under our present law.'"

NY: Buffalo Sharpshooters aim at being good sports
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Buffalo Sharpshooters BB Gun Club took eight shooters to Doland, S.D. on March 4. The club received the Spink County Invitational Sportsmanship Award given to the team exhibiting the best sportsmanship at the match."

"The club also took home some individual awards. In the 10-11- year-old class, James Trader received an award for a score of 92 on the written test, Bennett Christiansen placed 10th in prone position, Cassie Pautz placed ninth in standing and eighth in kneeling positions and Codie Faught placed eighth in standing position."

NV: Suspect in Reno school shooting reportedly emptied gun before dropping it
Submitted by: News Director

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"The gun a 14-year-old boy allegedly used to shoot two classmates at a Reno middle school belonged to a member of his family and was obtained without permission." ...

"Reno police Lieutenant Ron Donnelly confirms the weapon belonged to a family member. He says the boy obtained it without their knowledge or permission."

Jamaica: Kingsfish gaining ground on gun traders
Submitted by: News Director

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"Operation Kingfish says it's gaining ground on illegal gun traders and drug smugglers operating along Jamaica's borders."

"Head of Operation Kingfish, Assistant Commissioner Glenmore Hinds is attributing the success to effective maritime security strategies."

"In the meantime, ACP Hinds says the Task Force continues to dismantle several criminal gangs operating in the Corporate Area and St. Catherine."

MD: Glen Burnie Student Arrested For Possessing Gun
Submitted by: News Director

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"A Glen Burnie High School student was arrested Friday morning for possessing a handgun, according to Anne Arundel County Police."

"Police say at approximately 9:10 a.m., a school resource officer responded to a fight between two students in the media building. After the officer and a school employee stopped the fight, they were told that one of the students involved in the brawl made a reference to having a weapon."

"The officer searched Norman Coray Hairston, 17, and found a small, unloaded .22 caliber pistol in his pants pocket. A .22 caliber bullet was also recovered. The officer arrested the student and transported him to the county's Northern District."

DE: Concealed weapon legislation generates controversy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Depending on the source, ratings of Delaware gun-control laws differ dramatically."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence currently grants Delaware a 'C-' while the National Rifle Association awards Delaware an 'A.'"

"New legislation on concealed weapon permits is set to put the First State to a stringent test, legislators say."

DE: Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence Protests Proposed Law
Submitted by: News Director

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Opponents of legislation making it easier for state residents to get a permit to carry a concealed handgun plan to speak up at a legislative hearing scheduled for Wednesday in Dover. The bill appears to have enough support to win approval in the General Assembly, but a national lobbying group is fighting it. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence is urging its members in Delaware to express their opposition to state lawmakers. The group is named for Jim Brady, who was wounded during the 1981 attempt by a gunman to kill President Ronald Reagan. Brady and his wife now live in Rehoboth Beach. In a statement yesterday, Brady called the bill "reckless public policy."

FL: Pickens wants compromise on gun bill
Submitted by: News Director

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"Both businesses and gun owners say they have the Constitution on their side. Businesses say they have a right to determine what happens on private property and gun owners cling to the right to bear arms."

"'One constitutional right is not greater than another,' Pickens said."

"And while it is part of Pickens’ job to decide the outcome of bills that come through the House or any of the committees on which he serves, he said the conflicting information from supporters and constituents is making this one of the toughest decisions he’ll have to make in the six years he’s served in the House."

GA: Student arrested in school bus-gun incident
Submitted by: News Director

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"A 13-year-old student has been charged with firing six gunshots out the back of a school bus."

"Campus police for the Savannah-Chatham County Public Schools charged the boy with multiple offenses on Thursday."

"The bus was carrying about 90 students the afternoon of March 6, when a passenger began firing a handgun out a window."

UK: Police say war on gun crime is 'being won'
Submitted by: News Director

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"POLICE say the war on gun crime in Croydon is working despite claims more needs to be done to tackle the problem."

"Officers admit they are still baffled over the motive behind last week's double shooting in Upper Norwood which bore all the hallmarks of a professional hit."

"But Croydon's Borough Commander Chief Supt Mark Gore insisted the murders were a tragic but isolated incident."

China: Rogue cop kills constable in Hong Kong gun battle
Submitted by: News Director

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"A rogue police officer shot a constable dead and critically injured a second policeman before being fatally wounded himself in a gun battle in Hong Kong Friday."

"The plain-clothes officer pulled out a handgun when he was stopped by two patrolling officers in a subway in the city's Tsim Sha Tsui shopping district at 1 a.m. Friday, police said."

"In a ferocious exchange of fire, he shot the constable through the head and shot his colleague in the face and leg but was fatally wounded by returning fire from the second officer."

PA: Poetry and Jazz Concert to Stop Gun Trafficking to be Held Sunday at Mt. Airy Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in PA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Prominent Local Jazz and Poetry Artists to Join Gun Violence "A jazz and spoken word concert bringing awareness to gun trafficking in the Delaware Valley. Arpeggio Jazz Trio and poetry ensemble Voices of a Different Dream will combine their art in a first-of-a-kind performance. A brief talk on the current state of gun trafficking and violence by members of the PATH Coalition will precede. Light refreshments and mingling with the artists and organizers will follow."

Peru: Man gets probation for taking shot at raccoon
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"A rural Peru man who fired a stray shot that struck a vehicle traveling on Plank Road pleaded guilty to charges Thursday and will surrender his weapon."

"Shawn M. Benac, 36, of 3022 E. 103rd Road initially was charged with reckless discharge of a firearm, a Class 4 felony that could have resulted in a prison sentence of 1-3 years."

"He was charged after a Peru couple reported to police on July 9 that a bullet pierced the windshield of the auto. No one was injured."

"Benac had fired at a raccoon that attacked and injured a family member; the bullet might have ricocheted into the vehicle’s path."

SC: Free gun locks available today
Submitted by: News Director

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"Free gun locks will be distributed in Beaufort today and Saturday."

"The program is sponsored by the national nonprofit organization Project ChildSafe, Beaufort Police Department and the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office."

"Project ChildSafe will give the community an opportunity to interact with local law enforcement and get a free gunlock along with educational brochures, children's safety pledges, badges and bookmarks. Children are encouraged to take the PCS Pledge to be presented to parents to show their commitment to be safe around firearms."

NH: Boy with gun in school not considered a threat
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"The student who allegedly brought a fully loaded handgun to a Wolfeboro high school Wednesday is described as a 'quiet kind of kid' who apparently feared someone outside school and did not intend to harm any teachers, students or staff, police said yesterday."

"Stephen Ballard, 17, was removed from class about 10 a.m. and escorted to the Kingswood Regional High School principal’s office where he voluntarily surrendered the eight-round revolver he had in his jacket pocket, police said."

Australia: Youth charged with carrying replica gun
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TRANSIT police arrested a 17-year-old youth after he allegedly tried to get on a bus armed with a replica handgun.

Police said yesterday the youth tried to board the bus at Seacombe Heights last month as he brandished the handgun.

When the driver saw the replica he challenged the youth to prevent him boarding and the youth fled. He was later identified by witnesses and security cameras and was arrested by Transit Services on Tuesday.

The Morphett Vale youth was charged with common assault and carrying an offensive weapon.

Australia: Police seek gun theft details
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Riverland police want information about the theft of a double barrel shotgun in Loxton on Wednesday.

The gun was stolen from a vehicle and a 30-year-old man has been reported for allegedly having an unsecured firearm.

Meanwhile, police charged a 49-year-old Barmera man with cultivating cannabis after allegedly finding eight plants at a Barmera property.


CA: Student Arrested After Bringing Gun to School
Submitted by: News Director

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A teenager has been arrested for pointing a gun at his ex-girlfriend at a Visalia high school.

Police say the 14-year-old brought the gun to Golden West High School on Thursday.
They say he got into an argument with his former girlfriend and pointed the gun at her.

The girl convinced him to let her go back to class, where she asked for help.

The teen is facing multiple charges. No one was hurt.

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate

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