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Newslinks for 3/19/2001

Who Defends Women Against Campus Rape?
Submitted by: Skypod

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Dr. Robert J. Woolley, staff physician at the University of Minnesota's Twin Cities campus health clinic, researched the facts and declared: "The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands."

The Regression of Free Expression
Submitted by: Skypod

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"At some time, each one of us will be confronted with opinions that we find loathsome or obnoxious. To a great degree, as a country and as individuals, we must be internally strong and sufficiently courageous to absorb the blows caused by callous utterances from our fellow citizens. We can take solace in knowing that this is part of the territory that a free people occupy." --Dr. Hirsen

TX ALERT: Stop these Anti-Safe-Education Bills Scheduled
Submitted by: Skypod

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Scheduled for public testimony Tue Mar.20 Rm E2.028 2PM before the Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence:
*HB1332 limits long guns to youths who are 18 and under, & prohibits handguns to anyone under 21 with no exceptions;
*HB193 prohibits long guns to youths 17 and under; & HB209 prohibits long guns as above, with a different penalty.

Write to the Committee members to OPPOSE these bills!

TX ALERT: Stop H.B.446 - Trigger Lock Bill and More!
Submitted by: Skypod

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"HB 446 by Rep. Glenn Lewis would require all of your firearms - RIFLES & SHOTGUNS, too - to be stored in a locked container or rendered inoperable by a trigger lock or similar device. This is also scheduled for public testimony Tuesday, March 20, in Room E2.028 at 2PM before the Texas House Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence."

Write to the Committee members to OPPOSE this bill!

'Gun Court' stuns teens with tough Justice & "Reform"
Submitted by: Skypod

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Young offenders are meted out a regimen of boot camp stints, curfews, drug tests and, sometimes, months-long turns in detention. They and their parents also are ordered to sit through an array of counseling sessions and classes aimed at "changing attitudes about firearms".

"Protecting Innocents From Guns" -Ron Purvis
Submitted by: Skypod

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The same guy who previously wrote that "gun control doesn't protect kids" is now supporting all types of gun controls. This guy needs to brush-up on his facts.... he seems to have a good heart, but is too uninformed to help the cause of freedom.

NM ALERT: Contact Gov. Gary Johnson!
Submitted by: Skypod

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Gov. Gary Johnson said he will sign the concealed-carry law, but hasn't made up his mind on requiring child-safety locks. "I am open to discussion on trigger locks," Johnson said.
CONTACT GOV. JOHNSON! - Tell him you support his decision to sign the concealed-carry law, but not to bother with the unproven gun lock law.

Reader says columnist's philosophy, not NRA's, closer to Nazism
Submitted by: Skypod

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"Sorry, Mr. Quarteroni, we will not allow the lowest common denominators' - criminals and predators' - actions to be used to disarm the masses. ... we the people, law-abiding gun owners, aren't going to take it anymore." --Edward P. Kilduff

Prairie Dogs Given New Status in South Dakota
Submitted by: Clifford J. Petersen

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This means a season, license and fee: a tax. GOA says, "it's not about gun control; it's about control." This isn't about BTPD control either. Game and Parks is trying the same here in Nebraska. In need of protection? We couldn't be rid of them any more than Arkansas will ever be rid of roaches. It's a scam; it's about Federal control of your ACRES! They threaten you with a dragging behind a snorting bull (endangered status) to make you feel grateful to be strapped to a yearling.

Intruder brutally beats Cape woman - Neighbor saves her Life
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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A Cape Coral, FL woman suffered critical injuries when a stranger broke into her house as she slept, molested her and then beat her unconscious, police said. The 2:50 a.m. beating continued outside the woman’s house until a neighbor threatened to kill the attacker at gunpoint, Cape Coral police Lt. Bill Rivers said.

List of Local American Militias
Submitted by: Skypod

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Listing of local American militia groups.

Gun-Control Victories?
Submitted by: Skypod

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"I object to the conclusion 'that the gun control movement ... seems to have fallen farther behind.' Those of us in the movement are convinced that we will prevail." --MICHAEL D. BARNES, President, Handgun Control ~~Now there's a nice unbiased opinion for you!

(NOTE: To read the article, you'll have to subscribe, which is free.)
Submitted by: Skypod

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Interesting site *really about* gun safety, for kids!

If we lower our standards, we lower the flag. — President Ronald Reagan

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