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Newslinks for 3/19/2002

CA: School bans 'playing cops and robbers'
Submitted by: serinde

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Lewis Elementary School officials have banned students from playing "cops and robbers" on school grounds.

The temporary ban was set on the game, in which kids shape imaginary guns out of their fingers and pretend to be officers of the law and criminals, while school officials decide whether it is dangerous.

Giving Reporters Guns?
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"In the war on terrorism, journalists are often targets of the enemy. Should they arm themselves when they're in the field?"

"THE COMMITTEE TO PROTECT JOURNALISTS" reports that "most journalists who die in war zones are murdered." That is, they don't die from playing hopscotch through a mine field or getting dinged by a stray bullet, but are deliberately targeted and killed.

-- Wouldn't that make Geraldo proud? He could really fake a shoot out!

Detectives Accused of Evidence Tampering & Warrant Forgery
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A grand jury has indicted two police detectives on charges of misconduct, including accusations that they tampered with drug evidence and forged judges' signatures on warrants. The cases could result in the dismissal of charges and the reversal of verdicts.

The indictment involved 24 cases the detectives had worked on. The charges included 20 counts of burglary, 132 counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument and tampering with public records, and 70 counts of theft by deception.

Bite Your Tungsten: The move toward 'environmentally sensitive ammo'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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If the war goes on for a few more years, America's enemies will no longer have to eat lead. That's because Military planners have spent the past eight years developing an "environmentally sensitive bullet."

If You Have Nothing to Hide...
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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On the word of a "reliable informant" several Montana residents were arrested on Wednesday, February 27th. At the time of arrest, County Sheriff Jim Dupont was "pretty sure they were planning on assassinating as many cops and public officials as possible". His evidence aside from the informant was that Dave Burgert had an arsenal of weapons and had looked into the backgrounds of many public officials.

The last I heard, the possession of firearms, survival equipment, body armor, or bomb making equipment (whatever that means) was still legal.

Self-defense: A Firearm Or Car Keys?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A U.S. Army or Marine Corps infantry company commander stands in front of his men and recommends that they no longer use M-16 rifles or other small arms in combat situations because their weapons can be taken away by the enemy and used against them. Instead, he recommends using car keys, which can be effective in close quarters combat when properly trained."

True or False?

CA: 'Million Mommies' To Get Their Belles Rung in Gun Debate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A healthy debate in the Right to Keep and Bear Arms "Gun Ownership vs. Gun Control: Which Makes Us Safer?" will feature the self-proclaimed "million" moms March vs. the Liberty Belles, a grassroots organization out of southern California. The debate is sponsored by Students for Individual Liberty and will be held at L.A. Harbor College in Wilmington, California on March 20, 2002.

'Good Neighbor Act' Seeks to End Land Grabs
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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New legislation in the U.S. House by Rep. John Peterson (R:PA) would discourage "land grabs" by the federal government.

The 'Good Neighbor Act' would affect counties where more than 50% of the land is already owned by a federal governmental agency. In order to buy more land, the government would have to sell a piece of land worth at least 97% of the fair market value of the land to be acquired.

McInnis names names as fur flies over Lynx
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Shortly after the House Resources Committee held a hearing into whether some biologists planted fake lynx fur in a Western forest, Rep. Scott McInnis (R-Grand Junction), disclosed what investigators had been reluctant to announce in the hearing room.

A former police officer, McInnis named four of the seven workers involved in the case, expressing outrage over their actions. "They planted evidence, just like a bad cop goes into a house and plants drugs," he told the House.

We've Heard All This Before
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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We had a militia drill the other day. One of its purposes was to give Kentucky State Militia some good PR after all the propaganda that’s been thrown at us in the last year or so. The "reporter" and cameraman were seen smiling those knowing smiles. It was between "These guys are a bunch of losers" or "This is a dog and pony show." [...] My only

When is your next militia meeting and how are you going to train and what will you do to show the American Communist Insurgency that its days are numbered here?

Expert says awareness key to self-defense
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Awareness is critical.

Sue Frederiksen speaks with such authority no one doubts her message: "The key," she stresses, "is awareness."

Frederiksen teaches classes in personal safety for women. She is Idaho state coordinator for Mothers Arms, a national nonprofit organization established to provide women with the necessary resources, skills and knowledge to protect themselves.

Forest Service knew data was faulty, halted logging anyway
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Forest Service officials knowingly used faulty data of spotted owl habitat to block logging in a California forest, according to court documents obtained by The Washington Times.

The Forest Service did not have a "rational basis" for halting the timber sale to Wetsel-Oviatt Lumber Company, said the previously undisclosed ruling by Federal Claims Court Judge Lawrence S. Margolis.

The timber company's lawyer, Gary Stevens, called the Forest Service data "junk science."

IL: Guns Become Issue In 48th House District Race
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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With Election Day closing in fast, Republican candidate Doug
Krause has apparently called in a Chicago-based group of anti-gun agitators to help bolster his campaign for the 48th House District seat.

Late last week, flyers from a group called the "Illinois Committee to Elect Gun Control advocates" began showing up in mailboxes throughout the 48th District.

GA: NRA Backing Barr in Gubernational Primary Race
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The National Rifle Association has lined up with Rep. Bob Barr in his fight to win the Aug. 20 GOP primary in one of Georgia's hottest political races.

"Bob Barr has worked tirelessly, day and night, and above and beyond the call of duty. Bob Barr is our Second Amendment champion," wrote Wayne LaPierre, the NRA's executive vice president, in a letter to the group's members.

"He's always on our side. A Bob Barr loss would be a loss for every gun owner in the nation."

Officer, daughter, wounded in 'gun accident'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Investigators have been looking into a "gun accident" that injured a police officer and her daughter. Officer Bambi Alexander told deputies her police-issued .40-caliber Glock semiautomatic pistol went off when she threw it on a bed. The bullet hit her hand and grazed her daughter's foot.

People never learn... guns require respect in handling. This woman and her cavalier attitude is too dangerous to have a weapon!

Pakistani merchants supply nearby Afghanistan
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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All along the main street in this dusty, one-horse town, dozens of weapons stores are lined with floor-to-ceiling replicas of Russian, Chinese and American arms.

Turbaned men, rifles slung over their shoulders, stroll casually past dirty-faced boys hunched over grinding wheels -- all seemingly oblivious to a "government ban on public display of weapons."

UK: Friends foil gun robber
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A GROUP of young friends chased off a gunman who opened fire as he tried to steal their belongings.
The gunman approached the five youngsters, believed to be Somalians, while they were having a kick-about in Whitworth Park, close to Ducie Street High School in Moss Side.

He picked up two of their sports bags containing computer games and clothing and started to walk off when one of the boys stopped him.

The Scout, the Suspect and the SWAT Team
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The order from an FBI commander to a SWAT team waiting outside a Glen Burnie 7-Eleven was simple and direct.

"Follow the red car."

To FBI Special Agent Christopher Braga, it signaled that the man inside the car, the one wearing the white baseball cap, was the bank robbery suspect agents had been tracking. Braga, with other members of the elite FBI team, moved in to make the arrest.

What unfolded next could hardly have been worse...

FL: Police deserve praise for providing 'free' gun locks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Law enforcement officers perform a dangerous and sometimes deadly job, and they rarely get the recognition, attention and praise they deserve. Their good deeds too often go unnoticed and unappreciated until someone needs their immeasurable service. That's why we want to commend the Pensacola Police Department for its efforts to make gun ownership "safer" by giving out 1,000 gun locks "free" to the public.

KABA NOTE: LIARS! This doesn't do anything more than waste taxpayers money!

Click on "Rate This Page" to let them know your opinion.

MO: City Bans BB Gun Sales to Anyone Under 21
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The board of aldermen today finalized a proposal that would make it illegal to sell BB guns to anyone under 21.

“This is not your daisy bb gun that you buy in boys life. This is a powerful instrument. It's got a tremendous amount of pressure. If this were to be used to fire a BB into someone's head or throat it would most likely kill them,” said Ald. Jim Shrewsbury, Board of Aldermen President.

OH: Concealed Carry of Weapons Bill (an anti's view)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Concealed Carry of Weapons bill HB274 will have a hearing next Wednesday, March 20th at 9:30am and the committee may take a vote.

"If you haven't called your representative to urge him/her to oppose carrying loaded hidden guns, it is very important that you do so now before it reaches the full House for a vote."

"The gun lobby is now creating a smoke screen by distorting our facts and testimony."

-- Obviously, do just the opposite: CONTACT YOUR OHIO REPS to SUPPORT this bill.

UK: Blunkett: 'Muggers rule our streets'
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"HOME Secretary David Blunkett sensationally admitted yesterday that our streets are ruled by muggers and yobs."

-- Are you not glad our forefathers rebelled against the English and founded a republic.

Welcome to your firearms-free socialist paradise, British subjects!

OH: Bill to allow concealed carry opposed by police groups
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Should the bill, sponsored by Republican Rep. James Aslanides of Coshocton, make it through the Senate, it still faces opposition from Gov. Bob Taft. He will not sign a bill that is opposed by major law enforcement groups, such as the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police, the State Highway Patrol and the state's biggest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police.

All the groups remain opposed to the bill.

-- WHY?

WI: No Socialists at This Summer Camp!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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When it comes to choosing a summer camp for the kids, some parents care as much about political philosophy as they do about summer fun.

Some successful summer camps stress youth activism as a way of promoting the liberal agenda. On the other end of the spectrum, some camps base their programs on conservative ideals and principles.

The Lowest Common Denominator
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Whoa! Hold on there a minute! Why are you treating me as if I were a criminal? I have done nothing to deserve this hostility and treatment.

Seems like these are common words, or at least thoughts in the minds of citizens across this Nation since September 11, 2001. We, you and I, law-abiding citizens, have found ourselves reduced to the lowest common denominator. We are all dumped into that litter box once reserved for criminals and terrorists."

An Armed Society Is...
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"You are infringing on the rights of the unarmed people of the US to live a peaceful existence without fear of being gunned down by a citizen carrying a concealed weapon. You are interfering with their right to openly express their frustration if they feel so inclined. Always in their minds is the thought, 'He might have a gun'!"

This is a portion of an e-mail I received during an internet argument sometime last year...

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." — The Dalai Lama, (May 15, 2001, The Seattle Times) speaking at the "Educating Heart Summit" in Portland, Oregon, when asked by a girl how to react when a shooter takes aim at a classmate

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