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Newslinks for 3/19/2014

Nugent AR-15 giveaway neglects Tancredo’s anti-gun past
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... ".Sometimes, I stop and think, ‘Boy, have I changed since Columbine,’' The Times report quoted Tancredo. 'Guns are an issue. They did take children's lives.'" ...

Democrat AG plays race card to halt bribery probe on ‘mental’ anti-gun rep (video available)
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That 'the lead agent on the ... case is African American,' as is Philadelphia District Attorney Seth Williams, who denounced Kane’s reasons as 'ridiculous,' and that the lobbyist 'approached a wide range of officials, from both parties, black and white,' have been ignored in what is clearly a political decision subverting accountability to the public and the law on the part of AG Kane, ostensibly the highest law enforcement official in the state. Using her 'rationale,' no investigations or prosecutions may be conducted if it turns out the only ones engaging in incriminating behavior turn out to be black." ,,,

Should gun owners have privacy, be secure from searches?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An intriguing story in yesterday’s Mint Press News, asking whether the Fourth Amendment applies to gun owners, coincidentally appeared as a Seattle Times reader, weighing in on a weekend story about firearms injuries in Washington, suggested that 'unscheduled warrantless visits' by law enforcement to the homes of gun owners 'Sounds like a good idea to me.'"

The Evergreen State is becoming a hotbed for anti-gun activity that – if successful this fall – could open the floodgate for similar pushes across the country. ..." ...

Inside the Twisted Mind of A Gun Grabber: Terrence Cole Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The Alaska Legislature has considered some preposterous notions in its 101 years,' Terrence Cole [above] writes at, 'but Sen. John Coghill’s proposal to allow guns on UA campuses, which reportedly came from a student intern in his office, is probably the most ill-informed idea to ever come out of Juneau.' I fail to see what’s preposterous about the idea that an American’s natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms shouldn’t end at the gates of a public university – any more than their right to free speech shouldn’t cease when they set foot on campus. Mr. Cole intends to school me in that regard. But first, what’s up with dissing interns? I mean . . ." ...

Project Build: The Ultimate Mosin Nagant
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I had been feeling bad about my poor Mosin. There it was, sitting under a bunk bed in the cabin. All but forgotten and slowly rusting away. It had probably been two years since it was last fired. I know I’m not alone here – there are maybe 4,000,000 Mosin Nagants in the U.S.. Hard to say how many of the apparently 37,000,000 or so that were produced actually made it to our shores, but it’s fair to say they’re pretty ubiquitous in gun safes, closets, attics and under beds all over the country. The world, really. Many of those not getting shot much. Rusting . . ." ...

Why We Use Expanding Bullets For Self-Defense Part II: The Over-Penetration Factor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Let’s return to the things which justify our choice of hollow-point bullets. A major factor – the one that convinced police chiefs in even the most 'politically-correct' cities to insist on this ammo when some were calling for a ban on 'dum-dum bullets' – was reduced penetration. Cops called them 'controlled expansion rounds' because as the nose of the hollow-point bullet widened as it passed through flesh, it met more resistance and came to a stop sooner. Therefore, it was more likely to stay inside the only backstop the Good Guy or Gal pulling the trigger had: the body of the violent criminal attacker. Self-defense shootings, after all, aren’t likely to take place on gun ranges with the Bad Guy standing in front of a backstop." ...

Wisconsin Man Attempts To 'Educate' Public About Open Carry By Walking Around With Firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While many Illinois gun owners are eagerly registering for concealed carry permits folks in America’s Dairyland continue to propose openly carrying firearms by ... openly carrying firearms and scaring the shit out of some people."

"William Polster of Germantown, Wisc. took a leisurely 45-minute walk around town with an AR[sic] rifle[sic] strapped to his back and a Glock on his hip. It must be stressed that what Polster did is not against the law in Germantown but the passive-aggressive manner of his advocacy can be seen as a belligerent stance. Polster said he’s merely exercising his Second Amendment right and trying to educate people on their rights ..." ...

Submitter's Note: It was actually a pump-action shotgun, not an AR.

Gun lobby’s latest insult to America: A shooting victim’s perspective
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This week’s victim is Dr. Vivek Murthy, a Harvard- and Yale-educated physician whom President Obama nominated to serve as Surgeon General back in November. In non-clinical capacities, his crimes are being an Obama ally and an advocate for more restrictive gun regulations, which means his nomination must be destroyed."

"Now, the surgeon general of the United States isn’t a gun regulator. ... But Murthy has described gun violence as a public health issue. And for that reason the NRA has taken unusual interest in his nomination, ... working NRA members into a panic over the possibility that the nation’s top doctor will cite public health concerns to take away their guns." ...

Submitter's Note: Actually it is Dr. Murthy's refusal to look at the facts regarding guns and public health which led to members pressuring the NRA to oppose his nomination.

Friendly Fire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This tweet still haunts Murthy. As of last week, his nomination hangs in jeopardy because Senate Democrats—who can afford to lose every Republican vote and four of their own—aren’t confident they can confirm him. Months after reforming the filibuster, after lowering the vote threshold from 60 to 51, Democrats are facing their second defeat of a nominee in less than a month. The most-stated reason is that in his tweets and in his work at DFA, Murthy couldn’t help himself from criticizing guns as a 'health care issue.' In a post–Sandy Hook letter, DFA even supported an assault weapons ban. He earned the ire of the National Rifle Association, and the NRA scared off the necessary rump of Democrats." ...

How the NRA Defeated Obama's Surgeon General Choice: 4 Blunt Points
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"By all indications, the National Rifle Association and allied gun-rights groups have killed the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy to be the next surgeon general. Senate aides are whispering that as many as 10 Democrats would likely vote against Murthy because he supports stricter gun control, according to the New York Times. In response, 'the White House is considering delaying a vote … or withdrawing the nomination altogether.' When 'the White House' publicly emits that kind of gloom, it’s a signal that the president wants his nominee to withdraw and stanch the political bleeding. Four blunt points on Murthy’s political demise:" ...

Smart Guns: Good or Bad? (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last year 'smart guns' took the shelves at multiple firearm stores hoping to transform the gun industry. Just this month, the store to put the first smart gun on sale decided to back away."

"A smart gun is simply a gun that only the owner can use. When you use this gun you have to wear a certain watch with it. There's a chip in the gun that communicates back and forth with the watch to say if it's okay to use or not."

"It's something gun control advocates have been dreaming of for ages in hopes to reduce violence, suicides, and accidental shootings. But gun activists feel the exact opposite. ..." ...

Russian Special Forces Train By Shooting Each Other In The Chest! (video story)
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Submitter's Note: Russian special forces are no joke, and they have taken training to a dangerous new level. In order to simulate performing well under fire, they shoot each other in the chest and then must be able to fire accurate shots back afterwards! Check out this amazing video to see it all in action.

Daily Digest: Punching A Hole Through Space And Time Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A grandmother in Cary, North Carolina has found herself in the crosshairs of her homeowner’s association for posting the sign above in her front yard. Laurie Cherico ... posted the sign a little over a month ago. Now the homeowner’s association notified her that the sign might violate community guidelines. ... [T]he reality of the situation is that when you buy in their neighborhood, you’re buying into their system. So it would seem the HOA has the authority to limit things like this. The association spokeswoman said that the content of the sign isn’t an issue ... it’s that Cherico didn’t apply for permission to post it. Cherico says that other homes in the neighborhood have security signs in their yards . . ." ...

IWA Trend I’d Love to See at SHOT: In-Booth Bars
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There’s a stereotype that Americans are more business focused and Europeans tend to take life easier. And just like most stereotypes, its based on a grain of truth. Americans take fewer days off, get fewer vacation days, and tend to identify ourselves by what we do. Europeans, not so much. But while I subscribe to the American idea of working too hard and over-achieving, there is one tradition I’d love to see imported from the Eropean IWA to the American SHOT Show: the in-booth bar . . ." ...

OK: Police: Tulsa Homeowner Shoots At Burglar In His Home (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tulsa Police said a homeowner awakened by his burglar alarm found two people inside his garage early Wednesday."

"It happened in the 3200 block of East 68th Street just before 5 a.m."

"Officers said the homeowner got a gun then surprised a man and a young girl in the garage. The man ran away and he fired several shots but officers don't believe he was hit."

"The homeowner held the girl at gunpoint until police arrived. Police didn't find the man." ...

AZ: PCSO: Homeowner shot suspect in Apache Junction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Authorities say a homeowner in Apache Junction shot a suspect who was trying to kick in his door Monday night."

"According to Tim Gaffney with the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, the incident occurred around 8:20 p.m. near McKellips Boulevard and Ironwood Drive."

"The 59-year-old homeowner heard the men at his back door and looked at the family's security camera, Gaffney said. He then saw the men wearing hoods and holding guns."

"When they started kicking at the door, the homeowner fired a round through the back door, Gaffney said in a news release." ...

MT: Missoula man shot, killed while burglarizing Corvallis home
Submitted by: Bob Anderson

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"A Missoula man was shot and killed early Monday morning while he was apparently burglarizing a residence ... according to Ravalli County Sheriff Chris Hoffman."

"Hoffman said the resident of the home reported that he was awakened by noises in and around the house shortly before 4 a.m."

"When the resident went to investigate, he found a man climbing through a window that had just been broken."

"When the resident ordered the intruder not to move, the man turned toward him. The resident was armed with a handgun and shot the intruder, who then jumped back through the broken window and ran away from the house."

"When sheriff’s deputies arrived, they found the man lying on the ground a short distance from the house. ..." ...

New York gun rights advocates turn registration forms into airborne carbon
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This past Sunday, a New York gun rights advocacy group called NY2A Grassroots Coalition gathered in Saratoga to express its view of the approaching April 15 deadline for registering their 'assault weapons,' as required by the grotesquely misnamed 'SAFE Act.' As reported in the Saratogian, speakers at the event were not interested in sugar-coating the situation:"
"'We’re basically explaining to people once they register, that gun is no longer theirs,' [event organizer Lisa Donovan] said. 'It’s a matter of time as to when the state will take it ..."
"Precisely. A gun registry is the 'raid here when the grandfather clause is revoked' list--it serves no other real purpose." ...

NY: NY gun owners, not going down without fight, burn firearm registration forms in protest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With an April 15 deadline to register their weapons looming, New York’s Second Amendment advocates aren’t going down without a fight."

"And they’re already looking ahead to elections in November."

"Hundreds of gun owners and their supporters turned out Sunday in the upstate New York town of Wilton for a protest aimed undermining the Democrat-championed Secure Ammunitions and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act to the point it 'collapses under its own weight.'"

"Taking a page from the Vietnam War protesters who burned their draft cards four decades ago, the demonstrators burned New York state’s gun-registration forms." ...


TTAG Exclusive: Interview with Ares Armor’s Dimitrios Karras
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I just got off the phone with Dimitrios Karras, owner of Ares Armor (which was recently raided by the ATF). Ever since the ATF’s visit they’ve gone completely radio silent, and the lack of information has made it hard for even us to keep track of what’s really happening. There’s a lot of conflicting information floating around, and he wanted a chance to clean things up and explain exactly what was going on. It’s still not 100% clear even to Karras, but I’ll take a shot at laying out the facts of the case . . ."

"It all started over a hunk of plastic." ...

AL: Five questions for Baldwin's sheriff candidates -- guns laws, armored cars and jail
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Baldwin County Sheriff Huey 'Hoss' Mack and the two men who want to replace him clashed over some familiar issues and found common ground on others during a joint appearance before reporters and editors Tuesday." ...

"Here are some of the issues they addressed:" ...

"Do you agree with a proposal by state Sen. Scott Beason, R-Gardendale, to allow people to carry loaded, concealed guns in their cars?"

"All three candidates expressed reservations, especially since it would apply to drivers as young as 16." ...

Guns for votes? Politicians load up 2nd Amendment to fire up supporters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An attack on Second Amendment freedoms is the reason politicians are saying their campaigns are using gun giveaways as a way to drum up support during election season."

"Joe Carr, a Republican member of the Tennessee House of Representatives and current U.S. Senate hopeful from Lascassas, in Rutherford County, just wrapped up a contest in which a Beretta 92A1 will be given away. Carr’s website directed entrants through the entering process before immediately popping them onto a page where they were asked if they’d like to make a donation to Carr’s campaign, as is the common end of other political gun giveaways." ...

White House ‘Recalibrating’ After Backlash Against Obama’s Pro-Gun Control Surgeon General Pick
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The White House is 'recalibrating,' but not abandoning, President Barack Obama’s pick to be the next surgeon general after his high-profile views favoring gun control."

"Dr. Vivek Murthy is the president and founder of Doctors for America, which grew from the campaign organization Doctors for Obama that started in 2008. The organization has advocated for a number of liberal initiatives, including expanding gun control, and regards guns as a public health threat."

"The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Obama has opted to 'tap the brakes' on the Murthy nomination for now, after it passed the Senate ... Committee by a 13-9 vote, but has has many as 10 Democrats ready to join Republicans in opposing it on the floor." ...

ID: Campus Carry: Governor Butch Otter signs new campus safety law in Idaho
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Governor Butch Otter has signed into law Senate Bill 1254, a bill aimed at improving safety on state college and university campuses. The National Rifle Association backed this bill and led a strong grassroots campaign to pass it."

"'This legislation is a vital step toward protecting students and faculty on campus,' noted Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action. 'Sadly, we are reminded by headlines that our college campuses are often targeted by soulless and deranged criminals seeking to inflict carnage on as many innocent victims as they can. When these incidents occur, it is vital that our campuses have instant responders. ..." ...

ID: Official: Second Amendment Trumps the First
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Bonner County commissioner said Monday that gun rights trumps freedom of speech, while arguing that newspapers that publish conceal and carry permit information should be punished."

"Commissioner Mike Nielsen is circling the state asking county Republican committees to back his lobbying effort that would revise Idaho law to strengthen the existing exemption from Freedom of Information requests for pistol permits. The Minidoka County Republican Committee on Thursday debated Nielsen’s request for support." ...

Submitter's Note: Um, guys? This isn't a First vs. Second issue, it is a privacy vs. needless violation of same issue.

WA: Elected officials support treatment for kids using guns in crimes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Children convicted of having firearms illegally could be required to get mental health treatment."

"The state Legislature approved House Bill 2164 last week with a vote of 77-19, including votes in favor from Rep. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, and Rep. Matt Manweller, R-Ellensburg."

"The bill is waiting for the governor's signature to become law."

"The bill is aimed at reducing gun-related crimes before children become adults by requiring them to attend aggression replacement training, functional family therapy or another 'evidence-based' form of treatment." ...

RI: Gun rights supporters gather at Rhode Island Statehouse as ban on semi-automatics weighed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hundreds of gun rights supporters gathered at the Rhode Island Statehouse on Tuesday to oppose another attempt to ban semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines."

"The proposals were prompted by the deadly 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut Similar legislation was introduced last year but failed to get a vote following vocal opposition from gun rights supporters who insist the measures will infringe on the Second Amendment without reducing gun violence." ...

CT: Is Governor Malloy’s Support of Connecticut’s “Assault Weapon” Ban Self-Serving?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We recently heard a bitter assertion that Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy is such a strong supporter of the state’s blatantly unconstitutional “assault weapons” ban because he wants to lessen the risk of his son getting killed by a law-abiding citizen armed with an AR-15 the next time he tries to rob someone at gunpoint:" ...

RI: Rhode Island lawmakers to mull draconian ban on sale of semi-automatic weapons
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Lawmakers in Rhode Island are set to take another look at banning the sale of semi-automatic weapons, but ... it’s unclear if anything has changed from last year, when a proposal to ban the sale of semi-automatic weapons fell flat."

"Supporters of gun rights are set to gather at the statehouse Tuesday as lawmakers gather to consider the ban in a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee."

"Supporters of the measure say restrictions on the firearms would reduce the risk of a mass shooting as well as more common acts of gun violence. Gun rights supporters, however, disagree, and say the proposal would infringe on the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, while doing little to address the problem of gun crime." ...

NJ: N.J. Senate President Sweeney Makes New Enemies ... the Gun-Rights Advocates
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senate President Stephen Sweeney has made some new enemies with his support for a proposal that would reduce the legal capacity of magazines from 15 to 10 rounds ... With the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in mind, the idea behind the proposal is that restricted magazines would force gunmen to reload more frequently, offering targets the opportunity to escape or attack the shooter."

"Sweeney’s support for the bill followed a meeting with families of the children murdered in Newtown, Conn. It has also been seen as a way for the senate president to bolster credibility among New Jersey’s liberal voters as he prepares for a possible gubernatorial run ..." ...

NC: Tea Party to address council on gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of the Wilson Tea Party plan to tell the Wilson City Council Thursday the recent vote to ban concealed handguns from public property infringes on their Second Amendment rights."

"Fifty members of the local Tea Party said they planned to attend the council meeting Thursday in City Hall, said Bobby Aycock, a member of the party. Aycock is uncertain if all will attend but several plan to voice their opposition during the public comment period."

"'It’s not just the Tea Party that’s concerned about it,' said Bobby Pittman, party organizer. 'There are a lot of citizens who are concerned about it. We’re getting a lot of feedback. Our hope is to bring it to the public’s attention ...'" ...

NJ: New Jersey expedites magazine and gun ban; only Chris Christie can stop it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun politicians that control the New Jersey Legislature are racing to get a magazine and gun ban on Gov. Chris Christie’s desk."

"A bill that bans magazines over 10 rounds and classifies .22-caliber tube-fed youth rifles as 'assault firearms' could hit the governor’s desk as soon as March 27, according to the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs ..."

"Scott Bach, the executive director of the gun rights club, thinks the Democrats who control the Legislature are speeding up the legislative timetable for purely political reasons."

"'They want to put Gov. Christie in a corner if he runs for president and keep the negative headlines coming,' Mr. Bach told me Tuesday. ..." ...

VA: McAuliffe exercises first veto against gun bill from Del. Cline
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gov. Terry McAuliffe used his veto power for the first time Tuesday, rejecting a bill that would have made it clear all legitimate gun owners could carry a weapon in an unlocked glove box or console of their cars."

"The action is a clear message about guns and Second Amendment issues from the Democratic governor, who openly supported more gun control during his campaign last fall." ...

NJ: N.J. girl, 9, rocks social media with pro-gun speech to state capitol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 9-year-old New Jersey girl whose competitive pastime is firing semi-automatics — and who could soon became a criminal because her AR-15 violates magazine limits under lawmaker consideration — has created social media waves with her videotaped plea to Trenton lawmakers: Don’t take away my guns."

"'I would be forced to choose between giving up on a bright future in a sport I love, or asking my dad if we can move to another state,' the fourth-grade Shyanne Roberts said in 7-minute testimony at a recent Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee hearing, reported by South Jersey Times."

"Shyanne isn’t a casual firer. She is highly competitive and recently won second place at the state Rutger[sic] Rimfire event. ..." ...

LA: Guns valued up to $2,500 would be protected from debt seizure
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At-a-Glance: Louisianians would not need to give up their guns, at least up to a value of $2,500, if they are required to hand over property in order to settle up a debt, under legislation approved by the House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure on Tuesday (March 18).

The bill: House Bill 145 is sponsored by state Rep. Jeff Thompson, R-Bossier City. Originally, the bill would have exempted all firearms from debt seizure. The bill was amended during committee to include a value cap of $2,500. Under current law, firearms up to a value of $500 are already protected from seizure." ...

NJ: New Jersey: Assembly Committee Ignores Hearing Room Full of Angry Citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last Thursday, the Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee approved Assembly Bill 2006, sponsored by Assemblyman Louis Greenwald (D-6), by a 5 to 3 party line vote."

"The bill further reduces the state’s magazine capacity restriction from 15 to 10 rounds."

"The NRA strongly opposes A.2006. The NRA-ILA State Liaison testified in Trenton against A.2006 when it was being heard in committee, joining gun owners who had packed the committee room, arguing strongly against this legislation. Despite the presence of overwhelming opposition to A.2006, state lawmakers divided along party lines to report this bill from committee to the Assembly floor." ...

GA: GA Senate Pass Massive Pro-Gun Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The GA Senate, in a late night session, passed HB60, the massive pro-gun bill in GA."

"The bill was previously HB875, but the Senate gutted the bill and watered it down in committee, before it reached the senate floor. In order to counteract this process, the House attached the full language to a bill, HB60, which was previously passed by the Senate. This sent the bill directly to the senate floor."

"The bill was passed by the senate with a vote 37 – 18."

"The bill covers carrying firearms in bars, churches and government buildings, ... and makes the carry permit renewal process more streamlined and faster."

"The senate did add an amendment to the bill which would allow the use of suppressors during hunting. ..." ...

Challenge to Barring Medical Marijuana Licensees from Buying Guns Loses in Federal Court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Long-awaited and alas bad news from the case of Wilson v. Holder ..."

"Rowan Wilson, then a Nevada-based medical technician in residential care homes, was not able to buy a gun from a licensed dealer who was personally acquainted with her and knew she had a state medical marijuana patient card." ...

"Such a person, the feds insist, would fall afoul of Sect. 922(g) of the federal criminal code ... which says that anyone 'who is an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance' is basically barred from possessing or receiving guns or ammo." ...

"Bad precedent makes bad law, and Scalia's all-too-forgiving aside in Heller about the array of gun laws that would still withstand Second Amendment scrutiny claims another right." ...

Plaintiffs: No-fly list deprives due process right
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Thirteen people say their placement on the no-fly list deprives them of their due process rights, while lawyers defending the U.S. government say explaining such placement would involve classified information and endanger national security."

"In August, U.S. District Court Judge Anna Brown's rejected the government's assertion that people on the no-fly list can travel by other means, and that being on the list does not deprive them of their liberty. She asked the government for more information about its redress procedure to help her determine whether it satisfied due process requirements for the plaintiffs." ...

SUBMITTER'S COMMENT: We're still suffering from the revenge fantasies of statist control-freak Norman Minamata.

CA: Rush for gun permits following overturn of California firearms law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The number of applications for concealed weapons permits has exploded in California, especially in rural counties, after a federal court overturned legal restrictions ..." ...

"Since that decision, a number of county officials have come forward to report that the number of applications has surged. ... the Orange County Sheriff's Department told AP that it has received over 1,000 applications since the ruling – twice the amount that it typically receives annually."

"Ventura, San Joaquin, San Diego, and several rural counties have also reported an increased number of applications ... Each of those three counties said that the number in the last month alone has far exceeded the annual average. ..." ...

DE: Del. court bars limits on gun in public housing
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Delaware Supreme Court has ruled that the Wilmington Housing Authority cannot prohibit residents from carrying guns in common areas."

"The court unanimously ruled Tuesday that the housing authority’s ban on residents carrying firearms in common areas such as lounges, halls and laundry rooms is not allowed under Delaware’s constitution.Each of those three counties said that the number in the last month alone has far exceeded the annual average." ...

Federal judge blasts ATF stings
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A federal judge in Los Angeles blasted the [ATF] for sting operations that he said unfairly enlist people in a 'made-up crime' by offering them a huge payday for robbing a non-existent drug stash house."

"Declaring those tactics 'outrageous' and unconstitutional, U.S. District Court Judge Otis Wright took the unusual step last week of throwing out charges against a man arrested by ATF agents after one such sting."

"'Society does not win when the Government stoops to the same level as the defendants it seeks to prosecute — especially when the Government has acted solely to achieve a conviction for a made-up crime,' Wright wrote. ..." ...

Should CT Police Confiscate Guns If Ordered To Do So? A Law Enforcement Perspective
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Sgt. Patrick Hayes writes:"

"There has been talk that the only way Connecticut can enforce their new gun laws is by confiscation. Of course the State is saying they don’t intend to do that – just like all the anti-gun folks always say 'Nobody is after your guns.' Should the Police enforce these laws? The short answer is NO. Of course I am biased. I can read the Constitution and I understand the meaning of 'shall not be infringed.' And then there’s the fourth Amendment . . ." ...

OK: Tulsa police officer suspected of dealing cocaine
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Tulsa police officer has been arrested on charges of possessing a firearm in a commission of a felony and conspiracy to traffic cocaine."

"In addition, the Tulsa Police Department says in a news release that officer Tyrone Jenkins was also arrested on a complaint of violating the Computer Crimes Act." ...

FL: Orlando Police Sued Over Snatching Man’s Camera and Jailing him for Recording Arrest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite the United States Department of Justice making it clear in 2012 that police cannot seize your camera as 'evidence' just because you video record them making an arrest, police continue to use this tactic to intimidate people from recording."

"However, citizens are no longer buy their lies."

"The latest example comes to us from Florida where a man is suing Orlando police after they arrested him for refusing to hand over his camera in December."

"The federal lawsuit ... states that officer Peter Delio snatched the camera from the hands of Alberto Troche before throwing in jail for 15 hours on a charge of resisting arrest without violence, which is Florida’s most reliable contempt-of-cop charge." ...

PA: Philly cop locked up in Cheltenham Township
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A PHILADELPHIA police officer who's already in hot water with the department was arrested earlier this week by Cheltenham Township police."

"Robbi Huff, 35, was charged with simple assault, disorderly conduct, harassment and resisting arrest after a fight with her boyfriend on Thursday, said Cheltenham Township Police Chief John Norris." ...

OH: High school senior jailed, kicked out of school and may lose Army dream because of pocket knife in car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ohio high school student has already been jailed and kicked out of school for having a pocket knife in his car, and now he fears he could lose his dream of serving in the Army."

"Jordan Wiser, a student at Ashtabula County Technical School in Jefferson, is finishing up his senior year from home after school officials searched his car in December and found the folding knife and an Airsoft gun. School officials called police, who charged him with illegal conveyance of a weapon onto a school ground based on the three-inch knife."

"'I declined to allow them to search myself or my car and that I wanted to talk to my lawyer or my father, Wiser told 'They told me it wasn’t an option.'" ...

MI: Retired Redford cop charged with larceny
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"A retired Redford Township Police sergeant, who was highly decorated during his time with the township, has been arraigned on a larceny charge in Oakland County." ...

"A 65-year-old female ... told Waterford Police that she was in the checkout line at a local business when she unknowingly dropped an envelope containing $190 in cash ..."

"The victim told officers that she paid for her groceries with a check and left the business, but a short time later she noticed the envelope missing and went back to the business and then police were called ..."

"The store’s surveillance cameras showed a man, who was standing in line behind the victim, pick up the envelope after she dropped it and then conceal it." ...

‘Guns for Jesus’ Leader Explains Unconventional Approach
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Can you reach out to the 'unchurched' by offering them dinners and free guns?"

"That’s what a former pastor and Evangelical team leader from Kentucky is claiming." ...

"McAlister said they’re trying a new way to reach 'unchurched rednecks' by offering firearms if they come to service. And, frankly, he’s surprised by all the attention his work is receiving, including a spot on The Colbert Report last week."

"'It’s not new—I’ve been doing this for 20 years,' he said. 'I had the privilege of hosting the number one show on the Outdoor Channel. ... We used the show as an opportunity for helping men understand that they could personally come to know the god who made the outdoors. We used it for an Evangelism purpose.'" ...

NC: South Carolina Bar Posts Sign Calling Gun Owners 'Loser'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Backstreets Pub & Deli in Clemson, S.C. recently posted a sign telling gun owners to keep out."

"The sign reads, 'No Concealed Weapons Allowed' and in smaller print, states, 'If you are such a loser that you feel a need to carry a gun when you go out, I do not want your business, douchebag.'"

"Second Amendment supporters have attacked the bar owner on Facebook and on the review site Yelp for exercising his First Amendment rights, notes The Washington Times." ...

NC: Barkeep Gets Hate from ‘Douchebag’ Gun Owners After Banning Them
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"St. Patrick’s Day seems to be a great time to put up angry signs. (Is it a weird, old Irish stereotype, like calling someone a Papist?) In any case, one pub owner in South Carolina got into the angry spirit by posting a sign barring concealed weapons from his establishment — with some caveats:" ...

"The sign, hung at Clemson’s Backstreets Pub and Deli, quickly went viral among gun enthusiasts and Second Amendment acolytes, who decided to exact revenge the best way they knew how: Shooting the guy down…on Yelp!. Currently, the bar has a one-and-a-half star rating, with nearly 300 reviews. Gawker points out, however, that most of them seem somewhat illegitimate:" ...

NE: Omaha Gun ‘Turn-In’ Nets Two Explosives…And Destroys Evidence Of 21 Possible Felonies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Omaha, Nebraska Police Department held a ‘Gun Amnesty Day’ on Saturday, inviting residents to drop off their unwanted and/or illegal guns and ammunition for destruction. As is usually the case with these taxpayer subsidized dog and pony shows, the OPD’s event was done on a no-questions-asked basis. Twenty-one guns were collected, along with two reportedly live items of explosive military ordnance . . ." ...

Gentlemen may cry, 'peace, peace'—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Is life so precious, or peace so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! — Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

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